Применение нескольких МЭМС инерциальных измерительных блоков низкого качества в алгоритмах навигации и синхронизации времени / Navigation and Time Synchronization Algorithms Using Multiple Low Grade MEMS IMUs тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 05.13.18, кандидат наук Файзуллин Марсель Фарисович
- Специальность ВАК РФ05.13.18
- Количество страниц 99
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Файзуллин Марсель Фарисович
Chapter 1. Best Axes Composition: Multiple IMUs Sensor Fusion
to Reduce Systematic Error
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Related Work
1.3 Background
1.3.1 State Variables and Frames of Reference
1.3.2 IMU Model
1.3.3 Kinematic Model
1.3.4 A competitor: Averaged Virtual Estimator
1.4 Best Axes Composition for Multiple IMU Sensor Fusion in Open Loop
1.4.1 Stage I. Stationary IMU Parameters Estimation
1.4.2 Stage II. Time-dependent IMU Parameters Estimation
1.4.3 Stage III. Best Axes Composition
1.5 Implementation
1.6 Experiments
1.7 Conclusions
Chapter 2. Twist-n-Sync: Software Time Synchronization with Microseconds Accuracy and Precision Using
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Related Work
2.3 Background
2.3.1 Time synchronization problem statement
2.3.2 Rigid Body Rotations and Angular Velocities
2.3.3 MEMS Gyroscope Model
2.4 Twist-n-Sync Time Synchronization Algorithm
2.4.1 Coarse Time Offset Calculation
2.4.2 Online Calibration
2.4.3 Time Offset Refinement
2.4.4 Algorithm Implementation
2.5 Empirical validation
2.5.1 Calibration Influence
2.5.2 Downsampling and Offset Influence
2.5.3 Cut-Off Frequency Influence
2.5.4 Trial Duration Influence
2.5.5 Summary
2.6 Conclusion
Chapter 3. Practical Applications of Twist-n-Sync for
Synchronization of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous
Sensor Systems
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Related work
3.3 Twist-n-Sync for Synchronized Capturing of Color Images by Two Smartphones
3.3.1 Mobile Application for Synchronized Image Capture by Twist-n-Sync
3.3.2 Evaluation Methodology and Tool
3.3.3 Results
3.4 Twist-n-Sync for Synchronized Capturing of Smartphone Camera
Color and Depth Camera Range Images
3.4.1 System Overview
3.4.2 Synchronization
3.4.3 Evaluation Methodology and Results
3.5 Conclusion
List of Figures
List of Tables
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Применение нескольких МЭМС инерциальных измерительных блоков низкого качества в алгоритмах навигации и синхронизации времени / Navigation and Time Synchronization Algorithms Using Multiple Low Grade MEMS IMUs»
Relevance and Degree of Elaboration of the research topic. This work covers the problems of (1) navigation and (2) time synchronization, therefore the relevance and the degree of elaboration of the research topic consist of two parts below.
1. State estimation by Multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMUs. State (orientation and/or position) estimation is a basic problem in navigation. Among the tasks that continuously increase the demand for solving the navigation problem, one can list localization of a self-driving car on a road, wheeled rescue robot navigation under building debris, unmanned aerial robot navigation in the air, handheld 3D-scanner pose estimation for precise 3D-model construction of an object, and other cases. In order to perceive information about rigid body state, data from different sensors may be gathered and analyzed. The sensors may include lidars; depth, thermal, or visual cameras; radars; sonars; inertial measurement units (IMUs). An IMU placed on a moving body is a key sensor that can provide information about angular velocity (by its internal gyroscope) and acceleration (by its internal accelerometer) of this body. Integration of IMU measurements provides orientation and position estimates of the body. For state estimation, IMU data can be used solely (so-called dead-reckoning problem) or can also be fused with other types of data (e.g. visual images or navigation satellite data).
The most accurate and precise state estimation results using an IMU can be reached if the IMU, in turn, provides accurate and precise measurements. The most important characteristics that describe the accuracy and precision of the IMU measurements are noise strength and bias diffusion [61]. According to [97], it is generally accepted to use these measures among others in order to put IMU sensor performance into four categories, ranging the sensors from high- to low-performance: navigation-grade IMUs, tactical-grade IMUs, industrial-grade IMUs, and low grade or consumer-grade IMUs. While the three first categories usually propose massive and expensive sensors [97], they appear to be not available for widespread usage in mobile robotics and mass consumption. In contrast, consumer-grade IMUs are ubiquitous, cheap ($100 and less), tiny (less than several millimeters for every dimension), these properties make this category of IMUs occupy the majority of devices where they are presented and tasks being solved [12]. Consumer-grade IMUs are based on Micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology that allows the de-
sign of tiny (less than 1 mm) integrated devices or systems that combine mechanical and electrical components [23].
