Полностью волоконные лазеры с синхронизацией мод на основе однослойных углеродных нанотрубок, синтезированных аэрозольным методом тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Мкртчян Арам Арсенович
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Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Мкртчян Арам Арсенович
1. Introduction
1.1 Topic of relevance
1. 2 Aims and obj ectives
1.3 Key aspects to be defended
1.4 Publications and approbation of research
1.4.1 Publications
1.4.2 Reports at conferences
2. SWCNTs as a saturable absorber
2.1 SWCNT-SA on a side polished fiber
2.1.1 Sample fabrication
2.1.2 Characterization of the sample
2.1.3 Pulsed laser with SWCNT-SA on the D-shape fiber
2.2 Tunable nonlinearity of SWCNT-SA for switchable pulse generation
2.2.1 Ionic liquid gated SWCNTs fabrication
2.2.2 Sample characterization
2.2.3 Switchable pulse generation with SWCNT-SA tuning
2.2.4 Discussions
2.3 Conclusions
3. SWCNT-SA stability analysis
3.1 SWCNT-SA on fiber ferrule degradation mechanism
3.1.1 Sample preparation and characterization
3.1.2 Laser operation with different SWCNTs
3.1.3 Thermogravimetric analysis of SWCNT-SAs
3.1.4 SWCNT temperature measurements
3.2 Stability of SWCNT-SA on side-polished fiber
3.2.1 Experimental setup for Raman spectrum measurement of the SWCNT-SA on side-polished fiber
3.2.2 Temperature measurement of the SWCNT-SA
3.3 Conclusions
4. 900 nm band all-fiber polarization maintaining ultrafast pulse lasers
4.1 Dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking at 905 nm wavelength
4.1.1 All-fiber laser experimental setup
4.1.2 Numerical simulations
4.1.3 Results and discussions
4.2 Dispersion managed solitons in all-fiber laser at 920 nm wavelength
4.2.1 Linear laser experimental setup
4.2.2 Laser pulse generation measurements and discussions
4.2.3 Numerical simulation and discussions
4.3 Conclusions
5. Thesis conclusions
6. List of Symbols, Abbreviations
7. Bibliography
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК
Плазмонные наноструктуры для оптических метаматериалов2022 год, доктор наук Драчев Владимир Прокопьевич
Extraordinary optical transmission in holographic and polycrystalline structures/Усиленное оптическое пропускание в голографических и поликристаллических наноструктурах2021 год, кандидат наук Ушков Андрей Александрович
Применение акустической микроскопии для изучения упругих свойств и микроструктуры композитных материалов, армированных углеродными волокнами2004 год, кандидат физико-математических наук Лю Сунпин
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Полностью волоконные лазеры с синхронизацией мод на основе однослойных углеродных нанотрубок, синтезированных аэрозольным методом»
1. Introduction
1.1 Topic of relevance
Since last decades pulse fiber lasers have proven to be a reliable source for many applications in medicine (eye surgery, cosmetology, dental treatment, etc.), material processing (cutting, marking and engraving), two-photon microscopy, optical coherent tomography, laser spectroscopy, precision metrology, LIDAR, quantum communications and etc. Saturable absorbers (SA) play a crucial role in the fiber lasers for passive pulse generation. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are an excellent optical nanomaterial applicable in nowadays photonics because of their large nonlinear response, spectral selectivity and ultrafast response. Thin films of the SWCNTs synthesized by aerosol (floating catalyst) chemical vapor deposition method can be collected on a nitrocellulose filter with a given thickness and position of resonance transitions without additional purification and can be transferred to any surfaces by a simple dry transfer technique, thus making them extremely promising for a wide variety of applications.
In Chapter 2 of this thesis work we fabricated saturable absorber based on
aerosol synthesized SWCNTs (SWCNT-SA) deposited on a side-polished fiber by
dry transfer technique. Using this method Q-switched, mode-locked pulses as well
as the harmonic mode-lock regime with the 79th order are successfully demonstrated
in all-fiber laser. In the second part we developed original electrochemical cell to
control the modulation depth of the SWCNT-SA using Fermi level gating, which allowed to generate and reversible switch laser pulse state between mode-lock and Q-switch regimes by gate voltage below 2 V.
