Optimization of functioning of semiconductor optical amplifier as intensity modulator of signals in optical telecommunication systems (Оптимизация функционирования полупроводникового оптического усилителя в качестве модулятора интенсивности сигналов в оптических телекоммуникационных системах) тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 05.13.01, кандидат наук Язбек Хуссейн
- Специальность ВАК РФ05.13.01
- Количество страниц 127
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Язбек Хуссейн
1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. Optical Network Hierarchy
1.1.3. Optical access networks
1.1.4. Next-generation passive optical networks (NG-PON)
1.2. IM-DD transmission system
1.3. Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers
1.3.1. Semiconductor optical amplifier composition
1.3.2. SOA characteristics
1.3.3. SOA as an external modulator
1.4. Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (QD-SOA)
1.5. Multi-Electrode Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (ME-SOA)
1.6. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
1.6.1. Evaluation criteria for optical OFDM signals
1.6.2. OFDM transmitter
1.6.3. Optical transmitter devices
1.6.4. External modulation
1.6.5. Optical fiber channel
1.6.6. PIN-photodiode
1.6.7. Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) and Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
1.7. Conclusion
2.1. Introduction
2.2. The proposed Optical transmission system
2.2.1. Transmitter Section
2.2.2. Models for SMF and PIN Detector
2.2.3. Receiver Section
2.2.4. Single Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOA) as an Electrical to Optical Converter (E/O) SOA-Based Intensity Modulator Model QD-SOA-Based Intensity Modulator Model
2.3. (ME-SOA/ME-QDSOA)-Based Intensity Modulator Model
2.4. Simulation parameters
2.5. Used devices and tools
2.6. Preparation
2.7. Simulation procedure
2.8. Conclusion
3.1. Introduction
3.2. ME-SOA dynamic simulation results
3.3. Contour plots of system throughput
3.4. Conclusion
4.1. Introduction
4.2. ME-QD-SOA dynamic simulation results
4.3. Multi-Electrode Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ME-QD-SOA dynamic simulation results at Fs = 25GS/s
4.4. Contour Plots of system throughput
4.5. Conclusion
5.1. Introduction
5.2. ME-SOA compared to ME-QD-SOA
5.3. Contour plots of system throughput
5.4. Conclusion
Appendix A:
Appendix B:
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (по отраслям)», 05.13.01 шифр ВАК
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Analysis of Resource Allocation Procedures for Cellular Network in Joint Servicing of Real-Time Multiservice Traffic and Elastic IoT Traffic / Анализ процедур распределения ресурса сетей сотовой связи при совместном обслуживании мультисервисного трафика реального времени и эластичного трафика IoT2022 год, кандидат наук Андраби Умер Мукхтар
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Optimization of functioning of semiconductor optical amplifier as intensity modulator of signals in optical telecommunication systems (Оптимизация функционирования полупроводникового оптического усилителя в качестве модулятора интенсивности сигналов в оптических телекоммуникационных системах)»
Relevance of research:
The problems of system analysis, optimization, control, decision-making and information processing of optical telecommunication systems are extremely relevant from the point of view of determining the criteria that affect their functioning and assessing their efficiency, quality and reliability.
Optical access networks are the last part of an optical network that connects between the central office and the customer premises. This last link typically extends between 20 km up to 40 km. Optical fiber connections yearly are boosted by 28%.
Previous works used Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals for enhancing the optical access network, since OFDM is a very well-known modulation technique used in both wireline and wireless communication systems [83].
Adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency multiplexing (AMOOFDM) signal exploits the entire bandwidth by allocating the suitable modulation format (DPSK, QPSK, 8-256 QAM) to each subcarrier independently. The modulation format is recognized by negotiations between the transmitter and receiver at the beginning of establishing a connection in the single-mode fiber (SMF) system [101].
