Пленочная конденсация пара на поверхностях с различными формами и покрытиями тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 01.02.05, кандидат наук Бараховская Элла Викторовна
- Специальность ВАК РФ01.02.05
- Количество страниц 130
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Бараховская Элла Викторовна
Work relevance
History of the research project Condensation on Fins
Structure of work (aim, hypothesis, tasks)
Scientific novelty and practical value
Scientific results submitted for defence
Approbation of work
CHAPTER 1 State of the art
CHAPTER 2 Organisation of experimental research
2.1 Approach to organising the experiment
2.2 Description of the experimental setup
2.3 Instruments accuracy and sensors calibration
2.4 Optical system for measuring the condensate film thickness
2.5 Reconstruction of the surface temperature
2.6 Example of the approach implementation for microgravity conditions
2.6.1 Different approaches of liquid retraction
2.6.2 Concept of the investigation on-ground and in low-gravity conditions
2.6.3 Experimental setup for ground validation
2.6.4 Results of the ground experiment
2.6.5 Microgravity conditions during parabolic flight
2.6.6 Adaptation of the setup for microgravity
2.6.7 Performance of retraction system in microgravity
2.7 Summary of Chapter
CHAPTER 3 Experimental study of the impact of graphene-based coating on film-wise vapour condensation
3.1 Research relevance to study film-wise condensation on graphene-based coatings
3.2 Concept of the investigation
3.3 Samples and surfaces
3.3.1 Description of the condenser's geometry
3.3.2 Description of graphene-based coatings
3.4 Condensation on cylinders with and without coating
3.4.1 Condensation on smooth uncoated fin
3.4.2 Condensation on coated surfaces
3.5 Summary of Chapter
CHAPTER 4 Modelling of a surface providing a stable condensate flow and film-wise vapour condensation on it
4.1 Research relevance to optimise the shape of fin's surface
4.2 Investigations related to condenser's shape under microgravity conditions
4.3 Condenser's 3D shape that provides a constant driving force
4.4 Condensate film modelling
4.4.1 Evolution equation for thin liquid films
4.4.2 Boundary conditions
4.4.3 Numerical scheme
4.4.4 Distribution of the condensate film
4.5 Summary of Chapter
List of the Appendices
List of peer-reviewed journal publications of E. Barakhovskaia
Appendix A: Experimental procedures
Appendix B: Used sensors and measurement types
Appendix C: Industrial calibrations
Appendix D: Individual calibration coefficients
Appendix E: HFE-7100 properties
Appendix F: Dip-coating technique to create multilayer coatings
Appendix G: Coatings quality
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Пленочная конденсация пара на поверхностях с различными формами и покрытиями»
Work relevance
Nowadays, energy efficiency is one of the global problems faced by our society. A particular challenge is maintaining stable energy supplies, the scarcity of primary sources, and the impact of energy production on climate-related issues. The exhaustibility of resources, the demand for environmentally friendly production, strict equipment safety requirements, and trends of device miniaturisation require industries to pay increased attention to developing new resources and energy-saving technologies.
In industries such as aerospace, automotive, chemical, medicine, and biotechnology, the efficiency of industrial equipment is often determined by the intensity of heat transfer processes with phase changes. The demand for high-performance condensers remains relevant, as the elements of evaporative-condensing systems affect the enhancement of heat transfer and increase the efficiency of devices. A film-wise condensation occurs in most heat exchangers since this condensation mode is the most stable. Nevertheless, there is a need to intensify heat transfer, for example, directly due to an increase in the condensation area or due to redistribution of the condensate film, which leads to its thinning. Heat transfer during film-wise vapour condensation has been studied since the publication of Nusselt's original work [Nusselt, 1916], where he analysed the laminar flow of condensate along a vertical wall under the gravity force. Various cases of vapour condensation under different conditions are summarised in detail in fundamental reviews [Kutateladze & Gogonin, 1979; Webb, 1994; Rifert & Smirnov, 2005; Thome & Cioncolini, 2016].
