Main Directions and Features of Nigerian-Russian Bilateral Relations (1999-2020) /Основные направления и особенности нигерийско-российских двусторонних отношений (1999-2020 гг.) тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 07.00.15, кандидат наук Адебайо Кафилат Мотунрайо
- Специальность ВАК РФ07.00.15
- Количество страниц 194
Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Адебайо Кафилат Мотунрайо
1.1. Historical Background of the Nigerian-Russian Bilateral Relation
1.2. Russia in Africa and External Factors Affecting Bilateral Relations between
Nigeria and Russia
2.1. Political Relations between Nigeria and Russia after the Establishment of Democratic Government in
2.2. Military Cooperation between Nigeria and Russia
2.3. Relations between Nigeria and Russia in the Fight against Terrorism in
3.1. Nigerian-Russian Trade and Economic Relations
3.2. Nigerian-Russian Energy Cooperation & Projects: Success and Problems
3.3. Relations between Nigeria and Russia in the fiels of Education and Culture
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «История международных отношений и внешней политики», 07.00.15 шифр ВАК
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Политические отношения России и Бахрейна в контексте трансформации региональной подсистемы Ближнего и Среднего Востока2019 год, кандидат наук Аль-Тамими Халед Мохамед Али
African Vector of the Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999 – 2021) / Африканский вектор внешней политики Федеративной Республики Нигерия (1999 – 2021 гг.)2023 год, кандидат наук Нвалие Джордж Авеле
Отношения Пакистана с Советским Союзом и Россией: Основные факторы и тенденции, 1947-1998 гг.1999 год, кандидат исторических наук Сиддики Ирам
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Main Directions and Features of Nigerian-Russian Bilateral Relations (1999-2020) /Основные направления и особенности нигерийско-российских двусторонних отношений (1999-2020 гг.)»
The relevance of the study implies range of factors. The period of the late XX - early XXI century is characterized by important changes in world politics and international relations, which led to the formation of a multipolar world and the growing role of developing states, which is manifested in the change of the unipolar paradigm of Western centrism and the emergence of new centers of power in world politics.
The author chose to study Nigeria and Russia, which plays an important role in regional and world politics, respectively. Modern Nigeria is one of the leading African states, claiming regional leadership and demonstrating fairly rapid economic growth and foreign policy activity in recent years. Russia in the modern world is one of the great powers actively advocating the further formation of multi-polarity, thereby helping the countries of the developing world, including African ones, to reach a new level of development and positioning in the international arena.
The relevance of the study is also due to the mutual interest of Nigeria and Russia in the development of mutually beneficial bilateral relations. Nigeria, as one of the largest economies in sub-Saharan Africa, seeks to fulfill its foreign policy ambitions for regional leadership and to reach the international level of influence, which is rooted in the active cooperation with Russia. In addition to political influence, Nigeria might gain from the bilateral engagement an enormous potential in technology and trade, which Nigeria desperately needs.
In turn, Russia, as the heir to the Soviet Union, possessed tremendous influence on the African continent during the Cold War, seeks to regain its lost positions in Africa, thus shaping the African agenda in its foreign policy. Such agenda is relatively new and, in fact, has become widely implemented only since 2019 as a result of the Russia-Africa summit and economic forum in Sochi.
All of the factors present the relevance of the study of bilateral relations between Nigeria and Russia, that will contribute to the further formation of a new world order.
Literature review. Scientific works of African, Russian and Western researchers devoted to topical problems of international relations and foreign policy became important were applied in the research.
The number of scientific studies by Russian experts devoted to the study of Africa is very limited in comparison with Western ones, which can be explained by the long period of passiveness within the bilateral relations between Russia and the countries of the region. Nevertheless, Russian scientists have made a significant contribution to the study of the African continent.1
Among the Russian authors who studied the processes in West Africa, one can single out the leading Russian specialist in African studies, T.S. Denisov, who studied the role of the political factor in the development of the countries of the region, as well as the features and prospects of the political development of Nigeria2.
The political and economic factors of the country's development were analyzed by V. Usov and T. L. Deutsch.3 The authors examine the formation of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) as a positive factor for future economic relations within Africa with Nigeria's role in regional economic development, stimulating the need to strengthen the country's economic ties with the BRICS. Despite the fact that Nigeria already maintains bilateral relations with each
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Заключение диссертации по теме «История международных отношений и внешней политики», Адебайо Кафилат Мотунрайо
In conclusion, the thesis examined the evolution, impact, and activities of Nigerian-Russian Relations. It illustrated the historical background of Nigeria and Russia relations that emerged after Nigeria gained independence from its colonial master (Britain) in 1960. Both countries have maintained cordial diplomatic, political, economic, and cultural relations. Before the Nigerian civil war, the Nigeria-Soviet diplomatic contacts were not much. They were far between and limited to exchange missions, whereas there was the frequency in the exchanges of satellites. The civil war and Nigeria's need for Soviet weapons to prosecute the war, and the medium that created the establishment of the Soviets to a firm foothold, all of which can be envisaged to raise high expectations of closer and broader post-war bilateral diplomatic contacts. This was not aimed only to symbolize the ascendancy of the Soviets in the management of Nigeria's affairs but also for its political effect on global diplomacy. Nigeria recognized that its ability to play regional and continental roles mainly depended on its relations with global powers such as Russia.
