Разработка и исследование систем суммирования тока панелей солнечных батарей тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 05.09.05, кандидат наук Махмуд Ахмед Рефаат Абуэльфадл
- Специальность ВАК РФ05.09.05
- Количество страниц 146
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Махмуд Ахмед Рефаат Абуэльфадл
1.1 Global Trends in Renewable Energy
1.2 Future vision of Renewable Energy in Egypt
1.3 Centralized Inverter PV Systems Challenges
1.4 Dissertation Outline
Chapter Summary
2.1 Photovoltaic Generator
2.2 Modeling of PV Generator
2.2.1 PV cell Model
2.2.2 PV Module and Array Model
2.3 Classification of PV Systems
2.4 Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) Topologies
2.4.1 Stages of Power Processing
2.4.2 Power Decoupling
2.4.3 Galvanic Isolation
2.5 Maximum Energy production from PV Generators
2.5.1 PV Cooling Systems
2.5.2 Sun Trackers
2.5.3 Maximum Power Point (MPP) Trackers
2.6 Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)
2.7 Sinusoidal Pulse-Width Modulation (SPWM)
2.8 Specifications and Standards for Grid-Connected PV Systems
Chapter Summary
3.1 Partial Shading Problem Overview
3.2 Partial Shading Loss Reduction
3.2.1 AI-Based MPPT techniques
3.2.2 Circuit-Based Topologies Configuration and Reconfiguration of PV Array Distributed Architecture Multilevel Inverter (MLI) Topology Differential Power Processing (DPP) Converters and Equalizers
3.3 Current Collector Optimizer (CCO) Topology
3.4 CCO Topology Versus SP Topology under Partial Shading Conditions... 56 Chapter Summary
4.1 Non-Uniform Aging Problem Overview
4.2 Performance of Non-Uniform Aged SP Array Topology
4.3 Performance of Non-Uniform Aged PV Array for CCO Topology
4.4 Discussions
4.5 Reconfiguration Algorithm for CCO Topology
Chapter Summary
5.1 System Description
5.2 Park Transformation
5.3 Grid Synchronization Using Phase-Locked Loop
5.4 Modeling of Grid-Connected VSI
5.5 Control of VSI
5.5.1 The Inner Current Control Loops
5.5.2 The Outer DC-link Voltage Control Loop
5.6 Controller Design
5.6.1 Current Controller
5.6.2 DC-link Voltage Controller
5.7 AC Grid Model
5.7.1 Grid Strength
5.7.2 Grid Impedance Angle
5.8 Simulations and Discussions
5.8.1 Simulation Under Standard Test Condition (STC)
5.8.2 Simulation Under Partial Shading Condition (PSC)
Chapter Summary
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Разработка и исследование систем суммирования тока панелей солнечных батарей»
Relevance of the research topic and degree of elaboration. Over the past few decades, the problems of energy shortages and environmental pollution have become vital research topics worldwide. Thus, the trends of employing renewable energy systems are drawing more and more attention to decreasing energy crisis and carbon emissions. Among all different renewable energy technologies, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are rapidly growing in electricity markets and are expected to continue this trend throughout the near future, being cleaner and more environmentally friendly energy resources than traditional ones such as fossil fuels, coal or nuclear. Nevertheless, the unit cost of energy obtained from PV systems is still high compared to traditional energy sources and other forms of renewables; accordingly, one of the goals of this work is to reduce the cost associated with PV systems by increasing their energy production efficiency.
Centralized inverter architecture is the most commonly used technology for large-scale grid-connected PV plants due to its high conversion efficiency and low price per power ratio. However, the power generated from conventional central inverter with series-parallel (SP) array topology is significantly reduced under partial shading conditions. One technical challenge for central inverter technology is the absence of the maximum power point (MPP) operation for each module due to partial shading conditions. Bypass diodes that are used to prevent modules from hotspot effect deform the PV array characteristics and exhibits multiple peaks, including a global MPP and local MPPs, which makes it difficult to track the global MPP using a simple MPP tracking (MPPT) algorithm. In addition, during partial shading, the MPP tracker may follow a local peak instead of the global peak, thus leading to misleading power losses.