Notwithstanding many cutting edge results obtained with SWCNT-SA in fiber lasers, its degradation under laser illumination is limiting nanotubes widespread use. In Chapter 3 we investigated degradation mechanisms of the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/SWCNT composite and aerosol synthesized SWCNT-SAs sandwiched between fiber ferrules and deposited on a side-polished fiber. The heating temperature and degradation mechanisms we revealed by measuring SWCNTs Raman spectrum G-peak position shift in an operating laser cavity.
It is worth noting that pulsed fiber lasers are actively developing in the submicron region. Traditionally Titanium:Sapphire laser sources are used at this region for high power ultrashort pulse generation with great output beam quality as well as for broad wavelength tuning. However, due to a number of significant drawbacks such as bulkiness, sensitivity to mechanical perturbations and extremely high cost their practical applications are significantly limited outside laboratories. Nevertheless, they remain the "golden standard" because of the absence of fiber based alternatives. In Chapter 4 we developed first ultrafast neodymium-doped polarization-maintaining all-fiber lasers at 900 nm wavelength band using artificial or semiconducting saturable absorbers.
1.2 Aims and objectives
1. To investigate polymer-free single-walled carbon nanotubes as a saturable absorber on a side-polished fiber deposited by the dry-transfer technique to generate various pulse regimes in a fiber laser.
2. To develop a technique for tuning the nonlinear optical absorption of SWCNTs by electrochemical gating and investigate the influence of tunable nonlinearity of SWCNT-SA on a pulse generation regime inside the polarization-maintaining all-fiber laser.
3. To investigate the mechanism of the SWCNT-SA degradation by measuring the temperature of the SWCNT saturable absorber clamped between two connectors and on the side polish fiber.
4. To develop ultrafast neodymium-doped stable and robust all-fiber laser operating at 900 nm wavelength band.
5. To fabricate short pulse all-fiber laser with dispersion compensation at 900 nm wavelength band and investigate pulse regimes for different net dispersions.
1.3 Key aspects to be defended
1. We demonstrate an easy and robust method to implement aerosol CVD synthesized single-walled carbon nanotubes as a saturable absorber on a side-polished fiber by the dry transfer technique. Q-switch, mode-lock as well
as the 79th order harmonic mode-locking regimes are obtained in a fiber laser with this approach [A1].
2. We find out that the nonlinear optical absorption of SWCNT films can be significantly tuned by means of electrochemical gating. We show that under an applied voltage below 2 V the photobleaching of the material can be gradually reduced and even turned to photoinduced absorption. Furthermore, we integrate a carbon nanotube electrochemical cell on a side-polished fiber to tune the modulation depth and implement it into a fully polarization-maintaining fiber laser. We demonstrate that the pulse generation regime can be reversibly switched between femtosecond mode-locking and microsecond Q-switching by changing the gate voltage [A2].
3. We identify the process behind the degradation of the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite and polymer free carbon nanotube saturable absorbers by measuring the heating temperature of the sample in accordance with the G-band position of Raman spectrum. We demonstrate that the samples on fiber ferrule undergo different degradation mechanisms, while the parameters of the pulse generation depend weakly on the sample preparation technique. We show that with an incident power of 20 mW the temperature can exceed 100oC in a 30% absorbing sample. Under illumination PVA polymer composites demonstrate the gradual deterioration of the optical properties governed by thermal decomposition of the polymer matrix. In contrast, polymer-free SWCNT-SA shows no change in optical properties under
illumination below the threshold defined by the 1 kW peak power, which corresponds to 25 mW average power. In case of SWCNTs on side-polished fiber the average power for the sample degradation exceeds 3 W. The developed techniques allow to optimize the parameters of the saturable absorber and maximize the stability for a required pulse regime [A1, A3].
