Экспериментальное исследование ряда основных понятий теоретической морфологии (на материале русского языка): регулярность, синкретизм, маркированность =: Experimental study of several core concepts of theoretical morphology (on the material of Russian): regularity, syncretism, markedness тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 10.02.19, кандидат наук Слюсарь, Наталия Анатольевна
- Специальность ВАК РФ10.02.19
- Количество страниц 75
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Слюсарь, Наталия Анатольевна
Table of contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................6
2. Production and processing of isolated word forms..............................................................8
3. Production and processing of word forms in a sentence....................................................11
4. Creating resources for experimental research....................................................................18
5. Conclusions......................................................................................................................19
Appendix A. Paper "An ER-fMRI study of Russian inflectional morphology"......................25
Appendix B. Paper "Changes in functional connectivity within the fronto-temporal brain network induced by regular and irregular Russian verb production".....................................26
Appendix C. Paper "Forms and features: the role of syncretism in number agreement attraction" .............................................................................................................................................37
Appendix D. Paper "Gender agreement attraction in Russian: production and comprehension evidence".............................................................................................................................38
Appendix E. Paper "Gender, declension and stem-final consonants: an experimental study of gender agreement in Russian"..............................................................................................59
Appendix F. Paper "Processing of a free word order language: The role of syntax and discourse context"................................................................................................................................73
Appendix G. Paper "StimulStat: a lexical database for Russian"...........................................74
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Теория языка», 10.02.19 шифр ВАК
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Становление падежной системы и обработка падежных форм в русском языке как иностранном2022 год, кандидат наук Череповская Наталья Владимировна
Маркирование по числу у различных классов слов (на материале нахско-дагестанских языков)2023 год, кандидат наук Закирова Айгуль Наилевна
Разработка лингвистических тестов для диагностики речевых нарушений и их внедрение в клиническую и исследовательскую практику2021 год, кандидат наук Буйволова Ольга Витальевна
Роль моральной самооценки во взаимосвязи просоциального поведения и субъективного благополучия2023 год, кандидат наук Настина Екатерина Александровна
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Экспериментальное исследование ряда основных понятий теоретической морфологии (на материале русского языка): регулярность, синкретизм, маркированность =: Experimental study of several core concepts of theoretical morphology (on the material of Russian): regularity, syncretism, markedness»
1. Introduction
The papers collected in this dissertation are dedicated to the experimental study of inflectional morphology. In six papers, we aim to study the relevance of several core morphological concepts for production and processing, including morphological regularity, productivity, feature markedness, different types of syncretism. As a result, we also learn something new about these concepts, being able to tease apart different approaches to them. This determines the theoretical significance of the study. Thus, the larger goal of the dissertation is to show how theory and experiment can interact fruitfully.
The seventh paper presents a lexical database that contains more than 50 thousand Russian words with more than 1.7 million word forms characterized for more than 70 different parameters. It can be used to facilitate stimulus selection for experimental research, which determines the practical significance of the study. We relied on this database in our experimental research, so it was essential to achieve the goals set in the present study.
Experimental papers study production and processing of isolated word forms and word forms in a sentence (primarily on the example of number and gender agreement) and in a wider discourse context. They are presented in more detail in subsequent sections. As we show below, these papers are dedicated to several topics that are a matter of ongoing debate in the field and make substantial contributions to these discussions, which defines the relevance of the study.
It should also be noted that the pool of languages used in experimental morphology is not very wide so far. All experiments presented in this dissertation were conducted on the material of Russian. This gave us an opportunity to tease apart several relevant factors and to introduce new questions, which was crucial for our contribution to the debates addressed in this dissertation.
The present study uses behavioral and neuroimaging methods; they are presented in subsequent sections. The validity of the results is guaranteed by the use of rigorous experimental design including material selection and experimental procedures. Data analysis always relies on the appropriate statistical methods.
In three papers included in this dissertation, Natalia Slioussar is the only author, in three more papers, she is the first and/or the corresponding author. Her contribution to coauthored papers can be described as follows. In the papers describing fMRI experiments (Slioussar et al. 2014; Kireev et al. 2015), she was responsible for selecting linguistic stimuli, interpreting the
results from the linguistic point of view and to a large extent for writing the papers. In (Slioussar and Malko 2016), both Natalia Slioussar and Anton Malko, her former MA student at Saint-Petersburg State University, took part in conducting experiments, analyzing the data and preparing the draft of paper. However, Natalia Slioussar played the leading role in planning the study and interpreting the results, as well as in revising the paper for publication.