Another technical challenge for central inverter technology with SP array is that the output power is substantially decreased under the non-uniform aging condition. Non-uniform aging of PV panels is a common problem in the PV generation plants, as they often operate under harsh outdoor environmental
conditions for a long service period. Due to the elevated price of replacing aged PV panels with new ones, it is preferable to improve the power extracted from aged PV systems. Therefore, it is necessary to develop PV system technologies for nonuniform aged PV arrays in order to extend their service time as well as maximize their energy production efficiency.
Besides the system efficiency, high-quality injected power is another essential feature of grid-connected PV system. The quality of injected power is mainly governed by practices and standards on voltage, frequency, and harmonics. In this dissertation, IEEE standard 929 would be used to accomplish this goal.
The purpose of the work. The work aims to develop centralized inverter technology to mitigate the power losses in PV power plants under partial shading conditions, maximize the power generated from non-uniform aged PV arrays, and inject a high-quality power into the grid to realize the standard IEEE 929. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:
1. Study the impact of partial shading on the efficiency of centralized inverter technology with a series-parallel (SP) array topology and the literature review of previous researches used to minimize partial shading losses.
2. Classify the power losses under non-uniform aging conditions of PV array and a review of previous works used to reduce those losses.
3. Study the standards and requirements concerning the connection of the PV systems to the grid.
4. Propose a new topology for centralized inverter technology, create mathematical models of this system, and simulate the processes in the proposed system.
5. Analyze and discuss the results obtained under partial shading conditions and compare the new results with the traditional SP array topology to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
6. Analyze and discuss the results obtained under non-uniform aging conditions of PV modules.
7. Propose a control methodology for the new topology and its control schemes for three-phase grid-connected PV modules.
8. Investigation of the effectiveness of the control methodology for grid-connected applications.
The scientific novelty of the applicant's work is that:
1. Create a new grid-connected centralized inverter topology based on a novel photovoltaic current collector optimizer (CCO) to enhance the power yield from PV array under partial shading conditions.
2. Propose reconfiguration approaches for aged PV modules of the CCO topology to solve the problem of non-uniform aging between series-parallel connected PV modules without replacing the aged modules with new ones. For the first time, the aging process is evaluated based on the degradation rate of short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage together.
3. Create a control methodology for the grid-connected CCO topology to verify the standard IEEE 929.
Theoretical significance. A new centralized inverter topology based on a novel photovoltaic CCO has been developed and simulated on MATLAB/SIMULINK in order to enhance the system performance under partial shading conditions. The CCO topology is tested with reconfiguration approaches to maximize the power extracted from non-uniform aged PV modules. Some programs have been created to verify the operation of the CCO topology for grid-connected applications.
Practical significance of the work. The results of the work can be used to develop large-scale grid-connected PV power plants in order to extend their service time and maximize their energy production efficiency under partial shading or nonuniform aging conditions.
Research methodology and methods. The main research methods used in the work: Mathematical and computer modeling, comparative analysis, algorithms, and control systems. The MATLAB software package (version R2015a) was used to solve these tasks. Power circuits and control system elements are modeled using SIMULINK, and algorithms are written using M-code.
Main provisions submitted for defense:
1. It is shown that the power produced from the traditional centralized inverter technology with SP array topology is drastically decreased under non-ideal conditions because of the mismatch between PV panels. The main reasons for this mismatch are partial shading and non-uniform aging conditions between PV modules. Under both conditions, the characteristics of the entire PV array are deformed and exhibit multiple peaks, including global and local MPPs. Therefore, the extraction of maximum power from the array becomes complicated as there are various local MPPs. Hence the classical MPPT algorithms that track the singular MPP of PV array characteristics under ideal conditions cannot be applied. During mismatch conditions, the MPP tracker may follow a local peak instead of the global peak that represents the global MPP (GMPP), thus leads to misleading power losses.
