Механизм подавления космологической зарядовой асимметрии и плотности темной материи тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 01.04.02, кандидат наук Чаудхури Арнаб
- Специальность ВАК РФ01.04.02
- Количество страниц 106
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Чаудхури Арнаб
1 Introduction
1.1 The Standard Model of Cosmology
1.2 The Friedmann Equations
1.3 Baryogenesis and Electroweak Phase Transition
1.3.1 Sakharov's Principles
1.3.2 Non-conservation of Baryon numbers
1.3.3 Breaking of C and CP invariance
1.3.4 Deviation from thermal equilibrium
1.3.5 Models of Baryogenesis
1.3.6 Electroweak Baryogenesis
1.4 Primordial black hole
1.5 The main results obtained in the thesis
2 Electroweak phase transition and entropy release in the early universe
2.1 Theoretical Framework
2.2 Calculations and Results
3 Entropy Production Due to Electroweak Phase Transition in the
Framework of Two Higgs Doublet Model
3.1 2HDM: A Brief Review and Current Constraints
3.2 EWPT Theory in 2HDM
3.3 Entropy Release in 2HDM Scenarios
4 PBH evaporation, baryon asymmetry and dark matter
4.1 Instant change of expansion regimes and instant evaporation
4.2 Exact solution for delta-function mass spectrum
4.3 Extended mass spectrum
4.3.1 Calculations for the flat spectrum
4.3.2 Calculations with almost log-normal mass spectrum
5 Conclusion
6 Appendix A
7 Appendix B
8 Appendix C
9 Appendix D
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Теоретическая физика», 01.04.02 шифр ВАК
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Цифровая трансформация бизнеса и её влияние на механизмы корпоративного управления2023 год, кандидат наук Иванинский Илья Олегович
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Механизм подавления космологической зарядовой асимметрии и плотности темной материи»
This thesis is based on the following published works:
1. Electroweak phase transition and entropy release in the early universe, Arnab Chaudhuri and Alexander D. Dolgov, JCAP01(2018)032.
In this work we assumed that electroweak phase transition within the standard model is of second order or a smooth crossover. We showed, as a result of this phase transition, a small yet non-negligible amount of entropy can be released which can dilute the pre-existing baryon asymmetry and frozen out dark matter density.
2. Entropy production due to electroweak phase transition in the framework of two Higgs doublet model, Arnab Chaudhuri and Maxim Yu.Khlopov, arXiv: 2103.03477, MDPI-Physics 2021, 3, 275-289.
We showed how the nature of EWPT changes in the presence of multi-Higgs model by considering the simplest extension of standard model, namely Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM). We've realised first order EWPT and showed how the entropy production varies with some benchmark points.
3. PBH evaporation, baryon asymmetry, and dark matter, Arnab Chaudhuri and Alexander D. Dolgov, arXiv: 2001.11219, JETP 160, 5 (11) (Russian Version) and JETP 2021, Vol. 134, No. 5, pp. 552-566, (English version).
Evaporation of PBH is considered in the MD stage and entropy production, which
is a mechanism to dilute baryon asymmetry and dark matter density, is calculated
for different scenarios, varying from the ideal case to the most realistic scenario.
The vacuum like energy of the Higgs potential at non zero temperature leads to the production of small but non-negligible entropy in the course of cosmological expansion, hence diluting the pre-existing baryon asymmetry. This production is calculated within the framework of standard model (SM). The same theory is extended to the minimalist extension of the standard model namely two Higgs doublet model (2HDM). We take into account the ensuing constraints from the electroweak precision tests, Higgs signal strengths and the recent LHC bounds from direct scalar searches. By studying the vacuum transition in 2HDM, we discuss again in detail the entropy released in the first order electroweak phase transition (EWPT) in various parameter planes of 2HDM. Also sufficiently light primordial black holes (PBH) could evaporate in the very early universe and dilute the preexisting baryon asymmetry and/or the frozen density of stable relics. The effect is especially strong in the case that PBHs decayed if and when they dominated the cosmological energy density. The size of the reduction is first calculated analytically under the simplifying assumption of the delta-function mass spectrum of PBH and in instant decay approximation. In the case that the PBH decay approximately follows the exponential law and for an extended mass spectrum of PBH, the calculations are made numerically. Resulting reduction of the frozen number density of the supersymmetric relics opens a wider window to become viable dark matter candidate.
Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
Albus Dumbledore
Though it has been five good long years, I still feel yesterday when I stepped into Novosibirsk State University to pursue my PhD. At the end of the journey all bittersweet memories are still afresh in my mind. It is an enormous task to acknowledge all the people who helped me and supported me in these years in few pages.
To begin with, I would like to acknowledge my supervisor, Prof. Alexander D. Dolgov for his guidance and his support that he has lent me throughout these years. It continues to be a great learning experience for me. His knowledge and experience in every possible branch is indeed inspiring. I would love to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Maxim Yu. Khlopov, Prof. Valery Serbo, Prof. Taimanov, Prof. E. Harikumar, Prof. Mainak Gupta and Prof. KPN Murty for their support and patience and help whenever I reached them. Meeting them or having Skype conversation with them was simply amazing.