The work on the StimulStat database was done together with Svetlana Alexeeva, who is the first and the corresponding author of the paper (Alexeeva, Slioussar, and Chernova, 2017), and Daria Chernova. Svetlana Alexeeva played a major role in creating and developing the database, Daria Chernova solved many technical problems to make it functional. Natalia Slioussar was the head of the project responsible for planning and making linguistic decisions (and also the head of the grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities awarded to the team to fund the project). She also did most work preparing the paper for publication.
The main results of the project can be summarized as follows:
(1) Morphologically regular and irregular word forms are processed differently in the brain, and the notion of regularity is associated with the so-called defaultness of the inflectional class, rather than with its type frequency or productivity.
(2) Different methods of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data analysis reveal different aspects of linguistic processing.
(3) Case syncretism, not only systematic, but also accidental, plays a major role in production and processing of agreement attraction errors and therefore in the computation of grammatical agreement in general.
(4) Feature markedness manifests itself in production and processing of grammatical agreement. However, experimental data do not point to a single markedness hierarchy, and suggest that representational markedness is relevant for production, while frequency-based hierarchy is relevant for comprehension.
(5) Agreement processing is influenced by the prototypicality of inflectional affixes.
(6) Word form processing depends on their information structure status and their syntactic position. Experimental data demonstrate the interplay of these two factors: discourse context problems are processed slower for word forms in non-canonical (scrambled) positions.
(7) The lexical database StimulStat with a web interface created for Russian allows searching for lemmas and word forms using more than 70 phonologic, orthographic, grammatical and semantic parameters that were demonstrated to be relevant for experimental studies. It can be used in experimental and other linguistic reseach on Russian.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Теория языка», Слюсарь, Наталия Анатольевна
To summarize, in comprehension, we construct the set of retrieval cues based on the verb form that is provided to us. As we demonstrated above, different versions of the account share this
empty, and when it is not, the conceptual and formal gender typically coincide (and thus the former reinforces the latter). If they do not coincide, it never depends on the properties of modifiers, only on the noun itself (for example, vrac "doctorM" can refer both to a man and to a woman in Russian).
basic observation. If the first scenario is adopted for production (the features of the upcoming verb are predicted, and retrieval is initiated only when we spuriously generate a wrong verb form), the picture should be quite similar: the set of cues will be based on this form.
However, we do not believe that this scenario is the most plausible. In particular, it implies that we generate the subject NP with all its feature specifications before we turn to the verb. In reality, the process should be much more complicated. On the one hand, we cannot determine the case of an NP before we select the predicate (for example, experiencers may receive nominative, accusative, or dative case in Russian, depending on the verb, so it is impossible to plan a nominative NP having only some abstract V in mind). On the other hand, we cannot select some features of the verb form without looking at the subject.
This leads us to adopt the second scenario, in which the relevant features are retrieved at some point during the derivation, rather than predicted and then rechecked. Then we do expect certain differences between production and comprehension. Namely, under the second production scenario it is not the case that we look for an NP with a particular number or gender feature. Rather, we look for the values of number and gender features inside the subject NP. These features should belong to the head of this NP, but sometimes we spuriously pay attention to the features of other nouns. We hypothesize that feature markedness plays a role in this process, and this is what causes different outcomes in our production and comprehension experiments.
To explain how markedness effects may arise, let us summarize different factors that have been shown to play a role for retrieval. More stable head nouns have more chances to be retrieved than less stable ones. Structurally accessible attractors looking like subjects have more chances to be retrieved than the attractors without these characteristics. This is true both for production and for comprehension. And, independently of these factors, marked features have more chances to be retrieved. In comprehension, when we encounter a particular verb form and construct a set of retrieval cues based on it, different number or gender features do not compete with each other: we always look for a particular value. In production, we need to find the value of the gender feature of the subject NP, there is no value that is provided in advance, thus different values may enter the competition14. Thus, production involves competition and comprehension does not, therefore we can observe feature markedness effects in production, but not in comprehension. This is why production and comprehension results for gender agreement are different. We do not observe any differences in case of number agreement because plural is at the same time a more stable feature and a marked one. This is a very tentative hypothesis, so further experiments are necessary to test it or to suggest an alternative explanation for the observed asymmetry between production and comprehension findings.
14In our production experiment, participants were provided with predicates in a particular form. Still, we also expect competition here because participants had to produce a correct form if the provided form was wrong, and to do so, they had to retrieve the subject NP and determine its gender.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Слюсарь, Наталия Анатольевна, 2018 год
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