Special attention is paid to the search for effective solutions to ensure the control of two-phase systems in space installations. Two-phase systems in space technologies are fuel and propulsion systems of space modules, cooling and thermal stabilisation systems for electronic equipment, and human life support systems (water purification systems, various biological systems) necessary for future long-term flights. Experimental studies of film-wise vapour condensation under microgravity conditions are considered in [Marchuk & Kabov, 2008; Glushchuk et al., 2017]. The absence of constant gravity changes the approach to solving problems since the balance of forces in two-phase systems changes dramatically. Little-studied effects (surface and thermocapillary) come to the fore, and additional adaptation of condensate retraction systems is required. At the moment, no special surface of condenser has been
proposed which would stabilise the condensate flow and ensure the intensification of the process under variable gravity conditions.
Nowadays, there are various active and passive methods of condensation intensification. Active methods are based on external factors affecting the process, such as electromagnetic fields, centrifugal, acoustic forces, surface and fluid vibrations, etc. Passive methods typically involve modifying cooled surfaces or changing the properties of cooling fluids. The latter methods are trendy, primarily due to the rapid progress in additive technologies and the production of nanomaterials and nanofluids with potential properties in terms of enhancing heat transfer. The condensation process can be intensified by modifying the heat exchange surface, for example, by adapting the shape of the condenser surface (applying fins, spikes, pillars), thereby increasing the area of the condensation surface, as well as by applying porous, rough, or chemical coatings to the heat exchange surfaces, thereby changing the properties of cooled surfaces. In recent decades, progress in nanotechnology made it possible to create new materials with unique mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. The application of strong and durable carbon-based coatings, such as graphene (discovered in 2004), on surfaces is one of the promising methods for intensifying heat transfer processes [Deisenroth et al., 2018]. Additionally to the unique physical properties of a single-layer form of graphene, carbon-based coatings create particular structures like flakes (graphene) or porous layers [Zhang and Li., 2009]. The structures and properties of graphene are described in detail in reviews [Han & Fina, 2011; Ren et al., 2018]. Recent studies have shown that carbon-based materials have unique thermal conductivity [Othman et al., 2019]. The thermal conductivity of graphene is in the range of 3000 - 5000 W/m/K at room temperature. [Preston et al., 2015] demonstrates the effectiveness of ultra-thin graphene hydrophobic coatings on copper substrates to provide drop-wise condensation. Examples of works covering a wide range of modern methods for improving heat transfer are presented in [Nguyen & Ahn, 2021; Ho & Leong, 2021; Ajarostaghi et al., 2022]. However, there are no works in the literature devoted to film-wise condensation on carbon coatings, although, at the same time, drop-wise condensation on coatings is being actively studied. Thus, in this study, the idea of experimenting with film-wise vapour condensation on a graphene coating appeared. Therefore, a hypothesis about the effect of carbon coatings on the condensate flow and the process intensification has been formulated.
Traditional approaches to organising experiments aim to ensure the reproducibility of results and perform parametric analysis to separate the influence of various factors on the studied process. In cases like in-tube condensation or condensation on the outer pipe surface, the process is influenced by many factors, complicating the analysis and making it
multiparametric. As a rule, increasing the number of experiments and samples is necessary to compensate for technological shortcomings and to vary all possible combinations of experimental parameters and mutually influencing conditions. A good example is finned tubes of several meters long [Fernândez-Seara et al., 2009; Ji et al., 2014] or vertical plates with multiple longitudinal finning [Kedzierski & Webb, 1987]. In the case of in-pipe condensation, additionally to the statistical evaluation of the condenser's efficiency, an analysis of its behaviour is added from the point of view of the operation of the entire system as a whole through pressure and temperature readings. In the case of visually closed systems, such as loop heat pipes, it is feasible to analyse the behaviour of a condenser through the pressure and temperature readings of the entire system, and it is impossible to detect the influence of the system elements on each other [Launay & Vallée, 2011]. Such experimental approaches allow to collect information about the average characteristics, which ensures the accuracy of measuring the average heat transfer coefficient on the order of 15-25%. This makes the obtained data useful in technical applications. However, this accuracy level is insufficient to validate mathematical models or significantly improve the efficiency of real condensing-evaporative devices because several factors affect the heat transfer process, and the condensate thickness can change by order of magnitude. Based on this, it remains relevant searching for new approaches to organising experiments to obtain reliable local measurements of the condensate behaviour under variable gravity conditions. Such local characteristics will form the missing benchmark, which can be used to improve existing models and develop new ones.