Despite the mentioned advantages of the consumer-grade IMUs, they have the main drawback, in addition to high values of noise strength and bias diffusion, they suffer from systematic errors including non-unit scaling of measurements, axes misalignment (non-orthogonality), non-linear distortion, the dependence of measurements on temperature and other factors [69, 91, 87]. Some of the errors can be minimized by well-defined calibration techniques (non-unit scaling, axes misalignment) [69], while the other imperfections cannot be obtained by classical calibration techniques and produce a problem for accurate state estimation. Therefore, a single consumer-grade IMU sensor is not usually used for pose estimation tasks solely but applied as an aid to other types of sensors.
Nowadays, to improve state estimation performance when utilizing consumer-grade MEMS IMUs, multiple IMU (MIMU) data fusion became popular in the state estimation topic; a recent review [63] states that more than three hundred research papers were published in recent decades on MIMU data fusion techniques and applications. The classical probabilistic model of MIMU data fusion that takes into account only stochastic errors, shows noticeably better estimation performance in theory [96]. However, the classical model does not take into account the sources of systematic errors mentioned above, such that the application of the probabilistic model for the fusion of real multiple MEMS IMU data cannot reach theoretical gain in performance.
For better accuracy, systematic errors in consumer-grade MEMS IMU measurements should be considered either directly - by defining their models explicitly or indirectly - by assuming their existence and possible behaviour. In this work, we propose a multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMU data fusion algorithm that indirectly handles the systematic errors.
Thus, the first aim of this work is to propose, develop, examine, and justify a method of multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMU data fusion for state estimation that indirectly handles the systematic errors.
2. Time synchronization using Multiple consumer-grade MEMS gyroscopes. Time synchronization of data obtained from sensors in a sensor network is a fundamental component of the data gathering process that provides correct information about data temporal relation. For data fusion algorithms, misalignment of data timestamps leads to data stream mismatch and may become a source of criti-
cal errors in target applications. Some clear examples of synchronization importance may come from a wide range of areas in research and engineering, e.g., in computer vision (CV). Thanks to the great advances in microelectronics, computer science, and CV algorithms, visual data represent a great value for world economics and society in common due to the massive application of object detection, recognition, and segmentation algorithms, or robot localization and environment mapping algorithms in such areas as transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, retail, and others. This type of data stream vitally needs time synchronization with visual or other types (e.g., inertial) of data streams when data fusion is applied: in case of fusing data from multiple cameras placed on a moving platform, unsynchronized capture of images negatively affects the projection error when the platform moves, especially during rotations [64]; adverse artifacts appear during panorama stitching by images obtained from stationary multi-view camera systems, which capture high-dynamic scenes [28]; out of synchronization can severely weaken the performance of IMU-based image stabilization of photo or video shooting systems [21]; Visual-Inertial Odometry (VIO) methods lose the ability to correctly track image keypoints if IMU measurements are not correctly synchronized with the images [89]. Analogous problems can be found in other areas and for other types of data.
There exist different solutions for time synchronization. Among them is hardware (HW) time synchronization, which is the most accurate and precise solution for time synchronization (nanoseconds order and better). HW time synchronization in its core may include dedicated electronic circuits that provide triggering signals or reference clock pulses. Considering huge diversity of modern sensors and sensor networks, it can be complicated to provide HW synchronization in every case. The impossibility of HW synchronization may be explained by geographical, technological, economic, compatibility, and other reasons. Accordingly, to overcome these issues, software (SW) synchronization methods that employ mathematical models and analysis of physical phenomena, become an alternative solution. Among them, network-based and data-driven synchronization methods stand at the forefront.
The widely applied network-based time synchronization protocols such as Network Time Protocol (NTP) and others [55, 56, 34, 33, 30] may provide several millisecond or better synchronization performance; however, the performance is highly dependent on the current network connection latency and symmetry that is not guaranteed in general [36, 67]. Moreover, network cards are not always available on sensor platforms.
If network-based synchronization is not proper or not available, data-driven synchronization may be applied. It employs the analysis of properties of data streams themselves to capture mutual temporal relation between the streams. For instance, this concept was applied to the synchronization of seismic sensors during the MesoAmerica Subduction Experiment [49] or to the synchronization of image streams from independent cameras during hockey match [84]. The accuracy and precision of such a type of synchronization is commonly have the same order as data stream sampling periods. For synchronization of image streams, this value shows ten milliseconds order [79, 11] that is unacceptably high for CV task examples mentioned in a paragraph above, where sub-millisecond synchronization order should be preserved for the robustness of working pipelines. This means that for such examples, there is need to provide data streams with higher data rates, which is not technically possible.
