Реализация интенциональности в предвыборном дискурсе (на материале предвыборной кампании кандидатов на пост президента и вице-президента США 2020 года) тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Ковалев Павел Андреевич
- Специальность ВАК РФ00.00.00
- Количество страниц 263
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Ковалев Павел Андреевич
Глава 1. Теоретические вопросы интенциональности, предвыборного дискурса и интент-анализа
1.1. Понятия «интенция» и «интенциональность» в философии
1.2. Понятия «интенция» и «интенциональность» в лингвистике
1.3. Понятия «интенция» и «интенциональность» в теории коммуникации
1.4. Интенциональной лексика
1.5. Предвыборный дискурс и его интенциональный аспект
1.6. Интент-анализ
Глава 2. Интенциональность в предвыборном дискурсе США
2.1. Интенциональность в предвыборной риторике К. Харрис
2.2. Интенциональность в предвыборной риторике Д. Трампа
2.3. Интенциональность в предвыборной риторике Д. Байдена
2.4. Интенциональность в предвыборной риторике М. Пенса
Список использованной литературы
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК
Интенциональность речевого поведения: система средств интенсификации (на материале коммерческого и некоммерческого рекламного дискурса)2019 год, доктор наук Мощева Светлана Васильевна
Метафора как средство реализации интенций в политическом дискурсе: на материале текстов региональных предвыборных кампаний2006 год, кандидат филологических наук Пескова, Екатерина Николаевна
Коммуникативная функция речи: Интенциональная и интерактивная составляющие2000 год, доктор психологических наук Павлова, Наталия Дмитриевна
Интент-анализ психотерапевтической речи2010 год, кандидат психологических наук Кириллова, Елена Игоревна
Генезис концепции интенциональности: От дескриптивной психологии Ф. Брентано к ранней феноменологии Э. Гуссерля2001 год, кандидат философских наук Лаврухин, Андрей Владимирович
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Реализация интенциональности в предвыборном дискурсе (на материале предвыборной кампании кандидатов на пост президента и вице-президента США 2020 года)»
Термин «интенция» использовался учеными-схоластами задолго до анализа феномена интенциональности Дж. Остином, Д. Деннетом, Дж. Серлем и их последователями в ХХ веке. Несмотря на это, интерес к анализу интенций адресантов и интенциональности растет и сегодня в различных видах дискурса.
Актуальность изучения интенциональности в предвыборных выступлениях политиков обусловлена, прежде всего, повышенным интересом лингвистов, политологов, психологов и ученых других специальностей к политическому дискурсу и механизмам воздействия речи политика на электорат, а также к языковым средствам выражения его коммуникативных намерений. Актуальность представленной диссертации видится и в комплексном подходе к изучению интенциональности в речи политика с использованием как лингвистических, так и статистических и графических методов, с применением интент-анализа и дискурс-анализа, ключевых лингвистических направлений последних десятилетий, что позволяет уточнить прагматическую коннотацию в структуре лексического значения с интенциональным компонентом, а значит, и более точно определить иллокутивную функцию речи в целом.
Актуальным является выявление интенционального паттерна речи кандидата, претендующего на пост президента или вице-президента, который реализуется посредством интенциональных глаголов трех типов - 1) глаголы, обозначающие материальные процессы, выраженные в намеренных действиях (material action intention processes); 2) ментальные интернализованные процессы (mental internalized processes) и 3) ментальные экстернализованные процессы, или ментальные процессы, направленные вовне (mental externalized processes). При их использовании с местоимением первого лица единственного числа I или местоимением первого лица множественного числа we они демонстрируют прагматические различия. Изучение интенциональных глаголов в агитационных речах политика на протяжении и в комплексе его выступлений и с приведением статистических и графических данных ранее не проводилось. Выявление механизма (речевого паттерна) воздействия на избирателя с помощью
интенциональных глаголов в политическом дискурсе имеет прикладной характер: речевой паттерн может рассматриваться как типичный вариант воздействия политика на электорат во время проведения выборов на пост президента или вице-президента и как один из возможных вариантов воздействия на аудиторию не только политика, но и в других видах дискурса.
Данное исследование продолжает фундаментальные работы, посвященные интенциональности, систематизируя лексические единицы с семантическим компонентом «интенция», уточняя дефиницию интенциональной лексики, которую можно использовать при анализе интенциональности в современном предвыборном дискурсе, и выявляя особенности функционирования выделенной группы интенциональных глаголов, что создает перспективы для дальнейших научных исследований интенциональности на других категориях лексики и в других видах дискурса.
Степень разработанности проблемы. Изучение интенциональности не является новым явлением в лингвистике и философии: оно началось еще в средние века и продолжается по сей день. Опубликованные за последние 10 лет статьи свидетельствуют о большом интересе к феномену интенциональности и разных подходах к его изучению - феноменологического подхода, изучения интенциональности как внутреннего свойства сознания, направленного на объект, прослеживаемого в работах Ф. Брентано1,2, Э. Гуссерля3,4,5,6, М. Антонелли7 и Дж.
1 Brentano F. The distinction between mental and physical phenomena / F. Brentano // Realism and the Background of Phenomenology. Atascadero : Ridgeview Publishing, 1990. P. 39-61.
2 Brentano F. Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 2009. 415 p.
3 Гуссерль Э. Собрание сочинений. Логические исследования / Э. Гуссерль; пер. с нем. В. И. Молчанова. Москва : Гнозис, Дом интеллектуальной книги, 2001. Т. 3. 129 с.
4 Гуссерль Э. Собрание сочинений. Феноменология внутреннего сознания времени / Э. Гуссерль; пер. с нем. и предисловие В. И. Молчанова. - Москва : Гнозис, РИГ «ЛОГОС», 1994. Т. 1. 177 с.
5 Husserl E. Ideen zur einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologische Philosophie. E. Husserl. Haag, 1922. Buch 1. 249 p.
6 Husserl E. Logische Untersuchungen. / E. Husserl. Osnabrück : Deutschland, 1990. 748 p.
7 Antonelli, M. Consciousness and intentionality in franz brentano. Acta Analytica, 2022. № 37 (3). P. 301-322.
ван Хейтерен8; семантического подхода к изучению намерения в произведениях художественной литературы, который отражен в работах Ю. А. Куцевич9 и Д. Смит 10 . Высказывания с интенциональным семантическим компонентом изучаются в работах Т. Грано 11 с точки зрения формальной семантики: рассматриваются сообщения о намерениях в сравнении с другими видами сообщений, например, сообщениями об убеждениях или желаниях, а также другими, связанными с намеренными действиями, их эмпирические сходства и различия. Интенционалъностъ изучается в повелительном наклонении Дж. Гончаров12, а Р. Нобл13 рассматривает причины, обуславливающие формирование интенций субъекта. Роли агентности в формировании интенционалъности посвящены работы Г. Ферретти14, а иллокутивная функция и прагматический эффект высказывания изучается Дж. Калпепер15. Также серьезная работа была проделана институтом психологии РАН (В.А. Афиногенова 16 ), в котором исследователи применяли интент-анализ на материале повседневного дискурса. В то же время были выполнены работы, в ходе которых анализировались следующие виды дискурса: телевизионный (А.В. Киреева17), политический (П.П. Лобас), медиадискурс (И.А. Мальцева 18 ), предвыборный дискурс (В.А.
8 van Hateren J. H. Constructing a naturalistic theory of intentionality. Philosophia (United States), 2021. № 49(1). P. 473-493.
9Куцевич Ю. А. Интенциональные лексические значения как обьект исследования / Ю.А. Куцевич // Известия Смоленского государственного университета, 2020. №1(49). С. 121-134.
10 Smith D. W. Phenomenal intentionality, inner awareness, and the given. Synthese, 2021. № 199 (3).
11 Grano Th. The logic of intention reports. Journal of Semantics, 2017. № 34(4). P. 587-632.
12 Goncharov J. Intentionality effect in imperatives // Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 27. Stanford, 2018. P. 105-127.
13 Noble R., & Noble D. Can reasons and values influence action: How might intentional agency work physiologically? Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 2021. № 52(2), P. 277-295.
14 Ferretti G., & Zipoli Caiani S. Habitual actions, propositional knowledge, motor representations and intentionality. Topoi, 2021. № 40(3), P. 623-635.
15 Culpeper, J. Impoliteness and hate speech: Compare and contrast. Journal of Pragmatics, 2021. № 179. P. 4-11.
16 Афиногенова В. А. Интенциональная организация речевого взаимодействия в неформальном повседневном дискурсе: дисс. на соискание ученой степени канд. псих. н. / ФГБУН Институт психологии РАН, лаборатория психологии речи и психолингвистики. Москва, 2015. 234 с.
17 Киреева А. В. Средства идеологического конструирования телевизионного информационного дискурса / А. В. Киреева // Вестник Челябинского гос. ун-та, 2015. С. 90-94.
18 Мальцева И. А. Манипулятивные способы воздействия на аудиторию в контексте спортивного медиадискурса (на примере федерального телеканала «Матч-ТВ») // Ученые
Каменева19,20). Несмотря на высокий интерес к феномену интенциональности в различных видах дискурса и в более ранний период времени (И.А. Зачесова21, Е.В. Заюкова22, Н.И. Клушина23,24, И.М. Кобозева25, Н.Д. Павлова26,27), не было работ, выполненных на материале агитационных речей в ходе предвыборной кампании и с фокусом на глагольные предикаты трех категорий, что обуславливает актуальность данной работы, которая опирается и развивает научные достижения вышеуказанных исследователей. Необходимым представляется и уточнение определения термина интенциональной лексики, который не унифицирован в предшествующих работах (Н.Д. Арутюнова28, О.С. Ахманова29, Н.Н. Бутвин30, Г.Г. Сильницкий31,32), что усложняет проведение
записки Крымского федерального университета имени В. И. Вернадского. Филологические науки, 2022. Т. 8 (74). № 1. С. 177-187.
19 Каменева В.А., Потапова Н.В. Стратегия самопрезентации политика (на материале личного и официального блога в Twitter вице-президента США Камалы Харрис) // Научный диалог, 2021. №11. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/strategiya-samoprezentatsii-politika-na-materiale-lichnogo-i-ofitsialnogo-bloga-v-twitter-vitse-prezidenta-ssha-kamaly-harris (дата обращения: 13.08.2024).
20 Kameneva V. A., & Rabkina N. V. "Ethical evaluation" as a tactics of delegitimization strategy in the pre-election discourse. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 2021. № 12(3). P. 743-757.
21 Зачесова И.А. Интенциональные особенности речи в непринужденном общении / отв. ред. Н.Д. Павлова // Психологические исследования дискурса. Москва : Персэ, 2002. С. 141-151.
22 Заюкова Е.В. Семантика и прагматика интенциональности в языковой актуализации на материале английского языка: дисс. канд. фил. н.: 10.02.04 / Е. В. Заюкова. Барнаул, 2005. 193 с.
23 Клушина Н.И. Интенциональные категории публицистического текста: дисс. канд. фил. н.: 10.01.10 / Н.И. Клушина. Москва, 2008. 358 с.
24 Клушина Н.И. Интенциональный метод в современной лингвистической парадигме [Электронный ресурс]: электронный научный журнал / Н.И. Клушина // Медиаскоп. 2012. № 4. - URL: http://www.mediascope.ru/node/1242 (дата обращения: 15.03.15).
25 Кобозева И.М. Категории интенциональности и когнитивности в современной лингвистике [Электронный ресурс]: учеб. пособие / И.М. Кобозева. - URL: https://textarchive.ru/c-2253239.html (дата обращения: 25.03.18).
26 Павлова Н.Д., Гребенщикова Т.А. Интент-анализ. Основания, процедура, опыт использования. Москва : Институт психологии РАН, 2017. 152 с.
27 Слово в действии. Интент-анализ политического дискурса / под ред. Т.Н. Ушаковой, Н.Д. Павловой. Санкт-Петербург : Алетейя, 2000. 316 с.
28 Арутюнова Н.Д. Предложение и его смысл: Логико-семантические проблемы. М.: Наука, 1976. 383 с.
29 Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1969. 608 с.
30 Бутвин H.H. Описание русских глаголов с общим значением «хотеть» (с некоторыми параллелями в чешском языке) на основе принципа развития действия. Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 1987. 16 с.
анализа интенциональности в целом. Данная работа вносит свой вклад в уточнение определения интенциональной лексики и открывает новые перспективы для изучения интенциональности.
Целью исследования является выявление закономерностей в использовании интенциональных лексических единиц в предвыборных агитационных речах кандидатов на ключевые политические посты США.
Объектом исследования являются интенциональные лексические единицы, которые использовались во время предвыборной кампании 2020 года в агитационных выступлениях кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты США.
Предмет исследования - особенности выражения семантического компонента «интенция» в предвыборных выступлениях участников президентской кампании.
Основу общей гипотезы исследования составил исходный тезис о том, что предвыборные агитационные речи политиков имеют схожие особенности в части оказания воздействия на реципиента, которые связаны с актуализацией интенционального компонента.
В соответствии с целью и гипотезой определены следующие задачи исследования:
1. Дать определение интенциональной лексики.
2. Выявить особенности актуализации интенциональной лексики в агитационных предвыборных речах американских политиков.
3. Установить корреляцию между интенциональной структурой агитационных речей политиков посредством лексических единиц с компонентом «интенция» и ее перлокутивным эффектом - воздействием на электорат.
Теоретико-методологическую основу исследования составляют:
31 Сильницкий Г.Г. Модель глагольного действия и семантическая классификация глаголов с предикатными актантами // Категории глагола и структура предложения. Конструкции с предикатными актантами. Д.: Наука, 1983. С. 28-41.
32 Сильницкий Г.Г. Семантические классы глаголов в английском языке. Смоленск: СГПИ, 1986. 112 с.
- положения об интенциональности, ее свойствах и понятии объекта интенции (М. Антонелли33, Л. Витгенштейн34, Д. Деннет35,36, Дж. Гончаров37, Э. Гуссерль38'39,40,41, Дж. Калпепер42, В.Б. Кашкин43, И.М. Кобозева44, К.В. Робертс45, Дж. Серль46,47,48,49,50, Н.Д. Токарева51, Г. Ферретти52, Н.И. Формановская53, Д. Франк54);
33 Antonelli, M. Consciousness and intentionality in franz brentano. Acta Analytica, 2022. № 37 (3). P. 301-322.
34 Витгенштейн Л. Философские работы / Л. Витгенштейн. Москва : Гнозис, 2004. 520 с.
35 Dennet D. Intentionality / D. Dennet // The Oxford Companion to the Mind. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997. 1024 p.
36 Dennett D. The Intentional Stance. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1987. 400 p.
37 Goncharov J. Intentionality effect in imperatives // Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 27. Stanford, 2018. P. 105-127.
38 Гуссерль Э. Собрание сочинений. Логические исследования / Э. Гуссерль; пер. с нем. В. И. Молчанова. Москва : Гнозис, Дом интеллектуальной книги, 2001. Т. 3. 129 с.
39 Гуссерль Э. Собрание сочинений. Феноменология внутреннего сознания времени / Э. Гуссерль; пер. с нем. и предисловие В. И. Молчанова. - Москва : Гнозис, РИГ «ЛОГОС», 1994. Т. 1. 177 с.
40 Husserl E. Ideen zur einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologische Philosophie. E. Husserl. Haag, 1922. Buch 1. 249 p.
41 Husserl E. Logische Untersuchungen. / E. Husserl. Osnabrück : Deutschland, 1990. 748 p.
42 Culpeper J. Impoliteness and hate speech: Compare and contrast. Journal of Pragmatics, 2021. № 179, P. 4-11.
43 Кашкин В.Б. Основы теории коммуникации / В.Б. Кашкин. Воронеж : Изд-во ВГТУ, 2000. 175 с.
44 Кобозева И.М. Теория речевых актов / И. М. Кобозева. Москва : Прогресс, 1996. 422 с.
45Roberts C. W., Zuell C., Landmann J., Wang Y. Modality analysis: a semantic grammar for imputations of intentionality in texts. Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2008. P. 239-257.
46 Серль Дж. Природа интенциональных состояний / Дж. Серль. Москва : Прогресс, 1997. 96 с.
47 Серль Дж. Рациональность в действии / Дж. Серль. Москва : Прогресс-Традиция, 2004. 333 с.
48 Серль Дж. Классификация иллокутивных актов // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. № 17: Теория речевых актов. Москва, 1986. С. 170-194.
49 Searle J. R. The intentionality of intention in action. Cognitive Science. - Berkeley, 1980. № 4. P. 47-70.
50 Searle J. R. Consciousness and Language / J.R. Searle // Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 269 p.
51 Токарева Н.Д. Межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция в свете стилистического анализа / Н.Д. Токарева // Вестник Московского гос. лингв-го ун-та. Москва : ФГБОУ ВО Московский гос. лингв-ий ун-т, 2010. C. 144-149.
