Поверхностные волны Дьяконова в ограниченных структурах тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Чермошенцев Дмитрий Александрович
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- Количество страниц 96
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Чермошенцев Дмитрий Александрович
Table of contents
Chapter 1. Dyakonov surface waves in confined structures
1.1 Interface of two uniaxial crystals
1.2 Reflection from boundary
1.3 One-dimensional confinement at a = 45°
1.4 One-dimensional confinement at a = 0°
1.5 Two-dimensional confinement
1.6 Conclusion
Chapter 2. Dyakonov surface waves in positive uniaxial dielectrics
2.1 Dyakonov waveguide modes in positive uniaxial crystals
2.2 Conclusion
Chapter 3. Dyakonov surface waves in negative uniaxial dielectrics
3.1 Low anisotropy approximation
3.2 II-type DSW in real materials
3.3 Influence of high-order waveguide modes
3.4 Thin waveguide approximation
3.5 Conclusion
List of author's publications not included to the dissertation
List of figures
Appendix A. Interface of two uniaxial crystals
Appendix B. Waveguide-like modes of an anisotropic planar
Appendix C. Waveguide-like modes of an anisotropic planar
waveguide with PEC walls
C.1 Waveguide modes description
C.2 Dyakonov waveguide mode description
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Поверхностные волны Дьяконова в ограниченных структурах»
Let me introduce the topic of my Ph.D. work at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, which is related to the investigation of electromagnetic Dyakonov surface waves (DSWs) in confined structures.
Work relevance. Surface electromagnetic waves propagating along the interface of two different materials have been the subject of research for many years due to their unique properties and practical prospective. From a theoretical point of view, surface waves are solutions of Maxwell's equations, which are monochromatic waves that decay in amplitude along direction perpendicular to the interface.
Surface waves can differ in terms of material type, domain of existence, propagation constant, decay profile, and other characteristics. Among the various types of surface waves are surface plasmon-polaritons at a metal-dielectric interface [1; 2], Tamm surface states at a photonic crystal boundary [3-6], surface solitons at a nonlinear interface [7], and many others.
In this manuscript, we focus on the research of a special class of electromagnetic waves known as Dyakonov surface waves. These waves were predicted and investigated at the plane boundary of anisotropic-isotropic dielectrics by F. N. Marchevskii [8] and M. I. Dyakonov [9; 10]. They were later named in honor of one of the discoverers. These surface waves are particularly interesting from a practical standpoint because, in the absence of material losses at the interface, Dyakonov surface waves are lossless.
Despite extensive research, the experimental observation of Dyakonov surface waves has been challenging due to their narrow angular domain of existence. In this regard, Takayama et al. first observed this type of wave experimentally in 2009 [11]. In the experiment, the authors used the Otto-Kretschmann configuration to excite DSW at the interface of biaxial potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) crystal covered by isotropic liquid.
Another experimental investigation of Dyakonov-like surface waves was realized using thin films between isotropic and anisotropic media [12]. Authors showed that tuning the isotropic medium's refractive index in such a configuration causes a change in the direction of hybrid Dyakonov-guided modes propagation. As a result, these types of waves can be used as a sensing unit [13; 14].
Investigations conducted by Takayama et al. have shown that using metamaterials consisting of metal and dielectric layers, Dyakonov plasmons can be excited [15; 16]. Unlike ordinary Dyakonov waves, these exotic surface waves can have a huge angular domain of existence up to A0 ~ 65°. The experimental observation of such DSWs was achieved in Refs. [17; 18].
The existence and properties of DSWs were investigated in various structures consisting of isotropic and anisotropic materials, chiral, hyperbolic, girotropic materials, materials with artificially designed shape anisotropy and antiferromagnet films [19-57].
In recent years, several theoretical works predicted new types of Dyakonov-like waves. Notably, in 2019, the existence of Dyakonov-Voigt surface waves was demonstrated in the interface formed by isotropic and anisotropic uniaxial materials [58]. Dyakonov-Voigt surface waves, in contrast to the conventional DSWs, can propagate only in a single direction in each quadrant of the interface plane and are classified as exceptional waves [59-62].
Despite the active research of electromagnetic surface waves, their practical applicability is determined by the possibility of their existence in structures of finite size, for example, in resonators and waveguides. Thus, the search and investigation of the properties of surface waves on confined interfaces open up new opportunities for the development of nanophotonic devices. The first studies of Dyakonov surface waves were carried out for cylindrical waveguides [63; 64]. The main problem of surface waves in such structures is related to the fact that with a non-zero curvature of the cylindrical waveguide, the DSWs begin to experience radiative losses.