Consumer-grade MEMS IMUs that are widely used for solving state estimation problems, can generate high data rate measurements (1-10 kHz order) and resolve even modest dynamics of movements (10-3 rad/s of angular velocity and 5-10-3 m/s2 of linear acceleration) [58]. One can make a finding that multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMUs can also be used as a source of data for data-driven time synchronization if they experience dependent motions. In turn, the main case when motions are dependent is motions of rigidly connected IMUs, among others. Considering this hypothesis, we propose to examine the application of multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMUs in time synchronization tasks of rigidly connected but independent systems.
Thus, the second aim of this research is to propose, develop, examine, justify, and apply a data-driven time synchronization algorithm that utilizes multiple consumer-grade MEMS gyroscopes.
From now, we will refer to consumer-grade MEMS IMUs as just IMUs and use MIMU abbreviation for multiple of them.
To achieve two stated aims, it was needed to solve the following main tasks:
1. Investigate state-of-the-art (SOTA) MIMU data fusion methods to assess directions of improvement of the existing navigation algorithms.
2. Examine SOTA software-based techniques for synchronization of sensors in sensor networks.
3. Provide a navigation algorithm that utilizes data from multiple IMUs and outperforms SOTA algorithms of MIMU data fusion.
4. Provide a time synchronization algorithm that utilizes data from multiple IMUs and outperforms SOTA software-based time synchronization algorithms.
5. Provide an empirical justification of the performance of the proposed navigation algorithm:
• Provide an implementation of the algorithm.
• Develop hardware-software data gathering system for obtaining data for performance estimation of the algorithm.
• Gather MIMU data set.
• Employ the MIMU data fusion algorithm to the gathered inertial data.
• Carry out the analysis of the performance.
6. Provide an empirical justification of the performance of the proposed synchronization algorithm:
• Provide an implementation of the algorithm.
• Develop hardware-software inertial data gathering system with known and controlled time offsets for obtaining data for performance estimation of our synchronization algorithm.
• Gather data from multiple (two) IMU sensors by the system.
• Apply the synchronization algorithm to the gathered inertial data.
• Perform the analysis of the performance of the algorithm under influence of different factors.
• Perform the analysis of the robustness of the algorithm on real applications including (i) synchronized data gathering from multiple modern rigidly attached smartphones and (ii) a smartphone rigidly attached to an external depth camera.
Scientific novelty of the results obtained in the thesis:
1. An essentially new algorithm of consumer-grade MEMS MIMU data fusion is presented that outperforms classical probabilistic Multiple IMU data fusion technique due to handling the assumption that systematical errors have considerable contribution to state estimation error.
2. A new software-based time synchronization algorithm using consumer-grade MEMS gyroscope data is proposed that outperforms any known network-based and data-driven time synchronization algorithms for sensors in sensor networks.
3. A deep analysis of gyroscope data and configurations that affect the accuracy and precision of the synchronization method has been carried out in order to provide a reference for the optimal choice of parameters.
4. A novel customized evaluation methodologies of the frame synchronization accuracy and precision between (i) multiple visual rolling-shutter cameras and (ii) a visual rolling shutter camera and depth camera utilizing the rolling-shutter effect have been proposed.
Scientific and practical significance. The work covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the stated problems due to the examination of theoretical models of physical sensors and their accordance with practical tasks. Theoretical significance of the work consists of the justification of the hypotheses that (i) it is possible to handle systematic errors in multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMU measurements in order to provide improvement of the state estimation accuracy; (ii) application of consumer-grade MEMS gyroscope data is reasonable not only in navigation but also in time synchronization algorithms, and constitutes an effectively working solution. Practical significance consists of the practical application of results obtained during solving the proposed theoretical tasks. The practical significance of the time synchronization algorithm is confirmed by the application of the results obtained in the dissertation by two industrial projects with Samsung AI Center at Moscow on creating a dataset of an interior with a person in the foreground using a smart-phone, depth camera, and IMUs (2021) and a dataset of surrounding environment using multiple depth cameras and IMUs (2022, in progress) for benchmarking and versatile analysis of SOTA 3D-reconstruction, localization, and mapping algorithms. The practical significance of the navigation algorithm consists of the justified superiority over SOTA MIMU data fusion methods and the possibility of its integration into VIO and other data fusion algorithms for state estimation tasks.
Methodology includes application of the following methods of the research: theory of probability, theory of random processes, theory of optimization, theory of Lie algebra and groups (groups of rotation matrices), kinematics, correlation analysis, digital signal processing, mathematical modeling, numerical linear algebra, interpolation, approximation, hypothesis testing, empirical justification, data collection, data verification, software and hardware design.