I thank Novosibirsk State University, especially the Department of Physics and Astronomy for providing me with adequate infrastructure to peruse my research. And I would like to thank Russian Federation of Science for providing sufficient grant and financial support during these years.
I wish to thank my friends who have always been a part of my life. Firstly, I
thank Sergey Ruban who, even though, is no longer with us, has been like a brother
to me. I would like to thank my junior and my colleague Shiladitya Porey who has supported me throughout. I would like to express my gratitude towards Gleb, Alix, Sara, Jorge and many others who were there to celebrate with me and support me during my bad times. My words for them are same as Bob: Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them.
One of my first inspirations in my life was my history teacher back in my school days. So I would like to seize this opportunity to thank Mrs. Aditi Dutta Chatterjee. Without her inspiring words I would have given up on my research way before I started. She motivated me like no one else did.
This journey would not have been possible with the love and care of my parents. My father (Baba) and my mother (Ma) sacrificed their dreams so that I can fulfil mine and hence I dedicate this thesis to them.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank one of my closest friends here, Natalya, who made Russia my home for the last five years.
All your love and support have helped me throughout these years, I offer my thanks to you and my apologies for keeping this Acknowledgement incomplete.
The one that loves us, never leaves us Sirius Black
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Теоретическая физика», Чаудхури Арнаб
5 Conclusion
It is shown that the total entropy release in the course of the electroweak symmetry breaking is quite noticeable even in the framework of minimal Standard model of particle physics. We have assumed here that Electroweak phase transition is second order(or smooth/mild crossover) in SM. It is to be noted that g* decreases as the temperature falls down. But as we go to very low temperature scale, the minimum temperature (Tmin) takes the value of the particle mass and hence we find that the contribution of lighter particles in the process of entropy release is nearly similar to that of the heavy particles, like t-quark.
In extended versions of the electroweak theory (e.g., with several Higgs fields) the entropy release may be considerably larger as is the case for 2HDM where the EWPT is of first order as shown in chapter 3. It is a proven fact that unlike the SM where electroweak phase transition EWPT is of second order, in the mere extension of the SM, EWPT becomes a first order phase transition. An interesting fact is that as g*, which is the effective degrees of freedom, decreases as the temperature falls down. However, as we go to a very low temperature scale, the minimum temperature takes the value of the particle mass and their contribution remains the same as that of SM.
There are two points which should be noted. First, the benchmark points are
unique and they were calculated using the BSMPT package. The limiting condition
of the BSMPT was set so that the vacuum expectation value (VEV) exceeds the
critical temperature, Tc: VEV/Tc > 1. All the benchmark points used in chapter 3
satisfy this condition. Second, in this chapter we have considered only the real sector of 2HDM. If other extensions of 2HDM such as the complex 2HDM is considered, there might be considerable change in the entropy production.
In addition, one needs to mention two effects. First, the entropy release due to the EWPT can considerably reduce the abundance of dark matter present in the universe before EWPT. Second, bubble walls that were formed might collide and may produce primordial black holes and might lead to a sufficient entropy production. The later scenario is shown in chapter 4. The bubble collisions are also the source of primordial gravitational wave background.
As it is shown in chapter 4, the suppression of thermal relic density or of the cosmological baryon asymmetry may be significant if they were generated prior to PBH evaporation. In the simplified approximation of the delta-function mass spectrum of PBH, instant decay of PBH, and instant change of the expansion regimes from the initial dominance of relativistic matter to non-relativistic BH dominance and back, the entropy suppression factor, S, can be calculated analytically, eq.
(4.25). Exact calculations but still with delta-function mass spectrum are in very
good agreement with the approximate one.
The calculations with more realistic extended mass spectra of PBHs show similar features of the suppression factor S, which is also proportional to e and to the central value of the mass distribution. There is some dependence on the form of the spectrum and on the values of Mmax and Mmin, but they do not change our results essentially.
The significant restriction the parameter space of the minimal supersymmetric model by LHC created some doubts about dark matter made of LSP. Moreover, the usual WIMPs with masses below teraeletron-volts seem to be excluded. The mechanism considered here allows to save relatively light WIMPs and open more
options for SUSY dark matter.
Similar dilution of cosmological baryon asymmetry by an excessive entropy release may look not so essential, because theoretical estimates of the asymmetry is rather uncertain since they strongly depend upon the unknown parameters of the theory at high energies. However, there are a couple of exceptions for which the dilution may be of interest. Firstly, there is the Affleck-Dine scenario of baryogeneis, which naturally leads to the magnitude of the asymmetry higher than the observed one. The suppression by 1-2 orders of magnitude might be helpful, though not always sufficient.
Another example is baryo-thru-lepto genesis. According to this model cosmological baryon asymmetry arise from initially generated lepton asymmetry, which is generated by the decays of heavy Majoranna neutrinos. In some models the parameters of CP-violating decays of this heavy neutrino can be related to the CP-odd phases in light neutrino oscillations. Hence one can predict the magnitude and sign of the lepton asymmetry. With the unknown dilution of the asymmetry the magnitude cannot be predicted but the sign probably can.
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