Неравенства концентрации для функционалов от цепей Маркова и их приложения к снижению дисперсии MCMC алгоритмов тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Самсонов Сергей Владимирович
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Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Самсонов Сергей Владимирович
Notations and definitions
Chapter 1. Rosenthal and Bernstein inequalities for linear statistics of Markov
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Literature review
1.3. Contributions
1.4. Results for V-geometrically ergodic Markov chains
1.5. Geometrically ergodic Markov chains with respect to Kantorovich-Wasserstein semi-metric
1.6. Applications
1.7. Proofs
Chapter 2. Variance reduction for dependent sequences with applications to
Stochastic Gradient MCMC
2.1. Introduction and problem statement
2.2. Control variates for dependent observations
2.3. Contributions
2.4. Empirical Spectral Variance Minimization
2.5. Applications to the Markov kernels, geometrically ergodic in the Kantorovich-Wasser-stein distance
2.6. Applications to Langevin-based MCMC algorithms
2.7. Numerical results
2.8. Proofs
Chapter 3. Variance reduction with martingale representations
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Literature review and problem setup
3.3. Contributions
3.4. Langevin-based MCMC
3.5. Martingale representation
3.6. Gaussian noise model
3.7. Numerical experiments
3.8. Proofs
Appendix A. Russian translation of the thesis
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Неравенства концентрации для функционалов от цепей Маркова и их приложения к снижению дисперсии MCMC алгоритмов»
With the outstanding interest in the development of novel methods in machine learning, there is growing interest in mathematical tools that provide a framework for understanding and evaluating the performance of algorithms when the observable sample size is finite. Various results based on the concentration of measure phenomenon [1, 2] have proved to be the right instrument for obtaining non-asymptotic guarantees for various algorithms in the fields of reinforcement learning [3], optimization [4], learning theory [5], Monte-Carlo and Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods (MCMC, [6, 7]), and many others. Concentration inequalities for functionals of independent random variables or martingales are relatively well understood, as seen in [2, 8, 9]. At the same time, the situation is different when considering concentration inequalities for functions of dependent random variables. While a wealth of results exists for weakly dependent processes with different types of mixing conditions [10, 11], their application even to the natural setting of additive functionals of Markov chains is challenging. In particular, they are either not quantitative or not precise enough in terms of important problem characteristics, such as the variance of the additive functional in the Bernstein type inequalities (see Chapter 1 for the relevant definitions). This drawback is shared by many existing results obtained specifically for functionals of Markov chains [12-15]. However, it is Markovian stochasticity that appears in the vast majority of machine learning algorithms. Markov chains naturally arise in the non-asymptotic analysis of algorithms in the fields of stochastic approximation [16, 17] or reinforcement learning [3, 18].
In Chapter 1 of this thesis, we obtain new counterparts of the classical Rosenthal and Bernstein inequalities for geometrically ergodic Markov chains with explicit dependence on the mixing time of the underlying chains. We consider an additive functional
Sn = - (1)
where g is an integrable measurable function and (X¿)1=0 is a Markov chain with a Markov kernel P, which admits n as unique invariant distribution. We obtain concentration inequalities for the additive functional Sn, similar to those presented in [12, 14, 19, 20]. We refine the dependency of the new estimates on the variance of Sn and the mixing time of the underlying chain. Our proof is based on the cumulant expansion techniques outlined in [21] and the Leonov-Shiryaev formula [22] relating moments and cumulants.
In the subsequent parts of the thesis, we apply concentration inequalities to the non-asymptotic analysis of variance reduction techniques [23, 24], and propose new variance reduction methods for sequences of dependent random variables. The primary aim of variance reduction is to reduce the stochastic error in Monte Carlo estimates. Classical contributions to this field, including those by [25] and [26], have extensively explored variance reduction techniques, with a primary focus on modeling based on sequences of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables (see e.g. [27]). However, in many scenarios, generating i.i.d. observations is not feasible,
especially in cases of high problem dimension, and statistical inference must rely on dependent observations. These observations often form a Markov chain, as is the case of MCMC algorithms [6]. Furthermore, the application of variance reduction extends to optimization methods and reinforcement learning, see e.g. [28-31], and references therein.
In Chapter 2, we propose a practical approach to variance reduction for additive functionals of dependent random variables. This approach extends the one introduced in [32] and is applicable to a broader class of Markov chains satisfying the ergodicity condition in the first-order Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric, and to sequences of dependent random variables satisfying the covariance stationarity assumption. The proposed method is based on using the control variates together with minimizing the empirical estimate of the respective asymptotic variance. We provide estimates for the rate of decrease in excess asymptotic variance with the growth of the training sample size. The proposed approach has been applied to MCMC estimates based on the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD, [33]).