52 Ferretti G., & Zipoli Caiani S. Habitual actions, propositional knowledge, motor representations and intentionality. Topoi, 2021. № 40(3). P. 623-635.
53 Формановская Н.И. Речевое общение: коммуникативно-прагматический подход / Н.И. Формановская. Москва: Русский язык, 2002. 216 с.
54 Франк Д. Семь грехов прагматики: тезисы о теории речевых актов, анализе речевого общения, лингвистике и риторике / общ. ред. Б.Ю. Городецкий // Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Выпуск 17: Теория речевых актов. Москва: Прогресс, 1986. С. 363-373.
- теория транзитивности М. Халлидея55,56 и ее развитие в трудах Д. Бертон57;
- лексика с семантическим компонентом «волевое действие» (Н.Д. Арутюнова 58 , О.С. Ахманова 59 , Н.Н. Бутвин 60 , Ю.А. Куцевич 61 , Г.Г.
- стратегии и тактики речевого поведения (О.Н. Паршина64, Н.Н. Кириллова65);
- политический и предвыборный дискурс (О.В. Гайкова 66 , В.А. Каменева67, Н.Г. Левшина68, П.П. Лобас69, Т.С. Самохина70, А.А. Филинский71);
55 Halliday M.A.K., Explorations in the Functions of Language. Edward Arnold. London, 1973. 143 p.
56 Halliday M.A.K. Notes on transitivity and theme in English (part 2) / M.A.K. Halliday // Journal of Linguistics, 1968. № 4. P. 179-215.
57 Burton D. Through Dark Glasses through Glass Darkly. Language and Literature. Allen and Unwin. London, 1982. P. 195-214.
58 Арутюнова Н.Д. Предложение и его смысл: Логико-семантические проблемы. М.: Наука, 1976. 383 с.
59 Ахманова О.С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1969. 608 с.
60 Бутвин H.H. Описание русских глаголов с общим значением «хотеть» (с некоторыми параллелями в чешском языке) на основе принципа развития действия. Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 1987. 16 с.
61 Куцевич Ю.А. Семантическая классификация факторных интенциональных глаголов в современном английском языке: дис. ... канд. фил. наук: 10.02.04 / Ю.А. Куцевич. Смоленск, 2013. 245 с.
62 Сильницкий Г.Г. Модель глагольного действия и семантическая классификация глаголов с предикатными актантами // Категории глагола и структура предложения. Конструкции с предикатными актантами. Д.: Наука, 1983. С. 28-41.
63 Сильницкий Г.Г. Семантические классы глаголов в английском языке. Смоленск: СГПИ, 1986. 112 с.
64 Паршина О. Н. Стратегии и тактики речевого поведения современной политической элиты России: диса д-ра филол. наук. Саратов, 2005. 345 c.
65Кириллова Н. Н. Коммуникативные стратегии и тактики с позиции нравственных категорий / Н. Н. Кириллова // Вестник НГТУ им. Р.Е. Алексеева. Серия «Управление в социальных системах. Коммуникативные технологии». Изд-во ГОУВПО "Нижегородский гос. тех. ун-т им. Р. Е. Алексеева", 2012. С. 26-33.
66 Гайкова О.В. Предвыборный дискурс как жанр политической коммуникации: на материале английского языка : дисс. канд. фил. н. Волгоград, 2003. С. 63.
67 Kameneva V.A., & Rabkina N.V. "Ethical evaluation" as a tactics of delegitimization strategy in the pre-election discourse. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 2021. № 12(3). P. 743-757.
68 Левшина Н.Г. Косвенные речевые тактики в предвыборном дискурсе: на материале выборов Главы Администрации Псковской области [Электронный ресурс]: автореф. дисс. канд. фил. н. Санкт-Петербург, 2005. - URL : http://dissercat.com (дата обращения: 14.06.10).
- интент-анализ (И.А. Зачесова72, Е.В. Заюкова73, Н.И. Клушина74,75, Т.А. Кубрак76, И.М. Кобозева77, Н.Д. Павлова7879).
Методологическая основа исследования. Для решения поставленных задач использовались различные методы исследования. Основным методом исследования является интент-анализ, подход, позволяющий выявлять интенции кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты в избирательной кампании США 2020 года, выраженные в их агитационных речах. Интент-анализ строился на методе сплошной выборки эмпирического материала - это десять отобранных агитационных речей кандидатов; их анализе с точки зрения наличия в них интенциональных категорий - в работе это категория интенциональных глаголов трех видов: 1) глаголы, обозначающие материальные процессы, выраженные в намеренных действиях (material action intention processes); 2) ментальные интернализованные процессы (mental internalized processes) и 3) ментальные экстернализованные процессы, или ментальные процессы, направленные вовне
69 Лобас П.П. Манипулирование в политическом дискурсе (на материале текстов общественно-политической тематики) /П.П. Лобас // Известия Южного фед. ун-та. Филологические науки, 2015. С. 90-98.
70 Самохина Т.С. Они и мы: Англия, Америка, Россия. Москва : Р. Валент, 2012. 216 с.
71 Филинский А.А. Критический анализ политического дискурса предвыборных кампаний 1999-2000 гг. [Электронный ресурс]: автореф. дисс. канд. фил. н. Тверь, 2002. URL: http://dissercat.com (дата обращения: 22.07.10).
72 Зачесова И.А. Интенциональные особенности речи в непринужденном общении / отв. ред. Н.Д. Павлова // Психологические исследования дискурса. Москва : Персэ, 2002. С. 141-151.
73 Заюкова Е.В. Семантика и прагматика интенциональности в языковой актуализации на материале английского языка: дисс. канд. фил. н.: 10.02.04 / Е. В. Заюкова. Барнаул, 2005. 193 с.
74 Клушина Н.И. Интенциональные категории публицистического текста: дисс. канд. фил. н.: 10.01.10 / Н.И. Клушина. Москва, 2008. 358 с.
75 Клушина Н.И. Интенциональный метод в современной лингвистической парадигме [Электронный ресурс]: электронный научный журнал / Н.И. Клушина // Медиаскоп. 2012. № 4. - URL: http://www.mediascope.ru/node/1242 (дата обращения: 15.03.15).
76 Кубрак Т. А. Интенция самопрезентации субъекта в различных видах дискурса / под ред. Н. Д. Павловой, И. А. Зачесовой // Ситуационная и личностная детерминация дискурса. Москва : Институт психологии РАН, 2007. С. 185-204.
77 Кобозева И.М. Категории интенциональности и когнитивности в современной лингвистике [Электронный ресурс]: учеб. пособие / И.М. Кобозева. - URL: https://textarchive.ru/c-2253239.html (дата обращения: 25.03.18).
78 Павлова Н.Д., Гребенщикова Т.А. Интент-анализ. Основания, процедура, опыт использования. Москва : Институт психологии РАН, 2017. 152 с.
79 Слово в действии. Интент-анализ политического дискурса / под ред. Т.Н. Ушаковой, Н.Д. Павловой. Санкт-Петербург : Алетейя, 2000. 316 с.
(mental externalized processes), и их использование с местоимениями 1 лица единственного и множественного числа. Интент-анализ предполагал количественный подсчет частоты использования глаголов в речи каждого кандидата и в сравнении, построение графиков с иллюстрацией наибольшей их концентрации в речи каждого кандидата и в сравнении. А также выявление паттернов речи - наиболее типичных и индивидуально выраженных, проявляющих психологические особенности кандидата, и их влияние и воздействие на электорат. Метод интент-анализа нельзя рассматривать в отрыве от дискурс-анализа, ибо он строится и анализирует дискурс агитационных речей и потому является его неотъемлемой частью. Метод сравнительного анализа, как уже отмечалось ранее, применялся для установления сходств и различий особенностей речей участников предвыборной кампании, а методы семантической интерпретации и контекстного анализа были использованы с целью выявления прагматической цели высказываний.
Основные этапы исследования
На первом этапе (2021-2022 гг.) был осуществлен анализ литературы по общим и частным аспектам интенциональности и проведен отбор агитационных речей кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты США в рамках предвыборной кампании США 2020 года для последующего изучения.
Особенностью этого этапа было обобщение теоретического материала, связанного с феноменом интенциональности в предвыборном дискурсе, а также создание корпуса предвыборных агитационных выступлений в форме монолога.
Второй этап (2022-2023 гг.) включал в себя анализ интенциональных лексических единиц в предвыборных агитационных выступлениях кандидатов на пост президента США.
На третьем этапе (2023-2024 гг.) выявлены закономерности в актуализации интенционального компонента в агитационных речах предвыборного дискурса. Было проведено обобщение результатов исследования.
Эмпирической базой проведенного исследования послужили тексты выступлений кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты США от
республиканской и демократической партий во время проведения предвыборной кампании в 2020 году. Для исследования было отобрано 10 речей, которые размещены в открытом доступе на платформе www.rev.com .
Надежность, достоверность и обоснованность результатов исследования обеспечена применением комплексной методики исследования, опорой на исходные положения теории интенциональности и их развитие в современных научных трудах, детальным многосторонним анализом собранного языкового материала.
Основные научные результаты и их научная новизна заключаются в следующем:
1. Уточнено содержание терминов «интенциональная лексика» и «интенциональный глагольный предикат» применительно к целям настоящего исследования.
2. Идентифицированы закономерности репрезентации интенциональности в агитационных речах кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты на основе анализа предикативных структур с подлежащим II we.
3. Выявлены особенности актуализации субъектности в предикативных структурах с интенциональными глаголами.
4. Раскрыта дискурсивная специфика реализации интенциональности посредством эксплицитных лексических маркеров и прагматической направленности текста (на агитацию или дискредитацию).
Теоретическая значимость исследования заключается в углублении научных представлений о семантических особенностях англоязычного предвыборного дискурса и принципах построения публичных агитационных речей, выявлении особенностей и роли интенциональной структуры в речи политика, комплексном лингвистическом описании речевых интенциональных стратегий и тактик предвыборной риторики современных американских политических деятелей. Теоретически важным представляется вклад в дальнейшее развитие инструментов интент-анализа для изучения предвыборного политического дискурса.
Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что его материалы и выводы могут применяться на занятиях по общему языкознанию, лингвистике текста, коммуникативной лингвистике и риторике. Полученные в ходе анализа результаты могут использоваться в курсах по политологии, культурологии, журналистики и социологии.
На защиту выносятся следующие положения:
1. Интенциональная лексика как пласт вокабуляра современного английского языка представлена, в частности, глаголами, которые обозначают действия и процессы, направленные на материальный объект или абстрактный феномен. Анализ использования интенциональных глаголов в функции предиката в выступлениях кандидатов в президенты и вице-президенты США позволяет выявить интенциональные паттерны предвыборной риторики, характерные для американских политиков.
2. Предвыборная политическая риторика характеризуется высокой степенью интенциональности, которая может быть выражена эксплицитно и имплицитно. В первом случае имеет место использование лексических маркеров -интенциональных глагольных предикатов с субъектом в форме 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа. Во втором случае интенциональность проявляется в общей направленности текста выступления на апологизацию (агитацию за кандидата от своей партии) или диффамацию (дискредитацию политического оппонента). Дискредитация политического соперника может осуществляться путем приписывания ему негативно оцениваемых в обществе намерений.
3. Частота использования интенциональных предикатов в предвыборных выступлениях американских политиков варьирует. Высокой степенью интенциональности характеризуются фрагменты, содержащие апелляцию к избирателям (призыв голосовать и сделать правильный выбор) и описывающие планы кандидатов. Интенсивность проявления интенциональности снижается при описании экономических и социальных проблем и во фрагментах, связанных с апологизацией и диффамацией.
4. Семантика интенциональных глагольных предикатов неоднородна. Они могут обозначать материальные процессы, выраженные в намеренных действиях (material action intention processes), ментальные интернализованные процессы (mental internalized processes) и ментальные экстернализованные процессы, или ментальные процессы, направленные вовне (mental externalized processes). В предвыборных выступлениях американских политиков наиболее широко представлена группа глагольных предикатов первого типа. Подобное позиционирование является демонстрацией активной позиции кандидата, решимости конкретными делами реализовывать цели своей программы.
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Монографии и диссертации на русском языке
1. Бутвин H.H. Описание русских глаголов с общим значением «хотеть» (с некоторыми параллелями в чешском языке) на основе принципа развития действия. Автореф. дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 1987. 16 с.
2. Афиногенова В. А. Интенциональная организация речевого взаимодействия в неформальном повседневном дискурсе: дисс. на соискание ученой степени канд. псих. н. / ФГБУН Институт психологии РАН, лаборатория психологии речи и психолингвистики. Москва, 2015. 234 с.
3. Бурмистрова Л. П. Речевая интенция защиты в диалогическом дискурсе: на материале русского и французского языков : дисс. канд. фил. н. / Л. П. Бурмистрова. Тверь, 2005.160 с.
4. Бутвин Н. Н. Описание русских глаголов с общим значением «хотеть» (с некоторыми параллелями в чешском языке) на основе принципа развития действия: автореф. диса канд. филол. наук. М., 1987. 16 с.
5. Гайкова О. В. Предвыборный дискурс как жанр политической коммуникации: на материале английского языка : дисс. канд. фил. н. Волгоград, 2003. С. 63.
6. Гриценко Е. С. Язык как средство конструирования гендера : диса д-ра филол. наук. Нижний Новгород, 2005. 405 с.
7. Дублянский В. И. Лексико-семантическое макрополе интенциональных глаголов испанского языка: автореф. диса канд. филол. наук. Минск, 1977. 21 с.
8. Жирова И. Г. Лексико-семантическая группа глаголов, выражающих волеизъявление в современном английском языке: автореф. диса канд. филол. наук. Одесса, 1990. 16 с.
9. Заюкова Е. В. Семантика и прагматика интенциональности в языковой актуализации на материале английского языка: дисс. канд. фил. н.: 10.02.04 / Е. В. Заюкова. Барнаул, 2005. 193 с.
10. Казыдуб Н. Н. Системно-функциональное исследование интенциональных глаголов: (На материале современного английского языка): дис. ... канд. филол. наук. СПб., 1991. 185 с.
11. Клушина Н. И. Интенциональные категории публицистического текста: дисс. канд. фил. н.: 10.01.10 / Н. И. Клушина. Москва, 2008. 358 с.
12. Куцевич Ю. А. Семантическая классификация факторных интенциональных глаголов в современном английском языке: дис а канд. фил. наук: 10.02.04 / Ю. А. Куцевич. Смоленск, 2013. 245 с.
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Учебники, словари, справочники и другие материалы на русском языке
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Сборники научных работ и собрания сочинений на русском языке
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Научные статьи на русском языке
64. Айзенк X. Объективность и обоснованность эстетических суждений / под общ. ред. JI. Дорфмана // Творчество в искусстве искусство творчества. Москва : Наука, 2000. С. 298-321.
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66. Богуславский И. М. Рецензия на книгу А.А. Зализняк «Исследования по семантике предикатов внутреннего состояния» (München: Otto Sagner, 1992) // Вопросы языкознания, 1995. № 1. С. 164-168.
67. Винокур Г. О. О некоторых синтаксических особенностях диалогической речи // Исследования по грамматике русского литературного языка. Москва, 1955. 354 с.
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69. Голенко Ж. Каждый текст - автобиография / Ж. Голенко // Вопросы литературы. Москва : Просвещение, 2013. № 1. 563 с.
70. Городецкий Б. Ю. Новое в зарубежной лингвистике / Б. Ю. Городецкий // Теория речевых актов. Москва, 1986. № 17. С. 12-253.
71. Гребенщикова Т. А., Зачесова И. А. Интенциональный аспект взаимодействия в семейном диалоге // Вопросы психолингвистики, 2012. № 16. С.106-114.
72. Громов Е. С. Искусство и герменевтика: «смерть» или «жизнь» автора / Е. С. Громов // Теория художественной культуры. Москва, 2000. № 4. С. 209233.
73. Демьянков, В. З. Политический дискурс как предмет политологической филологии // Политическая наука. 3. Политический дискурс: история и современные исследования. М.: ИНИОН РАН, 2002. С 32-43.
74. Евсеева Т. П. Картина Джона Мартина «Распятие» и концепция «возвышенного христианства» в культуре английского романтизма / Т. П. Евсеева // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Серия 15. Искусствоведение. Санкт-Петербург : ФГБОУВО Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, 2015. С. 45-63.
75. Зачесова И. А. Возрастные особенности ведения разговоров детьми / под ред. Н. Д. Павловой и И. А. Зачесовой // Проблемы психологии дискурса. Москва : Институт психологии РАН, 2005. С. 113-135.
76. Зачесова И. А. Интенциональные особенности речи в непринужденном общении / отв. ред. Н. Д. Павлова // Психологические исследования дискурса. Москва : Персэ, 2002. С. 141-151.
