Определение легких элементов и коррекция матричных эффектов в рентгенофлуоресцентном анализе на основе хемометрических подходов тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Аиден Сораиа

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Аиден Сораиа. Определение легких элементов и коррекция матричных эффектов в рентгенофлуоресцентном анализе на основе хемометрических подходов: дис. кандидат наук: 00.00.00 - Другие cпециальности. ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет». 2022. 228 с.

Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Аиден Сораиа




1.1. Physics of X-ray fluorescence

1.1.1. The photoelectric effect

1.1.2. Scattering radiation

1.2. X-ray fluorescence measurements

1.2.1. Wavelength dispersive X-Ray fluorescence spectroscopy (WDXRF)

1.2.2. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (EDXRF)

1.3. Quantitative analysis in X-ray spectrometry

1.3.1. Inter-element interactions matrix effects

1.3.2. Physical matrix effects

1.3.3. Background

1.4. Traditional methods to account for matrix effects

1.4.1. Empirical calibration

1.4.2. Theoretical calibration Fundamental parameters calibrations

1.5. The scattering theory

1.6. Application of chemometric methods for XRF data processing

1.6.1. Clustering methods

1.6.2. Mutivariate analysis for quantitative analysis

1.7. Conclusion to the literature review


2.1. Clustering

2.1.1. Principal component analysis (PCA)

2.2. Multivariate calibration

2.2.1. Partial least squares regression (PLS)

2.2.2. K-nearest neighbor regression (KNNR)

2.2.3. Artificial neural networks (ANN)

2.3. Prediction evaluation

2.3.1. Test set

2.3.2. Cross validation


3.1. Comparison of data processing methods for quantitative analysis in XRF

3.1.1. Samples

3.1.2. XRF measurements

3.1.3. Data processing

3.1.4. Results and discussion Steel samples Ore samples

3.2. PLS-assisted intensity correction (IC-PLS)

3.2.1. Results and discussion Steel samples Ore samples

3.3. Conclusion to chapter


4.1. The use of monochromatic EDXRF radiation at different incident angles for quantitative analysis of plastics

4.1.1. Samples

4.1.2. XRF measurements

4.1.3. Data processing

4.1.4. Results and discussion

4.2. The use of polychromatic EDXRF radiation to obtain quantitative information and physical properties of plastics

4.2.1. Samples

4.2.2. XRF measurements

4.2.3. Data processing

4.2.4. Results and discussion

4.3. Comparison of the results of monochromatic and polychromatic EDXRF radiations

4.4. Conclusion to chapter









Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Определение легких элементов и коррекция матричных эффектов в рентгенофлуоресцентном анализе на основе хемометрических подходов»



X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) is a popular spectroscopic method for determining the elemental composition in various samples in materials science, geology, archaeology, biology, ecology, food industry and many other fields. The method is widespread since it provides for a fast non-destructive multielemental analysis of both solids and liquids without the need for a complex sample preparation.

At the same time quantitative analysis with XRF has a number of limitations related to matrix effects, that can significantly reduce the accuracy of the obtained results. The determination of the analyte content in XRF is based on the relationship between the intensity of the X-ray fluorescence line of the element being determined and its concentration. This relationship is linear in the absence of matrix effects. Matrix effects are due to the influence of other elements present in the sample on the analyte line intensity and they can distort the linear dependence, thus leading to systematic errors. Matrix effects can be caused by a number of factors, including the specific chemical composition of the sample, its properties (thickness and surface roughness), the conditions of the experiment, and the spectral distribution of the X-ray source.

There is great interest in reliable data processing methods that would eliminate or at least reduce the influence of matrix effects in XRF. To date, several algorithms, empirical and theoretical, have been developed to correct undesirable matrix effects. Theoretical methods, such as the fundamental parameters method (FP), are based on a theoretical model of the interaction of X-rays with matter and allow calculating the concentrations of analytes based on a set of physical parameters. The application of these methods requires homogeneity of samples and knowledge on their chemical composition that may not be available when analyzing real complex objects. Empirical methods are based on mathematical models that relate the line intensities of both target and matrix elements with the analyte concentration. One of the most popular empirical methods is the intensity correction method (IC). This method employs a regression equation to determine the analyte content, and matrix effects are accounted for by the introduction of additional terms representing the products and ratios of the line intensities of the target and matrix elements. A common disadvantage of such methods is the difficulty in constructing models and their

insufficient accuracy in the case of a small number of standard samples employed for modeling.