History of the research project Condensation on Fins
An attempt to intensify condensation on curved surfaces has been carried out for a long time, starting from the middle of the last century. However, all comparisons of condensers efficiency were based on the overall system's performances. In other words, in all studies, comparisons were made qualitatively, but not quantitatively, due to the small scale of the condensation process in relation to the entire system.
To continue improving the efficiency of devices through condensation process, more knowledge about the nature of the process itself is needed, which includes obtaining reliable local experimental data, as film thickness, surface temperature distribution, and heat transfer coefficient. It is important to organise the conditions for studying the phenomenon to obtain such data since the condensation process depends on the balance of gravitational and surface forces. For a detailed study of the phenomenon, separating the influence of driving forces is
essential. To understand how surface forces affect condensation, finding a solution to the nontrivial problem of ensuring the predominance of surface forces is necessary. To meet these conditions on Earth, the fin height should typically be 0.3 - 1 mm, depending on the properties of the fluid. At the moment, it is difficult to make accurate local measurements at this scale. However, under weightlessness conditions, the height of the fin can increase by 30 - 60 times.
The idea to conduct an experiment on large fins in the absence of gravity arose over time. The first who tried to realise this idea was Professor Oleg Kabov, who proposed two different concepts in different projects: EMERALD (Methods for hEat tRAnsfer in a Loop heat pipe Demonstration) and SAFIR (Single fin condensation: FIlm local measuRements). The projects aimed to conduct condensation experiments on curvilinear surfaces onboard International Space Station (ISS) under weightlessness conditions. Long-duration of weightlessness onboard of ISS would allow observing the surface tension effect on hydrodynamics and heat transfer at the condensation on curvilinear surfaces.
The motivation of EMERALD and SAFIR experiments was to investigate the heat transfer enhancement in microgravity capable of meeting the thermal control requirements of next-generation space exploration systems. The idea was that qualitative and quantitative results of these experiments, together with theoretical calculations, would allow for a better understanding of the physical phenomena and ultimately lead to recommendations and rules for equipment design for microgravity conditions.
The main objectives regarding the condensation part of the projects, advantages and disadvantages, and published articles are listed in Table 1.
Table 1: EMERALD and SAFIR projects
A disc-shaped condenser was proposed to conduct experiments in weightlessness. The condenser surface consisted of several discs. On such surface, condensate flows by surface tension effect only; the condensate is retracted by capillary force through gaps between fins. It was assumed that the average heat transfer intensity in such condensers would be 5-10 higher. A single longitudinal curvilinear fin was proposed for condensation experiments. A mathematical model was created for condensation on the designed surface in the framework of the ENCOM project. In weightlessness, only the surface tension effect drives the condensate along the proposed shape.