77. Зачесова И. А. Особенности взаимопонимания в семейном диалоге / под ред. В. А. Барабанщикова, Е. С. Самойленко // Общение и познание. Москва : Институт психологии РАН, 2007. С. 386-403.
78. Ивушкина Т. А. Королевский английский и аристократический код общения в современной Великобритании // Вестн. МГИМО ун-та, 2014. № 3. С. 246-251.
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80. Исакадзе Н. В., Кобозева И.М. Генеративная грамматика и русистика: проблемы падежа и вида // Современная американская лингвистика. М.: Едиториал УРСС, 2006. С. 142-167.
81. Иссерс, О. С. Проблемы создания «коммуникативного портрета»: гендерный аспект / О.С. Иссерс // Гендер: Язык, Культура, Коммуникация: Докл. Второй международной конф., Москва 22 - 23 ноября 2001 г. М., 2002. С. 172 - 178.
82. Киреева А. В. Средства идеологического конструирования телевизионного информационного дискурса / А. В. Киреева // Вестник Челябинского гос. ун-та, 2015. С. 90-94.
83. Кириллова Н. Н. Коммуникативные стратегии и тактики с позиции нравственных категорий / Н. Н. Кириллова // Вестник НГТУ им. Р.Е. Алексеева. Серия «Управление в социальных системах. Коммуникативные технологии». Изд-во ГОУВПО "Нижегородский гос. тех. ун-т им. Р. Е. Алексеева", 2012. С. 26-33.
84. Ковалев П.А. Актуализация интенциональности в речи Камалы Харрис в рамках предвыборной кампании / П.А. Ковалев // Успехи гуманитарных наук, 2022. № 9. С. 142-145.
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86. Ковалев П.А. Интенциональность и ее репрезентация в агитационных речах монологического характера в рамках предвыборного дискурса США
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87. Ковалев П.А. Репрезентация интенциональности в эпидейктических речах в предвыборной кампании США 2020 года / П.А. Ковалев // Филологические науки. Вопросы теории и практики, 2023. Т. 16. № 10. С. 3386-3393.
88. Ковалев П.А. Роль ядерной и периферийной интенциональной лексики в художественном произведении / П.А. Ковалев // Успехи гуманитарных наук, 2022. № 7. С. 81-85.
89. Кравец А. С. Деятельностная парадигма смысла / А. С. Кравец // Вестник ВГУ. Сер. Гуманитарные науки, 2003. С.160-188.
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91. Кубрак Т. А. Интенция самопрезентации субъекта в различных видах дискурса / под ред. Н. Д. Павловой, И. А. Зачесовой // Ситуационная и личностная детерминация дискурса. Москва : Институт психологии РАН, 2007. С. 185-204.
92. Куцевич Ю. А. Интенциональные лексические значения как обьект исследования / Ю.А. Куцевич // Известия Смоленского государственного университета, 2020. №1(49). С. 121-134.
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94. Латынов В. В. Интент-анализ речи в социальном контексте // Слово в действии. Интент-анализ политического дискурса. Санкт-Петербург : Алетейя, 2000. С. 263-276.
95. Леонтьев В. В. О важности учета фактора адресата при анализе речевого жанра «flattery» / В. В. Леонтьев // Вестник ВГУ. Сер. 2: Языкознание, 2003. С. 137-141.
96. Лобас П. П. Манипулирование в политическом дискурсе (на материале текстов общественно-политической тематики) / П. П. Лобас // Известия Южного фед. ун-та. Филологические науки, 2015. С. 90-98.
97. Мальцева И. А. Манипулятивные способы воздействия на аудиторию в контексте спортивного медиадискурса (на примере федерального телеканала «Матч-ТВ») // Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В. И. Вернадского. Филологические науки, 2022. Т. 8 (74). № 1. С. 177-187.
98. Павлова Н. Д. Интент-анализ дискурса / под ред. И. А. Стернина // Коммуникативные исследования. Воронеж-Ярославль : Истоки, 2003. С. 1924.
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Приложение 1. Речи Камалы Харрис в рамках предвыборной кампании Kamala Harris Campaign Speech Transcript Las Vegas, NV October 27
What's up, Nevada? Steven Horsford, Jacky Rosen, Catherine Cortez Masto. What's up Nevada? It's so good to be back. It is so good to be back. You are going to decide who's going to be the next president of the United States. You will decide. A path to the White House runs right through this field. And we're going to get this done. We're going to get this done. Seven days to go. Seven days before the end of this election. And you all have been doing your thing. I'm telling you.
I was talking to Jacky backstage. I mean, you've been organizing, you've been registering people to vote before now. You've been reminding people about early voting, which is over on Friday, October 30th. You've been telling people about what's at stake. You all have been, as you always are leaders and fighters for the best of who we can be as a country. And I am just here to thank you. I am here to thank you, Nevada. And there's so much at stake. There's so much at stake.
Just think about it. We're right now in the midst of four crises happening all at once, right? Two caused by the pandemic, a public health crisis and an economic crisis. And I don't need to tell Nevada how hard folks have been to hit. A public health crisis where over 225,000 Americans have died in just the last several months, many without the benefit of having family and loved ones next to them for their last moments on earth because of the nature of this. Over eight and a half million people have contracted COVID with untold long-term health consequences. Doctors are talking about things like lung scarring, things like that, right?
And here's the thing. Thanks to a fellow by the name of Bob Woodward, we know that Donald Trump knew about this on January 28th. He knew. He knew it was five times more deadly than the flu. He knew it could impact people of every generation, including young people. He knew it was airborne. And yet he held onto that information and covered it up. He told the American people it was a hoax. The
Commander in Chief of the United States has as their first responsibility to concern themselves with the health and safety of the American people and he failed and therefore has forfeit his right to reelection. And we are here to vote and make sure everyone does. That's right.
But let's just think about this. So, this pandemic has hurt so many people and we have a president of the United States who suggested that you're on one side of his ledger if you wear a mask and on another side of his ledger, if you don't. We have a president of United States when the last debate with Joe, did you see that? Joe just did his thing. Joe did his thing. And the president had the nerve to say, "We're rounding the corner." Meanwhile, here in Nevada, one in seven families is describing members of their household as being hungry. Here in Nevada, one in seven households is describing a difficulty paying the rent if they were able to pay it at all last month. One in four small businesses is out of business and he said, "We're rounding the corner." Come on, man. Come on, man. That's a Joe Biden term. Come on, man.
A public health crisis and in the midst of this pandemic, on the one hand, you have Joe Biden, who is saying, "We will expand the Affordable Care Act," which he and president Obama created, which brought health care to over 20 million people. Joe Biden is saying, "We will continue to protect people with preexisting conditions." How many of us know somebody who has diabetes, high blood pressure, breast cancer, lupus? And Joe Biden is saying, "You will continue to be protected." Joe Biden is saying that, "We know we also need to bring down Medicare eligibility to age 60." Joe Biden is saying, "Let's bring down prescription drug costs. Let's lower premiums." Joe Biden knows that when we're talking about healthcare, the body doesn't just start from the neck up. We also need to address health care from the neck up and not just the neck down. That's called mental health care.
On the one hand you have Joe Biden and the voters have a clear contrast. Because on the other hand, you have Donald Trump who right now with his boy, Bill Barr is in the United States Supreme court, trying to sue to get rid of the
Affordable Care Act. And it's an interesting thing that we have all observed. Ever since Donald Trump started running for office, have you noticed how he has this weird obsession with getting rid of anything Barack Obama created? We don't need presidents with weird obsessions, do we? No, we don't want that. He's trying to get rid of a policy that if he is successful will cause over 20 million people to lose their coverage in the midst of a pandemic, in the midst of a pandemic that has now classified an additional eight and a half million Americans with a preexisting condition called COVID. If there is no other reason to elect him out of office, that is one.
We are in the middle of crises because of the pandemic, an economic crisis that people are comparing to the Great Depression. Again, we look at the numbers here in Nevada. I was with the UNITE HERE workers earlier today. We look at all SCIU brothers and sisters, right? We look at all the working people who are struggling. We are in a moment where it has highlighted in many ways, this virus, in my opinion, it has been an accelerator meaning people who were doing badly before are doing even worse. It has now highlighted the fact that we have to get to an America where everyone has paid sick leave, paid family leave, paid to do their work, but also to have the benefits that any working person should have when we recognize the dignity of the work. But an economic crisis of proportions we have not seen.
Again, a clear contrast because on the one hand you have Joe Biden who when asked about, "Well, how's the economy doing? How do you measure how well the economy is doing?" Joe asks, "Well, tell me how working people are doing? How are working families doing?" Joe Biden says that we're not going to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000. And we are going to create a middle-class tax cut. And we're going to make sure working families don't pay more than 7% of their income and childcare. And we will make sure that first time home buyers have a $15,000 tax credit for down payment and closing costs, knowing that it's the best way working people can have intergenerational wealth.
On the other hand, you have Donald Trump, who when you ask him how's the economy doing, he wants to know what how's the stock market doing. He cares about how rich people are doing. One of his first initiatives was to pass a tax code benefiting the top 1% and the biggest corporations of America. There's a clear contrast. Because in a Biden-Harris administration, we're about to get rid of that and invest that money in working people, invest that money in building infrastructure, invest that money in what we know needs to happen to support the folks who have built the middle class of America. There's a clear the contrast in this election, a public health crisis, an economic crisis, a long overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America. And on the one hand, you have a Joe Biden who is a student of American history. He is a truth-teller and he has the courage to speak the phrase, black lives matter. Joe Biden has the courage to speak the truth that there are racial disparities that spanned our health care system to our economy, to our educational systems and we must speak truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be to hear so that we can fight not only free quality, but for equity. Joe understands that. He understands we need to have a criminal justice system that is true to that concept of equal justice under law. And it needs to be reformed to the point that we get rid of mandatory minimums, that we decriminalize marijuana, that we expunge the records of those who have been convicted for marijuana offenses, that we shut down private prisons, that we get rid of cash bail, because it is not only a criminal justice issue, it is an economic justice issue.
Joe understands that. He understands on the issue of policing. We got to speak truth about it, and there needs to be consequence and accountability when anyone breaks the law, including a police officer. And so Joe says, "We will ensure that there will be a ban on choke holds and carotid holds because George Floyd would be alive today if that were the case. Joe says we will have a national registry on police officers who break the law so they can't get fired in one place and then pick up and move to another place to get hired. Joe understands this things. On the other hand, you have a Donald Trump who remember at the debate before last was given an opportunity in front of 70 million Americans to condemn
white supremacists, but refused to do that and then doubled down and said, "Stand back and stand by." And it wasn't like, this was just a one off.
Remember this is the guy who started running for office questioning the legitimacy of the first black president of the United States. This is someone who on the issue of Charlottesville, where there were peaceful protestors, protesting racial injustice in America, and a young woman was killed that day. And on the other side, there were a group of neo-Nazis wearing swastikas, carrying tiki torches, spewing, racial epithets, antisemitic epithets. And then what did Donald Trump say? "There were fine people on each side." This is a president of the United States who called Mexicans rapists and criminals. And one of his first acts after he got elected was to institute a Muslim ban. There's a clear choice for America right now because you see Joe understands that we are better than this. Joe understands that it is enough. We've had enough with supposedly leaders trying to sow hate and division among us, trying to turn Americans against each other.
Joe understands that the real measure of any one strength is measured not based on who you beat down, it's measured based on who you lift up. There's a real choice in this election. And we're dealing with a climate crisis and I don't need to tell Nevada, look, the West is burning. We know that. The West is burning these wildfires, I have gone to the site of the wildfires, I have met with the families who were evacuated, who lost everything they had. I have met with firefighters who were fighting fires while their own homes were burning. My brother-in-law's a firefighter. I have seen, we have seen the destruction based on an extreme change in our climate. The Gulf Coast states battered by those storms. Midwestern states where farmers have lost a whole season of crops because of the floods.
Joe Biden understands you need to deal with science. You need to understand this is representing an existential threat to who we are as a species. Joe Biden understands we need to deal with this with a sense of urgency because the clock is ticking on this, and also understands therefore, we need timelines, net zero emissions by 2050, we need timelines understanding with a sense of urgency we can deal with the crisis and also see the opportunity to create jobs and invest in
infrastructure that is about renewable energy and good paying jobs and good paying union jobs.
On the other hand, you have a Donald Trump who you all might've seen this I kid you not. So he's asked about the wildfires in California, Jacky, he's asked about the wildfires in California and Steven and the question came in kind of like, so the scientists are telling us about the extreme conditions and contributing to the wildfires and human behaviors are also contributing to the damage to our environment. And the president of the United States, the president of the United States responds with, "Science doesn't know." Now what is that? He's the president of the United States. Well guess what, Mr. Trump science does know and you don't.
There is so much at stake in this election. And again, I'm here to thank you guys. Because look, I'm traveling around the country. I've been spending time all over in Florida, in North Carolina, was in Ohio and Michigan and here's the thing... Georgia. I was in Georgia. The thing that you guys know is that all over our country, there are people trying to mess with the vote. Even the president of United States, as far as I'm concerned at that first debate stood on that debate stage and openly encouraged suppression of the vote. Right? And so when we think about this election, we know we have to be organized. We know we have to be motivated. We know we have to spread the word because there are so many reasons for us to vote. Now normally we always, we think of one or two, 2300 but I actually think of three reasons why everybody should vote. One is let's honor the ancestors. Let's honor the ancestors. We lost the great Congressman John Lewis this year, who was an extraordinary, extraordinary human being. John Lewis was a modern day hero. He shed blood on that Edmund Pettus Bridge for the right, for the right, for black people in America to vote. And John Lewis was a civil rights fighter. He knew an extension of that fight was his fight for marriage equality. He knew an extension of that fight was his fight for immigrants. He understood that.
So let's honor the ancestors, let's honor the ancestors when this year we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. All those suffragettes in their white marching and shouting. Let's honor the ancestors on that. All of us remember history and facts, black women couldn't vote until 1965, but let's honor the ancestors. That's a reason to vote. Another reason to vote, everything is at stake. Everything is at stake. You can go down the list, everything we talked about, including is there going to be a president who cares about public education for our children and understands Betsy Devos is not the right way to go? A president cares about America's standing in the world, understanding the difference between our allies and adversaries. Everything is at stake, and that is a reason to vote.
And then the third reason to vote, I believe it's this. So traveling around the country, ever since 2013 in particular, we can go back, but let's go just as recently as 2013. The Supreme Court, the United States Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act with a case called Shelby v. Holder. And when they took the teeth out of the Voting Rights Act and our ability to enforce accountability on states that had a history of discrimination, they took away that ability and almost immediately thereafter, as many as two dozen States started putting in place laws that were designed to suppress the vote, purging voter roles, making it difficult for people to vote, targeting African-Americans Latinos, students, our native brothers and sisters.
And so much so that in North Carolina, the Court of Appeals said about the North Carolina law, that it was written with quote "surgical precision to prevent black folks in North Carolina from voting." And we've seen it happen throughout this election, right? Where people are trying to make it difficult. You see, in like Texas, they were collecting the drop boxes. You see all over the country what they've been doing, right? Making people stand in line, shutting down some of the polling places, trying to confuse people. Even the president of the United States openly encouraging a suppression of the vote. Messing with the post office. I mean the post office. Like the best people in the world work for the post office? Messing with the post office? So on this point then I think it's important to sit back and ask
why are so many powerful people trying to make it difficult and trying to confuse us about the integrity of the election system and our right to vote? Why are they doing that?
And I think they know the answer and we certainly 2850 do. They know we've got the power. They know we've got the power. They know when we vote things change. They know when we vote, we win. So let us not let anybody ever take our power from us and at election time, the power of our voice is our 2900 vote. And so we, Nevada will do everything that is necessary to remind our neighbors and our family members and our friends and our coworkers, you've got the power and don't let anyone take your power from you. The power is with the people. People, these journalists will ask, "Well, 2950 what do you think is going to happen the day after the election?" All that's been going around, right? And here's what I say. And here's what I believe. America's democracy is as strong as our willingness to fight for it. We are prepared to fight for our democracy and 3000 the integrity of our democracy. And we will not let anyone make us feel weak or insignificant because we know the power is with the people.
And so that's what all this is pretty much about. And over these next seven days, let's continue to own our power. Let's continue to 3050 run behind each other of our power because we have to deal with the reality that we've also been in a situation where you and I got to stand six feet apart and wear a mask. Can't really see anybody's face. People have been having to stay at home, 3100 not really see each other. And people are feeling alone and isolated. You got to deal with that. And so we're going to have to make the special effort to not let i t circumstances of this moment disempower anybody. Let's let this moment be the moment that we rise to 3150 remind people of the strength of ourselves in each other.
