Англо-американские международно-правовые доктрины о современном статусе Арктики тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 12.00.10, доктор наук Журавлева Инна Петровна
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Оглавление диссертации доктор наук Журавлева Инна Петровна
§ 1. The notions of "doctrines in international law" and "the teachings of the most highly
qualified publicists of the various nations"
§ 2. A preliminary overview of the Anglo-American international law doctrines on the status of
the Arctic Ocean
§ 3. The UNCLOS and the legal regime of the Arctic Ocean: a comparison of the Russian and Anglo-American doctrines
§1. International law rules applicable to drawing baselines by coastal states
§ 2. The legal practice of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union on baselines along the Arctic
§ 3. The legal practice of other Arctic states with respect to baselines along their Arctic coast 107 § 4. Options for specifying the location of the baselines along the coast of the Russian Federation in the Arctic, in the context of foreign international law doctrines
§ 1. General characteristic of the matter
§2. The legal practice of Norway and Denmark of making "partial submissions" to the
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf
§ 3. Proposals for the Russian Federation to take account of the positions of other Arctic states as well as the foreign international legal doctrine for improving the legal policy with respect to
Arctic shelf
§4. Denmark's submission on the continental shelf in the Arctic (issues of fact and scholarly
§ 5. The opportunities for using foreign doctrines to prevent the loss of a part of Russian shelf inherent in the Russian "submissions" of 2001 and
§ 1. General characteristics of the legal regime of navigation in the Arctic according to Anglo-
American doctrine. Article 234 of UNCLOS
§ 2. Status of the Polar Code: doctrinal views
§ 3. Legally binding and non-binding elements of the Polar Code
§1. The definition of "Bering Strait"
§ 2. Avenues of Russia-U.S. cooperation in clarifying the Bering Strait region's legal regime
§3. Content of the key legal sources applicable to the Bering Strait region
§ 3.1. Universal international agreements applicable to the Bering Strait region
§3.2. Regional treaties, declarations, and other regional documents applicable to the Bering Strait
§3.3. Bilateral treaties applicable to the Bering Strait region
§ 1. Applicable general theory
§ 2. Doctrinal views on the legal bases of Russia's bilateral cooperation with other Arctic states
§ 3. Thawing of ice in the central Arctic basin and scholarly legal recommendations
§ 4. New legal regimes of conserving and managing bioresources in the Central Arctic: the doctrinal choice between the universal and regional approaches
§ 1. General overview of the international legal effects of climate change in the Arctic
§ 2. General characteristic of the prospects of international legal regulation of potential conflicts
due to climate change in the Arctic
§ 3. The Arctic model of sustainable development: doctrinal insights in Anglo-American studies
§ 4. Anglo-American doctrines on EIA in the Arctic context
§ 5. Anglo-American doctrinal views on the precautionary principle in the Arctic context
§ 6. Anglo-American doctrinal proposals to improve the international legal mechanisms of ecosystem management in the Arctic
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Англо-американские международно-правовые доктрины о современном статусе Арктики»
Substantiation of the choice of subject-matter. In his unfinished Ode to Peter the Great, M.V. Lomonosov emphasized the importance for Russia of Tsar Peter the Great's efforts in 17-18 centuries to protect the state's northernmost borders; in the poem, Lomonosov has the young Russian Tsar prophesize the discovery of the Northeast Passage, "Columbuses of Russia, in scorn of sullen fate, will to the Orient discover a new path amidst the ice, and our Nation brave will reach America". 1 Russian scholarly works amply cite M.V. Lomonosov's depiction of the Arctic Ocean as "a vast expanse, where Russia's glory can increase, combined with unprecedented benefit". More than once have scholars noted the geostrategic importance of the Arctic for Russia, the legal effect of the heroic labours in 14-19 centuries of the Russian pioneers, pathfinders of the Arctic, who sacrificed their lives so the Russian Arctic could grow, and Russia's sovereignty could expand to new remote Arctic plains; they have highlighted the pivotal role that Russia and other Arctic states have played in formulating the special legal status of the Arctic Ocean and its seas, starting from the 1825 Russian-English Treaty and the 1867 Russian-American Treaty, that were the first to delimit the rights of Russia and its neighbouring states to their "Polar possessions" by sectors (along the meridians going up to the North Pole). The reality, however, is that this "patriotic" vector in Russian international legal scholarship is omitted in the most authoritative foreign international legal doctrines, the ones published in English and predominant not only in the US and the UK, but generally in the English-speaking (and thus the largest) legal community.
