Магнитные свойства массивов железных нанонитей: влияние геометрических параметров тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 01.04.07, кандидат наук Елмекави Ахмед Хассан Абделрахман

  • Елмекави Ахмед Хассан Абделрахман
  • кандидат науккандидат наук
  • 2021, ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет»
  • Специальность ВАК РФ01.04.07
  • Количество страниц 208
Елмекави Ахмед Хассан Абделрахман. Магнитные свойства массивов железных нанонитей: влияние геометрических параметров: дис. кандидат наук: 01.04.07 - Физика конденсированного состояния. ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет». 2021. 208 с.

Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Елмекави Ахмед Хассан Абделрахман

Table of Contents


Chapter 1. Literature review

1.1 Applications of magnetic nanowires

Biomedical applications. Drug delivery

Biomedical applications. Hyperthermia

Magnetic field sensors

Acoustic and tactile sensors

Information storage

1.2 Factors determining the magnetic properties of arrays of nanowires

Chapter 2. Research methods

2.1 Sample synthesis

2.2 Samples attestation methods

2.2.1 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

2.2.2 X-ray diffraction (XRD)

2.2.3 Small-angle X-ray scattering

2.3 Methods of investigating magnetic properties

2.3.1 SQUID magnetometry

2.3.2 Analysis of first order magnetization reversal curves

2.3.3 Micromagnetic simulation

Chapter 3. FORC analysis of arrays of iron nanowires

3.1 Sample attestation

3.2 Magnetic properties

3.3 Conclusion

Chapter 4. Effect of length on magnetic properties

4.1 Samples attestation

4.2 Magnetic Properties

4.3 Concluding

Chapter 5. Theoretical approaches for describing the magnetic properties of arrays of iron nanowires

5.1 Samples Attestation

5.2 Analytical and numerical used models

5.3 Results and discussion

5.3.1 Geometry I. The magnetic field is applied parallel to the long axis of the wires

5.3.2 Geometry II. The magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the long axis of the wires

5.4 Conclusion




Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Физика конденсированного состояния», 01.04.07 шифр ВАК

Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Магнитные свойства массивов железных нанонитей: влияние геометрических параметров»


The noticeable progress in nanotechnology in recent decades has led to the active introduction of artificial nanomaterials into everyday life. They are rapidly penetrating such areas as electronics, medicine, energy production and storage, robotics, and many other areas. We literally contact them without even knowing it. For example, billions of hidden nanofibers are used to improve the stain resistance of clothing, and a protective layer of zinc oxide nanocrystals covers almost every pair of sunglasses.

In turn, this wide diversity of possible applications causes the further development of synthesis technologies and an enormous number of new forms of nanomaterials. At the moment, it is possible to produce spherical, pyramidal, octahedral, cubic, springs-like, and cylindrical nanoparticles in a wide range of sizes. Additionally, the nanoparticles can be arranged into various nanostructures. A special place among others occupied by the anisotropic nanoparticles with high aspect ratio called nanowires. Due to their shape, they can be easily manipulated via different mechanisms, allowing them to be used in computer microchips, piezoelectric materials, electronics, sensors, information storage devices, solar cells, biomedical applications, and so on.

In the current work nanowires based on magnetic material are considered. Due to well-established procedures of synthesis, modern magnetic nanowires possess high quality and can be produced with precise parameters. Besides that, arrays of nanowires can cover large areas, making them useful even on the macroscale. Interaction of magnetic nanowires with magnetic field makes them preferable for magnetic drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia as therapeutic applications. Moreover, one can use them as magnetic sensors, details of spintronic and magnetic data storage devices, etc. Since different applications may require different manifestations of the magnetic properties of the responses, all magnetic parameters such as coercive force, remanent magnetization, saturation field, and others must be well-tuned and well easily controlled and predictable. This fact leads to numerous studies of the magnetic characteristics of magnetic nanowires made of various materials, including conventional mono-elements such as single-element

(Co, Ni, Fe), as well as their alloys. And the structure of nanowire arrays itself can be modified by synthesizing segmented nanowires from repeating layers of ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic materials. This approach is aimed to increase the density of information storage by using the "three dimensions". However, in the current work, the main attention is paid to "solid", not segmented nanowires.

The number of publications devoted to pure iron nanowires is much less than for nickel, cobalt, and composite alloys. The main reason is the oxidation of iron, which prevents the efficient use of iron-based materials. At the same time, the large magnetic moment and cubic crystal structure with relatively low magnetocrystalline anisotropy make iron unique for the manufacture of magnetic nanostructures. In addition, the use of a single element material helps to avoid the non-uniform distribution of components that often occurs when using alloys. Thus, the use of pure iron nanomaterials is promising for applications based on magnetic behavior. Innovative methods of synthesis have made it possible to avoid oxidation and, thus, to obtain nanowires from pure iron, thereby opening up the possibility of using all its advantages. Since this was done not so long ago, the variety of research tasks to be solved in this field of physics still great.