"Mill «ffiffil
Condensate flows by surface tension effect only
Multidisc surface design demonstrates condensate behaviour between disks The 2D single fin simplifies comparison with numerical models
Axial symmetry
Inertness of the material because of big mass
Difficulties with local condensate thickness measurements Impossible to study the interfin flooding effect on a single fin
3D form of the disk fin complicates numerical simulations Edge effects of the fin's lateral side cause condensation distribution
• [Kabov, O., Marchuk, I., Rodionova, D., Condensation on curvilinear fins (effect of groove flooding): EMERALD experiment of ESA (2007) Microgravity Science and Technology, 19(3-4), pp. 121-124]
• [Marchuk, I., Kabov, O., Vapor condensation on curvilinear disk-shaped fin at microgravity (2008) Microgravity Science and Technology, 20 (3-4), pp. 165-169]
• [Glushchuk, A., Marchuk, I. V., Kabov, O. A., Experimental study of film condensation of FC-72 vapour on disk-shaped fin (2011) Microgravity Science and Technology, 23, pp. 65-74]
Some years after, the concepts of the EMERALD and SAFIR were reconsidered. A new project COF (Condensation on Fins (Fig.1)) was proposed by Dr. Carlo Saverio Iorio, which can be considered a child of previous projects, taking only the advantages of its ancestors: symmetry from EMERALD, single fin from SAFIR. This combination reduced technological complexity, making it possible to conduct condensation experiments under variable gravity conditions, including microgravity and weightlessness. A big part of this work is being done within the COF project that is a part of the ESA project "Heat Transfer PRODEX". It is essential to emphasise the advantages of the concept: symmetry and well suited for modelling; as well as disadvantages: non-trivial experimental approach; the impossibility of implementing several fins, which makes it impossible to get information about condensation between fins or flooding.
COF project participated in four European Space Agency (ESA) parabolic flight campaigns (PFC) and was included in a list of experiments onboard the ISS. The parabolic flights were chosen as the most suitable platform to check the capability of the experimental design and validate the new concept before going to weightlessness onboard the ISS.
Fig.1 Condenser for COF experiment
1. ESA 58th PFC in 2013
The first time when such an experiment was carried out in a variable-gravity environment. The experiment was dedicated to check the system stability, including a particular afocal optical system, under conditions of parabolic flight. For the first time, the film thickness distribution and quasi-local temperature were measured on the curvilinear single-fin condenser. Experimental results were published: [Glushchuk A., Minetti C., Buffone C., Fin condensation in variable gravity environment (2014) Multiphase Science & Technology, 26 (1), pp. 63-81].
2. ESA 61st PFC in 2014
During the second flight, the main goal was to test three different condenser shapes. Also, the technical design of the setup was improved. During this campaign was found that a condensate retraction system should be implemented. The results were published in the paper [Glushchuk, A., Minetti, C., Machrafi, H., Iorio, C.S., Experimental investigation of force balance at vapour condensation on a cylindrical fin (2017) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108, pp. 2130-2142].
3. ESA 69th PFC in 2018
The third flight aimed to test the developed retraction system, which combined porous media and pump. Additionally, curvilinear fins with different surfaces (mirror-like, rough, CNT-coated) were tested. Improvements to the experimental rack were made. The results of the tested retraction system were published: [Barakhovskaia, E., Glushchuk, A., Queeckers, P., Iorio, C.S., Stabilisation of condensate flow from curvilinear surfaces by means of porous media for space applications, (2021) Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 121].
4. ESA 73rd PFC in 2020
The fourth flight was a preparation step before the experiment in ISS. A new setup was developed, a new finned condenser and a new porous evaporator were tested. The results were published in the paper [Barakhovskaia, E., Glushchuk, A., Marchuk, I., Queeckers, P., Iorio, C.S. Characterization of Wick Evaporators through the Behavior of the Specially Designed Condenser, (2022) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT'22), art. no. 128].
5. ESA Space Experiment in 2024
That will be the final stage of the COF project. A stable weightlessness environment will help to obtain missed benchmarks: distribution of condensate film thickness, local heat transfer coefficient and heat flux distribution along the fin. Moreover, it is planned to study the effect of surface topology to understand the influence of roughness and coating with complicated morphology on the condensation process.
Structure of work (aim, hypothesis, tasks)
The aim of this work is to study the process of film-wise condensation through a new method for organising an experiment and obtaining experimental reference data that can be used to improve heat transfer technologies under variable gravity conditions by adapting the shape of the condensation surface and changing its properties through carbon-based coatings.
Based on a review of the available studies, hypotheses were formulated and verified in the work:
1. Durable carbon coatings (graphene-based) affect film-wise vapour condensation. It is assumed that the coatings change the condensate flow, thereby intensifying the process.