1 Cited in Severnyi tekst russkoi literatury [The Northern Text of Russian Literature]. Issue. 2. Khudozhestvennaya kartina mira. M. SAFU. 2014. Ed by E.Sh. Galimova. (182 P.) P. 18.
2 Cited in Vylegzhanin A.N., Zilanov V.K. Shpitsbergen: pravovoi rezhim prilegayushchikh morskikh raionov [Spitzbergen: The Legal Regime of Adjacent Maritime Areas]. M. 2006. P. 6.
3 For more details, see Vylegzhanin A.N. Pravovoe polozhenie Arkticheskogo regiona v dokumentakh [Documents on the Legal Status of the Arctic Region]. / Arkticheskii region: problemy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva [The Arctic Region: Issues of International Cooperation]. Vol. 3. Primenimye pravovye istochniki [Applicable Law]. М. 2013. P. 16-26.
Furthermore, at present, given the substantial reduction of the surface area of the centuries-old ice in the Arctic, not only the economic and military activity in the Arctic Ocean including its seas has increased, but the states' interest in making clear the legal regime of that smallest of the oceans has also soared.4 Not just the eight Arctic nations, whose territory overlaps with the Arctic Circle, but many non-Arctic states, too, are adopting basic legal documents setting forth their policy in the Arctic.5 It is notable that attempts of the non-Arctic States to create their own legal instruments relating to the Arctic Ocean are not considered in the fundamental U.S. "Arctic Law and Policy Year in Review".6 These attempts are considered however in Russian law doctrines.
During the Yeltsin years, NATO succeeded in changing Russia's legal policy in the Arctic, starting from the notorious 1997 Resolution of the Government of Russia. The Resolution, for the first time, reflected Russia's agreement with NATO's position that it is not the existing customary international legal rules that form the foundation of the legal regime of the Arctic Ocean, including those on the sectoral delimitation of rights to islands and lands, including underwater ones (according to the approach maintained by the Russian Empire and the USSR), but rather the new international treaty - the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (hereinafter, UNCLOS) (even though at the 3rd UN Conference on the Law of the Sea, the USSR delegation never viewed it as applicable to the Arctic). Following the 1997 Resolution, the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs drafted the respective documents and charts, according to which, for the first time in Russian history, the seabed area within the Russian Arctic sector was mapped as excluded from Russia's sovereignty. Apart from that apparent loss of territory by Russia, the new Arctic policy launched
4 Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean. Ed. by P.A. Berkman and A.N. Vylegzhanin. Springer. Dordrecht. 2013. P. XIX-XXVIII. (459 P.).
5 T. Koivurova, E. Molenaar. International Governance and Regulation of the Marine Arctic. Oslo. WWF. 2009. 38 PP.
6 Arctic Law and Policy Year Review: 2017. 2018 Washington Journal of Environmental Law and Policy. P. 106263.
7 A. Vylegzhanin, Dudykina, I., Kienko, E., Salygin, V. Positions of the non-Arctic states on the legal regime of the Arctic Ocean. Gosudarstvo i pravo [Journal of State and Law]. No. 10. 2018. P.124-135.
during the Yeltsin years undermined the previously stable legal environment in the Arctic. The Arctic Ocean floor was no longer regarded as the continental shelf area of the five Arctic states delimited along meridian lines. Russia took the approach, where only the 200-mile zone was its continental shelf, while the rest it intended to "accrue" by addressing the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (hereinafter, the CLCS). Norway, Denmark, and Canada followed Russia's example of approaching the Commission for the "accretion" of their shelf in the Arctic, having promptly estimated that with the new legal criteria for the boundaries based on geological data, each of them could better ensure its national interests in the Arctic: Norway, by consolidating its rights to the shelf north of Spitzbergen; and Canada - by stepping beyond its own Arctic sector and intervening into that of Russia. The international legal doctrine has different opinions on the frenzy the Russian agencies have created since 1997 around the issue of clarifying the status of the Arctic Ocean seabed, ranging from views to the effect that there are no alternatives to the legal method (adopted in 1997) of specifying the boundaries of the high-latitude Arctic shelf based on one of the Articles of the 1982 UNCLOS, and, consequently, that a spurt of competition and even conflict on the matter among Arctic states is inevitable; to criticism of Russia's new approach as a strategic legal mistake that undercut the legal titles in the Arctic held by the Russian Empire and the USSR.