In the last ten years, AMOOFDM signals have been investigated in relation to the problems of optimization of optical communication systems using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) technology for enhancing the performance of the optical access networks. The use of SOA for this purpose is an urgent topic for research in optical communication systems in terms of
determining criteria for system optimization. Through these studies, signal intensity, bit-rate and transmission range were determined as criteria. As a result, a special mathematical and algorithmic software was developed that allows simulating a system with a transmission rate of about 30 Gbps for one optical channel at a distance of up to 80 km using SOA, and when using a reflective SOA, it reached only 60 km. The use of quantum dot SOA (QD-SOA) instead of a conventional and reflective device did not increase the transmission distance. The use of two-stage SOA improved the distance to 90 km. But still, when all of the above systems are used, there is a sharp drop in the power level of high-frequency subcarriers, which leads to a limitation of the system throughput to a maximum of 30 Gbps and a distance to a maximum of 90 km, since there is still no specific design to solve this problem.
Extending the transmission reach is vital to reduce the cost of the system by reducing the number of nodes required between the central office and the customer premises. While increasing the system capacity is vital to increase the quality of service per single customer or to increase the number of served customers per one fiber link or one fiber channel.
Therefore, for the tasks of optimizing optical communication systems using SOA technology based on the selected criteria for optimizing the system to improve the performance of optical access networks, the urgent task is to develop new SOA designs and methods of their operation to determine optimal criteria in order to increase the performance of optical networks and expand the access range. The result can be achieved by modeling new optimal SOA and QD-SOA designs that improve the bit-rate and transmission range of AMOOFDM signals in the intensity modulator of a direct detection receiver in passive optical networks. This is made possible by expanding the system bandwidth on the transmitter side by using these configurations as an
electrical-to-optical converter, which will solve the system bandwidth problem by eliminating the problem of power drop in high frequency subcarriers of AMOOFDM signals.
Since the formulated traditional problem is complex, not convex in the search space, and, therefore, has many extreme solutions, it is solved by technical methods, and not by classical algorithms.
The aforementioned facts determined the purpose of the study -Development of optimization methods for models of new designs (multi-electrode configuration) SOA and QD-SOA using the criteria of signal intensity, data transmission rate and transmission range, which significantly expands the optimal operating conditions, improves the bit-rate, as well as the transmission range of AMOOFDM signals in the intensity modulation / direct detection in passive optical telecommunication systems (IMDD / PON).
1. Investigate the theoretical foundations of controlling a semiconductor optical amplifier model with a different number of control electrodes (1E-SOA, 2E-SOA) and develop a method for optimizing the model by adding an additional control electrode (model 3E-SOA), taking into account the optimal operating conditions.
2. Investigate the theoretical foundations of controlling a single-electrode model of a quantum-dot semiconductor optical amplifier (1E-QD-SOA) and develop a method for its optimization by adding additional control electrodes (models 2E-QD-SOA and 3E-QD-SOA), taking into account the optimal operating conditions.
3. To develop special mathematical and algorithmic support with codes simulating ME-SOA / ME-QD-SOA as intensity modulators for AMOOFDM signals in IMDD / PON optical telecommunication systems.
4. Create an optimized model of signal propagation through optical telecommunication systems containing SOA, on the basis of computer information processing methods.
5. Develop a computer program ЭВМ based on the performed simulation.
The scientific novelty of the study is as follows:
1. For the first time, the operation of semiconductor optical amplifiers 1E- and 2E-SOA was optimized by adding an additional control electrode (the 3E-SOA model was created), used as an intensity modulator of AMOOFDM signals in optical telecommunication systems.
2. For the first time, the operation of 1E-QD-SOA was optimized by adding an additional control electrode (model 2E-QD-SOA was created), used as an intensity modulator of AMOOFDM signals in optical telecommunication systems.
3. For the first time, the operation of the 2E-QD-SOA obtained at the previous stage was optimized by adding an additional control electrode (the 3E-QD-SOA model was created), used as an intensity modulator of AMOOFDM signals in optical telecommunication systems.
Practical significance
The following practical applications in real telecommunication infrastructures are substantiated:
When analyzing the selected criteria for system optimization, it was found that multi-electrode (ME) configurations extend the transmission coverage, which reduces the cost of the system by reducing the number of nodes required between the central office and the customer's premises. Also, extending the access networks up to 120 km (long-haul access networks) in some places substitute the use of metropolitan networks. Moreover, can
provide service to many of rural areas that don't have access to internet services.
