Когнитивное взаимодействие автора и читателя художественного текста (на примере концепта LONELINESS / ОДИНОЧЕСТВО) тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 10.02.19, кандидат наук Мартынюк Ксения Владимировна

  • Мартынюк Ксения Владимировна
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  • 2021, ФГБОУ ВО «Кемеровский государственный университет»
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Мартынюк Ксения Владимировна. Когнитивное взаимодействие автора и читателя художественного текста (на примере концепта LONELINESS / ОДИНОЧЕСТВО): дис. кандидат наук: 10.02.19 - Теория языка. ФГБОУ ВО «Кемеровский государственный университет». 2021. 235 с.

Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Мартынюк Ксения Владимировна


Глава 1 Теоретические основания моделирования процесса концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами

1.1 Понимание как объект гуманитарного знания

1.2 Соотношение понятий «понимание», «интерпретация», «восприятие», «рецепция» и «концептуализация текста»

1.3 Эвристическая сущность концепта в лингвистике и когнитивной науке

1.3.1 Подходы к определению концепта в лингвистике

1.3.2 Эвристическая сущность концепта в когнитивной науке: воплощённая и распределённая когниция, исследования нейронных ансамблей в биологии и физиологии

Выводы по первой главе

Глава 2 Экспериментальное исследование концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами

2.1 Подготовительный этап работы: дизайн эксперимента

2.2 Концептуальный анализ авторского текста

2.2.1 Концептуальный анализ рассказа Э. Хемингуэя «A Clean, Well-Lighted Place» («Там, где чисто, светло»)

2.2.2 Концептуальный анализ рассказа А. П. Чехова «Тоска»

2.3 Результаты экспериментального этапа исследования

2.3.1 Концептуальный анализ вербальных протоколов русских и американских реципиентов (1 прочтение) и их интерпретация

2.3.2 Концептуальный анализ вербальных протоколов русских и американских реципиентов (2 прочтение) и их интерпретация

2.4 Модусы эмпатического взаимодействия как связующее звено в концептуальной сети

2.4.1 Модус эмоциональности

2.4.2 Модус телесности

2.4.3 Модус времени и пространства

2.4.4 Модус персонального и социального опыта

2.5 Инвариантно-вариативная модель концептуализации авторского текста реципиентами

Выводы по второй главе





ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ А Общая характеристика информантов

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б Вербальные протоколы комментирующего дискурса

англоязычных респондентов

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ В Вербальные протоколы комментирующего дискурса русскоязычных респондентов

Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Теория языка», 10.02.19 шифр ВАК

Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Когнитивное взаимодействие автора и читателя художественного текста (на примере концепта LONELINESS / ОДИНОЧЕСТВО)»


Диссертационное исследование посвящено проблеме моделирования концептуального взаимодействия автора и читателя, происходящего в рамках отложенного во времени, но взаимодополнительного процесса создания текста автором и его восприятия читателем.

Интерес к пониманию процессов речемыслительной деятельности человека не угасает многие столетия. Проблемой моделирования процессов познания человеком окружающего мира занимаются различные направления науки, активно развиваются новые теории, разрабатываются новые концепции. Данное диссертационное исследование выполнено в междисциплинарном русле: в основе работы лежат идеи теории воплощенной когниции и эколингвистики, а также достижения современной психолингвистики.

Актуальность диссертационного исследования обусловлена рядом факторов. В современных лингвистических работах хорошо заметно смещение фокуса с некогда общепризнанного утверждения о том, что язык отражает когнитивную систему человека, на более интегративный подход к изучению когнитивного и коммуникативного поведения человека. Согласно теориям распределенной когниции, расширенной когниции, гиперсетевой теории мозга, коммуникативно-языковые процессы являются неотъемлемой частью когнитивной деятельности человека, а не только его зеркалом. Процессы смыслоформирования и смыслоформулирования совершаются в социальном взаимодействии, осуществляемом в многомерном пространстве коммуникации, основным локусом которого является текст. Одной из центральных проблем коммуникации, которую традиционно решает лингвистика, является определение того, что есть смысл, и каким образом смысл выражается в языке одним индивидом и через текст понимается другим. Таким образом, актуальность работы, во-первых, связана с тем, что в ней традиционная герменевтическая задача описания процесса понимания текста и интерпретации его смысла

решается на современных, когнитивных, основаниях. Для этого используется методология моделирования концептуальных структур: концептов, их признаков и концептуальной сети. В этом видится второй фактор актуальности исследования, поскольку предлагается интегрировать хорошо апробированные приемы концептуального анализа в парадигму экспериментальных психолингвистических исследований, что позволяет повысить валидность получаемых результатов.