Against this background, an analysis of the Anglo-American doctrines of international law related to the present-day theoretical issues of the status of the Arctic is, without doubt, relevant both in terms of theory and much-needed by practice.
Existing legal literature on the subject-matter of this study. At the
present moment, the Russian academic literature lacks complex studies that would analyse the perception of the legal regime of the Arctic Ocean engrained in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law.
Some international legal issues related to that regime are to an extent covered by works on the specific theoretical and practical aspects of the North
Passage, the Northwest Passage, the Polar Code, and the Central Arctic. At the same time, however, the foreign interpretations even of these issues of international law have not been comprehensively studied by Russian scholars.
A number of issues of international law related to construing the status of the Arctic Ocean proffered in the Anglo-American doctrines, have been examined in the works by the deceased Professors V.L. Lakhtin, Yu.G. Barsegov, S.V. Molodtsov, A.K. Zhudro, F.I. Kozhevnikov, and M.I. Lazarev. Among the contemporary Russian academic works on questions of international law closely tied to the topic of this dissertation, one should note the treatises of a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I.S. Ivanov, and Professor A.N. Vylegzhanin, and, primarily, their collection of legal documents The Arctic Region: Issues of International Cooperation. Vol. 3. Applicable Legal Sources, published by the Russian International Affairs Council (hereinafter, the RIAC) in 2013. In an extensive introduction to the collection, its specialized editor Professor A.N. Vylegzhanin supplies a general overview of the international legal issues of the current specification of the Arctic Ocean's status. A Chinese translation of the book was published in 2015. An English translation is underway. That said, the book does not contain a substantive analysis of the Anglo-American doctrines on the contemporary legal regime of the Arctic and, first and foremost, of the Arctic Ocean, including its peripheral seas. Nor can such an analysis be found in other in-depth studies on the international law of the sea: most notably, in the treatise International Law of the Sea by A.N. Vylegzhanin, S.A. Gureyev, and G.G. Ivanov (Moscow: Yuridicheskaya Literatura, 2003); and in International Law of the Sea. A Handbook by a group of authors, edited by Honoured Lawyer of the RSFSR G.S. Gorshkov (Moscow: Voennoe izdatel'stvo, 1985). It would serve little purpose to list other numerous academic publications on the legal regime of the Arctic here; they offer individual interpretations of the rules of UNCLOS as applicable equally to the Indian Ocean and the Arctic, but contain evident inaccuracies and errors analysed further here. Nor do such publications provide a
meaningful analysis of the Anglo-American doctrines on the legal regime of the Arctic.
Among the existing monographs on one of the most topical international legal issues - the Arctic shelf - it is worth giving special notice to the 2013 brochure Proposals to the Roadmap for the Development of International Legal Bases of Cooperation of Russia in the Arctic edited by a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the RIAC, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, I.S. Ivanov. This booklet discusses the existing bilateral and regional alternative solutions to the most pressing international legal issues in the Arctic Region, including that of specifying the boundaries of the Arctic shelf. Nevertheless, first, this book, too, lacks a comprehensive analysis of the Anglo-American doctrines of specifying the legal regime of the Arctic regions, and, second, new developments in the facts and the applicable international law have occurred since the brochure was released.
From among foreign academic works, Canadian law doctrines on the current status of the Arctic are of special importance. It will be considered in detail further, but at the very outset it might be useful to indicate the main component of the Canadian legal research in the area: doubts "as to the status of the Arctic Ocean as high seas"; Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic; "Arctic straight baselines"; the negotiation "of what was to become Article 234" of the UNCLOS: between Canada, the Soviet Union (at that time) and the United States; legal status of the Northwest Passage and the Arctic Cooperation Agreement (Canada-US) of 1988; "the Sector Theory". It would be also commendable to mention a collection of scholarly works Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean edited by P.A. Berkman and A.N. Vylegzhanin (Springer: Dordrecht, 2013). Over twenty authors of the book, mostly foreign scholars,9 have looked into a broad range of matters of legal regulation of the economic and military activities of states in the Arctic,
8 International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada. Ed. H.M. Kindred. Sixth Edition. Toronto. 2000. P. 420-430.