Based on computer methods of information processing, an optimized model of signal propagation through optical telecommunication systems containing SOA was created, due to which an increase in the system bandwidth on the transmitter side was discovered due to the use of the SOA / QD-SOA ME-configuration as an electrical-to-optical converter, which solves the problem of system capacity by eliminating the problem of power level drop of high-frequency subcarriers of AMOOFDM signals. Increasing system capacity is vital to improve the quality of service for each customer or to increase the number of customers served per fiber channel.
Thanks to the proposed methods and algorithms for predicting and evaluating the efficiency, quality and reliability of the system, the proposed models of ME-configurations demonstrate high efficiency and greater flexibility in choosing the optimal operating conditions, in comparison with previously used designs using the same operating conditions: the proposed models of ME-configurations have a much wider range of input optical power variations, with the possibility of high signal transmission rates. Accordingly, it is possible to reduce the cost, complexity and power consumption of our system simply by maintaining the same network infrastructure and changing only the electrical to optical conversion component and eliminating the use of a laser source on the subscriber unit (ONU) side.
Fundamental principles submitted to defense
1. A model for describing and evaluating the effectiveness of optimization, control, decision-making and information processing in the form of a modeling platform that simulates ME-SOA as intensity
modulators for AMOOFDM signals in IMDD / PON optical networks based on the developed optimization criteria for the convenient parameters of each section, determining the length and bias current required to obtain the best electrical bandwidth.
2. A model for describing and evaluating the effectiveness of optimization, control, decision-making and information processing in the form of a modeling platform that simulates ME-QD-SOA as intensity modulators for AMOOFDM signals in IMDD / PON optical networks based on the developed optimization criteria for the convenient parameters of each section, determining the length and bias current required to obtain the best electrical bandwidth.
3. A computer program serving as a simulation platform that simulates ME-SOA / ME-QD-SOA as intensity modulators for AMOOFDM signals in IMDD / PON optical networks and for optimizing the convenient parameters of each section, determining the length and bias current required to obtain better electrical bandwidth.
4. ME-SOA / ME-QD-SOA parameters using the developed criteria and numerical methods.
5. Special mathematical and algorithmic support for a computer model of signal propagation through optical access networks using the developed optimization criteria.
6. Computer program for computers (ЭВМ) " Simulator for Adaptive Modulated Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (AMOOFDM) Signal Transceiver", Registration certificate № ... 2020
Reliability and validity of the results
The results of the work are substantiated experimentally: the initial data are based on laboratory experiments obtained in the course of the work of predecessors, the results of this study are confirmed by mathematical and
numerical modeling. The results obtained agree with the published data of foreign studies on the topic of the dissertation.
Compliance of the dissertation with the Passport of the scientific
This dissertation "Optimization of the functioning of a semiconductor optical amplifier and a semiconductor optical amplifier with quantum dots as an intensity modulator of AMOOFDM signals in optical telecommunication systems" corresponds to the passport of specialty 05.13.01 - System analysis, control and information processing: p. 1 - "Theoretical foundations and methods system analysis, optimization, management, decision-making and information processing ", p. 3 -" Development of criteria and models for describing and evaluating the effectiveness of solving problems of system analysis, optimization, management, decision-making and information processing ", p. 4 -" Development of methods and algorithms for solving problems of system analysis, optimization, management, decision-making and information processing ", p. 5 -" Development of special mathematical and algorithmic support for systems of analysis, optimization, management, decision-making and information processing ", as well as the formula of the specialty" ... specialty dealing with problems of development and application of methods of system analysis of complex applied research objects, information processing, targeted human impact on research objects, including issues of analysis, modeling, optimization, improvement of management and decision-making, in order to increase the efficiency of the research objects functioning».
Personal contribution
The author took the lead contribution from selecting the research topic to obtaining the overall results.
The author personally developed the theoretical basis, models, optimization criteria and all technical details, performed coding, performed numerical simulations, received, analyzed and summarized the results, and then wrote a manuscript.