And my final point is this, this moment will pass, and years from now, our children, our grandchildren, others, they're going to look in our eyes, each one of us, they're going to look in our eyes and they will 3200 ask us, "Where were you? Where were you at that moment?" And what we're going to be able to tell them is so much more than just how we felt. We are going to tell them what we did. We
are going to tell them we were hanging out on 3250 this particular afternoon in this field with Jacky Rosen and Steven Horsford and Kamala was on this stage, walking back and forth. We're not tell them that we organized, that we emailed, that we called, that we texted everybody we know multiple times and we were okay if they got 3300 sick of us because we knew they'd come back around. We will tell them that we stood up and we fought for this country we love. And we will tell them we elected Joe Biden, the next president of the United States.
Thank you, Nevada. Thank you.
Kamala Harris Election Day Remarks Transcript Detroit, Michigan
That's right. Today is the day we reelect Gary Peters to the United States Senate. Today is the day we always thank Debbie for being the great leader she is. Today is the day that we honor Brenda Lawrence, every day. I'm going to talk to you just for a minute about Gary Peters. I was elected to the United States Senate actually four years ago today. It was a bittersweet day that day, as we all remember. Or at least it was for me. And I got to the United States Senate and I'm only the second black woman in the history of the United States elected. In the entire history of the United States. I'm currently the only black woman in the United States Senate. So I get there, and it's a big place, the United States Capital, our nation's capital. It's a big place. And I'm walking through the halls and then there's this big area where all the Senators meet. And everybody has their own desk, and they all sit there and they're all very important. And I sat at my desk and guess who the person was over to my right, my seatmate? Gary Peters. Gary Peters, who from day one was like I'm Gary, how are you doing? And showed me the ropes. Every day was just so full of advice and friendship and support. And talking to me. He said I want to talk to you always about Michigan. I want to talk to you about jobs in Michigan. I want to talk to you about the auto industry.
This is who Gary is. When we sit in these rooms when there's no cameras or there are cameras, Gary is always fighting for Michigan. And it's going to be a tight race guys. It's going to be a tight race. So please, please do everything you
can and talk to everybody that you know, and let's get Gary back in the United States Senate. And let's elect Joe Biden the next president of the United States. Let's do it.
Listen, listen. Here's the thing. I'm at the point now where I'm just like I'm done talking about the guy currently in the White House. Because you know why. We don't need to do that. Let's talk about the opportunity that is in front of us right now, which is to elect Joe Biden. We're in the middle of at least four crises. Joe talks about them all the time, right? We're in the middle of a public health pandemic that has killed over 225,000 people in our country. People who sadly, so many, had to die, live their last days on earth by themselves because of the nature of this pandemic. They couldn't be with family members to hold their hands.
I've been through that process with someone. And if any of you have, to not be able to be with your loved one in those final days, to look at the fact that we're in a pandemic that has infected nine million people, who thank God have lived, but God only knows with what kind of long term health consequences. And we have in our hands an option to elect a president in Joe Biden who understands, sadly more than most, what it means to go through being in a hospital with somebody, losing someone you love, understanding the dignity of life, the dignity of love and the importance of caring for all human beings.
We have in our hands and in our power the choice of electing a president who in the midst of a mass casualty event of a proportion similar to World War II who will lead with a sense of compassion and care in Joe Biden. Somebody who says look, yes, President Obama and I pushed through the Affordable Care Act that brought healthcare to over 20 million people. Let's build on that, not take it away.
Joe Biden says we need to continue protecting people with preexisting conditions. Clap or honk if you know somebody who has diabetes, high blood pressure or a breast cancer survivor. And taking care of COVID patients every day. And so Joe understands that. And he says we got to extend it. We have to bring down the cost of drug prices, bring down the cost of premiums. We should bring eligibility for Medicare down to age 60. Joe says I understand that when we're
talking about healthcare, the body doesn't just start from the neck down. It includes the neck up. And that's called mental health care.
The choice we have right now is in our hands. The power is with us, the people. Think about this economic crisis. It has hit Michigan so hard, Gary and Debbie and Brenda, they talk to me about it all the time. When we're looking at in America, over 30 million people filed for unemployment in just the last several months, when we're looking at folks standing and parked in food lines, one in five mothers describing their children under the age of 12 as being hungry, so many people, I think the number is like one in six who are describing not being able to pay rent last month or concerned they can't pay it next month. And Joe understands this. Joe understands that you don't deal with America's economy by doing what these other guys did, which was pass bill that benefits the top 1% at the biggest corporations in America. When Joe is asked how is the economy doing, you know what Joe says? He says well, tell me how are working people doing? How are working families doing? That's why Joe says we're not passing any taxes on anybody making less than $400,000 a year. Joe says we're going to bring down middle class taxes. Joe says we're going to pass legislation and put in place rules and laws that say that working families shouldn't pay more than 7% of their income in childcare. That we're going to have a tax credit of $15,000 for first time home buyers, understanding how that can help with down payments and closing costs to buy a home. Because Joe cares about building up the middle class. He understands the way to do that is you fight for and protect good union, good paying jobs. And it's okay to be in the house of labor.
We have a choice in front of us, and the power is in our hands. Think about it. The long, overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America. And Joe, being a student of American history, has the courage to speak the phrase Black Lives Matter. Joe understands. You know, it may be difficult to think about or speak up or hear, but we have to confront the truth of things. We need to deal with racial disparities. Yes, in our 1150 criminal justice system. And do that by a number of things, including decriminalize marijuana and expunge the records of people who
have been convicted of marijuana. Let's get rid of cash bail because people are sitting in jail for days, weeks, months just because they can't afford to get out. 1200 That's an economic issue as much as it is a criminal justice issue.
Joe understands these things. He understands that on COVID, African Americans and Latinos are three times as likely to contract it and twice as likely to die from it. And we need to address that. We need to address black maternal mortality. Brenda Lawrence has been working on that. When black women are three and four times more likely to die in connection with childbirth. Joe has the courage to speak up. There are clear choices before us. And so today is Election Day in America. Today 1300 is a day that many of us have been waiting for four years. Who would've known we were this patient? And we are this committed. And we know, we know what is within our power right now. You know, I've been traveling all over the country. I mean, I can't 1350 even tell you guys. I've been in, where was I yesterday? Georgia and Florida and North Carolina and all over, Ohio, Pennsylvania, which is where I was yesterday. All over the country. And you know, here's the thing I just want to say. Because this is a group of leaders. You wouldn't be standing in this parking lot if you weren't. So you all have been asked what I have been asked, I'm sure at least a couple of times. Which is folks saying why should I vote? And I believe there are three reasons that people should vote.
One is we have to deal with the fact that we must honor the ancestors. Let's honor the ancestors. We lost a colleague, the four of us, the great Congressman John Lewis, a great American hero who shed his blood on the Edmund Pettus Bridge for the right for us to vote. Let's honor the ancestors. Let's honor the fact that we just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. All those women dressed in that white, just marching and shouting and saying we will not be sidelined. We will not be deterred.
And then also, we always have to speak truth that it wasn't until 1965 that black women had the right to vote. We've got to deal with that too. Number one, honor the ancestors.
Reason number two, everything is at stake. Everything is at stake. Everything we have talked about. The future of our public schools. Joe and I know, look, we've got to deal with our Title I schools, the schools that are in the lowest income communities but have the greatest needs and the babies in those communities have the highest capacity for resources to support them. So we will triple Title I funding.
Joe and I said we need to pay people equal pay for equal work. Joe and I say we need to deal with the fact that this COVID in many ways highlighted all the disparities that long existed and we need to have a society in which all workers are paid sick leave and family leave. And I could go on and on. Everything is at stake, including the future of our democracy.
Reason number three to vote. Traveling around this country, I'm going to tell you, all over. You guys have probably been watching and hearing about it. The kinds of attempts that are being made to make it difficult for folks to vote, to make it confusing. I was in Texas. In Texas, you probably heard about what they're doing, right? And I'm said to say it's Harris County, which is where Houston is. First of all, they said that they'd only have drop boxes one per county in Texas.
So in Harris County, there are four million people and one drop box. And you probably saw on the news this morning, now they're trying to have just one drive by station for the whole county. In other places, you know they got folks saying well, if you're going to fill a mail in ballot, you've got to fill out the ballot, then put it one envelope. Then you got to seal that envelope, then put it in the other envelope, and then be sure you sign that, and in some places have a third person sign it.
They're missing with the Post Office. I mean, the Post Office. The nicest people work for the Post Office. They're messing with the Post Office. So you got to ask, why are so many powerful people going through such an effort to make it so difficult and confusing for us to vote? And I think we know the answer. It is because they know our power. They know our power. They know when we vote, things change.
So let us not let anybody ever take our power from us. Let us not be silenced. Let us not be sidelined. We will not be sidelined in this election. So there are a lot of reasons to get everybody out to the polls. The polls close at what time today? 8:00. So let's make sure everyone we know votes. Let's keep texting. Let's keep calling folks, knocking on the doors of neighbors and your family members. We've got all day to get this done. It's okay if you're annoying people. They'll get over it. They'll thank you later. They'll all come back to you. But right now, we got to stay on top of everybody. Because here's the thing, and this is my final point. This moment will pass. And years from now our children and our grandchildren will look in our eyes, each one of us, and they will ask where were you at that moment? And what we want to be able to tell them is so much more than just how we felt at this moment. What we will tell them is what we did. We will tell them we were hanging out in the parking lot. We were organizing, that we were mobilizing, that we texted and we called and we knocked on doors. We will tell them we were hanging out with Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow. We were hanging out with that incredible Brenda. We were doing everything. And you know what else we will tell them when they ask? We will tell them that we elected Joe Biden the next President of the United States. Thank you all.
Kamala Harris Campaign Event Speech Transcript Pennsylvania November 2
Hi. Hi. Hi, Pittston. Hi, guys. Hi. We're going to get this done, aren't we?
Oh, it's so good to be with everyone and be back. And my dear friend, Bob Casey, and the Casey family, and there they are. And, thank you for that introduction. And it is good to be in the house of labor. It's so good to be with you guys. I was talking to Joe, we're very excited about our day in Pennsylvania. Joe is going to be here. Jill's going to be here. Doug and I are here. Well, Doug and I were together this morning, and then we parted to go our separate ways within the state. And then, we're going to all end up, Joe and Jill will be in Pittsburgh tonight, and Doug and I are going to be in Philly tonight. And it's just so good to be here. You guys have been laying the ground for, dare I say, years and certainly months,
weeks, and days. And here we are, can you imagine? The day before the election that is going to decide the future of our country for generations. For generations. And I mean, I don't need to tell you guys what's at stake. We know what's at stake. And I mean, we're all here because we know that we're better, so much better, than the guy who's currently in the White House. And on this eve of the election, I just actually want to talk about Joe. I'm not going to talk about the other
I don't feel like talking about him right now. I just don't. I'm going to talk about Joe. So let's talk about Joe and the Joe we know, right? I mean, listen, when we think about the challenges that we're facing as a country, and Joe talks about this all the time, he talks in particular about the four crises that are front and center and have converged.
There's obviously the pandemic. Now, let's think about this. It is a public health crisis of a proportion that we have never seen. I say it's a mass casualty event that probably is equal or greater to what we experienced in World War II. People are suffering. Over 225,000 people have died in just the last several months, and so many without their family, because of the nature of this, to just hold their hand in their last days. And for any of us who have had that awful experience, to not be with your family member to tell them you love them in those last moments, it's awful. Over 9 million people have contracted the virus. Many doctors are saying they're going to have long-term consequences, lung scarring, things like that.
And here's the thing about Joe in a moment like this, first of all, Joe, without having had the benefit of the inside information, like you know who, and we know what you know who knew because Bob Woodward told us, Joe, back in March, because he had an experience with Ebola, because Joe has been a leader and a dedicated public servant his entire career, because Joe is a student of issues and history, Joe, back in March, told us what we needed to do about this pandemic. And he's not even in elected office when he said it.
Joe knew the importance, and you all know because you know his story, Pennsylvania knows this story more than most, Joe has seen suffering. Joe has spent far too much time in a hospital with the people he loves. So Joe is somebody who borne out of awful sacrifice and commitment, together with President Obama, created one of the most significant public health policies, dare I say, public policies we've seen, some could argue since Social Security, when they got passed the Affordable Care Act that brought health care to over 20 mill ion people that didn't have it.
Joe understands the significance and responsibility of our government in one of its core functions, which is to concern itself with the public health and wellbeing of the American people. And that's why he and President Obama pushed for the Affordable Care Act. And what is Joe committed to doing? Going forward, he's going to expand the Affordable Care Act, build on its success, expand on it, bring down premium costs, bring down drug prices, prescription drug prices.
Joe knows when we're talking about healthcare, look, the body doesn't just start from the neck down, it includes the neck up. That's called mental health care. And Joe is deeply committed to doing that work because he knows that it is just as simple as what should be necessary if we value the point that access to healthcare should be a right and not just a privilege of those who can afford it. Joe knows that access to healthcare is a matter of respecting the dignity of people and wanting that people don't suffer, wanting that people are not in pain. When you break it down, this is so much bigger than a political issue or an ideological issue. It really is a moral issue. And that's why Joe cares about it.
You look at the economic crisis that we're in right now. Joe has always been a fighter for working people his entire career. Joe and I, one of the things I love about being on this ticket with him, when we have time together and we're sitting down talking and maybe our family members are with us, and he has a ton of stories from his uncle and his father, and he will tell them. And I've got my sayings from my mother, and so we just kind of, "Well, my mother said this." "Well, my dad said that." We go back and forth. But you know Joe's background.
Joe cares about working people. He comes from working people. He learned early in his life the dignity of hard work and the ethic of hard work. So Joe knows that we need to honor labor, honor organized labor, honor collective bargaining.
Honor the fact that a hard day's work should come with the benefit of paid sick leave, paid family leave. Joe knows those things. I love being on this ticket with Joe because he probably, and I believe, God willing, we win, we will probably have the most pro-labor administration we've seen in a long time. So on the issue of the economy, whenever Joe's asked about the economy, his measure of the economy is to ask not about the stock market and rich people. Joe asks, "Well, how are working people doing? How are working families doing?" Which is why we're committed to making sure that taxes don't get raised on anyone making less than $400,000 a year. We're committed to saying working families should not have to pay more than 7% of their income in childcare. We're committed to saying that if a student comes from a family that makes less than $125,000, they will go to a four-year public college for free. That's how Joe thinks about the economy. Joe knows that, first of all, that tax break that they gave the top 1% and the biggest corporations in America is just wrong and needs to be undone. And we will undo it. But we also know that the money needs to go to an investment in the people, in working people, and investment in infrastructure, and really following through on a commitment to build up our roads and our bridges, really following through on a commitment, understanding that an investment in infrastructure is an investment in the American workforce, understanding you invest in infrastructure, it's also going to be about a partnership with the building trades, the carpenters, the plumbers, the electricians, understanding they have some of the best, best apprenticeship programs in the world. And when we talk about building up the skills of America's workforce, that's how you do it. Joe understands. Remember, Joe was responsibl e for saving the auto industry.
Joe understands, listen, we're not going to make a false choice or take a false choice on what we need to do to save the climate with a climate crisis, but we see
an opportunity here to actually grow the economy and build jobs. And so Joe has made a commitment, we will invest in America's auto industry so we are the number one manufacturer of electric vehicles. Because one of the things that you and I know about Joe is in a moment of crisis, and he has faced so many, Joe always sees a moment of opportunity. At his core, he is an optimist because he knows when you face a crisis head on, and you work hard, you can actually come through it and maybe even come through it better.
So these are the things I think about when I think about Joe, and when I think about what's at stake in this election... And everything is at stake. Everything is at stake. We could go through all the policies. We know that. But what's at stake also is what we need to do to recapture who we really are as Americans. We know that the real measure of strength of any human being is not based on who you beat down, it's based on who you lift up. And that's how Joe thinks about us, that's how he thinks about our country, and that's how he thinks about what a real leader looks like. And we need that right now. We are so much better than what we've had to endure these last four years.
So there's a lot at stake, and we want to make sure that everybody we know votes, okay? Because I think you all know, and that's why we're all here and keep coming back, because we care about Pennsylvania and because Pennsylvania's going to determine the outcome of this election. Right? And I love seeing our young leaders here. So we need to do our part. We need to do our part, right? Because this election truly is, as Joe says, about a battle for the soul of our nation. This is what this is. And so, here's the thing, I think that, again, we know what's at stake. We know why we should vote. We know the many people who fought for our right to vote. We know why we should vote. We know that there are a lot of folks around the country, including you know who, who have been trying to openly suppress the right to vote, to intimidate, to make it difficult, to make it confusing.