Propositions for the defense are the following:
1. Best Axes Composition (BAC) navigation algorithm that is based on multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMU data fusion has been proposed that
outperforms a classical probabilistic multiple consumer-grade MEMS IMU data fusion technique for up to 20% in state estimation accuracy improvement.
2. Twist-n-Sync consumer-grade MEMS gyroscope-based time synchronization algorithm that provides repeatable microseconds accuracy and precision of synchronization has been proposed. It outperforms other software time synchronization methods to the best of our knowledge.
3. An analysis of factors and parameters that affect consumer-grade MEMS gyroscope-based time synchronization has been presented.
4. Twist-n-Sync performance has been justified in two practical applications.
5. Twist-n-Sync algorithm implementation have been made publicly available for society (open-source materials on the Internet) that can be applied, modified, and extended with no restrictions:
https://github.com/MobileRoboticsSkoltech/twistnsync-python, https://github.com/achains/Twist-n-Sync-CPP-Module.
Obtained propositions are in accordance with the passport of the specialty 05.13.18 - Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Software, in particular, to the points:
• p.1. Development of new mathematical methods for modeling objects and phenomena.
• p.2. Development of qualitative and approximate analytical methods for the study of mathematical models.
• p.4. Implementation of effective numerical methods and algorithms in the form of complexes of problem-oriented programs for conducting a computational experiment.
Veracity and approbation of thesis research. The reliability of the obtained results is ensured by the reports and discussions during leading conferences on robotics and computer vision: main results of the work were reported at the 10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2021) and accepted to and will be reported at the A* CORE rating Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022). The ECMR 2021 paper is chosen as one of the best papers at the conference and invited for paper submission to a special issue of Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal that belongs to Q1 quartile; the paper has been submitted to the journal. Also, the results were presented during semi-
nars at the Autonomous Non-profit Organization for Higher Education "Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology".
Personal contribution. All the original results presented in this thesis were obtained by the author personally or with his direct involvement under the supervision of the scientific supervisor.
Publications. The main results of the thesis topic are described in 3 publications, all of them are indexed by Web of Science and/or Scopus databases; 2 of the publications are published in periodical scientific journals that belong to Q1 ranking quartile [II, III]; 1 another publication is a full-text conference proceeding [I].
[I] Marsel Faizullin and Gonzalo Ferrer. "Best Axes Composition: Multiple Gyroscopes IMU Sensor Fusion to Reduce Systematic Error". In: 2021 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR). IEEE. 2021, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1109/ECMR50962.2021.9568800.
[II] Marsel Faizullin, Anastasiia Kornilova, Azat Akhmetyanov, and Gonzalo Ferrer. "Twist-n-sync: Software clock synchronization with microseconds accuracy using MEMS-gyroscopes". In: Sensors 21.1 (2021), p. 68. DOI: 10.3390/ s21010068.
[III] Marsel Faizullin, Anastasiia Kornilova, Azat Akhmetyanov, Konstantin Pakulev, Andrey Sadkov, and Gonzalo Ferrer. "SmartDepthSync: Open Source Synchronized Video Recording System of Smartphone RGB and Depth Camera Range Image Frames with Sub-millisecond Precision". In: IEEE Sensors Journal 22.7 (2022), pp. 7043-7052. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3150973.
Personal contribution of the author in the works with co-authors is as follows:
[I] - The Best Axes Composition algorithm of multiple low-grade MEMS IMU data fusion for state estimation is proposed, developed, examined, and justified; empirical justification is provided by data from a specially developed multiple IMU handheld system.
[II] - The Twist-n-Sync time synchronization algorithm using low grade MEMS gyroscopes is proposed, developed, examined, justified and applied; empirical justification is provided by data from a specially developed multiple IMU handheld
system; deep analysis of factors that affect the performance of the algorithm is provided; application of the algorithm for synchronized photo capturing from by two smartphones is provided.
[III] - The Twist-n-Sync time synchronization algorithm is applied to a hardware-software handheld data gathering system that includes a depth camera, a smartphone camera and IMU; two levels of synchronization are provided, namely, time synchronization of the smartphone and depth camera clocks and frame synchronization of images capture.
Thesis structure and volume. The thesis consists of Introduction, 3 Chapters, and Conclusion. Chapter 1 is entirely devoted to the proposed consumer-grade MEMS IMU data fusion algorithm including theory and evaluation on real data. Chapter 2 explains theoretical aspects of the proposed time synchronization algorithm using data from consumer-grade MEMS gyroscopes and empirical justification of its performance. Chapter 3 describes the application and performance evaluation of the proposed time synchronization algorithm for synchronized hardware-software data gathering systems: (i) two smartphones and (ii) a smartphone with an external depth camera. The entire volume of the thesis occupies 99 pages, including 29 figures and 3 tables. References contain 98 items.
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