9 Only five Russian authors are represented in this book: A.N. Chilingarov, A.N. Vylegzhanin, D.V. Vasilevskaya, V.V. Mikhailichenko, I.V. Bunik.
while focusing on the environmental concerns in the Arctic Ocean, common for both Arctic and non-Arctic states.
The most recent scholarly works include an article in English written by three Professors - P. Berkman, A.N. Vylegzhanin, O.R. Young, Application and Interpretation of the Agreement on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation (Moscow Journal of International Law - 2017, No. 3). The authors are examining the existing problems of international legal management of scientific work in the Arctic, with an emphasis on the analysis of the Agreement of the eight Arctic states on Enhancing International Arctic Scientific Cooperation of 2017. However, these publications still are not devoted to and do not touch directly upon the international legal issues studied in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law and discussed here.
Theory underlying this study. In writing this study, the author has relied upon the already accumulated level of academic legal knowledge. The theoretic basis for this dissertation is found in the treatises on the general theory of international law, and, first and foremost, those by Yu.G. Barsegov, A.N. Vylegzhanin, G.V. Ignatenko, A.Ya. Kapustin, F.I. Kozhevnikov, Yu.M. Kolosov, G.I. Kurdiukov, M.A. Lazarev, I.I. Lukashuk, B.I. Nefyodov, O.I. Tiunov, G.I. Tunkin, N.A. Ushakov, S.V. Chernichenko, V.M. Shumilov, and M.L. Entin.
The scholarly works of the leading specialists in the international law of the sea and international environmental law are also used, namely, those by K.A. Beryashev, R.M. Valeyev, V.V. Golitsyn, A.L. Kolodkin, M.N. Kopylov, O.S. Kolbasov, V.L. Lakhtin, Yu.N. Maleyev, S.V. Molodtsov, P.V. Savaskov, V.F. Sidorchenko, N.A. Sokolova, G.G. Shinkaretskaya, etc.
Of special importance for a dissertation on this topic was the analysis of the academic works by the following foreign authors on specific international issues of law and policy: P. Berkman, I. Brownlie, M. Shaw, R.V. Corell, J. Crawford, M. Jacobsson, R. Fife, R.V. Arnaudo, V.B. Lausoen, B.M. Magnusson, B. Kunoy, O. Young, etc.
The object of this study comprises the international relations arising from various activities in the Arctic.
The subject-matter of this study consists of the totality of rules and principles of international and domestic law regulating the relations concerning the use of the area and natural resources of the Arctic surface, including islands and rocks, the Arctic Ocean, including its seas, with a focus on the existing and future national interests of the Russian Federation in that region.
The study aims to supply an up-to-date, accurate qualification of the international legal issues of specifying the status of the Arctic Ocean according to Anglo-American doctrines, a critical analysis of such doctrines from the standpoint of the best solutions to those issues, and to produce recommendations for Russia in this regard.
In line with this aim, this work has addressed the following objectives:
- to define the current meaning of the term "international legal doctrines" and "teachings" in order to ascertain the role of Anglo-American doctrines in the evolution of the international law applicable to the Arctic;
- to identify alternative interpretations of the international legal rules applicable to determining the general legal regime of the seabed and surface waters within the Arctic Circle;
- to outline the international legal means for Russia to draw baselines with its neighbouring Arctic states along its Arctic coastline; to substantiate the use by such states of different legal approaches and their respective interpretations in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law, and, based on such findings, to produce theoretical proposals that would allow Russia to implement such foreign practices;
- to identify the approaches to interpreting international legal rules on the delimitation and delineation of Arctic shelf as are set forth in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law, in the context of criticism by Russian international legal scholars of the drastic reversal of Russia's Arctic legal policy during President B.N. Yeltsin's term;
- to give a legal characteristic to the positions of two of Russia's neighbouring Arctic states on the delimitation of the outer boundaries of their Arctic shelf, in the context of the assessment of such positions in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law;
- to establish the current substance of the most advanced mechanisms of international environmental law applicable to the protection of the Arctic environment (including mechanisms of environmental impact assessment (hereinafter, the EIA), precautionary principle, and ecosystem management) in the context of interpretation of such mechanisms in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law.