4. We demonstrate polarization-maintaining neodymium doped all-fiber laser at a 905 nm wavelength with rectangular shape dissipative soliton resonance mode-lock pulses having 1 nJ energy, 30 pm spectral and 80 ^ 430 ps temporal widths. The laser works in nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM) cavity configuration with large net-normal dispersion. To suppress dominant parasitic emission of Nd atoms at 1064 nm band we utilize an active fiber -920/1064 wavelength division multiplexer - active fiber sandwich-like sequence in the NALM loop. Excellent agreement with numerical simulation is achieved with proper selection of the net-dispersion and nonlinearity parameter of the cavity. The simulation is used to recover pulse width for the pulses out of autocorrelation window [A4].
5. We describe dispersion managed ultrashort pulse generation at a 920 nm wavelength in a Nd-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser. Linear laser scheme is developed with chirped fiber Bragg grating as a semitransparent output coupling mirror and SESAM as a second fully reflecting mirror. Chirped fiber Bragg grating also serves as a fiber dispersion compensator and select the laser emission wavelength. Self-starting pulse
generation regimes observed with 10 ^ 317 pJ energy, 50 ^ 2 ps width, and 17 ^ 51 MHz repetition rate at the 0.24 ps2 ^ -0.03 ps2 net dispersion range. Besides, harmonic mode-locking up to 12th order with 0.43 GHz repetition rate is achieved by selecting 0.01 ps2 net cavity dispersion and by adjustment of the pump power. [A5].
All the experimental results are obtained by the author or with his direct participation. He developed most of the fiber laser setups, including the fabrication of the electrochemical cell with carbon nanotubes in inert atmosphere. He conducted all the measurements of the laser generation regimes including SWCNTs nonlinear absorption tuning measurement under electrochemical gating. Author also carried out numerical simulations used to optimize the laser resonator design and to investigate intracavity pulse evolution for 900 nm wavelength band lasers.
The author would like to acknowledge all the colleagues for their contribution, particularly to Dr. Dmitry Krasnikov and Eldar Khabushev for the single-walled carbon nanotubes synthesis, to Dr. Evgeniia Gilshtein for the scanning electron microscopy experiment, to Dr. Fedor Fedorov for the thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry and to Dr. Maria Burdanova, Prof. James Lloyd-Hughes, Michael Staniforth for the pump-probe measurement. The carbon nanotube Raman measurements on fiber ferrule and assembling of the 920 nm fiber laser are performed by M.Sc. students Diana Galiakhmetova and Mikhail Mishevsky respectively, with the direct participation and under guidance of the thesis author.
This work was performed by the author in the Laboratory of Nanomaterials, Skoltech in the period from 2018 to 2022.
1.4 Publications and approbation of research 1.4.1 Publications
The thesis related papers [A1-A4] are published in and [A5] is submitted to peer-reviewed scientific journals. First-tier publications
A1. A. A. Mkrtchyan, Y. G. Gladush, D. Galiakhmetova, V. Yakovlev, V. T. Ahtyamov, A. G. Nasibulin. Dry-transfer technique for polymer-free single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber on a side polished fiber // Optical Materials Express, V. 9, Issue 4, P. 1551-1561, 2019. A2. Y. Gladush, A. A. Mkrtchyan, D. S. Kopylova, A. Ivanenko, B. Nyushkov, S. Kobtsev, A. Kokhanovskiy, A. Khegai, M. Melkumov, M. Burdanova, M. Staniforth, J. Lloyd-Hughes, and A. G. Nasibulin. Ionic Liquid Gated Carbon Nanotube Saturable Absorber for Switchable Pulse Generation // Nano Letters, V.19, Issue 9, P. 5836 - 5843, 2019. A3. D. Galiakhmetova, Y. Gladush, A. Mkrtchyan, F. S. Fedorov, E. M. Khabushev, D. V. Krasnikov, R. Chinnambedu-Murugesan, E. Manuylovich, V. Dvoyrin, A. Rozhin, M. Rummeli, S. Alyatkin, P. Lagoudakis, and A. G. Nasibulin. Direct measurement of carbon
nanotube temperature between fiber ferrules as a universal tool for saturable absorber stability investigation // Carbon, V. 184, P. 941 - 948, 2021.
