Разработка алгоритмов раннего прогнозирования нестандартных ситуаций при бурении скважин (Development of algorithms for predictive alarming on non-standard situations at well drilling) тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Гурина Екатерина Викторовна

  • Гурина Екатерина Викторовна
  • кандидат науккандидат наук
  • 2024, АНОО ВО «Сколковский институт науки и технологий»
  • Специальность ВАК РФ00.00.00
  • Количество страниц 136
Гурина Екатерина Викторовна. Разработка алгоритмов раннего прогнозирования нестандартных ситуаций при бурении скважин (Development of algorithms for predictive alarming on non-standard situations at well drilling): дис. кандидат наук: 00.00.00 - Другие cпециальности. АНОО ВО «Сколковский институт науки и технологий». 2024. 136 с.

Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Гурина Екатерина Викторовна




1.1. Phases of drilling process

1.2. Data acquisition and monitoring of drilling process

1.3. Data quality issues in mud logging data

1.4. Classification of drilling problems and accidents

1.4.1. Pipe sticking

1.4.2. Drilling bit and pipe failures

1.4.3. Integrity damage of well walls

1.4.4. Shale collars (bit balling)

1.4.5. Fluid-, oil-, gas- or water shows (kicks)

1.4.6. Mud loss (lost circulation)

1.4.7. Other failures

1.5. State-of-art solutions for drilling accident forecasting problem




2.2. Data preprocessing

2.3. Data sampling

2.4. Summary


3.1. State-of-art methods for time-series comparison

3.2. Description of classification algorithms

3.3. Methods for model validation

3.4. Bag-of-features model

3.4.1. Methodology of Bag-of-features solution

3.4.2. Selection of the main hyperparameters

3.5. Interval-based feature extraction model

3.5.1. Methodology of statistical model

3.5.2. Selection of the main hyperparameters

3.6. Classification problem statement

3.7. General quality metrics


3.8. Robustness of Bag-of-features model

3.9. Summary




4.3. Interpretation methods used in the current study

4.4. Validation procedures

4.4.1. State-of-art methods for interpretability validation

4.4.2. Assessment of interpretability quality

4.5. General interpretation quality

4.6. Consistency of explanatory model

4.7. Summary


5.1. General structure of the AIDrilling system












Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК

Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Разработка алгоритмов раннего прогнозирования нестандартных ситуаций при бурении скважин (Development of algorithms for predictive alarming on non-standard situations at well drilling)»


A significant proportion of the investment and capital expenditures of oil and gas companies falls on the drilling of wells during the development of fields [29], as well as during the exploration phase of field development. However, drilling oil and gas wells are usually accompanied by uncertain information about the geological conditions of drilling, including the necessary information about rocks and fluids in their natural state, which is essential for successful drilling.

Drilling the first exploratory wells in the area, recognized as promising for oil and gas deposits, is carried out based on geophysical surveys and structural exploration drilling, which usually gives only an idea about deposit structure with some probability. The degree of information reliability increases with the increase in the number of wells drilled, the level of research carried out in them, and the quality of data processing.

However, regardless of the well's construction technology level and available information, unusual situations and problems (complications) inevitably happen during drilling. The share of the costs for eliminating drilling problems can be significant and is mainly determined by the complexity of drilling geological conditions. Therefore, understanding and anticipating them and their causes are necessary for overall well-cost control and reaching the target zone.

The main reasons why unusual situations occur are insufficiently well-studied geological conditions and the human factor. For example, the difference in expected and real thickness of the geological layer, physical and chemical properties of the rocks, and inaccurate lithology forecast may lead to some severe accidents, as stucks or fluid shows. in addition, drilling failures can be exacerbated by organizational reasons: low level of technology, insufficient and untimely provision of high-quality tools and materials, and low-performing discipline of the drilling crew operators.

since complications generate additional costs for materials and significantly influence the further operation of wells, one of the trends for further growth in drilling


productivity is to reduce non-productive time (NPT) while drilling by preventing accidents and their consequences. It is well known that eliminating an accident is much easier at an early stage of its distribution. However, one problem often entails another one, which complicates the task of eliminating it. For example, the stuck of a drilling tool can result from a slaking-off or tight pull of the drilling column, which has not been detected in advance. Therefore, it is necessary to detect all abnormal drilling behaviour, and by this, we can forecast or at least detect most of the drilling problems. Using such a scheme, the drilling process can be normalized with minimal loss of working time by timely remedial interventions.