And in fact, reporters will often ask me, they'll say, "Well, what do you think's going to happen? The day after the election, what do you think's going to
happen?" I said, "Look, there's no question that over the last four years, our democracy has taken a beating. There's no question." If you think of it as a house, yeah, some of the shingles have fallen off, but the house is still standing. The house is still standing. And one of the reasons the house is still standing is because I do believe, Pittston, I do believe that when we, be it in Pittston, when it be we were in North Carolina yesterday, we were in Georgia yesterday, I was in Florida and Texas the day before, wherever you are, one of the things that we know about who we are as Americans is that this democracy that we hold dear and cherish will always be as strong as our willingness to fight for it. And we are prepared to do just that. So let's get out there over the course of today and tomorrow.
Kamala Harris Campaign Event Speech Transcript Houston, TX October 30
Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris. It's so good to be back in Houston. It's so good to be back in Harris County. Oh, it's so good. There's so many long, long-standing friends, so many long-standing friends who are here and I cannot thank you for what you are doing to hold it down, to hold it up and to elect Joe Biden the next president of the United States. And that's what we're about to do. And that's what you are about to do.
And I'm here in Texas, been here all day today to thank you. To thank you, Houston, for all that you have been doing over these months, over these weeks, over these days. Today, of course, is the last day of early voting. And now we are four days away from the election that is going to change the course of our history. And we can't do it without you. We cannot do it without you. And of course, there is so much at stake, but before I continue, I want to thank Tina Knowles for that incredible introduction. Tina, you are amazing. You are amazing. You always have the courage to step up and speak out and lead, and I cannot thank you enough for that.
So, here we are. And within our power and in our hands, through our voice, that will be reflected in our vote, we have the ability to make a statement about
who we are as a country knowing we are better than what we've been seeing and that we who love our country are willing to fight for it and fight for its ideals. That's what's before us. And you know, we've been going through a lot. There are at least four crises that are impacting us right now as a country, all converging at the same time.
We are in the midst of a public health crisis, a pandemic brought about by this virus, COVID-19, where we are looking at a public health crisis to the point that over 220,000 people lost their lives in just the last several months, many of whom tragically couldn't even be with relatives and friends holding their hand, speaking to them in person in their last hours on earth. Nine million people who have been infected by this virus, who are going to have by most doctors' accounts long term health conditions that include potentially things like lung scarring.
This is Houston, one of the greatest mass casualty events we have ever experienced in our country, probably only at the same proportion as World War II. And we have witnessed the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history of the United States. And, here's the thing about this. Thanks to a fellow by the name of Bob Woodward, we know that back on January 28th, Donald Trump was informed about what this is and what it would be. He was informed that it is a deadly virus five times more deadly than the flu. He was informed that it would hurt people of every age. He was informed that it was airborne. And what did he do with that information? He sat on it, he covered it up. He did not share it with the American people. And can you imagine what you might have done as a parent, as a teacher, as a small business owner, if you had known on January 28th what he knew on January 28th, what you might've done to prepare, what you might've done to limit the harm?
You know, because even before this pandemic, let's all be clear. On this issue, we know that folks weren't doing so well before. We know that before this pandemic, far too many Americans had to work two and three jobs to pay the rent and put food on the table. And by the way, in Joe Biden's America, you should never have to work more than one job to pay the rent and put food on the table.
And even before this pandemic, we knew that far too many American families had less than a thousand dollars in savings. What they might've done to prepare, what teachers might've done to prepare their students so many of our children in this country are now missing substantial and critical phases of their education. What folks might've done to prepare to frankly to buy a couple of extra rolls of toilet paper?
But, we didn't have the information. He covered it up. He called it a hoax. He said you're on one side of his ledger if you wear a mask, you're on the other side of his ledger if you don't. And on top of all of this, in the midst of a public health pandemic, the president of the United States with his boy, Bill Barr are in the United States Supreme Court suing to get rid of Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act brought to us by President Obama and Vice President Biden, that brought healthcare to over 20 million people who didn't have it and covered people with pre-existing conditions.
Raise your hand if you know somebody with diabetes. Raise your hand if you love someone with high blood pressure. Raise your hand if your relative has lupus. Raise your hand if you know somebody who has breast cancer and is surviving. Raise your hand if you know somebody who got COVID. And the man's in court trying to get rid of the protection for people with pre-existing conditions here in Texas, 10 million people have preexisting conditions. So, there is a real choice in this election, on this point. Because you see, on the other hand, you have Joe Biden, who is saying we need to expand Obamacare. We need to expand the protections for folks with pre-existing conditions. We need to bring down the cost of prescription drugs. We will lower the cost of premiums. We will bring down the age of Medicare eligibility to 60. We understand that when you're talking about healthcare, let's be clear. The body doesn't just start from the neck down. It also includes the neck up and we need to deal with mental health care in America.
Joe understands these issues. There's a clear choice in this election. We are dealing with an economic crisis, of a proportion that parallels the Great
Depression. Over 30 million people in the last several months had to file for unemployment. One in five mothers is describing her children under the age of 12 as being hungry in America. We are in the midst of a hunger crisis. People aren't talking enough about that. Here in Texas, 1 in 10 households is describing members of their family as having been hungry. One in six households is describing an inability to pay the rent. Here in Texas, one in four small businesses is describing having to shut down with concerns they will never be able to reopen.
And then on the one hand, you have a Joe Biden who says on the issue of the economy, if you want to know about how I think the economy is doing, then tell me how working people are doing, how are working families doing. Joe Biden says let's get $150 billion in low interest loans and access to capital to our small businesses with an emphasis on minority owned businesses. Joe Biden says we will not raise taxes on anyone that makes less than $400,000 a year and we will cut middle class taxes. Joe Biden says you're a first time homeowner, you will get a home, first time home buyer, you will get a $15,000 tax credit with down payment and closing cost because we know home ownership is one of the greatest ways that any American family accumulates wealth. Joe Biden says if you are a student that wants to go to college coming from a family that makes less than $125,000 a year, you will go to a four year public college for free including an HBCU and a private HBCU.
On the other hand, you have Donald Trump who when asked about the economy asks, well, how are rich people doing? How is the stock market doing? To the point that one of his first and in his mind signature initiatives was to create a tax cut for the top 1% and the biggest corporations in America, which is going to cause us to have to deal with the $2 trillion deficit.
Well, I'm going to tell you something. If we win this election, Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax cut and invest that money in working families. We're about to put that money into an investment in infrastructure so we can build back up our roads and bridges. We're about to say that no family, working families should pay more than 7% of your income and childcare. We are about to say and
put in place a commitment to support working families knowing that if you want to talk about growing back up America's economy invest in workers, invest in families and all of us will benefit. We are in the midst of many crises. We are in the midst of a long overdue reckoning on racial injustice in America.
And on the one hand, you have Joe Biden who being a student of America's history has the courage to speak the phrase black lives matter. George Floyd's family is here tonight. George Floyd's life mattered, those eight minutes and 46 seconds. So, Joe has the ability to understand that there is a long overdue reckoning taking place. Joe Biden says we need to deal with this. We need to deal with racial disparities in terms of the healthcare system, knowing that African-Americans and Latinos are three times as likely to contract COVID and twice as likely to die from it. Knowing that black women are three to four times more likely to die in connection with childbirth than other people. Knowing that our native American brothers and sisters had the highest rate of diabetes of any population in our country.
Joe Biden says we need to deal with these issues. We need to reform the criminal justice system, decriminalize marijuana and expunge the records of the people who have been convicted. We need to shut down private prisons. We need to end cash bail because, by the way, it is an economic justice issue as much as it is a criminal justice issue. Joe Biden says we've got to reform policing to the point that we all agree everyone should face accountability and consequences if they break the law. And so Joe says we will have a system that bans chokeholds and carotid holds because George Floyd might be alive today if that were the case. We will have a national registry of police officers who break the law. Why? Because it's not right that somebody can get fired one place for doing the wrong thing and move somewhere else and get hired. Joe has the courage to speak truth about this. On the other hand, you have Donald Trump who stood on a stage in front of 70 million American people at a debate.
In front of 70 million American people at a debate and refuse to condemn white supremacists and then double down and said, "Stand back and standby." And
here's the thing, Houston, it's a pattern. Let's not forget, he came to fame as a candidate for president by questioning the legitimacy of America's first black president. Let's not forget that at Charlottesville, where there were peaceful protestors, protesting racial injustice in America, where a young woman died. And on the other side, there were neo-Nazis wearing swastikas, carrying Tiki torches, spewing racist and antisemitic slurs. And when the President of the United States was asked about it, he said, "There were fine people on both sides." A president who called Mexicans rapists and criminals. A president who came into office and as one of his first orders of business put in place a Muslim ban.
We are better than this. We are better than this, and we deserve better than this. We need a president who reflects who we really are. A president who understands within the beautiful diversity of who we are, wherever you live, whatever your race, whatever language a grandmother speaks. That we need a president who sees that we all have so much more in common than what separates us and ends this continuous thing that's about trying to sow hate and division. We need a Joe Biden who wants to come in and unify us as a nation. And then when we look at the crises, there is the crisis of this climate crisis, right. Now, Texas knows what I'm talking about. Y'all know I come from California. The West has been burning from California with these wildfires to Oregon, to Washington, Colorado. I've met with families who've been evacuated because their homes have burned to the ground. I've met with firefighters who are fighting fires while their own home is burning. In fact, my brother-in-law's a firefighter.
You look at what's happening, the neighbors to Texas and the Gulf States. We are now on the fifth named storm this year, hitting the Gulf States. You know why you name a storm, cause it's really bad. So now this one is Zeta. With all due respect to my Zeta sisters. There you go. But it's a crisis. What is we're dealing with in the Midwest? The storms have caused flooding to the point that farmers have lost a whole season of crops. And so Joe understands this, and Joe says, "Hey, we need to embrace the science." Let's deal with this, let's deal with the fact it literally represents an existential threat to who we are as a
species. Joe knows that if you deal with this in terms of investment in renewable energies and investment in the technologies that are about solar and wind power. Texas is one of the leaders. That you also invest in jobs, millions of jobs, good paying jobs. Jobs that will be the function of the training programs, from the building trades, from the carpenters and the electricians. Joe knows that.
Joe has the courage to say the clock is ticking on this and we need to approach this with a sense of urgency. Joe knows that this is also an environmental justice issue, which is a civil rights issue, which is a human rights issue. When you look at the fact that of all areas in our country with poor air quality, 70% of the occupants in those areas are people of color. Joe knows. And we've met with the folks in Flint. Joe understands the seriousness of this crisis.
On the other hand, you have Donald Trump. Who, when interviewed by a journalist about what was going on with the wildfires in California. So the journalist asked him something like, "You know, these wildfires are raging and the scientists are saying this thing and that thing about just the human behaviors are contributing to these extreme weather conditions. What do you have to say?" The President of the United States, who is also the Commander in Chief, responds to the question by saying, "Science doesn't know." He's the president of the United States.
Well, science does know Mr. President and science knows so much that the leading science publication has in the worst job for President of the United States. So there you go. And these are just a few of the challenges that we are facing as a nation. And that brings me to this moment, which is the last day here in Texas for early voting. And now getting prepared for in four days, the election on Tuesday, November 3rd. And you know, people have been asking me like they ask all of us, because I'm sure they've been asking you cause you are leaders among this. And so the people probably come up to you and saying, "Well, why should I vote? Why should I vote?"
I think there are three reasons that people should vote. One is to honor the ancestors. Let's honor the ancestors. This year we lost the great John Lewis, who is
now among the ancestors. Who, while a hero on this earth, shed blood on that Edmund Pettus bridge for our right to vote. Let's honor the ancestors. Let's honor the fact that we just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. And all those suffragettes in their white just marching, marching, and shouting for a woman's right to vote. And then, you know, let's always be accurate about history, black women couldn't vote until 1965. But it's time, and we can now. I heard that. So let's honor the ancestors, reason one to vote.
Reason number two, everything is at stake. Everything. You can go down the list we just discussed. You can talk about our public schools. Joe and I are going to triple Title 1 funding, understanding that our children are in these schools with incredible God given talent, but they need the resources to achieve their talent. We are going to put $70 billion into HBCUs because as a proud graduate of an HBCU, I know what they do to contribute to national and international leadership. You know.
So much is at stake. It is at stake that right now there are 545 children, who because of the United States government, don't know where their parents are. Because of a child separation policy at the border, which is a human rights offense that was committed by the United States government. What is at stake is creating a pathway to citizenship. Renewing a promise to our Dreamers by renewing DACA protections. Everything is at stake, so that's reason number two to vote.
Reason number three. I've been traveling all over the country. I've been in North Carolina and Georgia and Florida. In fact, I'm going to Florida when I leave here. Ohio, you name it. All over our country, and especially after 2013 when the Supreme Court gutted Shelby V Holder, gutted the voting rights act. We've seen States, at least two dozen States, put in place policies and laws that have been designed to suppress the vote in North Carolina. In fact, the court that reviewed their law said it was written with quote "Surgical precision," to make it difficult for black people in North Carolina to vote.
Around our country we have seen policies and laws that have been designed to make it hard for folks to vote. You know, here in Texas where they pulled up
the drop boxes, and so in Harris County with 11 million people there is one drop box. Are you kidding me in? In States where if people vote by mail, well you got to fill out the thing, the ballot, and then put it in one envelope, then you got to be sure to put it in the second envelope. And then be sure you sign that envelop or get somebody to sign it for you.
The president of the United States on the debate stage, who openly solicited voter suppression. Not to mention they're messing with the post office. I mean the post office. Rodney, Alice, where are you? The post office. The nicest people work for the post office. They're messing with the post office. And so all of this has to lead us to ask the question, why are so many powerful people trying to make it so difficult and confusing for us to vote? And I think we know the answer. The answer is because they know our power. They know our power.
They know our power to stand up and exercise our voice through our vote. They know that we know that when we vote things change. They know when we vote we win. So let's not let anyone, not this election or ever, take our power from us. Let's not let anyone make us feel a concern or anxiety about whether we matter. Let's not give anybody that power over us to ever make us question whether we matter. Whether we count. We have the power, we were born with it. They didn't give it to us, it wasn't granted to us. It is ours. So we know what we have to do. We have to get everybody out in four days on November 3rd, that Tuesday, and make sure that especially during this pandemic when people are feeling alone and we've got a social isolate and people are wearing a mask so you can't really see their full face. And you're just feeling like, I don't know, feeling kind of alone. Let's remind people they are not alone, and we are all in this together.
And then my final point is this. This moment will pass. This moment will pass. And years from now our children, our grandchildren, others, they will look at us. They will look in our eyes, each one of us, and they will ask us, "Where were you at that moment in time?"
And what I know we will be able to tell them is so much more than just how we felt at this moment. We will tell them what we did. We will tell them we were hanging out this one Friday evening in Houston with Kamala and all these incredible elected officials. We will tell them we were bopping a little to Common. We will tell them Tina Knowles graced us with her presence. We will tell them that we were organizing folks, that we were telling them what was at stake. We were reminding them of the sacrifice of our ancestors. We will tell them that we called and we texted and we emailed everybody multiple times till they got sick of us, but they got over it. We will tell them we elected Joe Biden the President of United States. Thank you Houston. Thank you.
Приложение 2. Речь Дональда Трампа в рамках предвыборной
Donald Trump Rally Speech Transcript Fayetteville, NC November 2
Thank you Fayetteville and North Carolina. Thank you very much. Tomorrow, we are going to win this state and we are going to win four more years in our great White House. With your vote, we will continue to cut your taxes, cut regulations, support our great police, support our fantastic military, care for our veterans, protect your second amendment, defend religious liberty and ensure more products are proudly stamped with that wonderful phrase, "Made in the USA." Next year will be the greatest economic year in the history of our country. Under my leadership, our economy is now growing at the fastest rate ever recorded. 33.1% just announced last week. We created a record 11.4 million jobs in the last five months. It's a number that we never even thought possible, nobody did. Nobody thought it was possible and we're going to now even do better than that. It's going very rapidly. While foreign nations are in a free fall, you see what's going on with so many nations in Europe, unfortunately. I say that with sadness. We are creating an economic powerhouse unrivaled anywhere in the world. A recent Gallup poll found that 56% of Americans say they are better off today than they were four years ago, under Obama and Biden. You got to remember that, you got to remember that kind of thing. They didn't do a good job. In fact, if they did, I
wouldn't have runned. If they did, I wouldn't be here right now. They did a bad job. And Obama, he went out yesterday with Biden. They got like 14 people, they didn't have too many. They didn't have too good a crowd and we have five of these today. Five. We have some big ones. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you and I love you, too, and I appreciate that. We appreciate it.