Chemometric algorithms can be an alternative to traditional approaches for correcting matrix effects. These algorithms use statistical and mathematical approaches to process high-dimensional spectral data, thus extracting the maximum possible information. Among the chemometric methods for quantitative analysis, the most well-known is the partial least squares regression (PLS), which provides a relation between a set of input data (e.g., spectra) and output data (concentrations or other target parameters). PLS effectively eliminates the problems associated with spectral line overlap, however, it can give unsatisfactory results in the case of nonlinear effects. In this situation, nonlinear methods such as artificial neural networks (ANN) or K-nearest neighbor regression (KNNR) can be applied.

Another limitation of XRF is that simple and broadly available energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (EDXRF) do not allow the determination of elements with atomic numbers less than 11 (sodium). On the other hand, in XRF spectra, in addition to X-ray fluorescence lines of elements, signals from excitation X-rays scattered from the sample are also being registered. The intensity of such signals is related to the concentrations of all the elements included in the sample and to the physical properties of the sample in the non-selective way. The use of chemometric methods taking into account latent correlations in XRF data can probably solve the problem of determining light elements.

The objective of the study

The aim of this study is to develop the methods of quantitative analysis in XRF based on chemometric approaches that would allow determination of the content of light elements and analyzing the samples with strong matrix effects.

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to address the following tasks:

1. To study the advantages and limitations of chemometric methods, both linear (PLS) and nonlinear (ANN and KNNR) for the consideration of matrix effects in XRF using the example of quantitative analysis of complex samples, such as ores and steels. To compare the efficiency of the investigated methods with the traditional methods of XRF

spectra processing - the methods of ordinary least square (OLS), fundamental parameters (FP) and Intensity correction method (IC).

2. To develop a method of XRF data processing for quantitative analysis of complex samples based on chemometric principles. To prove the efficiency of the proposed method in real samples.

3. To develop the methods of light elements determination (hydrogen, oxygen and carbon) based on chemometric processing of X-ray scattering spectra from monochromatic and polychromatic sources. To test the proposed approach for analysis of samples of various commercial plastics.

Scientific novelty

1. The possibilities of linear and nonlinear chemometric methods (PLS, ANN and KNNR) for consideration of matrix effects in XRF have been systematically studied. The advantages and limitations of the investigated methods for XRF data processing were established using steel and ore samples as an example.

2. It is demonstrated that the traditional method of intensity correction allows to consider matrix effects more effectively in comparison with the investigated chemometric algorithms.

3. The new XRF data processing algorithm for quantitative analysis combining the advantages of the traditional intensity correction method and partial least squares regression method has been proposed.

4. It is shown that the use of the PLS method for processing the scattering spectra of mono-and polychromatic X-rays allows to determine the content of light elements in plastics samples, along with their physico-chemical properties.

Practical significance

1. The applicability domain of the most common chemometric algorithms (PLS, ANN, KNNR) for the quantitative analysis of samples of complex composition using XRF was established.

2. The proposed XRF data processing algorithm provides the precision comparable with that of the IC method in quantification the analytes in the samples of complex composition, but at the same time it is much simpler in practical implementation.

3. The method for determining light elements (hydrogen, carbon and oxygen) in plastics, as well as the physical properties of the plastic samples (mass per atom, density, crystalline grain melting temperature range, linear thermal expansion coefficient, water absorption) is proposed. It was shown that the accuracy in quantification of these parameters using available EDXRF spectrometers is comparable to that of more expensive instruments with monochromatic X-ray sources.

The defended statements

1. Chemometric methods like PLS and ANN can be used to correct matrix effects in XRF. In this case, PLS allows taking into account only linear matrix effects such as spectral lines overlap, while ANN takes into account more complex nonlinear effects such as absorption of characteristic X-ray fluorescence by matrix elements.