Methodology and methods used. The methodology underlying this study comprises the dialectic method of acquiring verifiable knowledge, methods and techniques of formal logic, as well as specialized methods, namely the historical, comparative legal, systemic and structural, and formal legal methods.
The empirical basis of the study included international legal documents, and, first of all, international treaties, both universal, regional and bilateral, regulating interstate relations in the Arctic; acts of the Arctic Council, other international fora and organisations; judgments of the International Court of Justice, other courts and arbitral tribunals; and, domestic legal acts of the Arctic states formulating their Arctic policy.
A comparative analysis of non-binding "soft law" sources has been carried out, namely, the resolutions of the UN General Assembly; the acts adopted by the Arctic Council, other international organisations and conferences, including the 2015 Declaration Concerning the Prevention of Unregulated High Seas Fishing in the Central Arctic Ocean.
This study contributes to the existing scholarship, as it is the first Russian comprehensive monograph on international law examining the Anglo-American international legal doctrines on the status of the Arctic, addressing the issues related to specifying the existing legal regime of the seabed within the Arctic Circle and the surface waters, including those that remain ice-bound for most of
the year; the baselines along the Arctic coastline; the issues of delineation and delimitation of the Arctic shelf; the applicability to the Arctic region of the best available mechanisms of protecting the environment under international law, in the context of climate change in the region and the ever-pressing need to ensure environmental safety in the Arctic Ocean, including its seas.
The dissertation supplies a number of theoretical propositions and practical recommendations, which, taken together, can be viewed as a solution to an outstanding scholarly challenge:
- the effect of the Anglo-American doctrines of international law on the legal policy of Russia's neighbouring Arctic states is demonstrated;
- the theoretical summaries of the practice of foreign states related to drawing baselines along the Arctic coast as set out in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law are formulated;
- the international legal means and methods of protecting the national interests of the Arctic states as regards the boundaries of their Arctic shelf are defined;
- interpretations of the treaties applicable to specifying the current legal status of the Arctic Ocean floor from the standpoint of the Anglo-American doctrines of international law are suggested;
- new trends in improving the environmental protection regime of the Arctic in light of the Anglo-American doctrines of international law are outlined;
- the legal commentaries, available in the Anglo-American doctrine, to the legal means of preventing unregulated high seas fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean are assessed;
- the recommendations to improve the international legal mechanisms of protecting the national interests of the Russian Federation with respect to the high-latitude Arctic shelf, using selected arguments proffered by the Anglo-American doctrines of international law, including recommendations to prevent losses of areas of such shelf within the Russian Arctic sector (that the Russian Government abandoned under the new Arctic legal policy announced in 1997) are worked out.
Some international agreements of the Arctic States treaties and other international legal sources, as well as the acts of domestic law related to the issues in question, are introduced by me into the Russian legal scholarship for the first time.
The study has allowed me to submit the following propositions for defence:
1. Russian-language and English-language scholarship on international law understand the term "teachings of the most highly qualified publicists" used in Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice (hereinafter, the ICJ) differently. The Anglo-American international legal literature draws a distinction between such teachings and regular academic publications on international law. Whereas the latter are regarded as a rather broad category encompassing the results of any research in international law published in academic titles by any author whatsoever, the former category only includes the academic publications that are extensively cited. Such a clear distinction is absent in the Russian international legal scholarship, despite an objective need for it.
2. The influence of the Anglo-American international law doctrines on the international legal Arctic policy of Russia's neighbouring Arctic states is by far greater than that of the Soviet and Russian international law doctrines on the current international legal policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic. The legal propositions formulated in the Arctic policies of Russia's neighbours in the Arctic region generally go through an analytical appraisal, starting from theoretical discussions at specialist fora to scholarly publications and, eventually, to finding their way into the legal documents of a state or several states. The legal documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, and Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, especially since 1997, including such acts significant to the national interests of the Russian Federation as those stipulating the dramatic abandonment of the prima facie boundaries of Russia's Arctic shelf laid down by the 1867 Treaty and the 1926 Resolution of the Presidium of the USSR Central Executive Committee (hereinafter, the USSR
CEC), have effectively cancelled the international legal doctrine of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in terms of sectoral (meridian) delimitation of the sovereign powers as regards the floor of the Arctic Ocean, while only selectively taking into account the scholarly publications on international law of a later period. This drastic change in Russia's international legal position was left unnoticed in the Anglo-American doctrines.