I was thinking coming in because I watch these fake polls, everyone, no matter if we're up by 10, if we know we're going to win easily, he's down by one point, he's down by one. I just watch this fake stuff and I'm saying to myself, you know, we've been under a phony, fake hoax investigation for three years, nothing but bad and really corrupt publicity from these people. And I say I wonder what the difference would have been had it been legit, had it been legit. And it turned out to be just the opposite. They were the ones who committed the crimes, not us. But I wonder what it would have been. It probably would have been a little bit easier, but you know the good news, we're going to win anyway. We're going to shove it. We're going to win anyway. I wonder what it would've been. I wonder what it would've been if all of the nonsense wasn't brought up. Thank you very much. Looking tremendous in Florida, so of course, they don't mention that. It's Florida. We are looking good. We're really looking good all over in the real polls, not the Fox polls. Those Fox polls. There's somebody at Fox who doesn't like me very much, I can tell you. They are the phoniest polls and they were almost as bad four years ago. Actually, they were worse, but you get some of these pollsters, they work magic. And the amazing thing is, they hang onto their jobs. They do horribly. Look at what they did last. I had nine states and I had to win them all and they said I was going to lose all nine. This is four years ago. I was going to lose all night. It's going to be very short evening for Donald Trump. And the polls said decisively, "I was going to lose all nine." And that was the day before and I won all nine. No, I won them all. Or I wouldn't be here right now. No, I won all nine. They said we're going to lose all nine and it was quite depressing as I turned
on the television, let's see how we did, he won Florida, he won South Carolina. No, but thank you. And then they said they're getting rid of the guy, like at Fox, I heard they were getting rid of that pollster and they kept him and they have others they kept. And you wonder what kind of a business that is? You wonder what kind. We have a case where in Wisconsin, we're one up and I left there a couple of days ago. We had a rally, you wouldn't believe it. Packed. Just packed. Just like last night, like here, but like last night, this was the section I wanted to come. This is considered a small, beautiful, cute little wonderful section. And they asked me and I said, "I want to be there." No, and every vote counts. It's very important. We had something last night in Miami. You would not have believed it. I don't know who saw it on television. I don't know, but you look at some of these results in Wisconsin, whether I'm up one or down one it's right in that thing. I think we're going to win Wisconsin because we have a lot of people that say, We don't want to talk to you," and then they go vote for Trump. The hidden voter or whatever they call them. Somebody said, "They're the shy voters." My people are not shy. They're not shy.
But in Wisconsin, so they said, ABC News, which is in my opinion, corrupt, but they're all corrupt. ABC News, Washington Post, which is basically lobbyists, as far as I'm concerned for Amazon, it's just a lobbyist. They didn't say like, he's two down, three down, four down, a fake poll. They said, "Trump is 17 points down in Wisconsin." I could lose it. I could win it. I don't know how I'm not, I did a lot of good things for Wisconsin, but let's say it's even and I call up a great pollster, John, and say, "John, let me ask you a question." I think we're one up in Wisconsin, but ABC, Washington Post, they did the same thing four years ago, if you remembered that, very close to the election, they said, we're down 12. And then we won, but we were down 12 and it's disheartening.
It's called suppression. What it does is it suppresses people. They say, "Well, listen, we love the president, but if he can't win." But they did it four years ago and we complained bitterly with a very good lawyer. I had very good lawyers in those days. We complained very bitterly and they changed it right
before the election. I think it was one. We're down one. They took it from 12 to 1 in about 15 seconds. And I realized, I said, "This is a phony business," but now they come down and it says 17 down in Wisconsin, 17. I called John, John McLaughlin, he's like the dean, he's a great guy and he's been very good with me. He said, "We're going to win," four years ago. He said, "We're going to win," easily this one." He's probably the biggest and the best. I said, "John, let me ask you a question. ABC, Washington Post came out with a poll. It said I was 17 down. I'm not 17 down. I might be one down or I might be two up, but I'm not 17 down. What's going on? Why don't they make it have to live after that? They have to do other events. Why don't they make it three or four or two or five or something?"
He said, "They can't do that because they want you to lose and if you're two or three or four, everyone's going to go vote. They want to make sure that your people don't vote and when you're 17 down, people say, 'I just can't waste my time. I'm not going to stand on line.'" And I said, "Isn't that sick?" And he said, "He knows some of the people and they're very smart. They're very brilliant. They're smart people." He said, "But if they made it five down or four down or six down even, so they make it something that's so bad, 17 down." I said, "Isn't that a shame? I want to tell that story. Do you mind?" He said, "I don't care. That's the way it is." It's crooked stuff.
The Fox polls are horrible. Every time I have a Fox poll, it's horrible. I like some of the things on Fox, certainly Sean and Laura, and Tucker's been great lately. And Fox and Friends in the morning is great. I find Harris to be great, Harris Faulkner to be really good. She has been very good over a period of time. The great Lou Dobbs, he's been fantastic. Jeanine, how do we Jeanine?
Look, we have some great people that support us. Jesse has been great. Pete has been great. And I don't want to mention, you know there are a lot of people. Look, we have a lot, but it's 90% negative, everything, everything, but so think of that. I said, "17," and he gave me an answer. I just thought it was so incredible. I
said, "I got to tell that answer." I hope I haven't bored you, but I thought it was interesting.
I thought it was interesting. To me, it was interesting and I have like five of these to do today, so let's get going. And I appreciate you being here. We had some monsters last night. We had some little rough weather. It wasn't like this. In Michigan, we had a slightly cold day with the wind blowing at 40 miles an hour in my face. And you're lucky you have a President that doesn't need a t eleprompter. Good memory.
I would have been in big trouble. There was no way you could hold paper. There was no way you could do, you were just. And my guys set it up where the wind was right smack in my face and I was looking at that flag from the plane and I said, "Oh no, here we go again." But actually, the flag must be a very high quality silk because it's not that windy, but yesterday, that was not an easy day. We had some very cold stops. And Biden and Harris, Kamala, Kamala. You want her?
You want her as your first woman president? I don't think so. And the radical left gain power, they will collapse our economy and send our nation into a depression. Biden will raise your taxes $4 trillion, massively increase your regulations, close down your factory, send your jobs overseas. That's what he's been doing all his life. Him and his group, destroy the suburbs, dissolve your borders, terminate religious liberty, outlaw private health insurance, 180 million people have great health insurance. Shred your Second Amendment, confiscate your guns and indoctrinate your children with anti-American lies. Biden has vowed to abolish the American oil and natural gas industries and ban fracking. For a year and a half, he said it. Then all of a sudden he goes to Pennsylvania. "No, I never said that." And the fake news doesn't do anything about it. Biden's energy ban will send every state into crushing poverty from North Carolina to Michigan, to Pennsylvania. As long as I'm president, we will remain the number one p roducer of oil and natural gas. And we will remain energy independent. Sleepy Joe Biden is a globalist who spent 47 years outsourcing your jobs, opening your borders and
sacrificing American blood and treasure in endless foreign wars, in countries that most of you have never even heard of. He was a cheerleader for NAFTA ... and they're all coming home, don't worry about it. I said it.
He was a cheerleader for NAFTA and China's entry into the World Trade Organization. North Carolina lost 50% of all manufacturing jobs after those Biden betrayals. And now he says, "Oh, I'm going to ..." he's trying to follow my policy. He's trying to follow my policy. He's not going to do my policy has been doing this for 47 years plus, and for eight years as vice president, which is only three and a half years ago. Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who raked in millions from China while giving them your jobs. He's a corrupt politician, you see it. Now they say the laptop Schiff, that watermelon head, Schiff. "That laptop was produced by Russia." Here we go again, Russia. Russia, Russia. Here we go again. Can you imagine what they must think of it? These people are crazy. No, it was produced by where's Hunter? That's right, it was produced by [inaudible]. No, Schiff knows. He a psycho in many ways, but he knows, it's a total con game. I had to put up with it for three years and it affects it. When you see nothing but negative television every night, every night, every night. And then they find totally no collusion after wasting $48 million, 18 people, think of it. And then it's no collusion, but then you have to run. But you've had three years of horrible publicity and they did it. I mean, they did it. They were the criminals. Hillary was a criminal. She deleted her emails. People go to jail for that.
These are criminals. These are criminals. And say it any way you want to do it. But we took the brunt, then we caught him spying in my campaign and trying to overthrow a duly elected president of the United States. And that was before I even knew. That was while I was running, I didn't even know. I'd hear these things, "Sir." This is before I got elected. Guys would come up to me every once in a while. "Sir. Do you have anything to do with Russia?" I said, "No. Why do you ask?" "Oh, I was just curious."
Because it was like this thing floating around. Then they come up again, "Sir, are you sure you don't have anything to do with Russia?" I said, "I have
nothing to do with Russia. What the hell are you talking?" And you hear it four or five times, then you get into office and they come up with this scheme and this plot, it was a plot to overthrow the government of the United States. And then we have people that just don't act fast. It's just unbelievable. We have so much information. We have the whole thing, and Obama was involved and Biden was involved. They were involved, but let's see what happens. People should move more quickly. In 2016, North Carolina voted to fire this corrupt political establishment. And you elected an outsider as president who is finally putting America first And if I don't sound like a typical Washington politician is because I'm not a politician. If I don't always play by the rules of the Washington establishment, it's because I was elected to fight for you and I fight harder than any president has ever fought for his people. Thank you. Thank you.
Get out and vote. That's all I ask, is take a little time and vote. We got to win this state. I think we win this state, we win Pennsylvania, we're going to win Florida. We win Pennsylvania and you, were going to win the whole thing. We're going to win the whole thing.
And we'll send them a signal like they've never seen before. This has not happened to them. "Big tech is so powerful. You can't beat big tech." They're saying this. And I see it on Twitter. Trending, trending. It's not trending. They put the most boring thing. Anything bad about me. Number one in the world on trend. Boring stuff. As opposed to affairs, scandals, that they didn't even put that stuff up. It's always Trump, two, three, four, or five items. It's a fix. It's a fix. This is a smart guy. We have his name. Everybody knows who he is. And I'm not talking about the primary. I'm talking about people that work. They take stuff out of a hat. "Let's see? This is bad about Trump. Let's make it worse. Okay, we'll make it worse." Number one trend in the whole world. No, that's not stuff that trends, but these are phony guys. They fix the elections and you know what?
They should be subject to campaign violations because they're an arm of the Democrat National Committee. They work together. They work on messaging
together. The Democrats, the fake news media, they're the worst. IN fact, these are fake people. And if I've done one thing, it's to expose the dishonesty in the media.
And not everybody, but a big, vast majority, a vast majority. Not everybody. Look at us, we catch Hunter and Joe cheating. We catch them stealing millions of dollars. They refuse to write a story. Could you imagine if I got three and a half million dollars from the mayor of Moscow's wife? Could you imagine? Somebody gave me three and a half million bucks? Somebody gave me $20. They impeached me because they made a perfect phone call to the head of Ukraine. I never met the gentlemen. "Congratulations on your win. If you see anything corrupt, please call the attorney general of the United States." And we have a corruption agreement with them because it's been a very corrupt country. I actually have an obligation. Now, of course they impeached before they found out, before I decided to release the phone call. Isn't it lucky that I had that call transcribed?
Can you imagine? Now, they couldn't do it. They didn't know what to do. Crazy Nancy said, "This isn't impeachable." They said, " You're right, but let's go through with it anyway. Maybe we'll get lucky." Because she didn't know about the call. When she read the call, she said, "Ge didn't do anything wrong. How did you get me into this? You shifty Schiff? How did you do it" Jerry Nadler, I've been fighting this guy for 25 years on the West side of Manhattan. Jerry Nadler, he's a beauty, isn't he? How did he get me into this? Well, let's just keep going forward. It's a disgrace. And I will say this for the Republicans, 197 or 697 to nothing, we won. And in the Senate, 52 and a half to one half, we lost a half a vote, I wonder who that could have been. But sleepy Joe Biden is bought and paid for by China. They gave the son a billion and a half dollars to manage. That means it's going to make millions of dollars a year, but he does know anything about investment. Didn't know anything at all about energy. He got $183,000 a month on energy. Think of that. Think of that, $183,000. I called a friend of mine on Wall Street, "Is just a normal fee." He said, "No, maybe the most abnormal fee I've ever seen in my whole life. I've been doing this for 25 years." He's the biggest guy. But they're bought and paid
for. They got the money and then they were going for the big one in China. They wrote a letter to very big powerful man within the communist party. And where Hunter asked for $10 million a year, as he was going to recommend, he was going to talk. Here's a guy didn't have a job, got thrown out of the Navy. He got thrown out of the Navy. He didn't have a job. Biden becomes vice president. And this kid is like a vacuum cleaner going all over the world, following his father, picking up the scraps.
No he's following his dad, picking up scraps. And then when you find the note where the big man gets 10%, the big man's Joe Biden. The big man gets 10, then in one case, they said 50%, right? That's more likely because he wouldn't do it for 10. Because these people are all hangers on, losers. But that's the story and it's in a laptop. And now they say the laptop was made by Russia, therefore it has no credibility. Can you believe this? And so the news, outside of the New York Post, which really I hold in high esteem. They're a hero paper and they endorsed me.
I got a nice endorsement from, did you say from Pennsylvania yesterday, right? Pittsburgh Gazette. That was nice. Once I got through that first paragraph, it was phenomenal, actually. They said, "We don't love his personality. We don't love his tough." I have to be tough. Look, I've been under investigation from before I ever became president. I have to be tough. If I were soft, I wouldn't be here right now. And they don't want to say that. I was under a fake investigation by a lot of fake people. Bob Mueller and his crew, the whole thing was a fake scam that should have never been started. And they knew the answer to the first day, but it took him two and a half years to put it down, no collusion, but they knew the answer the first day. So I was under investigation for the first two and a half years. Think of that. And then they say, "He's tough." But I'll take it anyway. I'll take their endorsement anyway. Because once you get over the first paragraph or two, it says all of the things we've done, which are incredible, which are incredible.
And now we'll have a chance to do it without the cloud. Because I had a cloud hanging over my head, whether we like it or not. And then they say, "He was
tough. He fought too hard. He was somewhat crude. He was very, very nasty. His Twitter." Now, you know what? If I didn't have social media, I wouldn't be here. It was the only way I could defend myself. So it was one of those things. But I just wonder, I was thinking, I asked the people on the way, if we have great people, such loyal, great people. Including a man that comes from an area not too far from here, is a good friend of these women who have been here, this is number 64 time for these incredible, beautiful, I think rich women and their husbands are in here someplace.
But they had their husbands. They were at the one last night. That was a big deal, wasn't it? But this is number 64. I would say I, right? 65. Oh, there's two more. They come from North Carolina, but we have Mark Meadows comes from North Carolina. And he has been fantastic, he's done a great job. He's done a great job. Where is he? He's probably working, bump, bump, bump with a phone. He's got two phones instead of one. And he's not going to break it up with a hammer like Hillary did. He's going to throw it away.
He's done a fantastic job. And he loves this state and he loves North Carolina. And I specifically said, "I want somebody from North Carolina and give me Meadows." Now I knew three years ago. I said, "We got to get Meadows in here." Big tech, big media, big donors and powerful special interests are desperate for sleepy Joe to win. They want them to win. I'll tell you who wants him to win, China. They will own our country because they own him, they control him and they know he will always be there to do their bidding. He'll always be there. He's a corrupt politician. I don't care, I'll say it. And I say it, everybody knows it's true. Can 4050 you imagine? Big tech refuses to put anything in. They took the New York Post down for two weeks because they won't let anyone write.
If you put out a little tweet and say that Biden is corrupt, they will knock out your whole account. Nobody's ever seen anything like this and you notice, it is outside of what I say, it is indeed fading away. Because you can't have a scandal if nobody writes about it. So we have the fake news not writing about it. And you have the big tech not writing. So, how can you have a scandal? Nobody's allowed
to talk. It's called suppression. We don't have freedom of the press. We probably haven't had it for a long time, but we don't have . they say, "Freedom of t he press. The American way." We have suppression by the press. That's what it is. What beautiful words I should have done the speech this way, it would have been much more interesting.
No, but seriously, we have suppression by the press. This is not freedom. It really is, it's the exact opposite of freedom of the press if you think about it. Every corrupt force in American life that is responsible for cruel betrayals that hurt our family and all of the people that we love, they're supported by Biden and they donate to Biden. I could have been a much bigger fundraiser than him, but I didn't want to call every head of a Wall Street firm, every head of the oil companies that we've made rich anyway. I did a great job, we're energy independent, that's not so bad, first time.
The failed establishment that started the disastrous foreign wars, they support sleepy Joe Biden, because they get anything they want. And he took in $300 million last month. You think he made any deals? No, I don't think so. The career politicians that offshored your industries and decimated your factories, they support sleepy Joe. The open borders lobbyists that killed our fellow citizens with illegal drugs, gangs and crimes. The people that wanted to stop the wall, even though it knew it works. It's almost finished by the way, be finished very soon.