As mentioned, interest in forecasting methods for drilling oil and gas wells is expanding while the complexity of designed wells and depths is increasing. Currently, there are several approaches for predicting complications during drilling; however, interest in developing such models remains strong. That is why developing a product that can predict accidents during drilling operations is significant for the oil and gas industry.

Aim and objectives. The dissertation's main aim is to develop an algorithm for detecting both pre-accident (precursors intervals) and drilling accident patterns for the most common types of drilling accidents using machine learning or deep learning techniques.

To achieve the stated aim following objectives have been stated:

1. Perform a comprehensive literature review of the state-of-the-art solutions used in the industry. Current objectives include an overview of the real-time drilling data used by engineers to identify accidents; drilling accident classifications; state-of-the-art approaches for the drilling accidents forecasting problem.

2. Collect a dataset of accidents and their precursors' intervals, analyse data quality issues presented in the collected dataset, and develop preprocessing module fixing the main quality problems.

3. plan and develop models that use collected data and transform it into a different feature space where the accident patterns can be distinguished from the normal drilling operations. Analyse the results obtained in different experimental settings and the robustness of applied methods.

4. plan and develop an interpretability model that uses the best-developed model that forecasts accidents and explains why the model decided that the particular accident would happen.

5. Test the developed model during real-time drilling operations using the infrastructure of the industry partner.

Methods. The research utilizes methods of machine learning including deep learning, petroleum engineering and well construction theory, methods of model agnostic meta- learning theory. The algorithms were developed in python programming language.

Novelty. This research is the first-ever comprehensive study of machine learning and deep learning techniques for forecasting abnormal events of different types during drilling in real-time. in particular, for the first time, a universal solution has been developed that is able to forecast six most common types of drilling accidents in realtime: kick, stuck, loss circulation, washout of drilling pipe, shale collar, and break of drilling pipe. For the first time, an interpretability model has been developed to explain the results of accident forecasting model in real time and visualize the logic behind the forecasting model outcome.

Practical value. The models and corresponding software allow reducing nonproductive time and failure mitigation costs during the real life well construction process. The obtained results confirm that the use of the developed algorithms during well construction can reduce non-productive time by up to 15%. In addition, the results of the presented study determine principles for telemetry data collection.

Scientific statements submitted for defense. Scientific statements submitted for defense. The following statements are submitted for defense:

1. A comprehensive model for predicting the six most common accidents during the drilling of oil and gas wells, operating in real-time based on surface telemetry data and machine learning methods

2. A model for interpreting the forecast of emergency situations during the drilling of oil and gas wells

3. Methodologies for assessing the quality of models for both accident forecasting and interpretation

Personal contribution. All the results of the dissertation were obtained personally by the applicant or with his direct involvement. In particular, the applicant performed the search and analysis of the literature related to the research topic. The applicant together with supervisor, PhD in physics and math, D.Koroteev and co-supervisor, PhD in technical sciences, K.Antipova participated in the formulation of aims and objectives of the dissertation and developed experimental methods. The results of the work were obtained personally by the author or with his direct participation. The development of a software product based on the developed models for forecasting non-standard situations and interpreting the forecast was carried out by the team of the Digital Petroleum Company with the direct participation of the author.

Publications and conferences. The statements and conclusions formulated in the dissertation have received qualified approbation at international SPE and EAGE scientific conferences. The credibility is also confirmed by the publication of research results in five articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The publications are fully consistent with the topic of the dissertation research and provide nearly complete coverage of the dissertation content.

Заключение диссертации по теме «Другие cпециальности», Гурина Екатерина Викторовна


Minimizing non-productive time during drilling by forecasting accidents is one of the most significant tasks during well construction. The current study aimed to develop a unified algorithm for forecasting and detecting pre-accident and accident patterns during the well construction process for the most common types of drilling accidents using artificial intelligence techniques.