Therefore, this work focuses on researching the possibility of the existence and properties of surface Dyakonov waves in confined structures. The study predicts the existence of several new types of Dyakonov-like surface waves and Dyakonov surface resonances at once and to increase the number of classes of dielectrics and structures in which such waves can be observed.
The aim of the work is to conduct theoretical studies and numerical simulations of Dyakonov surface waves in confined interfaces.
The tasks of the dissertation are the following:
1. Numerically investigate the transmission and reflection of Dyakonov surface waves propagating along an infinite plane interface formed by two
anisotropic dielectric materials from the single boundary perpendicular to this interface.
2. Theoretically describe the condition of Dyakonov surface waveguide modes (DSWMs) propagation in the flat interface formed by two anisotropic dielectric materials with the optical axes oriented perpendicular and parallel to the boundaries of the interface, which is confined in one dimension. Investigate the properties of Dyakonov-like waveguide modes in such structures.
3. Describe the resonant condition of Dyakonov surface cavity modes (DSCMs) in the flat interface formed by two anisotropic dielectric materials and confined in two dimensions. Investigate the properties of such types of Dyakonov-like surface cavity modes. Compare the obtained results with full-wave numerical simulation.
4. Describe the condition of existence and investigate the properties of the electromagnetic Dyakonov-like surface waves on the interfacial strip waveguide formed by two dielectric materials with positive anisotropy, in which the optical axes are rotated to angles ±45° relative to the propagation axis. Compare the obtained results with full-wave numerical simulation.
5. Investigate the properties of the Dyakonov surface waveguide modes, which can exist in the interfacial strip waveguide formed by two dielectric materials with negative anisotropy which optical axes are rotated to angles ±45° relative to the propagation axis and covered by perfect electric conductor (PEC) boundaries. Compare the obtained results with full-wave numerical simulation.
Propositions for the defense.
1. The reflection coefficient of the Dyakonov surface waves from the single boundary perpendicular to the interface plane along which the DSW propagates, reaches its maximum values at the angles of incidence a = 45° and 0°.
2. The Dyakonov surface waveguide modes exist in the flat interface waveguide formed by two positively anisotropic dielectrics with the optical axes oriented perpendicular and parallel to the boundaries of the interface. Due
to special symmetry of the structure, the first-order Dyakonov surface waveguide mode is lossless for the transparent materials that form the interface.
3. The Dyakonov surface cavity modes exist in the flat interface formed by two positively anisotropic dielectrics with the optical axes oriented perpendicular and parallel to the boundaries of the interface, which is confined in two dimensions. Such modes refer to the A and B irreducible representations of the S4 point group.
4. The Dyakonov surface waveguide modes exist in the interfacial strip waveguide formed by two dielectric materials with positive anisotropy in which the optical axes are rotated to angles ±45° relative to the propagation axis. Such modes have the lower dispersion cut-off.
The scientific novelty of the dissertation includes the following:
1. The transmittance and reflectance of the Dyakonov surface waves from the single boundary perpendicular to the interface plane, along which the DSW propagates, were investigated for different angles of incidence a for the first time. It was shown that the reflectance peaks are achieved for the angle of incidence a = 45°.
2. The prediction of the Dyakonov surface waveguide modes in the flat interface waveguide formed by two positively anisotropic dielectrics with the optical axes oriented perpendicular and parallel to the boundaries of the interface, and the obtaining of the resonant condition for such modes, were accomplished for the first time. The properties of DSWMs in such structures were investigated for the first time.
3. The prediction of the existence of Dyakonov surface cavity modes in the flat interface formed by two positively anisotropic dielectrics with the optical axes oriented perpendicular and parallel to the boundaries of the interface, which is confined in two dimensions, and the obtaining of the resonant condition were achieved for the first time. The properties of DSCMs were investigated in such structures for the first time.
4. The prediction of the existence of Dyakonov surface waveguide modes in the interfacial strip waveguide formed by two dielectric materials with positive
anisotropy, in which the optical axes are rotated to angles ±45° relative to the propagation axis, was accomplished for the first time. A new theoretical approach to investigate the properties of DSWMs in such structures in the limit of low anisotropy was developed, and the properties of such modes were investigated for the first time.