2. The traditional intensity correction method outperforms chemometric tools such as PLS and ANN in quantitative analysis of complex samples.

3. The proposed new method of XRF data processing based on a combination of IC and PLS allows for more effective consideration of matrix effects compared to the use of these methods separately.

4. Application of chemometric methods for processing X-ray scattering spectra allows to determine the content of light elements (hydrogen, carbon and oxygen) in plastics, as well as their physical properties (mass per atom, density, crystalline grain melting temperature range, coefficient of linear thermal expansion, water absorption).

Structure of the work

The work consists of an introduction, a literature review, an experimental part, two

chapters containing the results and their discussion, a conclusion, acknowledgements, a list

of 183 references and 4 appendices. The material consists of 110 pages of typewritten text

and contain 12 tables and 20 figures.


The main content of the work has been presented in the following publications:

1. S. Aidene, V. Semenov, D. Kirsanov, D. Kirsanov, V. Panchuk, Assessment of the physical properties, and the hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen content in plastics using

energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 165 (2020) 105771, DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2020.105771

2. S. Aidene, V. Semenov, D. Kirsanov, D. Kirsanov, V. Panchuk, Scattering of monochromatic X-rays at different incident radiation angles provides quantitative information on physical and chemical properties of plastics, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 172 (2021) 108888, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2020.108888

3. S. Aidene, M. Khaydukova, G. Pashkova, V. Chubarov, S. Savinov, V. Semenov, D. Kirsanov, V. Panchuk, Does chemometrics work for matrix effects correction in X-ray fluorescence analysis?, Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy, 185 (2021) 106310, DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2021.106310

Work approbation

The results of the work were presented at 4 international conferences: XI

International Conference of Young Scientists in Chemistry "Mendeleev 2019" (St.

Petersburg, 2019). 12th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics "WSC" Saratov, (2020). XII

International Conference of Young Scientists on Chemistry "Mendeleev 2021" (Saint-

Petersburg, 2021). 13th Winter Symposium on Chemometrics "WSC" (Moscow, 2022).

Похожие диссертационные работы по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК

Заключение диссертации по теме «Другие cпециальности», Аиден Сораиа


В настоящем исследовании продемонстрированы возможности наиболее распространенных хемометрических методов для количественного анализа в РФА.

Проведено сравнение возможностей традиционных методов обработки данных (ФП, КИ) для учета матричных эффектов с хемометрическими методами (ПЛС, ИНС, к-БСР). Показано, что эффективность различных хемометрических методов зависит от особенностей матричных эффектов. Так, например, ПЛС позволяет учитывать перекрытие спектральных линий, но при этом зависимость концентрации от интенсивности должна носить линейный характер. Напротив, ИНС позволяет учитывать более сложные нелинейные матричные эффекты. При этом традиционный метод коррекции по интенсивностям продемонстрировал наивысшую точность анализа по сравнению со всеми исследованными методами.

Предложен новый комбинированный метод, сочетающий в себе преимущества метода коррекции по интенсивностям и ПЛС. Возможности данного метода для опредления содержания аналитов в пробах сложного состава были продемонстрированы на примере анализа руд и сталей. Показано, что предложенный метод позволяет получать сопостовимые с методом КИ результаты анализа, однако является менее трудоемким, так как не требует подбора отдельного регрессионного уравнения для каждого определяемого аналита.

Предложены способы определения легких элементов (водород, кислород, углерод) в пластмассах, а также физических свойств этих материалов (средняя атомная масса, плотность, диапазон температур плавления кристаллического зерна, коэффициент линейного теплового расширения, водопоглощение), основанные на хемометрической обработки РФА спектров, содержащих сигналы рассеянного от образца рентгеновского излучения. Предлагаемые способы основаны на использовании моно- и полихроматического первичного излучения. Показано, что точность определения исследуемых параметров с помощью доступных EDXRF спектрометров сопоставима с точностью более дорогостоящих приборов, основанных на применении монохроматических истоников рентгеновского излучения.

Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Аиден Сораиа, 2022 год


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