Временная динамика и спектральные свойства одиночных квантовых излучателей и их ансамблей, находящихся вблизи нанофотонных интерфейсов, с учетом хиральности взаимодействия тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 01.04.05, кандидат наук Корнован Данил Феодосьевич
- Специальность ВАК РФ01.04.05
- Количество страниц 248
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Корнован Данил Феодосьевич
1. Extreme subradiance in subdiffractional periodic dipolar chains
1.1 Single-photon scattering on a two-level atom chain in free
space: theoretical framework
1.2 An example of N = 3 atoms in a chain
1.3 Subradiance for larger arrays
1.4 Infinite dipole chain limit
1.5 The eigenstate structure
1.6 Multipolar analysis
1.7 Single photon scattering for an atomic array close to an
optical nanofiber: theoretical framework
1.8 Decay rates and their scaling
1.9 Transmission and reflection spectra
1.10 A scientific statement
2. Chiral transport, sub- and superradiance in an array of two-level emitters unidirectionally coupled through a guided mode
2.1 Single excitation transport in a one-dimensional array of unidirectionally coupled two-level emitters: polynomial dynamics
2.2 Collective chiral emission: sub- and superradiance in a single excitation domain
2.3 Strongly asymmetric single excitation transfer through a
surface plasmon of a metallic nanowire
2.4 A scientific statement
3. Noninverse dynamics of the excitation transfer in many-level quantum emitter in the vicinity of a nanophotonic structure
3.1 Theoretical framework and the case of in-plane rotating
dipole moments
3.2 Rotation of dipole moments, and broken symmetry in transitions
3.3 Effect on the observables: detected temporal intensity, and
the total emitted light spectrum
3.4 Chiral coupling of excited states in a V-type atom: analysis
of the coupling constants
3.5 Example of a system allowing for chiral coupling: qualitative analysis
3.6 Example of a system allowing for chiral coupling: quantitative results
3.7 Chiral coupling in the presence of an external pumping field
3.8 Scientific statements
List of figures
Appendix A. Additional materials for Chapter
A.1 Expanding the emission rate of a collection of dipole
scatterers in terms of Vector Spherical Harmonics
A.2 Case of the atomic chain along the z-axis
A.3 Description of the fundamental guided mode
A.4 Green's tensor of a circular waveguide
Appendix B. Additional materials for Chapter
B.1 Derivation of the effective Schrodinger equation from the
master equation
B.2 Chiral collective emission rate
B.3 The effect of retardation
Appendix C. Additional materials for Chapter
C.1 Green's function of a metasurface
C.1.1 The case of: £1 = e2, o^ = 0 for i = j
C.1.2 The case of: e1 = e2 = 1, o^ = 0 for all i,j = x,y
C.2 Far-field Green's tensor
C.3 Extreme anisotropy case
C.4 A measure of the discrepancy in the intensity, and spectral
C.5 Green's tensor of two anisotropic dipole scatterers
C.5.1 r0, ri, r2 are on the z-axis
Appendix D. (mandatory) Texts of author's publications
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Оптика», 01.04.05 шифр ВАК
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Временная динамика и спектральные свойства одиночных квантовых излучателей и их ансамблей, находящихся вблизи нанофотонных интерфейсов, с учетом хиральности взаимодействия»
Relevance. The topic discussed in this thesis is of relevance for the modern and rapidly developing field of quantum nanophotonics. This field of research merges the areas of quantum optics [1] and nanophotonics [2] in the context of light-matter interaction. The former one historically was mainly covering the statistical properties of light [3], and its interaction with matter at the level of individual particles - photons and atoms [4]. However, for quite a while it was mostly about the light propagating in free-space and its interaction with atomic matter either in the vacuum or in high-quality cavities [5]. In turn nanophotonics, as afield of research, studies in details how one can control different properties of light at the nanoscale with the use of nanostructures, the creation of which became possible with the outstanding progress in fabrication technology methods.