5. The prediction of the existence of Dyakonov surface waveguide modes in the interfacial strip waveguide formed by two dielectric materials with positive anisotropy, in which the optical axes are rotated to angles relative to the propagation axis, and with the perfect electric conductor or metallic walls, was achieved for the first time. The properties of DSWMs in such structures were investigated for the first time.
The theoretical and practical value of the research is in the investigation the structures which have not been studied before. The obtained results open up new possibilities for fundamental research on electromagnetic surface states and can potentially be used in nanophotonics and sensing, as some of the examined modes can propagate without absorption.
Research metodology. There are several approaches to solving the Maxwell equations in this manuscript. The first approach directly solves Maxwell equations on the infinite interface by considering the DSWs as a superposition of ordinary and extraordinary waves analogously to Ref. [9]. In the case of the confined interfacial waveguide, we additionally use the perturbation theory [65] in the limit of weak anisotropy. To verify the results obtained by the theoretical models, we compare them with direct numerical full-wave simulations that used finite-element methods in COMSOL Multiphysics.
The reliability of all the results obtained by the developed theoretical models shows almost perfect agreement with widely used computational approaches. The presented derivations are based on well-proven approaches. The obtained models and results have been discussed at specialized conferences and scientific seminars. The publications in leading international peer-reviewed scientific journals also confirm the validity of the results.
Validation of the research results. The results obtained in this study were presented and discussed at the following seminars, symposia and conferences:
1. D. Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, S. Dyakov, N. Gippius 63 All-Russian Scientific Conference at MIPT (23-29 November 2020)
2. D. Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, S. Dyakov, N. Gippius, First virtual Bilateral Conference on Functional Materials (BiC-FM 2020) (8 - 9 October 2020, online)
3. D. Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, S. Dyakov, N. Gippius, Conference CLEO 2021 (9 - 14 May 2021, online) (Incubic/Milton Chang Travel Grant winner)
4. D. Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, S. Dyakov, N. Gippius, Conference METANANO Summer School on Photonics of 2D Materials 2021 (19 -23 July 2021, online)
5. D. Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, S. Dyakov, N. Gippius, The International Conference of Nanophotonics METANANO 2021 (13 - 17 September 2021, online)
6. S. Dyakov, D.Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, N. Gippius, The International Conference of Nanophotonics METANANO 2021 (13 - 17 September 2021, online)
7. S. Dyakov, D.Chermoshentsev, E. Anikin, N. Gippius, XV Russian Conference on Physics of Semiconductors 2022 (3 - 7 October 2022, Nizhnii Novgorod)
Personal contribution. All the results of the dissertation were obtained personally by the applicant or with his direct involvement. The applicant developed a theoretical and numerical model to investigate the Dyakonov-like type waves in different confined interfaces. The applicant is in the first or second position in all the main publications on the dissertation topic [A1 - A4].
Publications. The results of the dissertation are presented in 4 publications, 3 of which are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
Main Publications on the Dissertation Topic
A1. D. A. Chermoshentsev, E. V. Anikin, S. A. Dyakov, N. A. Gippius Dimensional confinement and waveguide effect of Dyakonov surface waves
in twisted confined media // Nanophotonics. — 2020. — Nov. — Vol. 9, no. 16. — P.4785-4797. Impact Factor - 7.5
A2. E. V. Anikin, D. A. Chermoshentsev, S. A. Dyakov, N. A. Gippius Dyakonov-like waveguide modes in an interfacial strip waveguide // Physical Review B. — 2020 — Oct. — Vol. 102, no. 16 — P. 161113. Impact Factor - 3.7
A3. D. A. Chermoshentsev, E. V. Anikin, S. A. Dyakov, N. A. Gippius Dyakonov Surface Waves in Twisted Confined Media // 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. — Optica Publishing Group. 2021. — P. JTh3A.33.
A4. I. M. Fradkin, D. A. Chermoshentsev, E. V. Anikin, S. A. Dyakov, N. A. Gippius Optical properties of two-dimensional layered structures in the infrared range // RFBR Journal. — 2023. — Jan.-Mar. — Vol. 117, no. 1. — P. 13-23. (in Russian)
Dissertation structure. The dissertation contains an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and 3 appendices. It is written on 96 pages of typewritten text and includes 29 figures. The list of references includes 74 titles.
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Публикации автора по теме диссертации
Научные статьи, опубликованные в изданиях WoS, Scopus, RSCI, а также в изданиях, рекомендованных для защиты в диссертационном совете МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова по специальности:
1. Krylov A., Nasonov A., Pchelintsev Y. Single parameter post-processing method for image deblurring // Proceedings of the 2017 7th International Conference on Image Processing Theory Tools and Applications (IPTA). — 2017. - C. 1-6. - WoS, Scopus.
