Построение оптимальных оценок с помощью метода адаптивных весов в задачах обучения с размеченными и неразмеченными данными тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Пучкин Никита Андреевич
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- Количество страниц 100
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Пучкин Никита Андреевич
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Multiclass classification
1.1. Problem statement
1.2. Multiclass classification approaches
1.3. Nonparametric multiclass classification and literature review
1.4. Contribution
1.5. Notation and model assumptions
1.6. An adaptive weights method for multiclass classification
1.7. Numerical experiments
1.8. Theoretical properties of the MSSA procedure
1.9. Proof of Theorem
1.10. Auxiliary results
1.11. Additional proofs
Chapter 2. Manifold learning
2.1. Literature review
2.2. Manifold learning and structural adaptation
2.3. Contribution
2.4. Model assumptions
2.5. An adaptive weights method for manifold denoising
2.6. Numerical experiments
2.7. Theoretical properties of SAME
2.8. Proofs of the main results
2.9. Proofs of auxiliary results
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Построение оптимальных оценок с помощью метода адаптивных весов в задачах обучения с размеченными и неразмеченными данными»
The problem of pattern recognition in large datasets have recently attracted huge attention. The problem of statistical learning finds more and more applications in the era of big data. The diversity of areas of utilization is also impressive: from bioinformatics (e.g., protein fold prediction [1]) and finance (credit rating [2] and bankruptcy [3] prediction) to speech recognition [4] and image analysis [5, 6] and restoration [7, 8]. Such an interest caused a substantial progress in theoretical investigation of the existing methods of machine learning and motivated researches develop new, more efficient ones. Analysis of learning algorithms usually relies on the tools from probability theory and mathematical statistics. That is, a learner assumes that the data he possesses is generated from a statistical model, and he must perform an inference based on this model.
Speaking of statistical learning problems, one can distinguish between three major groups: supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning. In supervised learning problems, each instance of a given sample has a label, also referred to as a response or a target variable (usually, it is a real number). The goal of the learner is to predict a label of a newly arrived instance, which is not presented in the training sample. The most popular examples of supervised learning problems are classification and regression. In opposite, in an unsupervised learning problem, the learner has to recognize patterns in unlabelled data. The most common examples of unsupervised learning problems include clustering and manifold learning. Finally, in the semi-supervised setup the learner has to perform an inference based on a small portion of labelled instances and a large number of unlabelled ones.
The present thesis pursues methological and theoretical purposes. It aims at developing new adaptive algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning problems with strong theoretical guarantees on their performance. Chapter 1 is devoted multiclass classification. We suggest an adaptive multiclass nearest neighbor classifier, Algorithm 1. Though the statisticians are familiar with k-nearest neighbor rules for a long time, their nonasymptotic analysis was performed quite recently. In [9], the author proved a minimax optimal upper bound on the excess risk of a weighted nearest neighbor classifier. Unfortunately, the approach of [9] requires quite restrictive assumptions. For instance, the author assumed that the distribution of feature vectors satisfies the so-called strong density assumption. This issue was partially addressed in [10] and [11], where the authors introduced a novel variant of smoothness of the target function, connecting the distribution of feature vectors and labels. Major steps towards understanding the limitations of k-nearest neighbor rules were made in [12] and [13]. In particular, in [12] the authors showed that a universal choice of k in the nearest neighbor classifier leads to strictly suboptimal performance under quite realistic assumptions. In [13], the authors suggested to use auxiliary unlabelled data for the point-dependent choice of k. However, this approach is not always applicable, since the unlabelled data may be unavailable to the statistician. In the present thesis, we develop the ideas of spatial stagewise aggregation [3] and suggest an adaptive weights method based on combination of nearest neighbor estimates. Though the extension of the algorithm in [3] to the multiclass
case is rather straightforward, its theoretical analysis is much more involved. In contrast to [3], we impose much weaker assumptions and show that, under the same conditions as in [12], our procedure attains minimax optimal rates of convergence up to a logarithmic factor (see Theorem 1). Unlike [13], our procedure does not involve any auxiliary data. To our knowledge, this is the first such estimator in the literature.
Chapter 2 is devoted to a manifold learning problem, that is, estimation of a smooth low-dimensional submanifold in Rd from noisy observations. This problem was extensively studied in the literature. Unfortunately, the existing methods of manifold estimation either require the noise magnitude be extremely small (e.g., [8, 14-16]) or assume the noise distribution is known (e.g. [17, 18]). In the present thesis, we focus on a setup, which was not previously considered in the literature. Namely, in contrast to [17, 18], we impose mild assumptions on the noise distribution and we allow the noise magnitude be much larger than in [8, 14-16, 19]. Though our assumptions are quite realistic, they significantly differ from the usual ones. Hence, it is not surprising that the existing algorithms either have no theoretical guarantees in our setup or show suboptimal performance. We faced a challenging problem of suggesting an optimal manifold estimate under mild conditions on the noise distribution. In the present thesis, we extend the idea of structural adaptation [20, 21] and suggest a novel algorithm (Algorithm 2) for manifold denoising. The algorithm allows us to construct a manifold estimate with strong theoretical guarantees (see Theorem
4). We also prove a new minimax lower bound on the accuracy of manifold estimation (Theorem
5), which yields the optimality of our method.