2. The surface of the condenser, which provides a constant driving force due to a constant gradient of capillary pressure, stabilises the condensate film and intensifies the process under conditions of variable gravity.
3. An experimental approach based on the selection of the condenser shape and installation design makes it possible to enhance the influence of the factor (absence/presence of gravitational forces; surface shape; coating) on the condensation process. This will make it possible to obtain an experimental benchmark and verify theoretical hypotheses, to carry out a qualitative comparison of experimental data and the results of numerical calculations.
Tasks set to verify hypotheses:
1. Preparation of the experimental setup and verification of the experimental approach (hypothesis 3).
2. Development of a condensate retraction system applicable in microgravity conditions (hypothesis 3).
3. Verification of methods for obtaining reliable local measurements. Obtaining the basic characteristics of the condensation process (temperature distribution in the condenser body and condensate thickness on the condenser surface) (hypothesis 3).
4. Creation of graphene-based coatings by dipping (immersion) and coating quality testing (hypothesis 1).
5. Study the impact of various graphene-based coatings on the condensate flow to verify hypothesis 1.
6. A numerical search for the shape of the condensation surface ensures a stable flow of the condensate under microgravity/weightlessness conditions (hypothesis 2).
7. Numerical simulations of film-wise vapour condensation on surfaces tested in experiments (hypothesis 2).
Scientific novelty and practical value
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time:
1. A new approach has been used to organise experiments on film-wise vapour condensation under the influence of a selected significant factor on surfaces that are promising from the point of view of heat transfer intensification. Accurate local data have been obtained, which complete the set of local characteristics creating a benchmark for verifying theoretical hypotheses and numerical models.
2. A condensate retraction system, which stabilises the condensate film in microgravity, has been created and examined. The experiment has shown that the integration of the porous medium around the curvilinear condenser stabilised the condensate flow with and without active condensate pumping.
3. Accurate distributions of condensate thicknesses on various surfaces (cylindrical, curvilinear, coated with graphene) have been obtained. Experimental data have shown an intensification of condensation when using a graphene-based coating. The critical influence of the technological process parameters used to create coatings has been noted.
4. A one-parameter family of axisymmetric surfaces has been found for which the mean curvature gradient along the generatrix is constant. The surface provided a stable flow of condensate. For the fabricated experimental sample, the contribution of capillary forces has been 33% of gravity when using HFE-7100 as working fluid. The results have been used in the preparation of the space experiment.
The obtained data's reliability is confirmed by using specially developed measuring techniques, conducting pilot experiments, and estimating the magnitude of measurement errors.
The practical value of the work lies in the fact that experimentally obtained reference data will allow researchers to verify classical and new theoretical hypotheses. The resulting benchmark will allow the creation of a class of reference surfaces for modelling evaporation-condensation systems, heat pipes, and efficient steam condensers in ground and space applications. The experiments on coated surfaces show the possibility of using carbon-based coatings in film-wise condensation. The found condensation surface and the condensate retraction system will be used in experiments on the International Space Station.
Scientific results submitted for defence
1. The method of conducting experiments to obtain accurate data under the influence of a single significant factor, separated from other concomitant factors affecting the process under study.
2. A method for stabilising a condensate film in microgravity due to the curvilinear shape of the condenser and the developed condensate retraction system.
3. Results of experimental and theoretical studies on film-wise vapour condensation. The precise distribution of the condensate film on various surfaces: cylindrical, curvilinear, and coated with graphene.
4. Optimising the condenser shape results in providing a constant driving force (capillary pressure gradient).
Approbation of work
The results of the work were reported at international conferences: Graphene week (Helsinki, Finland, 2019); 26th ELGRA Symposium and General Assembly and International Conference on Two-Phase Systems for Space and Ground Applications (Granada, Spain, 2019); 36th and
38th Siberian thermophysical seminar (Novosibirsk, Russia, 2020, 2022); 13 th International Youth Scientific School-Conference Theory and Numerical Methods for Solving Inverse and Ill-posed Problems (Novosibirsk, Russia, 2021); 9th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (Niagara Falls, Canada, 2022).