2. A new circuit-based topology, known as the current collector optimizer (CCO) topology, is proposed to increase the power extracted from the photovoltaic array under partial shading and non-uniform aging conditions.
3. Using the CCO topology, the electrical characteristics of the PV array are improved with smooth curves and unique MPP which can be easily followed by a simple MPPT algorithm. The local MPPs that found in the case of SP array topology is successfully eliminated by the use of the CCO circuits. Subsequently, the CCO topology does not suffer from misleading power losses. Also, the voltage differences between parallel PV generators; due to partial shading or nonuniform aging conditions, are compensated through the optimizes to a current consolidation point. Therefore, the circulating currents between parallel PV generators are eliminated.
4. Under partial shading conditions, the mismatch power loss is substantially decreased as well as energy efficiency is increased through the use of CCO topology.
5. The problem of non-uniform aging among series-parallel connected PV modules is solved without replacing the aged modules with new ones. The CCO topology
is used to enhance energy harvest from non-uniform aging PV modules. Optimum power is obtained if the short-circuit current is used to assess the aging process, while close to optimum power is achieved when the short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage are used to evaluate the aging process. 6. A control methodology of three-phase grid-connected CCO topology and its control schemes is proposed in order to inject a high-quality power into the grid to meet the standard IEEE 929. It is shown that the proposed control methodology offers an excellent steady-state response, fast dynamic response, low THD of current, unity power factor operation, perfect and robust tracking of MPP.
The degree of reliability of the results is confirmed by the use of well-studied, Kirchhoff's laws; making calculations in a high-quality software tool Matlab/Simulink, which has been proven by many years of successful calculation practice. Correct use of modern methods of mathematical data processing.
Approbation of the results. The main provisions of the dissertation were presented and discussed at: department scientific seminars of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU), XX international scientific conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies "Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies EMMFT 2018", (Voronezh, December 10-13, 2018), the 19th Conference of young researchers in the field of electrical engineering and electronics "2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (2019 ElConRus)", (St. Petersburg, 28-31 January 2019), International Scientific Electric Power Conference (ISEPC-2019), (St. Petersburg, May 23-24, 2019), International Scientific Conference "Construction and Architecture: Theory and Practice for the Innovation Development (CAAPID-2019)", (Kislovodsk, October 1-5, 2019), International multi-conference on industrial engineering and modern technologies "2020 International multi-conference on industrial engineering and modern technologies (FarEastCon)", (Vladivostok, Russky ostorov, October 6-9, 2020).
This chapter aims to provide an overview of global trends in renewable energy, the future vision of renewable energy in Egypt, and the challenges faced by centralized inverter PV systems. An outline is presented to give a summary of the topics covered in each chapter.
1.1 Global Trends in Renewable Energy
As the world electricity consumption rapidly increases with population and economic growth, new power generation capacities are required to meet the accelerated demand for electric energy. In a recent study by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), about 86% of electricity generation would be renewable energy resources by 2050. Solar PV and wind are expected to dominate expansion, with an installed capacity of more than 8500 GW and 6000 GW, respectively, as shown in Figure 1.1. Solar PV would represent the second largest power generation source, just behind wind power, and would generate 25 % of total electricity demands globally, making it one of the world's leading generation sources by 2050 [1].
Figure 1.1 - Solar PV would have the largest installed capacity expansion by 2050
1.2 Future vision of Renewable Energy in Egypt
Renewable energy resources with the greatest potential for widespread application in Egypt are hydropower, wind, and solar. According to the New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Egypt intends to increase the supply of electricity generated from renewable sources to 20% by 2022 and 42% by 2035 as shown in Figure 1.2. In 2019, the country's total installed capacity of renewables amounts to 3.7 GW, including 2.8 GW of hydropower and around 0.9 GW of solar and wind power. The total installed capacity of renewable energy sources is expected to reach 19.2 GW by 2022 and increase to 49.5 GW and 62.6 GW in years 2030 and 2035 respectively. Table 1. 1 shows the development of installed electric capacity for the different renewable technologies from 2010 to 2035 [2,3].