A4. A. A. Mkrtchyan, Y. G. Gladush, M. A. Melkumov, A. M. Khegai, K. A. Sitnik, P. G. Lagoudakis, and A. G. Nasibulin. Nd-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser with dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking at 905 nm // Journal of Lightwave Technology, V. 39, Issue 17, P. 5582 -5588, 2021.
A5. A. A. Mkrtchyan, M.S. Mischevsky, Y. G. Gladush, M. A. Melkumov, A. M. Khegai, A. G. Nasibulin. Dispersion managed mode-locking in allfiber polarization maintaining Nd-doped laser at 920 nm // Optics letters (submitted). Other publications
A6. D. M. Zhigunov, D. A. Shilkin, N. G. Kokareva, V. O. Bessonov, S. A. Dyakov, D. A. Chermoshentsev, A. A. Mkrtchyan, Y. G. Gladush, A. A. Fedyanin, and A. G. Nasibulin. Single-walled carbon nanotube membranes as non-reflective substrates for nanophotonic applications // Nanotechnology V. 32, Issue 9, 2021, Number 095206. A7. M. G. Burdanova, G. M. Katyba, R. Kashtiban, G. A. Komandin, E. Butler-Caddle, M. Staniforth, A. A. Mkrtchyan, D. V. Krasnikov, Y. G. Gladush, J. Sloan, A. G. Nasibulin, and J. Lloyd-Hughes. Ultrafast, high
modulation depth terahertz modulators based on carbon nanotube thin films // Carbon V. 173, P. 245-252, 2021.
1.4.2 Reports at conferences
The thesis results were reported on the following conferences:
1. Poster presentation, V International Conference on Quantum Technologies, (ICQT 2019), "Multiregime pulse fiber laser based on electrochemically gated carbon nanotube saturable absorber", Moscow, Russia, July 15-19, 2019;
2. Invited talk, All-Russian Conference on Fiber Optics (RF0-2019), "Multiregime pulse fiber laser based on electrochemically gated single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber", Perm, Russia, October 8-11, 2019;
3. Oral talk, 14th International Conference on Advanced Carbon NanoStructures (ACNS'2019), "Multiregime pulse fiber laser based on electrochemically gated single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber", Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 1-5, 2019;
4. Oral talk, 19th International conference Laser Optics (ICLO 2020), "Multiregime pulse fiber laser based on electrochemically gated single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber", online, November 2 - 6, 2020;
5. Poster presentation, VI International Conference on Quantum Technologies (ICQT-2021), "Neodymium-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser with dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking at 905 nm", online, July 12 - 16, 2021;
6. Oral talk, Russian Fiber Optics conference (RF0-2021), "Neodymium-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser with dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking at 905 nm", Perm, Russia, October 2021;
7. Poster presentation, V Summer School on Nonlinear photonics (SSNLP-2021), "Neodymium-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser with dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking at 905 nm", NSU, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 9 - 14, 2021;
8. Poster presentation, Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics (CLEO/EUROPE-EQEC 2021), "Neodymium-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser with dissipative soliton resonance mode-locking at 905 nm", online, June 21- 25, 2021;
9. Oral talk, 20th International conference Laser Optics (ICLO 2022), "900 nm wavelength band all-fiber polarization maintaining mode-locked laser", Saint-Petersburg, June 20-24, 2022.
2. SWCNTs as a saturable absorber
This chapter is based on papers [A1], [A2].