Publications. The results of the study were published in 11 sources; including 2 articles published in a journal with Q1 quartile (Scopus, WoS), 2 articles published in journals with Q2 quartile (Scopus, WoS); 1 article in the collection of conference materials presented in the publication included in the Scopus database; as well as 6 conference proceedings in Book of Abstracts of scientific conferences.
Похожие диссертационные работы по специальности «Механика жидкости, газа и плазмы», 01.02.05 шифр ВАК
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Механика жидкости, газа и плазмы», Бараховская Элла Викторовна
A new approach has been implemented for organising experiments on film-wise vapour condensation under the influence of a single selected factor on surfaces that are promising from the heat transfer intensification point of view. Accurate local data for various surfaces (cylindrical, curvilinear, coated with graphene) has been obtained, which completes the set of local characteristics that create a benchmark for verifying theoretical hypotheses and numerical models.
A condensate retraction system, which stabilises the condensate film in microgravity, was created and examined. The analysis of the condensate film thickness distribution along the curvilinear condenser showed that integrating the porous medium around the curvilinear surface helps to stabilise the condensate flow with and without active condensate pumping. The combination of the curvilinear surface and the porous medium with the active pump has worked in microgravity without significant drawbacks.
Graphene-based multilayer coatings were created by the dip-coating technique. Created condensers have proven to have durable coatings for condensing equipment. Experimental data showed an increase in condensation when using graphene-based coatings. However, the level of intensification depended on the technological parameters used to create the coatings. Graphene caused intensification of film-wise condensation when the condensate thickness was comparable with the coating thickness. Film thickness distribution on a smooth uncoated condenser was compared with classical Nusselt's results of condensate flow along the vertical wall. The experimental and theoretical results demonstrated disagreement of less than 8%. Concurrency with Nusselt's theory justified the correctness of the assumption that condensate is driven by gravity only. Furthermore, it proved that any deviations in condensate flow behaviour on coated surfaces could be caused by the influence of the coating only.
The condenser shape was optimised in terms of providing a constant driving force (capillary pressure gradient). A one-parameter family of axisymmetric surfaces was found for which the mean curvature gradient along the generatrix is constant. Suitable fin sizes were found to meet the experimental requirements of measuring systems: optical for measuring film thickness and temperature for measuring heat transfer parameters. The film thickness distribution and the mass flow rate of HFE-7100 along the cooled curvilinear fin have been calculated for terrestrial and weightlessness conditions. The condensate film formed on the fin is thick enough for experimental measurements with a commonly used optical system. The sufficiently thick film
eliminates parasitic surface roughness's influence on the condensate's overall distribution, which is an asset for future experiments. For the fabricated experimental sample, the contribution of capillary forces was 33% of gravity when using HFE-7100 as working fluid. The found surface provided stable condensate flow and was proposed for future experiments in zero gravity onboard the ISS.
The proposed conceptual approach will make it possible to form the complete set of characteristics of film-wise vapour condensation, thereby creating reference data for testing theoretical hypotheses and numerical models. The developed numerical algorithms and the obtained results can be used in heat transfer problems for designing efficient vapour condensers. The experiments on coated surfaces show the possibility of using carbon-based coatings in film-wise condensation.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Бараховская Элла Викторовна, 2023 год
1. Nusselt, W., The surface condensation of water vapor (1916) Z. Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure 60, pp. 541-575.
2. Kutateladze, S.S., Gogonin, I.I., Heat transfer in film condensation of slowly moving vapour (1979) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 22 (12), pp. 1593-1599. DOI:10.1016/0017-9310(79)90075-9
3. Webb, R.L., Principles of enhanced heat transfer (1994) Wiley, New York.
4. Rifert V., Smirnov H., Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement (2005) Southampton, UK: WITpress, pp.392.