This work is devoted to a comprehensive study of the magnetic properties of arrays of pure iron nanowires. It is well known that the ratio of the geometric dimensions of nanowires plays a decisive role in the magnetic behavior of both an individual nanowire and an entire array. This ratio can be adjusted by changing the diameter or length of the thread. In this paper, the main focus is on the effect of length, and the diameter is considered as a parameter that determines the choice of the best model for micromagnetic modeling. Some studies on the influence of these quantities have already been carried out even for arrays of iron nanowires. However, firstly, as mentioned above, it was previously difficult to obtain precisely iron nanowires, and, secondly, this work expands the understanding of the magnetic behavior of such arrays by going beyond the limitations of the parameter values considered in previous works.

In particular, the influence of the anisotropy of the wires shape assuming a wider range of lengths, is considered in this work. In addition, for the first time for non-segmented

arrays of pure iron nanowires, the analysis of first-order reversal curves (FORC) is used, allowing to get information about the interaction between wires in the array.

Aim of the Work

Revealing the features of the magnetic behavior of iron nanowire arrays depending on the length and the diameter of an individual wire by means of conventional SQUID-magnetometry as well as first-order reversal curves analysis and micromagnetic modeling.

Tasks, which should be resolved in order to reach the aim of the work:

• Complex study of the spatial structure of iron nanowire arrays at atomic and nano scales using scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and small-angle x-ray scattering.

• Study of integral magnetic properties of iron nanowire arrays by means of SQUID-magnetometry

• Study of switching fields and interactions in iron nanowire arrays using first-order reversal curves analysis.

• Comparison of the models used in the micromagnetic simulation of iron nanowires arrays.

The statements to be defended

1. The nature of the interactions revealed in the analysis of first order reversal curve for non-segmented pure iron nanowires 33 nm in diameter indicates the presence of nanowires magnetized antiparallel to others in fields below the saturation field. In the state of remanent magnetization, the fraction of such nanowires can reach 22%.

2. The growth of the coercive force of arrays of iron nanowires 52 nm in diameter with an increase in length from 3 to 21 ^m is described by the model of infinite interacting cylinders, and is due to a decrease in interactions. The process of magnetization reversal in such nanowires is realized through the mechanism of motion of a vortex domain wall.

3. Iron nanowires with a diameter greater than 52 nm are insensitive to morphological inhomogeneities arising in the process of synthesis by electrodeposition into the

pores of anodic aluminum oxide. To quantitatively describe the process of magnetization reversal of an array with misoriented two-dimensional nanostructured domains by the method of micromagnetic modeling, it is sufficient to take into account 7 nanowires within the mean-field model.

Approbation of the work

Results published in two articles in peer-reviewed journals:

1. Elmekawy A. H. A., Iashina E. G., Dubitskiy I. S., Sotnichuk S. V., Bozhev I. V., Napolskii K. S., Menzel D., & Mistonov A. A., Magnetic properties and FORC analysis of iron nanowire arrays. Materials Today Communications 25, 101609 (2020). https://doi.org/10.10167i.mtcomm.2020.101609

2. Dubitskiy I. S., Elmekawy A. H. A., Iashina E. G., Sotnichuk S. V., Napolskii K. S., Menzel D., & Mistonov A. A., Effect of Interactions and Nonuniform Magnetic States on the Magnetization Reversal of Iron Nanowire Arrays. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 34, 539-549 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10948-020-05711-y

The results of the work were reported at the following scientific activities:

1. Elmekawy A., Sotnichuk S., Napolsky K., Menzel D., Mistonov A., Study of the magnetic properties of iron-based nanowire arrays by the FORC method, 53-th School of Condensed Matter Physics 2019 (poster).

2. Elmekawy A., Sotnichuk S., Napolsky K., Menzel D., Mistonov A., Study of magnetic properties of arrays of iron-based nanowires by FORC, Joint European Magnetism Symposium-2019 (poster).

3. Elmekawy A., Sotnichuk S., Napolsky K., Menzel D., Heinemann A., Mistonov A., Study of the magnetic properties of arrays of iron-based nanowires by FORC, European Conference on Neutron Scattering 2019 (poster).

4. A. Elmekawy, S.V. Sotnichuk, K.S. Napolsky, D. Menzel, A.A. Mistonov, Magnetic properties of iron-based nanowires according to FORC, 5-th Annual All-Russian Youth Scientific Forum OpenScience-2019 (oral talk - the best in the section "Condensed Matter Physics").