Nuclear Energy 3%
O Thermal Power 0 Renewable energy 0 Nuclear Energy O CSP Q f\l O Wind O Hydro Plants Electricity Production 2035
Figure 1.2 - Electricity production scenarios in Egypt: (a) Vision 2022 and (b)
Vision 2035[2]
Table 1.1 - Evolution of installed renewable energy power capacity in GW [3]
Type of power station 2009/10 2021/22 2029/30 2034/35
Hydro 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9
Wind 0.5 13.3 20.6 20.6
Photovoltaic (PV) 0.0 3.0 22.9 31.75
Concentrated solar power (CSP) 0.0 0.1 4.1 8.1
Total 3.3 19.2 50.5 62.6
According to these visions, the installed capacity of solar PV generation would be increased from 3 GW by 2022 to 31.75 GW by 2035. Most of this capacity will be installed as centralized PV systems connected to the electrical grid. Therefore, it is very important that the power produced by these PV systems is not wasted by using inefficient power electronics systems. One of the goals of this dissertation is to reduce the cost associated with centralized PV systems by increasing their operational efficiency.
1.3 Centralized Inverter PV Systems Challenges
Centralized inverter architecture is the most commonly used technology for large-scale grid-connected PV plants due to its high conversion efficiency and low price per power ratio. However, the power generated from conventional central inverter with series-parallel (SP) array topology is significantly reduced under partial shading conditions. One technical challenge for central inverter technology is the absence of the maximum power point (MPP) operation for each module due to partial shading conditions. Bypass diodes that are used to prevent modules from hotspot effect deform the PV array characteristics and exhibits multiple peaks, including a global MPP and local MPPs, which makes it difficult to track the global MPP using a simple MPP tracking (MPPT) algorithm. In addition, during partial shading, the MPP tracker may follow a local peak instead of the global peak, thus leading to misleading power losses.
Another technical challenge for central inverter technology with SP array is that the output power is substantially decreased under the non-uniform aging condition. Non-uniform aging of PV panels is a common problem in the PV generation plants, as they often operate under harsh outdoor environmental conditions for a long service period. Due to the elevated price of replacing aged PV panels with new ones, it is preferable to improve the power extracted from aged PV systems. Therefore, it is necessary to develop PV system technologies for nonuniform aged PV arrays to extend their service time as well as maximize their energy production efficiency.
In addition to system efficiency, high-quality injected power is another essential feature of grid-connected PV system. The quality of injected power is mainly governed by practices and standards on voltage, frequency, and harmonics. In this dissertation, IEEE standard 929 would be used to realize this goal.
1.4 Dissertation Outline
The dissertation is organized in six chapters as follows:
• Chapter 1 PV Power systems challenges.
• Chapter 2 presents a general overview of photovoltaic power systems, including mathematical modeling of PV generators, classification of PV systems, power conditioning unit (PCU) topologies, maximum power extraction from PV generators, voltage source inverter (VSI), sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique, and requirements and standards for grid-connected PV systems.
• Chapter 3 discusses the impact of partial shading on the efficiency of the PV array and a survey of previous works used to minimize partial shading losses. The chapter also presents a novel photovoltaic array topology based on a new current collector optimizer (CCO) to improve the power harvest from the PV array under partial shading conditions.
A comparative study with series-parallel (SP) array topology is carried out to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed topology.
• Chapter 4 proposes the CCO topology with reconfiguration approaches to solve the problem of non-uniform aging among seriesparallel connected PV modules without replacing the aged modules with new ones. The chapter also presents an offline algorithm for rearranging erratic aged CCO modules to extract the optimum power from large-scale PV arrays. A comparative study with SP array topology is performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the CCO topology.
• Chapter 5 proposes a control methodology of three-phase grid-connected CCO topology and its control schemes in order to inject a high-quality power into the grid to meet the standard IEEE 929. Simulation results on MATLAB/Simulink have been carried out in order to confirm the system operation under standard test condition (STC) and partial shading condition (PSC).