2. Nasonov A., Pchelintsev F., Krylov A. Grid warping postprocessing for linear motion blur in images // Proceedings of the 2018 7th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP). — 2018. — C. 1—5. — WoS, Scopus.
3. Enhancement algorithms for blinking fluorescence imaging / Y. Pchelintsev, A. Nasonov, A. Krylov, S. Enoki, Y. Okada // Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on Biomedical Imaging, Signal Processing (ICBSP). - 2019. - C. 72-77. - Scopus.
4. Pchelintsev Y. A., Nasonov A. V., Krylov A. S. Regularization methods in the analysis of a series of scintillation fluorescence microscopy images // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. — 2021. — T. 32, № 2. — C 111—119. _ Scopus SJR 0.190 в 2021 г.
5. Automatic out-of-distribution detection methods for improving the deep learning classification of pulmonary X-ray images / A. Dovganich, A. Khvostikov, Y. Pchelintsev, A. Krylov, Y. Ding, M. Farias // Journal of Image and Graphics. — 2022. — T. 10, № 2. — C. 56—63. — Scopus SJR 0.497 в 2022 г.
6. Hardness analysis of X-ray images for neural-network tuberculosis diagnosis / Y. A. Pchelintsev, A. V. Khvostikov, A. S. Krylov, L. E. Parolina, N. A. Nikoforova, L. P. Shepeleva, E. S. Prokop'ev, M. Farias, D. Yong // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. — 2023. — T. 33, № 2. — C. 230-243. - Scopus SJR 0.157 в 2022 г.
7. Robustness analysis of chest X-ray computer tuberculosis diagnosis / Y. Pchelintsev, A. Khvostikov, O. Buchatskaia, N. Nikiforova, L. Shepeleva, E. Prokopev, L. Parolina, A. Krylov // Computational Mathematics and Modeling. - 2023. - T. 33, № 4. - C. 472-486. - Scopus SJR 0.157 в 2022 г.
Иные публикации:
8. A post-processing method for 3D fluorescence microscopy images / A. Krylov, A. Nasonov, Y. Pchelintsev, A. Nasonova // Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. — 2018. — C. 602-606.
Список рисунков
1.1 Пример серии изображений, полученных с использованием мигающих флуорофоров ......................... 12
1.2 Базовая схема конфокального лазерного сканирующего микроскопа. 1 источник лазерного излучения; 2 дихроичное зеркало, отражающее излучение с определённой длиной волны; 3 — механизм управления направлением луча лазера; 4 — линза объектива; 5 — механизм управления расстоянием от объектива до образца; 6 — точечная диафрагма; 7 —детектор флуоресцентного излучения. ... 14
1.3 Нормированные профили ядер размытия лазера подсветки
(Р5^ежс), объектива (РБЕет) и микроскопа (Р5^е//)......... 16
1.4 Изменение профиля ядра размытия при смещении детектора излучаемого образцов света от оптической оси............. 16
1.5 Схема детектора Апуйсап. Сенсоры расположены в центрах правильных шестиугольников ...................... 17
1.6 Нормированные профили ядер размытия обычного широкопольного (синий), конфокального сканирующего (красный) микроскопов и микроскопа с детектором А^уйсап (зелёный)..... 17
1.7 Нормированные по яркости ядра размытия для элементов из
разных слоёв детектора А^уйсап..................... 18
1.8 Примеры изображений из искусственного набора данных и результаты работы рассмотренных алгоритмов............. 30
1.9 Примеры изображений из реального набора данных и результаты работы рассмотренных алгоритмов ................... 31
2.1 Принцип работы классических методов и деформационного метода повышения резкости изображений в одномерном случае ..............33
2.2 Принцип работы деформационного метода повышения резкости изображений в двумерном случае: смещение пикселей окрестности контура (чёрные пиксели) по направлению к контуру (белые пиксели) 33
2.3 Виды оптических аберраций [43]..........................................35
2.4 Примеры эффекта расфокусировки......................................36
2.5 Рассматриваемые ядра размытия ........................................37
2.6 Базовые изображения из набора Т1В2013................................37
2.7 Фрагменты размытых изображений из сформированного набора данных................................... 38
2.8 Пример функции близости и результата смещения пикселей с её помощью.................................. 39
2.9 Фрагменты размытых изображений из сформированного набора данных................................... 41
2.10 Вид функции смещения d2(х; а,Ь,с) ................... 42