5. I.S. Dubitskiy, E. G. Yashina, A. H. Elmekawy, S. V. Sotnichuk, A. A. Mistonov, Influence of interactions and inhomogeneous states on the magnetic properties of an array of iron nanowires, 54-th School of Condensed Matter Physics 2020 (oral talk).

6. A. Elmekawy, S. V. Sotnichuk, K. S. Napolsky, D. Menzel, A. A. Mistonov, Magnetic properties of arrays of segmented nanowires with different lengths of ferromagnetic segments, 54-th School of Condensed Matter Physics 2020 (poster).

Personal contribution of the author

The author independently processed and analyzed SEM and SAXS images of the studied samples, conducted SQUID magnetometric experiments, processed and analyzed the data obtained: complete magnetization reversal curves, as well as FORC data, processed and analyzed FORC data obtained by the vibration magnetometry method, took an active part in the discussion, and also presented the results at conferences and seminars of the department, actively participated in writing articles.

Contribution of coauthors

All the samples, studied in the current work were synthesized in the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, by Stepan Sotnichuk and Kirill Napolsky. Sputtering of conducting layer onto the bottom of the samples was performed by Ivan Bozhev.

Ekaterina Iashina took part in SEM and SAXS measurements and processing. She also actively took part in an analysis of the part of experimental data, obtained by SQUID-magnetometry.

Micromagnetic modeling was performed by Ilya Dubitskiy.

Dirk Menzel provided an opportunity and assisted in conducting SQUID-magnetometry measurements.

Похожие диссертационные работы по специальности «Физика конденсированного состояния», 01.04.07 шифр ВАК

Заключение диссертации по теме «Физика конденсированного состояния», Елмекави Ахмед Хассан Абделрахман


В данной работе были исследованы магнитные свойства массивов нанонитей из чистого железа. В ходе исследования были синтезированы три серии образцов методом электрохимического осаждения в поры матрицы анодного оксида алюминия.

По данным сканирующей электронной микроскопии определялись диаметры пор (нитей), межпоровое расстояние, длина нанонитей, размеры структурных доменов. Было показано, что получающиеся параметры хорошо согласуются с данными, прогнозируемыми при синтезе.

Железо, осаждённое в поры матрицы анодного оксида алюминия, находится преимущественно в a-Fe фазе. Оксидные компоненты методом широкоугольной дифракции не выявляются. Показано, что для нитей диаметром 33 нм характерно наличие преимущественного направления роста кристаллитов вдоль кристаллогафической оси типа <110>, в то время как для нитей большего диаметра текстура не обнаружена.

Данные по малоугловому рассеянияю синхротронного излучения, являющиеся комплементарными к сканирующей электронной микроскопии ввиду нелокальности метода, показывают хорошее соответствие периодичности структуры и размеров структурных доменов с результатами СЭМ-анализа.

Анализ кривых перемагничивания первого порядка, проведенный впервые для массивов несегментированных железных нанонитей указывает на наличие нитей, ориентированных антипараллельно другим в полях ниже поля насыщения, а также малое уширение распределения полей перемагничивания отдельных нанонитей.

Как коэрцитивная сила, так и квадратичность кривых перемагничивания увеличиваются с длиной нанонитей диаметром порядка 52 нм при приложении внешнего магнитного поля вдоль длинной оси нитей. Такое поведение свидетельствует об уменьшении межнитевого взаимодействия, и хорошо описывается моделью, учитывающей это взаимодействие.

Использование модели перемагничивания через механизм движения доменной стенки показало хорошее согласие с результатами, полученными при использовании модели взаимодействующих нанонитей. Этот факт свидетельствует о том, что именно этот механизм является доминирующим для массивов таких нитей, а также косвенно указывает на однодоменность нитей. Дополнительный анализ кривых перемагничивания первого порядка, использованный в этом случае, также указывает на спад межнитевых взаимодействий, переход от локального характера к влиянию среднего поля, с увеличением длины нитей, а также на поведение, похожее на однодоменное. Благодаря использованию аналитической модели магнитного поведения массивов магнитных нанонитей, а также микромагнитного моделирования было установлено, что морфологические дефекты (текстура, неполное заполнение пор, форма концов) оказывают заметное влияние на процесс перемагничивания нанонити. Особенно, важную роль играют дефекты на концах нанонитей, определяющие объём нуклеации неоднородных состояний.

Лучшее соответствие между экспериментальными и расчётными результатами было получено для модели 7 нанонитей в приближении среднего поля, что, вероятно, обусловлено, размером и разориентированностью структурных доменов в реальных массивах нанонитей. Кроме того, было показано, что сходимость выше для нитей большей толщины, где объём возникающего неоднородно состояния больше, и менее чувствителен к морфологическим неоднородностям.

Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Елмекави Ахмед Хассан Абделрахман, 2021 год

Список литературы

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