• Chapter 6 is a summary and conclusion of the main points obtained in this dissertation and possible extensions as future work.
Chapter Summary
A brief overview of the global trends in renewable energy and the future vision of renewable energy in Egypt has been presented in this chapter. The chapter also addressed the problems that could be faced by centralized inverter PV systems. Finally, a summary of the topics covered in each chapter was provided.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Теоретическая электротехника», Махмуд Ахмед Рефаат Абуэльфадл
This work focused on the improvement of the performance of centralized inverter technology for grid-connected applications. The aim was to create a new grid-connected centralized inverter topology based on a novel photovoltaic current collector optimizer (CCO) to enhance the power yield from PV array in case of partial shading or mismatch conditions as well as inject a high-quality power into the grid to fulfill the standard IEEE 929. Therefore,
• A general overview of PV systems and their control schemes was provided in Chapter 2. This overview included modeling of PV generator, classification of PV systems, maximum energy production form PV system, control of VSI, sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique, and specifications and standards of grid-connected PV systems.
• Chapter 3 dealt with the impact of partial shading on the performance of the PV array. The output power of PV arrays has been shown to be significantly reduced by a partial shading phenomenon. Therefore, previous works used to mitigate the effects of partial shading have been surveyed.
• Further, a circuit-based topology known as CCO topology was proposed to improve the efficiency of the PV array under partial shading conditions. A comparative study with respect to SP array topology was carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed CCO topology.
• In Chapter 4, the problem of non-uniform aging between PV modules was addressed by using CCO topology. The chapter also contributed to highlighting the effect of the degradation rate of open-circuit voltage on the output power of PV array.
• At the end of Chapter 4, a simple reconfiguration algorithm was proposed to extract optimum power from non-uniformly aged modules for large-scale CCO topology applications.
• In Chapter 5, a control strategy of three-phase grid-connected CCO topology and its control schemes was proposed to inject a high-quality power into the grid to meet the standard IEEE 929.
The main outcomes of the research presented in this dissertation can be summarized as follows:
• Using the CCO topology, the electrical characteristics of the PV array have been improved with smooth curves and unique MPP even under partial shading or non-uniform aging conditions.
• Local MPPs that found in the case of SP array topology have been successfully eliminated by the use of the CCO circuits.
• Misleading power losses have been eradicated for partially shaded or non-uniformly aged PV arrays.
• The CCO topology enables us to use a simple MPPT algorithm to track the MPP.
• The voltage difference between parallel PV generators; due to partial shading or mismatch conditions are compensated through the optimizes to a current consolidation point. Therefore, the circulating currents between parallel PV generators are eliminated.
• Under partial shading conditions, the mismatch power loss is substantially decreased as well as energy efficiency is increased through the use of CCO topology.
• The problem of non-uniform aging among series-parallel connected PV modules has been solved without replacing the aged modules with new ones. The CCO topology is used to enhance energy harvest from nonuniform aging PV modules. Optimum power is obtained if the short-
circuit current aging factor is used to assess the aging process, while close to optimum power is achieved when the short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage aging factors are used to evaluate the aging process.
• Simulation results of grid-connected CCO topology show that the proposed control methodology offers an excellent steady-state response, fast dynamic response, low THD of current, UPF operation, perfect and robust tracking of MPP. Therefore, the system performance met the standard IEEE 929.
The following topics are suggested for future work:
• The findings of the simulations should be verified with experimental testing in a laboratory.
• Studying the effects of switching and fault conditions for grid-connected CCO topology.
• Study and development of anti-islanding control for grid-connected CCO topology. The grid-connected VSI with high priority (critical) loads should be able to supply a stable voltage and frequency to these critical loads while rapidly detecting unintentional islanding.
• In order to enhance the performance of the system, different control techniques, particularly sensorless types could be studied.
• Integration of PV system with other renewables such as wind turbines and fuel cells in a hybrid system.
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