But the people that wanted to stop it, even though they knew full well, it worked. Remember they said, "No, no, we don't want a wall. Walls are obsolete. We want drones." Okay, good. Drones flying to watch the people pour into our country. They want drones, let's have drones. The far left Democrats that ruined our public schools, depleted our inner cities, defunded our police and demeaned your sacred faith and values. They support sleepy, Joe Biden. You can't even go to your churches. You can't even go to your church and your governor of North Carolina, you got to open up your state.
You got to get your governor, I hope you're going to vote for Dan who's good. You got to get your state open. Don't worry about it, on November 4th
they'll announced your state is opening. November 4th, north Carolina will be opened on November 4th. Right after the election. Because they want us to look bad. They don't care about people. They want us to look bad. They want to try and steal an election.
The anti-American radicals defaming our noble history, our heritage, our heroes, they support sleepy Joe. Antifa and the rioters and looters and Marxists and left wing extremists, they all support Joe Biden. They always like to blame it on the right. Do you ever notice? "These were right wing." It's very rare. It's rare. It's you got bad on every side, but they always like to blame the right. It always starts off with the right, the right. This election comes down to a simple choice. Do you want to be ruled by the arrogant, corrupt, ruthless, and selfless political class? Or do you want to be governed by the American people themselves? You want to be represented by a career politician who hates you, or by an outsider who will defend you like you have never been defended before. I didn't need this job. I had a very nice life, but I love what we're doing for our country. Nobody's done so much. Nobody, no administration and I never even had a challenge on this from the fake news. Normally, if you say something slightly off, they make a big deal. No administration, president has done more in the first three and a half years then we have, our military we rebuilt, our tax cut, our regulation cuts, Space Force. It's just a thing like Space Force. I never even talked about Space Force during the campaign. I did more than I actually talked about during the campaign. Thank you. Thank you very much. I thought this was a small little cute area. This is a small little cute area. When I came in, I'm watching Fox and a gentlemen and anchor said, "They have a small crowd of about 2000, 2,500. Nah, I knew. I knew." It's an incredible thing. This is a lot more than that. This is a lot of people. This is a lot more than I wanted to do because [inaudible]. I mean, my granddaughter is named Carolina. Do you know that? And we'll give South Carolina some credit too. They've been waiting. Is that okay? I want to get your permission. South Carolina is great. They are great people too. A vote for Biden is a vote to hand the keys to government over to people who despise you and who want to rob your children of
their American dream. That's what they're doing. A vote for Biden is a vote to give control of government over to the globalist, communist, socialist, the wealthy liberal hypocrites who want to silent, censor, cancel and punish you. If you want your children to be safe and remember this, against. I'll put it very simply, against the second amendment. If you're pro-life, you can forget about it. Tremendous support. Do you see these people in California? They have lines of hundreds of miles of cars and tractors in Iowa and boats, five or 6,000 boat in lakes and ocean with the flags. If you want your values to be respected, if you want to be treated with honor and dignity and respect, then I am asking for you to go out tomorrow or sooner, but I don't know. You tend to like to vote on Election Day, right? We all do and vote. This is going to be the most important election in my opinion in the history of our country. I never thought I was going to say it. If you have told me, I was going to say that four years ago, I would've said you're crazy, but it's the most important because I've always said we will never be a socialist nation and that's what they're trying.
And remember what I said. Four years ago I said, "I am your voice and we will make America great again," and that's what we're doing. And if we didn't get hit by the China plague, now we're building it up again and we're doing it at record clip and record numbers and at a much faster pace than any other country in the world, but we got hit by the plague from China and we will never forget it. With God is my witness, I will never let you down. For the last four years, the depraved swamp has tried everything to stop me because they know I don't answer to them, I answer to you. Together we will defeat the corrupt establishment, we will dethrone the failed political class and we will drain the Washington swamp and we will save the American dream. This election is also a choice between a deadly Biden lockdown. He wants to have you locked down.
I don't even know if he knows to be honest. They ask him a question. I don't think he has a clue. You can vote whoever you want, but I don't think he has a clue. You know it, the media knows it. The media laughs behind his back and then they say, "He did brilliantly today." No, he didn't do brilliantly. He didn't do
brilliantly in his prime, and he's not in his prime anymore. Or a safe vaccine that ends the pandemic and we're doing very well with the vaccines. They'll be distributed very soon. We will mass distribute the vaccine in just a few short weeks. It will quickly eradicate the virus and wipe out the China plague once and for all. Joe Biden is promising to delay the vaccine and turn America into a prison state. Looking again, that's more Kamala. Remember when they said this is the Harris-Biden administration, right? I never did that with Mike. And you know what? Mike Pence never came to me and said, "Do you mind if I put my name first every once and a while?" Well, no. And by the way, he's been a great Vice President.
Some people say it was a perfect combination. It was. He's a great guy. He's going to be in your state in a little while. Locking you in your home while letting far left writers roam free. The Biden lockdown will mean no school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Easter, no Christmas, no 4th of July and no future for America's youth. Other than that, it's fine. If you want a vaccine to kill the virus, a job to support your family and freedom to live your life, that you go and cast your ballot for President Trump. And if you remember the catastrophe. Joe Biden, he's telling us how to run things right? This guy never ran a thing successfully. He always said horrible things about him when he was in the... Obama didn't even want to endorse him. He wouldn't endorse him. Even after he won, Obama said, "No way." How long did it take him after he won? It took forever. Obama couldn't believe it. I don't think Obama is much better. You want to know the truth. Joe Biden personally ran the swine flu, right? The swine flu, H1N1, which he can never remember. He never says it. He says it and then goes N1H1 and I said, "No." He failed horribly and he was a laughing stock all over Washington. They were laughing at him. And his own Chief of Staff said he was absolutely terrible.
They did a terrible job. Now he's telling us how to do it. I should have closed earlier. There's only one problem. He's on record all over the place, knocking me two and a half months later for closing too soon and closing it all. He
said, "Don't close." He's xenophobic. He's xenophobic. I didn't like people from China is what he's saying. It's so wrong. I think they're incredible people. I d o. I think they're incredible people, but he said xenophobic. And then he runs for office. He said, "He should have closed earlier." And you know what? The press never covers that. The only time I get it covered is if I happen to be on live television. I'll say it again and again. And when I do say it, they try and turn it off, "Let's go to commercial break right now. I think I know what's coming." These are really bad people. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that Biden has been wrong actually on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. He had no respect for him whatsoever.
I'm sure he endorsed him because he's probably looking for something like everybody else, but I don't think any of them are going to get anything because I think we're going to have one of the greatest victories tomorrow, but you don't have to take my word for what a disaster Joe Biden is because it's the great state of North Carolina. I spent a fortune. See this? See the board? I spent a lot of money on the board. So let's just take a look at a little roll. Let's roll it please.
Don't do it. Don't don't do it to yourselves. Our country has such potential. You can't do that to our country. He's not mentally equipped. He just isn't to be your president. He's not equipped to be your president. And I say it because he's not a nice person, never was a nice person, but he was never a smart person. He was a touchy feely person, hale and hearty, but not nice. But this is not a man that 25 years ago is not equipped to be your president. And he ran many times, numerous times. We called him 1% Joe. Think of it. And now he's working on about 50% and he ends up winning the nomination because of Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth Warren gave him the numb. All she had to do is drop out and he would have lost on. I mean, then we would have had crazy Bernie. But at least Bernie, they had a great energetic base. It's a small base, but energetic, but this is not a man that should be your president. We have tremendous potential.
Our country has tremendous potential and we can't blow it. We can't blow it because there's no way to describe that. And that's like 1% .we could keep you out
here all day. Much of it happened yesterday and the day before yesterday, oh, he had some beauties yesterday, but we can't do this. And you know what's going to happen? Kamala will be put in that position very quickly. And she's more liberal than crazy Bernie. She's more liberal. In fact, she makes him look like a strict conservative. Joining us today are some incredible people, incredible friends and warriors. And I want to tell you, I just looked at a poll and he's up in the poll, Senator Thom Tillis. He's up.
That's great. I'm good. I'm very happy with that. We got to get him and he's a good man, a good man. And your wife was great the other night. We had a great rally the other night and you are well-represented, let me tell you, very well. Congratulations. Well, let's save that for tomorrow or the next day, or as the Supreme Court would say, "Sometime into the future." What a ruling. What a ruling. What a horrible thing that they've done. Do you know that puts our country in danger? Do you know what can happen during that long period of time Pennsylvania? The long period of time, do you know what can happen? Number one, cheating can happen like you've never seen. This is their dream and they are known for it. The Philadelphia area is known for it, but what can happen during that long period of time is just a disgrace. Get the ballots in and have them in long before the third and have them counted before the third and have an election where we can say to the world that we know who won and we know who lost. I'm just so tired of some of these horrible political decisions that are being mad e. It's a shame. It's a shame. And I won't get into it too much, but I'm going to start getting into it because they're hurting our country very badly.
Representative warrior, David Rouzer. David, thank you. You're doing a great job. Appreciate it. Congress, we have a friend over there. Richard Hudson. Where's Richard? Richard Hudson, Congressman, and another great guy. Great guys. Did a fantastic job and a friend of mine and somebody that's done an incredible job also in Congress, Dan Bishop. Thanks Dan. How you've been? You're doing a good job. He came in through the system. He won a race. It was a tough race, right? We worked together on it and he had no choking him. He started
off a little behind to put it nicely and he ended up winning and he one solid and how are you doing on this one? Good? I don't have to help you as much. He's going to win. He's going to win. He should win. He's a great Congressman. All of them, all three. Thank you very much fellas. A man that hopefully you're going to recognize for, I guess he doesn't have the funds that the other one has. I see commercials all the time for your governor that has you in a total lockdown, but Dan Forest would be a phenomenal governor, a phenomenal governor. He did have a surprise there. That could be a big, beautiful gift to North Carolina. A gift. That's not bad. Hey Dan, that's not bad huh? Beautiful. Dan, that's a very impressive applause you got. I have to be honest.
Don't kid yourself. That is like a poll. It's like a poll, except instead of interviewing 73 people, they have thousands of people here. Much more than the 2000. He's got a nice 2000 people and I don't think so. Well, last night in Miami, you want to see a crowd, you couldn't even see the end of it. I've never seen anything like it. 7400 There's such spirit. I've never seen spirit like this. At North Carolina GOP chair, somebody doing an incredible job if we win tomorrow. By the way, if we don't win tomorrow, they'll say, "How's Michael Watley doing?" I say, "Not good at all. He didn't do a good job." Michael Watley, are we doing okay, Michael? Yes? Get out. Get out to vote Mike. Get them out.
Get out. Get out to vote, Mike, get them out. Get out to vote. Thanks, Michael and you are doing a good job. I also want to recognize Medal of Honor recipient, Command Sergeant Major Bob Patterson. Where's Bob? Where's Bob? Where is Bob? Whoa! He looks good. He looks good. Wow. Your husband. Whoa. That's a good looking couple. Wow. That's some incredible honor. That's some incredible honor, I'll tell you what. There's no greater honor. And are you proud of your husband? But he's proud of you too. Oh, she's proud of Trump, look at that. Thank you. I knew I liked her. I knew I liked her. Thank you both very much. Great honor. That's the highest honor you can get.
Former prisoner of war and Vietnam veteran, Captain Ken Wells, a real hero. Where is Ken? A real hero. Thank you. Thank you. Real tough one. Look at
him, he's tough. He's a tough looking guy. Thank you. Thank you very much. Beautiful. You look great. Thank you. These are great people.
And World War II hero and D-Day veteran, very, very brave, they say, Harold Frank. Hi, Harold. You're looking good. Thank you, Harold. Thank you, Harold. Thank you. They said he's a brave one. Thank you, Harold, you're looking good. These guys look good. I don't know. They go through all that, they come out, they look better than all of us. I don't know. Something about the war, something about brave people, right? Military spouse, and don't ever underestimate that is where it all begins. Somebody who's incredible. Donna Dotson. Donna. Where's Donna? Thank you, Donna thank you very much. Thank you, Donna. Great to have you. Thank you very much. And retired Sergeant Major Karen De la Vega. Karen, thank you. Thank you, Karen. Great people. Thank you all for your extraordinary service and it's an honor to have you with us, really is, thank you very much. For 47 years, Joe Biden, viciously, repeatedly attacked black Americans. He decimated the black middle-class and called young black men super predators. To every black American vote for Trump. This is your one and only chance to show sleepy Joe Biden what you think of his decision to attack you, to insult you, to jail you and to betray you. I am fighting for you and got criminal justice reform, prison reform, Opportunity Zones with Tim Scott and funding for historically black colleges and universities. I got it done. Nobody else got it done.
And with the exception of, and I use the word possibly, possible exception, 7900 but I could use it and maybe I won't, I'll keep it a little bit less controversial, with the exception of Abraham Lincoln, there has been no president that's done more for the black community than Donald Trump. Nobody. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Under my leadership, we achieved the most secure border in US history. Joe Biden has pledged to open borders. He's actually talking about taking down the wall. Can you believe? "Let's take down the wall and let everybody pour into our country." He wants to take down. I know he said it. I don't know. Maybe, but he did say let's take down the wall. One of the biggest projects that we've ever done,
you know, it's a tremendous project. We're up to over 400 miles. We're going to be finished very soon. Over 400 miles. Designed to the specifications of the Border Patrol, who are great. Mass Amnesty wants to give them free healthcare. This is for illegal aliens and wants to keep deadly sanctuary cities. Your state has a sanctuary city. You know that, right? You have a sanctuary city, right? A very big one, actually, that doesn't work very well. We believe our city should be sanctuaries for law abiding Americans, not criminals aliens. The Biden-Harris plan would increase refugees from terrorist nations by a staggering 700%. This has been a great term. This has been a great term. No thank you, fellas. I'm not interested. I'm keeping radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. If I have the approval of North Carolina, I will keep them out. We're going to keep them out. We invested $2.5 trillion in the US military. We have the greatest equipment, greatest people. 2.5 trillion. You think that was easy to get from the Democrats? Actually the wall was even tougher. The wall was tougher but we got. Do you notice once I got the wall started and got all the funding, won all the court cases against the Democrats, the press never talks about it anymore. They don't talk about it. We had the best statistics, the best. And can you imagine during the pandemic, because Mexico's very heavily unfortunately infected and it was a good thing that we had it up that's why the numbers are so good. We also passed for our great vets, VA Choice and VA Accountability. Nobody thought that could happen. We obliterated 100% of the ISIS caliphate. We killed the leader of ISIS, al-Baghdadi is dead. Last week, I visited Fort Bragg where I presented the Presidential Unit Citation to the special forces team that achieved that historic victory. It was good. And we are keeping the name Fort Bragg, you do know that, right? Do you agree. They want cancel culture. We won two world wars out of Fort Bragg and we have other forts and we're keeping it. We won two world wars out of Fort Bragg. And now they say, "Let's change the name. Let's change the name of Fort Bragg. We'll pick somebody else. Do you have any good suggestions?" No, no. We have to keep. We have to keep. It's our culture. It's our heritage. So many victories, so many victories out of Fort Bragg. We also
eliminated the world's top terrorist, Soleimani is dead. I recognize the capital of Israel and opened the American embassy in Jerusalem. I also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. 52 years they tried to get it. And instead of endless war in the Middle East we're forging peace. They are lined up to come in. I said, "How did Obama and all of those that came before him do?" They told me they all used the same method. I said, "Really, I'm going to go the opposite method." And it worked very nicely. No blood in the sand, no cost. Three very powerful countries already signed. We have many others. They're standing on line, standing on line. And we're bringing our troops back home. Our troops are coming back home. They're coming back home. 19 years is enough. They serve as policemen. I said, "No, you 8600 have to get your own police department, I'm sorry."
A vote for me and the Republican party is a vote for the American dream. And in conclusion, over the next four years, we will make America into the manufacturing superpower of the world. And we will end our reliance on 8650 China, which has already started. Can you imagine Biden saying we're not going to our reliance? I mean, can you imagine? "We are going to end our reliance on you." "Hey, hey we gave your son a billion and a half. What the hell are you telling me?" Okay, well, I don't know, Senator, I think it would be tough for him, right? They wanted 10 million a year for his services, right? And then you say, "No, I'm not going to deal with China anymore." Or "I'm going to be tough on China."
I've taken out many, many billions of dollars. We never did this in this country, not 25 cents. I just gave $28 billion from China to our farmers because they targeted our farmers. 28 billion and we had plenty of money left over, which went into the US Treasury. Thank you. We will hire more police, increase penalties for assaults for law enforcement and we will ban deadly sanctuary cities. With God's help, we will defend the right to life, religious liberty and free speech and the right to keep and bear arms. We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and we will ensure peace through strength.
We're the envy of every country in the world. Our military now has the greatest equipment all made in the USA, but we have the greatest equipment in the world. We will end surprise medical billing, require price transparency and lower drug prices even more. We instituted a favored nation's laws. We pay by far the most in the world. We are going to pay now the least in the world and nobody can believe I did it. And big pharma does not like me too much. They are not so happy with me. And we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions. America will land the first woman in the moon and the United States will be the first nation to land an astronaut on Mars. We will stop the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic education to our schools.