Clearly, on the intersection of these two fields there are a lot of novel and exotic phenomena: both already discovered, and yet unknown ones. In this regard the collective effects in light-matter interactions are of relevance as the strength of atom-field coupling can be significantly increased due to the lightfield localization at the interfaces of nanophotonic structures. Within this perspective, the appearance of sub-, and superradiance [6; 7] are the appealing phenomena to consider with potential applications in quantum technologies. Being well-studied for atomic ensembles in free-space [8; 9], their features in the presence of nanophotonic structures are still not fully explained and understood. The atom-field coupling, besides the aforementioned enhancement, can be drastically modified with the use of photonic structures, for instance, by taking control over the polarization degree of freedom. This can lead to the appearance of chiral coupling [10] between the quantum emitters and propagating electromagnetic fields: the strength of coupling in this case strongly depends on whether the light wave propagates in forward or backward direction. In the extreme limit it leads to a one-way emitter-mode coupling with absent back reflection, and, therefore, with a unidirectional emitter-emitter interaction mediated by this mode. Such a propagation direction-dependent atom-field coupling strongly modifies optical properties of light-matter interfaces [11-14], and allows to observe novel quantum mechanical phenomena.
The goal. The main goal of this thesis is to discover the manifestation of the interference phenomenon in the radiative properties of individual quantum emitters and their ensembles, which interact with electromagnetic modes of different nanophotonic structures, with account for chiral interactions.
Scientific tasks. With regard to the goal above, we can formulate the following scientific tasks (problems to consider):
- Analyzing collective states with low radiation losses in a periodic subdiffractional chain of two-level atoms in free-space, and in proximity of dielectric nanofiber.
- Quantifying, and explaining chiral sub- and superradiance in a system that is a chain of two-level atoms unidirectionally coupled to a guided mode.
- Studying the temporal dynamics and spectral properties of a quantum emitter with multiple excited states in the vicinity of an anisotropic metasurface.
- Explore the possibility to asymmetrically couple circular dipole transitions of a V-type atom put in the vicinity of a plasmonic dimer formed by two asymmetric scatterers - prolate ellipsoids.
Scientific statements:
- In periodic subdiffractional chains consisting of N dipoles there exist modes with low radiation losses at a particular separation distance much smaller than the resonant wavelength of an individual dipole. This optimal period for large N can be found from the flat-band condition right at the band-edge. The radiation losses of such modes decrease as Na with a < -6, contrary to a well known N-3 behavior observed for non-optimal period. These extremely low radiation losses are a result of simultaneous minimization of multipolar contributions to the radiated field up to high multipolar order.
- For a perfectly asymmetric interaction of N two-level quantum emitters through a single guided mode, the collective spontaneous emission rate in case of superradiance is , while for subradiance it becomes 0 for even N, and rg/N for odd N. The latter happens as a result of imperfect destructive interference between the decay channels.
- When coupling the transitions in a multilevel quantum emitter through the modes of an anisotropic metasurface, it is possible to achieve asymmetry in the excitation transfer dynamics. This asymmetry appears only if the quantization axis is tilted with respect to high-symmetry planes, and if the dressed states of the emitter are not degenerate. The effect arises from the phaseshift in the interference part of the temporal dynamics, and it is prominent in both detected temporal intensity or the total emitted light spectrum, making them dependent on the spin orientation of the initially excited state.
- By using a plasmonic dimer structure consisting of two anisotropic dipole scatterers (prolate ellipsoidal particles), one can achieve an
asymmetric coupling of circularly polarized transitions in a single V-type quantum emitter. This coupling asymmetry results in an uneven steady-state populations of the excited states even when pumping strengths for both transitions are equal, and it also makes the optical response of the system being strongly dependent on the local helicity of the total field at the atomic position.
Scientific novelty. The novelty and practical importance of the research results can be formulated as follows:
- The emergence of long-lived states in a system consisting of a periodic chain of atoms polarized perpendicular to the chain axis has been studied theoretically. It is shown that with the right choice of the system period, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in the lifetime of such states, as well as the fact that their lifetimes can grow much faster with the increasing system size than was shown previously. The mechanism of the appearance of such states is revealed, which is associated with the interaction of the eigenmodes of the system and destructive interference of their constituents. The mode interaction becomes possible due to the flattening of the dispersion curve, and the appearance of the inflection point. Moreover, the multipole analysis was performed, and it showed that such states allow for the simultaneous reduction of multipolar contributions up to a high multipolar order.