The main research results are the following:

1. A literature review was performed. It includes description of classification, patterns and physics of the drilling accidents, different data sources available during drilling, data quality issues, SOTA solutions for drilling accident forecasting problem, time-series representations and interpretability techniques for black-box models. Based on research results obtained through summarizing and analysing existing state-of-art solutions for drilling accident forecasting, it was shown that future algorithm should be trained on the real data from different wells, shows statistically significant results, can be applied without additional model training in real-time and notifies drilling engineers about the possible accident in advance.

2. The main steps of the data collection, sampling and preprocessing steps required for further problem-solving were demonstrated. The collected the dataset includes 180 cases of real drilling accident intervals, 114 pre-accident segments and 1290 segments of normal drilling behaviour happened in open hole section. To solve data quality issues, the preprocessing module was developed.

3. Several models that are able to forecast and detect drilling accidents were proposed and developed. The ablation study of the model's primary hyperparameters was performed for each method. The best-developed solution is based on Bag-of-features approach. Model can forecast 70% of drilling accidents with a FPR equal to 30%. At the same time, it can detect 83%of drilling accidents. The main limitations of model were experimentally investigated.

4. The methodology and approach for interpreting the Bag-of-features model results were proposed. The interpretability model that uses the best-developed model that forecasts accidents was developed. It explains why the model decided that the particular accident would happen. Explanatory model has 15% precision at 70% recall and overcomes the metric values of a random baseline and multi-head attention neural network. It was shown that provided explanations are consistent with the physics of the drilling process.

5. The developed models were tested during real-time drilling operations via the integration of Bag-of-features model into AIDrilling software. The obtained research results were also confirmed with real surface telemetry


Drilling accident prediction is an essential task in well construction. Drilling support software allows observing the drilling parameters for multiple wells simultaneously, and artificial intelligence helps detect the drilling accident predecessor ahead of the emergency. The developed Bag-of-features and interpretation models are core parts of the AIDrilling system that can minimize non-productive time while drilling using the surface telemetry data. The system was successfully tested in real oilfields in Russia.

However, there are many things to improve. First, it is necessary to continue collecting data on various accidents retrain the model and see how its quality changes depending on the database sample size for each accident type. Moreover, when a sufficient number of cases are available, it will be possible to train generative networks, which will provide synthetic telemetry data. Such a procedure will further expand the database size for different accident types.

In addition, several additional steps in preprocessing are required to improve the preprocessing module and increase the quality of the input signals. The logical checks for the presence of several input values of data should be expanded. For example, when the WOB parameter increases, the TQA parameter should also increase with the same trend. Such tests allow for increasing the physical meaning of input signals. Moreover, it would be interesting to consider different input data quality evaluation schemes and check how the quality of forecasting and interpretability models depend on them.

Further algorithms development is also required. First, it is necessary to obtain model quality using other metrics that might indicate the ratio of true forecasted events and the particular number of false alarms per day for each accident type independently. It also might be a good strategy for the objective function during model training to assign higher penalties for false negatives of more severe drilling accidents. The different target-assigning methodologies and sampling techniques should also be considered and

compared. Since most of the patterns for each accident type are not similar, it might also be helpful to consider several independent forecasting models with different time-series representations tuned for the particular accident type to achieve better forecasting quality.

Including more physical meaning into the model using post-processing filters or additional developed features is also essential. For example, it is interesting to analyse how model quality will change if the model includes not only the telemetry parameters but also the calculated parameters using, for example, Torque and Drag models or features, showing the size or type of drilling equipment presented in the well at each time moment.

A broad area of research in the field of forecast interpretation is still uncovered. First, it is necessary to test the existing interpretation algorithm with the highest number of experts, consider different schemes of interpretation quality calculation, and develop rules for evaluating the provided feedback by the drilling engineers. Moreover, it is interesting to research the predictive model whose interpretation is as close as possible to the drilling engineer reference. Finally, considering the current explanatory model, which uses features from the Bag-of-features model, it also might be helpful to provide an explanation not only highlighting segments but also with a general description of patterns presented in a particular cluster.

As a recommendation for further AIDrilling system development, it is also necessary to check whether it is possible to increase the speed of system performance using different principles of microservices operations and decrease the memory using modern databases and different principles of data storage.

Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Гурина Екатерина Викторовна, 2024 год


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