3. The artificial insistence, during B.N. Yeltsin's years and thus starting from 1997, on the relevance of the 1982 UNCLOS to the already established status of the Arctic, and, primarily, the emphasis on the applicability to the Arctic of its Part XI ("the Area") and Article 76 (on delineation between the area and the continental shelf), instead of the legal opportunities that the sectoral delimitation of the Arctic shelf had offered, resulted not only in a loss by Russia of a part of its shelf within its Arctic sector, but also to the prevailing support for that approach in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law, especially after the release of NATO, EU and U.S. documents on their Arctic policy. Interestingly, that new approach has produced adverse legal consequences since 1997 not only for Russia: thus, а) instead of legal certainty as to the long-established meridian boundaries of the Arctic shelf running to the North geographical pole, the Arctic states found themselves forced to determine those boundaries using the new geological, distance-based, and geomorphological criteria provided in Article 76 of the 1982 UNCLOS, previously untested as the underlying criteria for the legal regime of the Arctic; b) instead of stability and good neighbourly relations between Arctic states, four of them ended up competing with each other in proving to the technical international body under the UNCLOS - that is, the CLCS - on what geological or other grounds their shelf overlapped with the Arctic sector of adjacent states. The Anglo-American legal literature uses the terms "war for the Arctic shelf" and "battle between Arctic states" to describe this new situation.
4. The Anglo-American international law doctrines contain different qualifications of the concession made during Gorbachev's perestroika which caused the USSR to disavow its former doctrinal Soviet position that the Kara Sea,
the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea were the Soviet Union's internal waters on historical grounds. The USSR Government's drawing of baselines (both straight and normal) along the entire Arctic coast in 1985 was embraced in a number of Anglo-American scholarly commentaries, especially as regards normal baselines, while other works dismissed them in solidarity with the U.S. position that criticizes some of such straight baselines. At the same time, the Anglo-American doctrines do not doubt that Norway's, Denmark's (north of Greenland) and Canada's exclusively straight baselines along the Arctic coastline are consistent with international law. Against this doctrinal background, it appears feasible to recommend that the Government of the Russian Federation draw only straight baselines along Russia's Arctic coast; as the first step to that effect, I propose drawing straight baselines along the coasts of the islands of the Franz Josef Land archipelago, taking into account the Norwegian method of drawing straight baselines along the Spitzbergen islands that elicited no criticism in the Anglo-American doctrines of international law.
5. The Anglo-American international law doctrines do not conflate the notion of "delimitation" of the continental shelf (that is, drawing a boundary line between the shelf belonging to the neighbouring states) with the notion of "delineation", that is, drawing the outer limit of the shelf separating it from the international seabed area. An analysis of such doctrines has allowed me to identify arguments in favour of the legal possibility of delimiting the Arctic shelf between Russia and other Arctic states beyond 200 miles off the baselines without "delineation", i.e. without addressing the CLCS and, accordingly, without the loss of shelf within Russia's Arctic sector, already evident from Russia's 2001 and 2015 filings with the Commission.
6. In the context of development of the international legal environmental regulation of human activities in the Arctic for the purposes of preserving its unique ecosystem, use of the resources based on the redefined role of that region for Arctic states and for the whole of the global community, and taking into account the large-scale climate change, globalization and proliferation of economic
activities in the Arctic and the Arctic Ocean with its adjacent seas, the region can no longer be viewed as a marginal object of international law. Development of commercial activities in the Arctic and, consequently, their legal regulation should be subjected to social and ecological interests, with the aim of increasing the welfare of the population of the Arctic states, including their indigenous peoples. This should underlie Russia's long-term position in the Arctic Council, expressed, in particular, in its documents aimed at ensuring sustainable development in the Arctic.