5. Thome, J.R., Cioncolini, A., Unified Modeling Suite for Two-Phase Flow, Convective Boiling, and Condensation in Macro-and Microchannels (2016) Heat Transfer Engineering, 37 (13-14), pp. 1148-1157. D0I:10.1080/01457632.2015.1112212
6. Marchuk, I., Kabov, O., Vapor condensation on curvilinear disk-shaped fin at microgravity (2008) Microgravity Science and Technology, 20 (3-4), pp. 165-169. DOI: 10.1007/s12217-008-9033-4
7. Glushchuk, A., Minetti, C., Machrafi, H., Iorio, C.S., Experimental investigation of force balance at vapour condensation on a cylindrical fin (2017) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108, pp. 2130-2142. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.01.067
8. Deisenroth, D.C., Moradi, R., Shooshtari, A.H., Singer, F., Bar-Cohen, A., Ohadi, M., Review of Heat Exchangers Enabled by Polymer and Polymer Composite Additive Manufacturing (2018) Heat Transfer Engineering, 39 (19), pp. 1652-1668. DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2017.1384280
9. Zhang, M., Li, J., Carbon nanotube in different shapes (2009) Materials Today, 12 (6) pp. 1218. DOI:10.1016/S1369-7021(09)70176-2
10. Han, Z., Fina, A., Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Polymer Nanocomposites: A Review (2011) Progress in Polymer Science, 36, pp. 914-944. DOI: 10.1016/j.progpolymsci.2010.11.004.
11. Ren, S., Rong, P., Yu, Q., Preparations, properties and applications of graphene in functional devices: A concise review (2018) Ceramics International, 44 (11), pp. 11940-11955. DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2018.04.089
12. Othman, N.H., Che Ismail, M., Mustapha, M., Sallih, N., Kee, K.E., Ahmad Jaal, R., Graphene-based polymer nanocomposites as barrier coatings for corrosion protection (2019) Progress in Organic Coatings, 135, pp. 82-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.porgcoat.2019.05.030
13. Preston, D. J., Mafra, D. L., Miljkovic, N., Kong, J., & Wang, E. N., Scalable graphene coatings for enhanced condensation heat transfer (2015) Nano Letters, 15(5), pp. 2902-2909. DOI:10.1021/nl504628s
14. Nguyen, D.H., Ahn, H.S. A comprehensive review on micro/nanoscale surface modification techniques for heat transfer enhancement in heat exchanger (2021) International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 178, 121601. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.121601
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List of peer-reviewed journal publications of E. Barakhovskaia
1. Barakhovskaia, E., Glushchuk, A., Iermano, F., Iorio, C.S. Impact of graphene coating created by dipping technique on film-wise condensation (2023) Applied Thermal Engineering, 223, art. no. 120007 DOI:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2023.120007
Article, Scopus, WoS
2. Barakhovskaia, E., Glushchuk, A., Marchuk, I., Queeckers, P., Iorio, C.S. Characterization of Wick Evaporators through the Behavior of the Specially Designed Condenser (2022) Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT'22) Niagara Falls, art. no. 128 DOI: 10.11159/ffhmt22.128
Proceeding, Scopus
3. Barakhovskaia, E., Apicella, L., Glushchuk, A., Minetti, C., Iorio, C.S. A fast methodology to assess the quality of coatings on rough 3D surfaces (2022) Diamond and Related Materials, 125, art. no. 108981. DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2022.108981
Article, Scopus, WoS
4. Barakhovskaia, E., Marchuk, I. Fin Shape Design for Stable Film-Wise Vapor Condensation in Microgravity (2022) Microgravity Science and Technology, 34 (1), art. no. 8. DOI: 10.1007/s12217-021-09918-z
Article, Scopus, WoS
5. Barakhovskaia, E., Glushchuk, A., Queeckers, P., Iorio, C.S. Stabilisation of condensate flow from curvilinear surfaces by means of porous media for space applications (2021) Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 121, art. no. 110283. DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2020.110283
Article, Scopus, WoS
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