- The rates of sub- and superradiance for a system of atoms strongly asymmetrically interacting through the guided mode have been obtained theoretically, the mechanism of the phenomenon and the reasons for the deviations from the symmetric interaction case are explained.
- The effect of symmetry breaking of direct and reverse electron transitions between the excited states of a quantum emitter interacting with the modes of the photonic structure is theoretically predicted. In a simple model, criteria for the observation of such an asymmetry are derived and explicitly formulated. The effect of this phenomenon on the physically measurable quantities was studied (intensity dynamics and spectrum of the emitted light). A numerical calculation of the temporal intensity dynamics, and also the detected spectra for an emitter located near an anisotropic metasurface is carried out.
- It is also shown that for an atom with two circularly polarized transition dipole moments (V-type level structure) one can realize a strongly asymmetric coupling of these transitions by placing such an atom in the vicinity of a plasmonic dimer consisting of two geometrically asymmetric dipole scatterers, which were taken to be prolate ellipsoids
made of silver. We demonstrated that such an asymmetric coupling leads to a unidirectional excitation transfer between the excited states. We have demonstrated that if one illuminates the system with a plane wave, which induces equal pumping rates (the respective Rabi frequencies) on both transitions, then the populations of the excited states will be unequal due to the asymmetric coupling. Moreover, we demonstrated that the response of the system strongly depends on the local helicity of the total field at the atomic position.
Practical significance. The research carried out within the framework of the dissertation are valuable from the point of view of fundamental science, since in it we studied different physical effects and clarified the mechanisms of their occurrence, and we also derived the conditions for their observation. Of a special interest some of the presented results are for the modern rapidly developing field of waveguide quantum electrodynamics in particular, and quantum nanophotonics in general. From a practical point of view, the phenomena studied can serve for the development of new quantum nanophotonic devices. In particular, the dependence of the response of the system on the orientation of the initially excited electron spin in a quantum emitter can potentially be used as the basis for the creation of nonreciprocal optical devices. This can be done if the spin (or polarization) of the field incident on the system will be also coupled to the direction of propagation - a situation which is called spin-momentum locking. In addition, the knowledge about the occurrence mechanism of long-lived optical states in one-dimensional chains of dipole scatterers can be extremely useful in the development of optical resonators, hybrid waveguide structures, and in the applications related to quantum technologies like communication, computing, and metrology.
Reliability and the validity:
The reliability degree of the results of studies conducted by the applicant is based on the use of generally accepted theoretical approaches, and a clear indication of the approximations used in order to obtain analytical results. In addition, these results are consistent with those previously obtained by other researchers when considering the relevant limits. Some of the observed effects were also demonstrated during the numerical simulations for realistic structures by the author's colleagues, however, these results are not presented in this thesis. Moreover, the reliability of the results is due to their approbation at international scientific conferences, scientific seminars, publication of articles in international peer-reviewed journals.
Approbation. Approbation of the scientific research results was confirmed by 9 public reports at Russian and international conferences
over the past 3 years. The applicant's research was also acknowledged and supported from funds in the form of grants and scholarships: The Ostrogradski Scholarship of the Embassy of France in Russia for a scientific internship in the Kastler-Brossel Laboratory, University of the Sorbonne, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, a grant from the Foundation for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics "BASIS", a grant from the Committee for Science and Higher Education in St. Petersburg.
Author contribution. The author's contribution to this work consists in constructing theoretical models, obtaining analytical results, analyzing the obtained results, explaining the studied physical effects, finding out the mechanisms of their occurrence, and also in performing the numerical calculations. The author not only contributed significantly to the solution of the problems under consideration, but also to their formulation.
The scientific statements submitted for defense fully reflect the personal contribution of the author to the work.
Publications. The main content of the research work (dissertation) is published in 7 articles, of which 7 publications were published in peer-reviewed journals indexed by Web of Science or Scopus, 7 publications were published in journals from the list of Higher Attestation Commission. Out of these 7 publications, 4 were published in American Physical Society regular journals, while other 3 as peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
This thesis consists of 3 chapters, and 4 appendices. The thesis is 247 pages long, has 34 figures, and 192 references.
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