In Chapter 3, we consider the problem of variance reduction for additive functionals of Markov chains in the setting where the analytical expression for the invariant distribution of the underlying chain is unknown. In such a setting, we suggest a variance reduction approach based on discrete-time martingale representation, which generalizes the control variates using orthogonal polynomials expansion [34]. This approach does not require knowledge of the chain's stationary distribution or its specific structure. We analyze the algorithm under a normal noise model (see Section 3.6), which particularly covers the celebrated Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm [35-37].
Goals and objectives of the study
The goal of the study is to obtain a new analytical tools for studying concentration properties of functionals of Markov chains and to apply them for theoretical analysis of post-processing methods for MCMC estimates, which are based on control variates. To solve this problem, we consider the following steps:
1. Derive upper bound on cumulants of additive functionals of geometrically ergodic Markov chains, tracing explicit dependence on the parameters of the underlying Markov kernel;
2. Use the bound above to get new counterparts of Rosenthal inequality and Bernstein inequality, keeping precise dependence on the variance of Sn from (1) and mixing time of the kernel;
3. Generalize the above versions of Rosenthal inequality for quadratic forms of functions of Markov chains, converging geometrically fast to the invariant distribution in terms of first-order Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric;
4. Develop a method for selecting the control variates to adjust MCMC estimates, based on minimizing a certain estimate of the asymptotic variance. Study the statistical properties of the suggested method;
5. Develop a variance reduction method for additive functionals of Markov chain, which does not require to know analytically the invariant distribution of the underlying chain. Provide bounds on the variance of adjusted estimates compared to the variance of non-adjusted functional in the normal noise model described in Section 3.6.
Scientific novelty of the results
All results submitted for defense are new. New concentration inequalities of the Rosenthal and Bernstein types have been obtained for additive functionals of Markov chains. These inequalities generalize known estimates in the literature. Moreover, this work provides an original extension of Bernstein inequality to Markov kernels under the condition of ergodicity in the general weighted Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric. Additionally, a novel non-asymptotic analysis of the performance of several variance reduction methods for MCMC algorithms has been conducted, resulting in estimates for the rate of decrease in excess asymptotic variance with the growth of the training sample size. Suggested method of constructing control variates based on discrete martingale decomposition is new and can be used in several settings, when classical techniques, in particular, the ones based on Stein operator, are not directly applicable.
Theoretical and practical significance of the results
The presented results have both theoretical and methodological significance. The theoretical findings introduce new concentration inequalities for additive functionals of Markov chains, which may be valuable for studying Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. From a methodological perspective, new variance reduction techniques for MCMC algorithms are proposed, which can be applied, in particular, in Bayesian statistics.
Methodology and research methods
The work extensively employs the analytical tools of probability theory, particularly the coupling methods and the method of cumulants, in particular, relations between cumulant bounds and concentration inequalities discussed in Chapter 1. The proofs of the main results rely on the theory of Markov chains and concentration inequalities.
Publications based on research results
The main contributions of the thesis have been published in three peer-reviewed journal articles [38-40]. All three articles are included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.
1. A.Durmus, E. Moulines, A. Naumov, S. Samsonov. Probability and Moment Inequalities for Additive Functionals of Geometrically Ergodic Markov Chains, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10959-024-01315-7;
2. D. Belomestny, L. Iosipoi, E. Moulines, A. Naumov, S. Samsonov. Variance reduction for dependent sequences with applications to stochastic gradient MCMC, SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification, 9(2), 507-535, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1137/19M1301199;
3. D. Belomestny, E., Moulines, S. Samsonov. Variance reduction for additive Junctionals of Markov chains via martingale representations, Statistics and Computing, 32(1), 16, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-021-10073-z
Approbation of work
Main results of the thesis were presented at the following conferences, schools, and seminars:
1. Winter school and conference "New frontiers in high-dimensional probability and statistics 2", Moscow, February 22 — 23, 2019. Talk: "Concentration inequalities for functionals of Markov Chains with applications to variance reduction";
2. Conference "Structural Inference in High-Dimensional Models 2". Pushkin, Saint-Petersburg, 26 — 30 August 2019. Poster: "Variance Reduction for Dependent Sequences via Empirical Variance Minimisation";
3. Research seminar "Structural Learning", Faculty of Computer science, HSE, Moscow, October 15, 2019. Talk: "Variance reduction for dependent sequences with applications to Stochastic Gradient MCMC";
4. HSE-Yandex Autumn School on Generative Models, Moscow, November 26 — 29, 2019. Poster: "Variance reduction for MCMC algorithms";
5. Winter school "Math of Machine Learning 2020", Sochi, Sirius, February 19 — 22, 2020. Poster: "Variance Reduction for Dependent Sequences via Empirical Variance Minimisation";
6. City seminar on probability theory and mathematical statistics, Saint-Petersburg, POMI RAS, October 09, 2020. Talk: "Variance reduction methods for MCMC algorithms";
7. Conference "New Trends in Mathematical Stochastics", 30.08.2021-03.09.2021, talk "Probability and moment inequalities for additive functionals of geometrically ergodic Markov chains";
8. Research seminar "Structural Learning", Faculty of Computer science, HSE, Moscow, February 28, 2023. Talk: "Rosenthal type inequalities for Markov chains and their applications to Linear Stochastic Approximation".