The problems considered in Chapters 1 and 2 are very different, but the methods we proposed for these problems, Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2, share similar ideas. The core of the algorithms is the so called adaptive weights approach, properly tailored to the problems of multiclass classification and manifold denoising. The fact that the suggested procedures are adaptive (that is, they implicitly perform a partial parameter tuning, simplifying the model selection) increase their practical value. We also would like to note that one may combine Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 and apply them to semi-supervised learning problems.
The contribution of the present thesis is as follows.
1. We propose an algorithm for multiclass classification, Algorithm 1, which is based on aggregation of nearest neighbor estimates. The procedure automatically chooses an almost optimal number of neighbors for each test point and each class. Besides, it adapts to the smoothness of the target function.
2. We prove a large deviation bound on the excess risk of the estimate, returned by Algorithm 1, under mild assumptions. The obtained theoretical results are new in the literature and claim optimal accuracy of classification with only a logarithmic payment for adaptation.
3. We suggest a novel algorithm for manifold denoising, Algorithm 2, based on the idea of structural adaptation.
4. Based on Algorithm 2, we construct a new manifold estimate and prove a new upper bound on the accuracy of manifold estimation.
5. We provide a new minimax lower bound on the accuracy of manifold estimation, claiming the optimality of our procedure.
Main results of the thesis were presented at the following conferences, workshops, schools, and seminars.
1. Workshop "New frontiers in high-dimensional probability and statistics", Moscow, February 23-24, 2018. Talk: "Pointwise adaptation via stagewise aggregation of local estimates for multiclass classification".
2. 12th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics and 2018 IMS Annual Meeting on Probability and Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2-6, 2018. Poster: "Pointwise adaptation via stagewise aggregation of local estimates for multi-class classification"
3. Research seminar "Structural Learning", Moscow, October 11, 2018. Talk: "Manifold Learning".
4. Winter school "New frontiers in high-dimensional probability and statistics 2", Moscow, February 22-23, 2019. Talk: "Manifold estimation from noisy observations".
5. 49th Saint-Flour Summer School, Saint-Flour, France, July 7-19, 2019. Talk: "Manifold estimation from noisy observations".
6. Conference "Structural Inference in High-Dimensional Models 2", Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, August 26-30, 2019. Poster: "Structure-adaptive manifold estimation".
7. HSE-Yandex Autumn School on Generative Models, Moscow, November 26-29, 2019. Talk: "Structure-adaptive manifold estimation".
8. Research seminar "Structural Learning", Moscow, December 3, 2019. Talk: "Sample complexity of learning a manifold with an unknown dimension".
9. Conference "Mathematical Methods of Statistics", Luminy, France, December 16-20, 2019. Talk: "Structure-adaptive manifold estimation".
10. HSE Faculty of Computer Science conference on Machine Learning, Fundamental Research track, Moscow, November 18-20, 2020. Talk: "Structure-adaptive manifold estimation".
Main results of the thesis were published in two papers in peer-reviewed journals [22, 23].
The thesis contents and the presented main results reflect the author's personal contribution. The author prepared the results for publication in collaboration with the scientific advisor. The author's contribution is primary. All the presented results were obtained personally by the author.
The thesis consists of introduction, 2 chapters, conclusion, and bibliography. Each chapter starts with the literature review on the relevant topic. The thesis is 100 pages long, including 95 pages of the text, 5 tables, and 5 figures. The bibliography is 5 pages long and it includes 83 items.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Другие cпециальности», Пучкин Никита Андреевич
1. We proposed an adaptive algorithm for multiclass classification, which is based on aggregation of nearest neighbor estimates. The procedure automatically chooses an almost optimal number of neighbors for each test point and each class and adapts to the smoothness of the underlying target function.
2. We proved an upper bound on the excess risk of the classifier, returned by the proposed algorithm, under mild assumptions. This is the first theoretical result matching the minimax lower bound up to a logarithmic factor under these assumptions.
3. We developed a new structure-adaptive manifold estimation procedure for manifold denois-ing. The procedure turns out to be more robust to orthogonal noise, than the existing methods.
4. We carried out theoretical analysis of the proposed procedure. We proved new upper and lower bounds on the accuracy of manifold estimation. The bounds coincide up to a muti-plicative constant, claiming optimality of the proposed algorithm in the minimax sense.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Пучкин Никита Андреевич, 2023 год
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