Похожие диссертационные работы по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК
Заключение диссертации по теме «Другие cпециальности», Мкртчян Арам Арсенович
5. Thesis conclusions
The main conclusions of the thesis work are the following:
1. We demonstrated dry transfer technique for the aerosol CVD synthesized single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorber fabrication on a side-polished fiber. In the fiber laser stable pulse generation in mode-locked, Q-switched as well as the 79th harmonic mode-locked regimes are obtained using this approach, suggesting an easy and robust way for mass-production of single-walled carbon nanotube based saturable absorbers.
2. We found out that the nonlinear absorption modulation depth of the single-walled carbon nanotube films can be controlled by electrochemical gating. Under applied voltage below 2 V the saturable absorption of the carbon nanotubes gradually decreases and switches to photoinduced absorption. Furthermore, using this effect we fabricated fiber-coupled carbon nanotube based electrochemical cell with tunable saturable absorption on a side-polished fiber and utilized it into the polarization-maintaining fiber laser. By changing the gate voltage, we obtained reversible pulse switching between pure mode-locked regime with ultrashort pulses and high energy Q-witched pulses. This approach can be expanded on the other types of optical nonlinearities of single-walled carbon nanotubes, such as four-wave mixing, second and third harmonic generation and also opens up new prospects for
carbon nanotube based optical devices with tunable nonlinearity.
3. We identified the degradation mechanisms of the polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite and aerosol synthesized polymer-free single-walled carbon nanotube saturable absorbers by measuring the heating temperature of the nanotubes in accordance with the Raman spectrum G-peak position shift. We demonstrated that these nanotubes, transferred on the fiber ferrules, experience different degradation mechanisms, while the generated pulse parameters almost independent on the sample synthesis technique. Under the laser radiation, thermal decomposition of the polymer matrix took place in PVA composites, which lead to gradual degradation of optical properties. In contrast, the aerosol synthesized nanotubes did not change the optical properties under the illumination below the threshold peak power. Exceeding this threshold led to immediate deterioration of the sample. For the aerosol synthesized single-walled carbon nanotubes transferred to the side-polished fiber we estimated 3 W of the critical average power required for the damage. This technique could be used to optimize the parameters of the saturable absorber and to maximize the laser stability for the required pulse generation regime.
4. We demonstrated the first polarization-maintaining neodymium doped allfiber laser at 905 nm wavelength with rectangular shape dissipative soliton resonance mode-lock pulses having 1 nJ energy, 30 pm spectral and 80 -430 ps temporal widths. The laser worked in a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM) cavity configuration with large net-normal dispersion. To
suppress dominant spontaneous emission of Nd-fiber at 1064 nm, we utilized an active fiber - 920/1064 wavelength division multiplexer - active fiber sandwich-like sequence in the NALM loop. Excellent agreement with numerical simulation is achieved with proper selection of the net-dispersion and nonlinearity parameter of the cavity. The simulation is used to recover pulse width for the pulses out of autocorrelation window.
5. We described dispersion-managed soliton generation in a Nd-doped polarization maintaining all-fiber laser at 920 nm. A linear laser scheme was developed with chirped fiber Bragg grating as a semi-transparent output coupling mirror and SESAM as a second fully reflecting mirror. The chirped fiber Bragg grating also served as a fiber dispersion compensator and laser emission wavelength definer. Self-starting pulse generation regimes was observed with 10 ^ 317 pJ energy, 50 ^ 2 ps width, and 17 ^ 51 MHz repetition rate at the 0.24 ps2 ^ -0.03 ps2 net dispersion range. Besides, harmonic mode-locking up to the 12th order with 0.43 GHz repetition rate was achieved by selecting 0.01 ps2 net cavity dispersion and by adjustment of the pump power. Numerical simulation provided detailed information about pulse duration, spectral width and energy, which continuously change inside the laser resonator within a factor of two. Ultrafast all-fiber laser at 900 nm band could be an effective source for wide variety applications including two-photon microscopy enabling the imaging of living cells, frequency doubling and for excitation of single photon sources.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Мкртчян Арам Арсенович, 2022 год
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