The study suggests several objective reasons why Nigeria and Russia should actualize their strategic partnership in various bilateral treaties. The two countries exhibit commonalities that positively contribute to strengthening their bilateral relations. Both nations practice federalism, they both have almost the same population size, and they are both gifted with immense human and material resources, including hydrocarbon and agricultural land. Although the study recognized that Russia is a more advanced country, Nigeria could benefit from its excellent scientific-technological and industrial capabilities.
The study investigates the most critical evidence of the 1991-1999 phase in the Nigeria-Russia relations. This was the fact that the Russian Federation was economically very weak, devastated by the political disruption of a large proportion, with oligarchs and all series of political groups forcefully competing for control of
the state. As a result, Russia paid very minimal attention to its relations with African nations. The study further proceeds to note that Nigeria was not left out in difficulty during that period. In addition to Nigeria's domestic political challenges, it was also faced with severe economic challenges, including lack of industrial capacity, decreased income from oil exports, inadequate investment, unemployment, and poverty. Russia was making an effort to gain its balance following the elimination of the old political order, whereas Nigeria was also in a dilemma under military dictatorship. The study revealed that it was a period of making several attempts and efforts to gain legitimacy and recognition in countries where military governance was very unpopular and unacceptable.
The author went further to analyze that it was only after the return of democratic rule to Nigeria that a new door of opportunity was opened to both states to exploit the maximum potential of their relations and cooperation in political, economic, and cultural spheres. This opinion can be backed up referencing Vladimir Putin coming into office in 2000, which slowly and steadily stabilized the Russian society and its economy. During that time of the year, Russia was engaged in the difficult task of mending its relations and ties in the International arena. Especially in re-engaging the African states with so many of its high profile Russian officials who were visiting African countries, and Nigeria was a participant.
In the Evaluation of Nigeria and Russia relations 1999 - 2020, the study noted that this is a very significant phase in the Nigeria-Russia relations because 1999 by the event was termed to be the beginning of a new dawn for both countries. It marked the coming to power of the Russian President Vladimir Putin as the second democratically elected president of the Russian Federation and the inauguration of President Olusegun Obasanjo as a democratically elected president of Nigeria. This event prompted the re-establishment of a new phase in the diplomatic relations
between Russia and Nigeria. There were series of openings to several opportunities for the two nations.
The author posited that Nigerians' expectations on democracy and its positive impacts and influence on Nigeria's foreign relations were based mainly on the fact that liberal ideas were, in the post-Cold War international system. Moreover, it should be stated that the principal yardsticks are used to measure whether or not a government is very responsible and accountable as it ought to.
The study also pointed out the Nigeria Foreign Policy towards Russia under President Olusegun Obasanjo, President MusaYarAdua, and the foreign policy under President Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari's Administrations. The civilian government that assumed power in 1999 recognized the utmost necessity in redirecting Nigeria's foreign policy. For the most part, these trends reflect the country's overall goals, as outlined in its 2020 Vision document. The study buttresses the issue by noting that to achieve this, the first step was to aggressively search for political friends, especially among nations responsible for global affairs influence and those known for shaping international economic diplomacy, and Russia was a key factor.
The study asserted that despite Nigeria being the most populous country in Africa and a major oil-exporting country, the irony is that it has suffered a chronic energy crisis for many years. These have been because of perpetual problems associated with the supply of resources and technology. This has led most of its policymakers to express a keen interest in exploring alternative energy sources such as nuclear power, of which Russia is a giant in this field. The increase in Nigeria's population translates to high demand for energy. About half of the country's population has no electricity making the partnership with Russia a good prospect. Joint workgroups on energy cooperation can help ensure the partnership. Such groups have been in operation in countries such as South Africa and Angola. The
exploitation of renewable energy sources in Nigeria concerning solar energy and wind energy will benefit the country to resolve its energy deficit. Also, Nigeria's population is a vast market for Russian investors. Therefore, the cooperation between Nigeria and Russia on energy security and cooperation is mutually beneficial. The study revealed that there are new hopes in Moscow and Abuja as the two countries' agree to increase their annual commercial ties to billions of dollars in the dearest future. This was illustrated during the signing of the Nigeria-Russian Agreement on cooperation in atomic energy's peaceful uses. In an attempt, Russia has made plans to render help to Nigeria to explore oil and gas and build nuclear power plants, petroleum pipelines, railways, and infrastructures. However, the Nigerian government has to ensure the right policies for Russia to implement energy projects on its soil.