We will teach our children to love our country, honor our history and always respect our great American flag. And we will live by the timeless words of our national motto, In God We trust. For years, you had a president who apologized for America. Now you have a president who is standing up for America and standing up for the great people of North Carolina. I do.
And your tobacco growers are in good shape, by the way, please let them know, okay. Do you have any tobacco growers, please? They're in good shape. They work hard. They were treated very rough. Tomorrow, you have the power to do so much for our country. You have the power to vote. So go out and vote. Unless you're going to vote for somebody other than me, in which case, [inaudible]. Do you ever hear these politicians get up and they say, "You have the power to vote and it makes no difference if you vote for me or my opponent," they're such liars. Liars. So get your friends, get your family, get your neighbors, get your coworkers, get your boss, grab him by the tie, say, "Let's go boss." And get out and vote.
From Greensboro to Charlotte, from Wilmington to Raleigh, from Asheville to right here in Fayetteville. Fayetteville. I love the name, Fayetteville. We inherit the legacy of American Patriots who gave their blood, sweat, and tears to defend our country and to defend our freedom. We stand on the shoulders of American heroes who crossed the oceans, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, laid
down the railroads, raised up the great, great, beautiful skyscrapers, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and made America into the single greatest nation in the history of the world and the best is yet come. You will see that.
Proud citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you, the American people. With your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. We are one movement, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God and together with the incredible people of North Carolina, we have made America powerful again, military. We have made America wealthy again. We have made America strong again. We have made America proud again. We have made America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you, North Carolina. Thank you. Go out and vote.
Приложение 3. Речи Джо Байдена в рамках предвыборной кампании Joe Biden Drive-in Rally Speech Transcript Cleveland November 2 Hello, Cleveland. Whoa. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. And you guys can push the other something real quick, I tell you. Thank you very, very much. And Courtney, thank you for that introduction. And I want to thank Representative Marcia Fudge. We've been hanging out in the back here in the tent, along with [inaudible] out there, and Joyce is out here. Joyce Beattie, I can't see it. Oh, there you are. Okay, I see you guys. And by the way, I want you all to meet, I got four of my grandchildren with me today. All my grandkids, stand up, stand up.
They're my good luck charms. They're my heart. And Marcy and Joyce and Tim Ryan. Tim, you over there too? Hey, Tim. Tim, you've been so great the whole campaign. Thank you very, very, very much. And he as tough as nails. They're all incredible leaders and we need to send them back to Congress, every single one of them.
Folks, I want to thank my buddy, Sherrod Brown. No one fights harder for the dignity of working people than Sherrod does. Sherrod won reelection in '18 about at the same margin that Trump did. And so when Sherrod tells me to come to
Ohio the day before, I come to Ohio. That's what I do because he and I have something in common. We married way up. He married a Pulitzer prize winner. I married a professor, and I tell you what, Connie you've been wonderful. Connie actually reviewed my wife's book, I found out.
Anyway, I want to thank you for being here. Folks, Ohio, one more day, one more day. Tomorrow. Tomorrow we have an opportunity to put an annual presidency. That's divided this nation. Tomorrow we can put an ad to a presid ent as has failed to protect this nation. And tomorrow we can put it down to a president who has fanned the flames of hate all across this country. Millions of Americans have already voted. Almost a hundred million have voted so far, a hundred million voted already, and more are going to vote today. And my message is simple. The power to change the country is in your hands. I don't care how much Donald Trump tries, there's nothing, nothing.
No matter how much Donald Trump tries, there's nothing, nothing he's going to do to stop the people in this nation from voting. Folks, he hasn't figured it out. Presidents don't determine who gets to vote. Voters determine who's going to be the president. When America votes, America will be heard. When America is heard, I believe the message is going to be loud and clear. It's time for Donald Trump to pack his bags and go home. We're done. We're done with the chaos. We're done with the tweets, the anger, the hate, the failure, the irresponsibility. We've got a whole lot of work to do. When I'm elected your president, I'm going to act, and I'm going to act on day one. Folks, we're going to act to get this COVID under control. On day one of my presidency, we're going to put it in action a plan that I've been talking about for months, and he's been paying no attention to. Masking, social distancing, testing, tracing. A plan for a fair and full and free distribution of therapeutics and vaccines, when we get one. Imagine, imagine where we'd be, had this president, from the beginning, just wore a mask instead of mock wearing a mask.
I can tell you this. We wouldn't have 9 million confirmed COVID cases in this nation, wouldn't have over 230,000 deaths, wouldn't be seen those new record
numbers of cases we're seeing every single day, right now. Nearly 100,000 cases in one day, just two days ago. 100,000 new cases. We wouldn't be facing another 200,000 projected deaths in the next few months.
This president knew, last January, the virus was deadly, but he hid it from the American people. He knew it was worse than the flu. He lied to the American people. He knew it wasn't going to disappear, but he kept telling us a miracle was coming. And just Friday, you had the gall... Figure this, now. The president of the United States of America, who's responsible for so many deaths, he had the gall to suggest that American doctors, the people who have been on the front lines of this crisis for nine months, along with nurses and so many others, many of whom have died, to suggest that doctors are falsely inflating deaths due to COVID because they want to make more money.
I'm serious, man. This guy's a disgrace. The people of this nation have suffered. They've sacrificed for nine months, not more than those doctors and nurses and those healthcare workers. And this president is questioning their character, their integrity, their commitment to their fellow Americans. As I said, it's a disgrace. And last night, Trump said he was going to fire Dr. Fauci. Isn't that wonderful? I got a better idea. Elect me, and I'm going to hire Dr. Fauci, and we're going to fire Donald Trump.
Donald Trump waved the white flag of surrender to this virus. He did that. His own chief of staff said, last week, we're giving up on the virus. We're not going to do anything about it. I'm never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We're going to beat this virus. We're going to get it under control, I promise you. Look, the first step to beating the virus is beating Donald Trump. Donald Trump keeps telling us what a great jobs president he is. I was just with Barack in Detroit and Flint. It was great to be with a president of some character, a president respected around the world, a president our kids could and did look up to. But did you know that, after President Obama and I bet on American workers and helped rescue the auto industry, nearly 500,000 jobs created here in Ohio. Meanwhile, 330,000 of those have been lost since Trump's become president. You
know, Donald Trump is going to be the first president in 90 years. that's a lo t of presidents. in 90 years, is going to finish his four years in office with fewer jobs than when he got elected to office.
It's no surprise. Remember the lies he told all the workers. He told the families of the GM plant in Lordstown. He said, "Don't move. Don't sell your house." But then the plant shut down. And after the first debate in Cleveland, I met an Ohio woman named Tiffany whose husband lost his job at the plant. And he had to take a job eight hours away in another state. He drives home weekends, 16 hours round trip, to be home with his kids. So much for "Don't worry."
What about his threat and his grudge against Goodyear? What about his broken promise to protect pensions for workers, especially [inaudible] employer pensions? And what about. He stopped the overtime for millions of American workers, over $1,200,000,000 for American workers, the president and I was helping your delegation put in place. But let's not forget how Donald Trump is wreaking chaotic with China on trade. Farm bankruptcies are way up. Exports are way down. Agricultural exports to China during the Trump years have been 40% lower than they were when we were in our second term.
And he even says, because of his bailouts to the farmers. that's your tax dollars, by the way. his bailout of the farmers, "Our farmers are doing better now than when they actually had a farm." Can you believe that? Our farmers are doing better now than when they actually had a farm because they were able to be bailed out, although they may not have a farm anymore. Who does this guy think he is? My policies are going to hold China accountable. I'll end the Trump tax loopholes that incentivized companies to ship jobs overseas. I'll add a 10% surtax on companies who do ship jobs overseas. But for companies who bring and come back and invest in American manufacturing and bring jobs back home, I'll offer a 10% tax credit. And folks, it's no violation of any trade agreement, but no government contracts. And the president has about $600 billion in contracts from the military on down. No government contract will be given it to
a company that isn't have all the products, including the supply line, all products made in America, every product.
Look, and our future will be made right here, right here in Ohio. Folks, we're in a position that we can do so much more, so much more. Folks, Donald Trump forgot and betrayed Ohio workers. Quite frankly, I grew up around guys like Donald Trump. I grew up in neighborhoods like probably many of you did, working class neighborhoods where most people didn't have a college education. But we had guys like Trump we used to play against, when we played ball and Scranton and [inaudible]. And because they had more money than we did, they kind of look down their nose on us. I got to admit to you. I got a bit of a chip on my shoulder, when I read about. Once we won the nomination and things began to look a little better, I read from serious press people. they're decent, honorable people. that if I get elected, I'll be the first president who didn't have an Ivy League degree, in a long time. Well, let me tell you something. Somehow that's got to mean I didn't belong, because I went to a state university. But let me tell you what. It's about time a guy from a state university graduated into the White House because, if I'm there, you're going to be there, too. Look, Trump sees the world from Park Avenue, looking down. Trump sees the world from Park Avenue, looking down on Wall Street. I see it from Scranton and Claymont, where I grew up. I shaved from here in Cleveland. Wall Street didn't build America, the middle class built America. And guess what? Unions built the middle class. That's a fact. The day is long past time, we start rewarding work, not wealth in this country. Under my plan, if you make less than $400,000, you won't pay a single penny, more in taxes. You have my word on it. But I tell you what, the wealthiest of MOS, big corporations, 91 of which don't pay any tax, that paid zero federal income tax. They're going to start paying their fair share. Why? Listen to me, why should a firefighter, an educator, a cop, why should a welder, why should a steel worker pay the higher tax rate than the super wealthy?
It's not right. Why should you pay for taxes than Donald Trump for God's sake? Look, I released 22 years of my tax returns. You can look them up online.
Donald Trump didn't release any. Wonder what the hell he's hiding. I wonder why he won't let anybody know what his tax returns are. Who's he owe the money to? This is the guy, by the way we found out recently has a secret bank account in China. Paid 50 times more tax in Beijing than he did in the United States. And overall, the one income tax the New York Times got, he paid $750 in federal taxes. How about you? And when he was asked how he could pay so little, remember what he said? He said, "because I'm smart. I know how to game the system." And that's the kind of guy you want as president? That can game the system, be a billionaire pay 750 bucks in taxes. While you all break your necks, break your necks to pay a fair share.
We're going to act to protect healthcare by the way. Trump and Republicans just jammed through a new Supreme Court nomination for one basic reason. Within a week after the election, they're going to be before the Supreme Court and this new nominee is going to be out of the court. It's all about destroying the Affordable Care Act, getting rid of it completely. They've been trying to do it now for nine years, if they get their way, 100 million Americans will lose protections for preexisting conditions, including nearly 5 million folks here in Ohio. Look, Donald Trump doesn't understand healthcare. He thinks it's a privilege. I think healthcare is a right.
By the way, because of the way he ruined the economy, even before the pandemic, 10 million Americans have already lost their employer-based healthcare because the employer has gone out of business. Now he wants to go after the 22 million, who have healthcare only because of the Affordable Care Act. I'm not only restore the Affordable Care Act, I'll build on it. You can keep your private insurance, or you can choose a Medicare-like public option in the new plan. I'm going to increase subsidies and lower premiums and deductibles, out of pocket expenses and surprise billings. We're going to reduce drug costs by 60% by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices for all of us. Folks, folks, it's going to cost more money, but guess how I'm going to pay for it? Trump's go ing to start paying some taxes.
We're going to make sure we keep protections for people with pre-existing conditions. Meanwhile, the Social Security expert, the person the Social Security department says if Donald Trump's plan that he announced, if he's reelected, he's going to put in place, if in fact it's put in place, it would bankrupt Social Security by 2023. This guy really cares a lot about this, doesn't he? He really understands, [inaudible] my parents before me and everyone else paying into Social Security. So go home and tell your parents and grandparents, what a great deal they're going to get if Trump gets reelected. But folks, the fact is I'm going to protect your Social Security. I guarantee it. Because I got people behind me who're going to make sure it's protected. We're going to protect Social Security, and we're going to have a situation where guess what? We have a majority in the United States Senate. Well, folks, look, the thing that's bothered me most, maybe emotionally bothered me the most, but substantively as well. That this president has done, there's been nothing worse than the way he's spoken about those who have served in uniform. He called you all losers and suckers. My son Beau was the attorney general of the state of Delaware. My son Beau volunteered. He had to give up the seat of attorney general to volunteer, to go to Iraq for a year. He won the Bronze Star, the Conspicuous Service Medal, and he saw the people die in Iraq. He was not a loser. He was not a sucker, he was a Patriot, just like all your sons and daughters, parents, or grandparents who served. Folks, six generals who worked in the white house with the president of United States and admirals worked in his administration have since left. And they've said he is unfit to be Commander in Chief. Best of my knowledge, that's never happened before for any president of the United States. And that's why special operations commander Stanley McChrystal, as well as the commander special ops and the Navy Seals who took out Brin Laden, along Bill McRaven, Admiral McRaven, along with 22 other four stars, they've endorsed me saying they'd be proud to have me as their Commander in Chief.
This president likes to portray himself as a tough guy, a macho man. When the last time you saw a president of United States, literally being laughed at by the
world leaders when he spoke to the United Nations? I don't ever recall that ever happening. Can you believe when the president of United States, who acts like Vladimir Putin's puppy, Putin put bounties on the heads of American soldiers in Afghanistan. Trump spoke to him six times and he was too frightened to challenge him. Why? Donald Trump is not strong, he's weak. This is a president who not only doesn't understand sacrifice, he doesn't understand courage. Physical courage it takes for so many of you to put on that uniform. We must support our military. Let's make this vote for them as well. God love them.
We have to vote to meet the challenge, the climate crisis as well. We can act to meet that climate crisis. Trump calls the climate crisis a hoax. I see it as a great opportunity to improve our health as well as great millions of good paying jobs. I see America's working to build and install 500,000 charging stations all across this country. American consumers switching to clean electric vehicles. We can own the electric vehicle market, creating minutes of jobs here in Cleveland and in Ohio and in Detroit.
Folks, I see the federal government harnessing the purchasing power by buying these electric vehicles. Made in America, made in Ohio, made in Detroit, made in America. It's going to mean one million, according to the experts, one million new good paying auto jobs in the automobile industry alone. Folks, if we don't act China's going to own the market. China's going to own it all. And we will act, in addition to deliver racial justice in America. Folks, protesting is not burning and looting, violence must never be tolerated and it won't, but these protests are a cry for justice. The names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Jacob Blake will soon not be forgotten. You know I've met with all these families. Well I met with Floyd's little girl, I think she was six years old. I knelt down to say, or to be at eye level with her. She looked at me and she said, I swear to God, said, "Mr. Vice President, my daddy is going to change in the world. My dad is going to change the world."
Folks, I'm not going to forget. You're not going to forget. This country's not going to forget. This is going to inspire a new wave of justice in America. But
guess what? Because we have the X generation, I mean the Z generation, that in fact is the most open, least prejudice, best educated generation in American history. They're already moving. They're already insisting on justice. They know who we are. A new wave of justice America, but also true justice isn't just about how they deal with police, it's about jobs. It's about building wealth. It's about families. It's about education. It's about opportunity. It's about being able to make a decent living. Nobody should have to work two jobs to stay out of poverty. That's why, honk if you agree with me that a $15 minimum wage is necessary nationwide. Honk.
Honk, if you think assistance for a down payment, for a real shot of home ownership should be coming forward with me with $15,000 for first time homeowner, to start a small business, send the child to college debt-free. Folks, Ohio in 2008, 2012, you place your trust in me and Barrack. In 2020, I'm asking you to trust me again. I'm proud of the coalition this campaign is built. To welcome Democrats, Republicans and Independents. I'm running as a proud Democrat, but I'll govern as an American president. There will be no red States and blue States, just the United States.
And I promise you I'll work as hard for those who don't support me as those who do. That's the job of a president, to care, to care about everybody, everybody. That's the duty of a president. And look, you too, have a duty, a duty to vote. Folks, make a plan, go to Iwillvote.com/OH. Folks, the amazing thing about this moment in our history, on the one hand, we're facing the biggest threat of who we are, what we believe, and what we seen, what we've been in our lifetimes. Another hand, our future has never been more promising. I've said it many times, the character of America is literally on the ballot. The character of our country, but I'm more optimistic about America's future today than when I was elected to the United States Senate as a 29 year-old kid. Let me tell you why. We are better positioned than any nation in the world to lead the 21st century. Our workers are three times as productive as other workers. We have the biggest economy in the world. We have the strongest military in the history of
the world. We have the most innovative entrepreneurs in the world and we are virtually energy independent. We have more great research universities in America than all the rest of the world combined, out of which all these doing inventions have occurred.
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