Разработка массивов оптических и терагерцовых детекторов на основе метаматериалов тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 01.04.04, кандидат наук Бейранванд Бехрох Мирмохаммад
- Специальность ВАК РФ01.04.04
- Количество страниц 152
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Бейранванд Бехрох Мирмохаммад
Table of contents
2.1 Basic concepts
2.1.1 Superconductivity
2.1.2 BCS density of states
2.1.3 Hot electron effect and normal metal as an absorber
2.2 NIS junction and tunneling
2.2.1 NIS current
2.2.2 Power deposited in the absorber (normal metal) and superconductor
2.3 SINIS and CEB structure
2.3.1 Heat balance equation
2.3.2 Responsivity
2.3.3 Noise Equivalent Power (NEP)
2.3.4 Time Constant
3.1 Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS)
3.1.2 The unit cell size
3.1.3 Large size unit cell
3.2 Wideband FSS array based on CEB (Small size unit cell)
3.2.1 Modeling and sample design
3.2.2 Defining impedances
3.2.3 Polarization and numerical model of CEB
3.2.4 Simulation results
3.2.5 Experimental test
3.3 FSS array based on CEB for dual mode design for arbitrary polarization
3.3.1 Dual mode design of FSS+CEBs
3.3.2 Calculating the power of absorption Pabs
3.4 A dual-band design of FSS+CEBs
3.4.1 Design structure
3.4.2 Simulation results
3.5 Wideband double-polarized array of CEBs for OLIMPO balloon telescope
3.5.1 NEP analysis
3.5.2 RF design and analysis
3.5.3 Numerical Analysis
3.6 Summary
4.1 Left Handed Metamaterials
4.1.1 LH transmission line
4.2 Composite right/left handed transmission line (CRLH TL)
4.2.1 Balanced and unbalanced CRLH TL
4.3 Nonequilibrium electrons in metals
4.3.1 Electron-electron collisions
4.3.2 Electron-phonon collisions
4.3.3 Energy absorption
4.3.4 Equation for phonons
4.3.5 Thermocouple chain and THz generation
4.4 Transmission Line Model
4.5 Summary
5.1 Plasmon Drag Effect
5.1.1 Localized surface resonances and surface plasmon polaritons
5.1.2 Application of surface plasmon photonics
5.1.3 Equation of motion and drude model
5.1.4 Maxwell's equations for surface plasmon polaritons
5.2 Cross plasmonic network consisting of gold strip arrays
5.3 Boundary states in a plasmonic crystal for SERS detectors
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2 Structure design
5.3.3 Results and discussion
5.3.4 Summary
5.4 A proposal for a multi-functional tunable dual-band plasmonic absorber consisting of a periodic array of elliptical groove
5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Proposed structure and operating principle
5.4.3 Results and discussion
5.4.4 Conclusion
5.5 A proposal for a dual-band tunable plasmonic absorber using concentric-rings resonators and mono-layer graphene
5.5.1 Proposed structure and operating principle
5.5.2 Simulation method and materials
5.5.3 Results and discussion
5.5.4 Conclusion
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Физическая электроника», 01.04.04 шифр ВАК
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Разработка массивов оптических и терагерцовых детекторов на основе метаматериалов»
This work presents research and design of metamaterials in two parts, first section from chapter 1 to chapter 3 describes the Cold Electron Bolometers (CEBs) which have been introduced and invented by L. S. Kuzmin and in second section from chapter 4 to chapter 5, optical and THz metamaterials are discussed.
In the first section we attempted to investigate various designs of CEBs based on Superconductor-Insulator-Normal metal-Insulator-Superconductor (SINIS) tunnel junctions with array structures. Here, the selected motifs of array structures are annular and meander patterns from the Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) and act as detector for incident wave radiations. The operations of CEB devices such as designing and studying these arrays in a wideband for the range 300-450 GHz and ultrawideband for the range 200-1000 GHz, a model of dual band cold electron bolometer at 210 GHz and 240 GHz and other models to work in two modes of polarization are reported. In the above-mentioned CEB designs, first large-size unit cells in [1] for balloonborne telescope missions are briefly noted and compared with the small-size unit cells.
The second section a method is proposed for generating terahertz radiation using a array of thermocouples with capacitive coupling heated by femtosecond laser pulses. Here we present a model of Composite Right/Left Handed Transmission Line.
In the next part of this section we are going to report a numerical study of drag effect plasmonic metamaterial consisting of three layers SiO2/ Au/ Si with the aim of absorption for 1 um laser in spectral regime for infrared operation and also provide an edge states plasmonic metamaterial consisting of four layers SiO2/Ag/SiO2/Si with the aim of molecules detection in visible spectral regime for near field Raman spectroscopy which operates by using the topological insulator. The results showed us that we are able to benefit the edge states at several different frequencies (pixels) for this nano-structure. The nano-structure was irradiated for the range of 500-650 THz. Also two proposals for dual-band plasmonic absorber are presented which geometrically and dynamically are tunable and can be used as optical detectors.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Физическая электроника», Бейранванд Бехрох Мирмохаммад
5.5.4 Conclusion
A tunable graphene-based plasmonic absorber using concentric-rings resonators has been presented and numerically investigated. The proposed structure provides two nearly perfect absorption peaks at 1125 nm and 1615 nm , which are independently tunable by controlling the chemical potential of the graphene layer. We have shown that, as chemical potential of the mono-layer graphene is increased from 0.3 to 0.46 eV, the absorption of the second peak is decreased by about 8.2% , while the first peak is fixed. Besides, by increasing the chemical potential from 0.5 to 0.66 eV, the absorption of the first peak is decreased by 13.6 %, while the absorption of the second peak remains 126
constant. Tunability factors (modulation of absorption per graphene Fermi energy) of 85%/eVand 51.25 %/eVwere calculated for the first and the second peaks, respectively. Furthermore, as the absorption magnitudes of the peaks are independent of the polarization of the incident light, the proposed device can be considered as a polarization-insensitive optical modulator with two separately tunable bands. We have also discussed that by making simple modifications to the rings (i.e. converting them into split-ring resonators) an absorption spectrum with a higher number of absorption peaks can be realized. Simulation results showed that the absorption magnitudes of these peaks are dependent directly upon the angular position of the introduced gaps. Since the proposed device offers a fully tunable optical absorption spectrum, it can be utilized in a wide range of applications such as photo-detectors and multi-spectral tunable reflectors.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Бейранванд Бехрох Мирмохаммад, 2020 год
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