The study ascertained that African countries, including Nigeria, are interested in investments, technologies, and trade cooperation with Russia. The Russian Export Center has recently been accepted as shareholders of Afreximbank. This Pan-African multilateral trade finance institution was created under the African Development Bank's umbrella to expand and diversify African trade. The study emphasized that this partnership was created to increase exports from Russia to Africa and vice versa. A major fundamental block is the deepening of trade and economic cooperation between Nigeria and Russia. It is worthy to note that the Russian Federation President extended an invitation to all African presidents to participate in the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi in October (2019). An imperative is the strengthening of cooperation with Africa. As a result, Russia can also offer Nigeria expertise during nuclear power plant's construction and other infrastructural facilities in the energy and agricultural sectors (light industry facilities, hydroelectric power stations, agricultural raw materials processing factories). Also, in the oil
refining and pipeline construction technologies and the space industry's development, which can be seen as an opportunity to launch satellites in Africa.
The study revealed that Nigerians represent one of the numerous groups of all international students studying in Russia's Eastern European countries. According to the portal "Russian Education," most often Nigerian students choose natural sciences, medicine, philology, and programs related to culture and art. The study asserted that Nigeria has Bilateral Education and Cultural Agreements with about 70 countries, which had enable her to create the legal framework to support most of the artists and professional cultural performers when it comes to mobility. The top 7 leaders in terms of the number of Nigerian students, compiled by the Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, include the most prominent universities: People's Friendship University of Russia, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, Tomsk Polytechnic University. Also, foreigners study in the universities of Kursk, Novosibirsk, and Kazan. It is worthy to note that Nigeria signed an education and cultural agreement with Russia way back after gaining independence from the Colonial Maters. The study revealed that Russian support for Nigeria's educational system has been consistent ever since, however, Nigeria is lagging somewhat behind to fulfil its part of the bargain. The study posited that this will create an avenue for the strengthening of the relations between both countries.
The study attempted to contribute to Nigeria and Russia's joint effort made in counter-terrorism attempt to understanding and analyzing the evolution, growth, and strategic measures taken in addressing Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria. The study investigated the implication of the insurgency uprising in Nigeria on national and regional security. Regarding several bilateral treaties signed by both countries on energy, Nigeria can benefit from Russia's immense experience managing and protecting its resources concerning crude oil and gas pipelines. This has become a
crisis for Nigeria for a long time, especially in the Niger Delta region. The author revealed that presently, there is a severe security implication for Nigeria. It then analyzed the practical framework carried out by Russia to help tackle the insurgency on Nigeria's soil. It is important to note that Nigeria and Russia have signed an agreement on Cooperation on military training, peace-keeping, and efforts to counterterrorism and anti-piracy. However, it is relevant to note that Russia's main interests in its military relations with Nigeria and Africa are arms exports, imports of natural resources, and power projection.
The study made it clear that Nigeria and Russia's relations have not been without some low moments. Some apparent challenges prevent Nigeria and Russia's bilateral relations from attaining a greater height. One of the challenges is that in terms of exportation between the two countries, Russia exports military hardware, fertilizer, metals, and oil consumables to Nigeria. In contrast, Nigeria exports only agricultural products to Russia. There is undoubtedly a need for diversification of the items between the two countries, thereby Nigeria increasing its exports to the Russian Federation. Therefore, the study provided and maintained means of information upon the diplomatic relations between Nigeria and Russia and elaborated on the opening of doors to several opportunities for Nigeria and Russia to develop and strengthen a long-lasting and broad relationship in their political, economic, security, and socio-cultural spheres. Also, there is the issue of most of their agreements not being rectified accordingly.
The study gave a strong recommendation on counter-terrorism, Boko Haram's case, to tackle the financial resources, which is one of the most potent tools in counter-terrorism. If the financial resource is effectively being traced and then abolished, then the insurgency will be bankrupt and will not carry out its plans. The study also recommended that due to the utmost fact that Russia is an economic powerhouse and a perfect strategic trading partner and as such, Nigeria should not
waste time in forging a robust partnership with Russian Federation. The study advised that the Nigerian government should ratify the agreement on the promotion of investment, intending to take the bilateral trade relations it has with Russia to the next level. Accordingly, reports showed that due to Nigeria and Russian governments' lack of strong political will, their bilateral trade volume has been low. The authorities of both countries agree that it is low. It ought to be many times on the increase.
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21.Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).
22.Nigerian Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
23.Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC), Moscow.
24.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
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