2.11 Изменение ISNR (прироста показателя PSNR) при относительном изменении параметра а.......................... 46
2.12 Применение деформационного алгоритма с использованием функции смещения d\ (х) как шага постобработки в задаче повышения разрешения медицинских изображений.......... 46
2.13 Применение деформационного алгоритма с использованием функции смещения d\ (х) как шага постобработки в задаче повышения разрешения медицинских изображений.......... 47
3.1 Пример рентгеновского изображения позвоночника с номерами шейных (С) и грудных (Т) позвонков.................. 49
3.2 Примеры рентгеновских снимков грудной клетки разной жёсткости . 50
3.3 Примеры изображений из набора Sakha-TB*.............. 52
3.4 Примеры изображений из объединённого набора Montgomery-Shenzhen (MC-SZ)...................... 54
3.5 Гистограмма распределения снимков набора Sakha-TB* по числу отчётливо видимых позвонков...................... 55
3.6 Гистограмма распределения снимков набора MC-SZ по числу отчётливо видимых позвонков...................... 55
3.7 Базовая схема алгоритма контрастно-ограниченной эквализации гистограммы CLAHE........................... 56
3.8 Примеры результатов предварительной обработки рентгенограмм . . 57
3.9 Архитектура нейронной сети ResNet-18 [79]............... 58
3.10 Архитектура нейронной сети EfficientNetV2-S и её составных
блоков [81] ................................. 59
3.11 Гистограмма распределения снимков набора Sakha-TB* по уровню жёсткости.................................. 60
3.12 Примеры графиков зависимости функции потерь от количества эпох на валидацнонной выборке в задаче анализа жёсткости
снимков грудной клетки.......................... 63
3.13 Зависимость предсказаний моделей в зависимости от истинного
класса объекта для набора БакЬа-ТВ*.................. 64
3.14 Примеры изображений из набора ТВХ11К............... 67
3.15 Гистограммы распределения снимков трёх использованных наборов изображений по предсказанному моделью «огс!-с1аЬе2» показателю жёсткости.................................. 69
3.16 Гистограммы распределения снимков каждого класса для использованных в задаче диагностики туберкулёза лёгких наборов изображений MC-SZ и ТВХ11К по предсказанному моделью «огс!-с1аЬе2» показателю жёсткости................... 70
4.1 Примеры изображений из объединённого набора В А + Б В...... 80
4.2 Примеры изображений из набора БакЬа-ТВ............... 82
4.3 Распределение изображений в наборах МС 8Х и БакЬа-ТВ по диагнозу и полу.............................. 83
4.4 Распределение изображений здоровых пациентов в наборах
МС 8Х и БакЬа-ТВ по возрасту в зависимости от пола..............83
4.5 Распределение изображений больных туберкулёзом пациентов в наборах МС 8Х и БакЬа-ТВ по возрасту в зависимости от пола . . 84
4.6 Графики ГЮС-кривых для моделей, обученных на наборе МС 8Х . 85
4.7 Графики ИОС-кривых для моделей, обученных на наборе ТВХ11К . 86
4.8 Графики ИОС-кривых для моделей, обученных на наборе
(МС + 8Х) + ЗикЬи-ТВ.......................... 86
4.9 Графики ИОС-кривых для моделей, обученных на наборе
ТВХ11К + БакЬа-ТВ ........................... 87
Список таблиц
1 Средние значения PSNR размытых и обработанных изображений для функций смещения d0 (ж) и d2 (х) (сила размытия обозначена номером значения параметра размытия в порядке возрастания) ... 44
2 Средние значения прироста PSNR для изображений, обработанных с использованием функции смещения d2 (ж) и d\ (х), по сравнению с размытыми изображениями........................ 45
3 Значения показателей качества работы алгоритмов определения жёсткости на тестовой выборке набора Sakha-TB*........... 63
4 Значения показателя качества ранжирования тестовой выборки набора Sakha-TB* алгоритмом определения жёсткости........ 65
5 Значения показателя качества ранжирования тестовой выборки набора Sakha-TB* алгоритмом определения жёсткости........ 65
6 Размеры использованных наборов данных............... 68
7 Сравнение качества классификации моделей, обученных на полном
и прореженном наборе (сбалансированная точность) ......... 71
8 Сравнение качества классификации моделей, обученных на полном
и прореженном наборе (чувствительность / специфичность)..... 71
9 Размеры рассматриваемых открытых наборов рентгенограмм
грудной клетки............................... 81
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