The Author's contribution is predominant where he has participated in all stages of research: task setting, realization, and discussed research results in scientific publications and conferences.
Approbation of the research results: The main concepts and results of the research were discussed and presented at various international scientific conferences, seminars and meetings of the department:
1. "ME-SOA enhancing the system capacity of the optical access networks". International scientific conference of teachers, graduate students and students "Science for the good of humanity - 2018", April 16-27, 2018. Moscow Regional State University (MGOU), Moscow, Russia.
2. "A comparison between the typical access networks and the adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing based access networks." "Scientific and practical conference with international participation" Engineering Systems - 2019 ", April 4-5, 2019. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN). Moscow, Russia.
3. "Multi-electrode QD-SOA as an intensity modulator of AMOOFDM signals in IMDD PONs". International multidisciplinary scientific conference "Perspective element base of nano- and microelectronics", December 12-13, 2019. Moscow Regional State University (MGOU), Moscow, Russia.
4. "Use of a multi-electrode semiconductor optical amplifier with quantum dots (QD-SOA) as a modulator of AMOOFDM signal intensity in IMDD PONs" // International conference "Promising element base of micro- and nanoelectronics using modern achievements of theoretical physics", September 16 - 18 2020 year. Moscow State Regional University (MGOU) Moscow, Russia.
5. The dissertation work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). Theoretical and numerical study of improving the performance of optical access networks using multi-electrode SOA and multi-electrode SOA quantum dot. Grant №. 19-0700602_a.
This work includes 8 publications: 4 published in (SCOPUS, WOS) indexed journals, 2 in (VAK) indexed journals, 1 in Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and a program patented at "Rospatent" computer program ЭВМ.
Structure and volume of work
This work consists of introduction, a literature review chapter and 4 another chapters, conclusion, glossary, References and 2 appendices.
The total volume of the dissertation is 127 pages, including 140 references, 45 figures, 5 tables, 1 flowchart and 45 formulas.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Системный анализ, управление и обработка информации (по отраслям)», Язбек Хуссейн
1. A model has been developed for describing and evaluating the effectiveness of optimization, control, decision-making and information processing in the form of a modeling platform that simulates multi-electrode semiconductor optical amplifiers (ME-SOA), including ME-SOA with quantum dots, as intensity modulators for AMOOFDM signals in optical networks IMDD / PON based on the developed criteria for optimizing the parameters of each section of the ME-SOA.
2. The theoretical foundations of control of the IMDD-OOFDM signal transmission model (intensity modulation and direct detection - orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) in the access network using the 1E-SOA and 2E-SOA structure have been investigated and a method for its optimization has been developed by adding an additional control electrode (created model 3E-SOA). The multi-electrode configuration for the intensity modulator significantly improves the throughput of passive optical networks over distances from 20 to 120 km. The three-electrode (3E) configuration provides higher signal strength, which improves transmission performance over distances up to 120 km.
3. The theoretical foundations of the control of a single-electrode SOA model with quantum dots (1E-QD-SOA) were investigated, and a method for its optimization by adding additional control electrodes was developed (models 2E and 3E-QD-SOA were created). Unlike 3E-SOA, this configuration optimizes the criteria for system throughput (10 Gbps increase), signal transmission distance (20 km increase), optical input power (20 dB decrease).
4. A special mathematical and algorithmic support has been developed by writing codes that simulate ME-SOA / ME-QD-SOA as intensity modulators for AMOOFDM signals in IMDD / PON optical telecommunication systems.
5. On the basis of computer methods of information processing, a simplified model of optimal operating conditions has been created, taking into account the input optical power and bias current. The simulation results are: higher flexibility in designing an optical access network; reduction in cost, complexity and energy consumption; Achieve maximum data rates in excess of 35 Gbps by simply maintaining the same network infrastructure while changing only one component for electro-optical conversion.
6. Developed a computer program for a computer "Simulator for a transceiver of signals of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency multiplexing (AMOOFDM)", Certificate of registration No., August 2020
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Язбек Хуссейн, 2020 год
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