Theses submitted for defense
1. In Chapter 1 we obtain new counterparts of Rosenthal and Bernstein inequalities for additive functionals of ergodic Markov chains that converge to the stationary distribution exponentially fast either in V-total variation norm or in the Kantorovich-Wasserstein semi-metric. The proof method we employ is based on the cumulant expansion techniques and the connections between cumulants and centered moments established through the Leonov-Shiryaev formula.
2. In Chapter 2 we propose an extension of the variance reduction method using control variates for the case of dependent random sequences that satisfy the covariance stationarity assumption. We obtain estimates for the rate of decrease in excess asymptotic variance with the growth of the training sample size. We derive concentration inequalities for quadratic forms of functions of Markov chains satisfying the contraction condition in the Kantorovich-Wasser-stein metric and apply these results to MCMC estimates based on the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD).
3. In Chapter 3 we propose a novel variance reduction approach for additive functionals of Markov chains based on a discrete-time martingale representation. We study the variance reduction achieved by our method in a special setting of the normal noise model, covering the Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm (ULA), and show its gain over the non-adjusted estimates without variance reduction.
Reliability of results
All results of the dissertation are justified by mathematical proofs. The findings of the dissertation were presented at conferences and scientific seminars.
Structure and scope of work
The thesis consists of introduction, notation section, three chapters, conclusion, and bibliography. The thesis is 113 pages long, including 105 pages of the text, 2 tables, and 12 figures. The bibliography is 8 pages long and includes 119 items.
Author's personal contribution
The author's contribution is primary in the results of Chapter 1 and Chapter 3. Presented results of these sections were obtained personally by the author, apart from the result of Theorem 8. The latter one is the result of a joint work of the doctoral candidate and other co-authors of [38]. For completeness, Chapter 2 includes results obtained jointly with co-authors, namely the results of Section 2.4: Algorithm 1 and Theorem 9. They are obtained jointly by the doctoral candidate and other co-authors of [39]. The author's primary contribution to Chapter 2 are the
results on the concentration of quadratic forms for Markov chains under contractive condition in the first-order Kantorovich-Wasserstein metric with applications to Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD). These results are presented in Section 2.5 and Section 2.6. Furthermore, the proof idea for Proposition 5 is attributed to A. Naumov.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Другие cпециальности», Самсонов Сергей Владимирович
1. В Главе 1 получены новые аналоги неравенств Розенталя и Бернштейна для аддитивных функционалов от эргодических марковских цепей, которые сходятся к стационарному распределению с экспоненциальной скоростью либо в V-норме полной вариации, либо в полуметрике Канторовича-Васерштейна. Использованный метод доказательства основан на кумулянтном разложении и связи между кумулянтами и центральными моментами, устанавливаемой с помощью формулы Леонова-Ширяева.
2. В Главе 2 предложено обобщение метода снижения дисперсии с использованием контрольных переменных на случай последовательностей зависимых случайных величин, удовлетворяющих условию стационарности ковариаций, произведен анализ избыточной асимптотической дисперсии алгоритма. Получены неравенства концентрации для квадратичных форм от функций от цепей Маркова, удовлетворяющих условию равномерной геометрической эргодичности в метрике Канторовича-Васерштейна Wd,l. Полученные результаты применены к алгоритмам МСМС на основе динамики Ланжевена с использованием стохастических градиентов (БСГЮ).
3. В Главе 3 предложен новый подход к снижению дисперсии для аддитивных функционалов от марковских цепей на основе дискретного мартингального разложения. Для специального случая модели нормального шума, покрывающей неадаптированный алгоритм Ланжевена (ЦЪА), произведен неасиптотический анализ снижения дисперсии, достигаемого предложенным алгоритмом. Теоретический анализ основан на неравенстве Пуанкаре для гауссовских случайных векторов.
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Список литературы
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