7. From the standpoint of practice, there is a need for a new philosophical and legal concept of sustainable development that would correspond to the unique geographic and geopolitical position of the Arctic, its environment and international legal status, which is, at present, only scarcely found in the Anglo-American international law doctrines. This new concept should, while reflecting the current substance of the global concept of sustainable development, also encompass various tasks and concerns affecting the population of the Arctic states and the global community as a whole, and should contain the parameters of evaluation of the environmental protection progress in specific areas, first and foremost, for the purposes of conserving Arctic ecosystems in parallel with sustainable economic growth in the regions coastal to the Arctic Ocean seas.
8. Elaboration of an up-to-date international legal concept of sustainable development of the Arctic, already outlined in the Anglo-American international law doctrines, would be prospective if it is consolidated and aimed at the meaningful improvement of the work of the Arctic Council, at uniting the social and ecological, and economic components of this concept so as to resolve the problems specific to the Arctic Region, with the interests of the inhabitants of the Arctic, their health, welfare and balanced development placed at the cornerstone of this process.
9. In view of the wide-scale climate change in the Arctic, including the phenomenon of reduction of the surface area of all-season ice, it is feasible to develop special international legal rules to govern the economic activities in that
part of the globe, including based on the regulation mechanisms proposed in the Western international law doctrines, such as conserving Arctic ecosystems; social matters, including the preservation of the traditional life, language and culture of the indigenous peoples of the North; ensuring safety at sea in the context of intensifying Arctic navigation, fisheries and maritime oil and gas extraction. At the same time, it would be reasonable to dismiss the prevailing Anglo-American doctrinal ideas of borrowing regulation from other parts of the World Ocean reflected in treaty and non-treaty rules that might not serve as an adequate legal framework to solve the abovementioned issues in the unique conditions of the Arctic, since they emerged in different political, legal, geographical, climatic, social and cultural circumstances.
10. The most sought-after and fairly efficient legal mechanism for reconciling economic, social and ecological interests with economic activities available thus far, namely, the environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure, as it exists for the regions of the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans, cannot be automatically transplanted to the Arctic legal regime. The nature of the Arctic remains understudied, and in light of the ongoing rapid climate change, there is essentially no representative scientific data for assessment, projections and analysis of the potential consequences of any major economic project for the environment, as required for an EIA. Another serious impediment for conducting EIA in the Arctic is the requirement to involve the local population, which is a key component of the procedure itself. In that context, the Western lawyers' suggestions on a pan-Arctic impact assessment procedure based on the mechanisms used in other regions, appear untenable. It is necessary to substantially revise the legal content of that procedure, including the methods of monitoring; to adapt them to the specific conditions of the Arctic; and, most importantly, to replace the traditional EIA that focuses on one particular object, with a strategic ecological assessment of multi-object and space-specific nature.
11. A study of a wide selection of treaty and non-treaty sources of international law, cases and scholarly publications by Western lawyers indicates
the need for wider application in regulating any activity in the Arctic, including navigation, fishing, production of oil and gas, tourism, of the precautionary principle (or the precautionary approach), whose key premises are found in the UNCLOS, the Biodiversity Convention, and the guidelines of the Arctic Council. Where climate change unravels at a quick pace, and its social and economic effects, including on the global scale, remain unpredictable, it becomes all the more urgent to develop an international legal mechanism of implementing this principle specifically in the Arctic Region.
12. The optimal way to preserve the nature of the Arctic, to rationally manage natural resources in the Arctic Region and to unwind rational economic activity in the Arctic, is to regulate it within the ecosystem-based approach. The Anglo-American doctrine of international law has no unequivocal perception of the legal meaning of the international legal rules on the ecosystem-based approach. It appears that the most promising concept is that developed by Professor O.R. Young, consisting in a new social and ecological paradigm, "the world of ecosystems dominated by man"; that in the Arctic, we are dealing precisely with a special "social and ecological system", whose dynamics are defined both by biophysical and social processes, including law-making and law enforcement. Consequently, it is reasonable to steer the Arctic Council towards elaborating a comprehensive legal model of regional ecosystem management of the Arctic, where man and his activity would be a harmoniously integrated part of the ecosystem, while its sustainable use, along with preserving its valuable qualities and functions, would be placed at the centre of the internationally negotiated regime of managing the Arctic environment.
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