Объектом исследования являются когнитивные процессы, сопровождающие и обусловливающие восприятие авторского художественного текста читателем. Предмет исследования - концептуальное взаимодействие автора и читателя художественного текста через призму его вербальных манифестаций, доступных наблюдению в лингвистическом эксперименте.

Гипотеза исследования формулируется нами следующим образом: в процессе восприятия художественного текста читателем происходит динамическое концептуальное взаимодействие автора и читателя, результатом которого становится формирование в когнитивном опыте последнего индивидуальной проекции текста в виде сети взаимосвязанных концептов, которые вбирают в себя как когнитивные признаки, транслированные автором через текст и особенным образом структурированные читателем, так и признаки, порожденные исключительно индивидуальным опытом последнего. Предполагаем, что результаты данного концептуального взаимодействия найдут свою вербальную объективацию в интроспективных комментариях читателей в ходе организованной нами экспериментальной работы.

Целью настоящего исследования является когнитивное моделирование концептуального взаимодействия автора и читателя художественного текста через призму лингвистического эксперимента.

Для достижения поставленной цели потребуется решить ряд задач:

1) сопоставить существующие в науке подходы к определению понятий «понимание», «интерпретация», «восприятие», «рецепция» и «концептуализация» текста;

2) проанализировать эвристическую сущность концепта в лингвистике и подходы к определению концепта;

3) провести концептуальный анализ индивидуально-авторских проекций концептов LONELINESS / ОДИНОЧЕСТВО в рассказах Э. Хемингуэя «A Clean, Well-Lighted Place» («Там, где чисто, светло») и А. П. Чехова «Тоска»: определить круг лексических единиц, вербализующих концепты, описать структурное содержание анализируемых концептов;

4) смоделировать дизайн лингвистического эксперимента, осуществить его, провести концептуальный анализ полученных вербальных протоколов русских и американских реципиентов: определить лексические единицы, вербализующие индивидуально-читательские проекции концептов LONELINESS и ОДИНОЧЕСТВО, выявить их когнитивные признаки;

5) на основе сопоставительного анализа выявить характер трансформаций структурного содержания индивидуально-авторских проекций концептов в читательском комментирующем дискурсе;

6) описать когнитивную основу процесса концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами и охарактеризовать инвариантно-вариативную модель концептуализации авторского текста реципиентами.

В соответствии с поставленными целью и задачами в исследовании используется комплекс методов. Метод концептуального анализа текста, предполагающий рассмотрение способов языковой манифестации концептов с последующим моделированием их структуры. Используются приемы компонентного, семантико-стилистического, контекстуального и интертекстуального анализа текста. Сопоставительный анализ применялся для выявления трансформаций в структуре индивидуально-авторской и индивидуально-читательской проекции концепта. Одним из ведущих методов стал метод лингвистического эксперимента с информантами-носителями американского варианта английского языка и носителями русского языка. Метод когнитивного моделирования использовался при построении модели концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами.

Теоретическую базу исследования составили концепции, изложенные в работах отечественных и зарубежных ученых в области когнитивной лингвистики (Н. Н. Болдырев, В. З. Демьянков, Е. С. Кубрякова, З. Д. Попова, И. А. Стернин), лингвокультурологии (С. Г. Воркачев, В. И. Карасик, Ю. С. Степанов, М. В. Пименова, Г. Г. Слышкин, Е. А. Огнева), лингвокогнитологии и исследований обыденного метаязыкового сознания (Н. Д Голев., Л. Г. Ким, Н. В. Мельник и др.), психолингвистики (А. А. Залевская, В. В. Красных), феноменологии восприятия (М. Мерло-Понти), биологической теории познания (У. Матурана, Ф. Варела), теории распределенной когниции (А. В. Кравченко, С. Коули, Э. Хатчинс, А. В. Колмогорова), теории воплощенной когниции (Э. Рош), эмотивной лингвоэкологии (В. И. Шаховский, A. Stibbe).

Материалом исследования послужили рассказы Э. Хемингуэя «A Clean, Well-Lighted Place» («Там, где чисто, светло») и А. П. Чехова «Тоска», а также вербальные протоколы 53 видео- и аудиозаписей комментариев респондентов: к рассказу Э. Хемингуэя «A Clean, Well-Lighted Place» («Там, где чисто, светло») -17 человек; и - к рассказу А. П. Чехова «Тоска» - 15 человек.

Научная новизна диссертационного исследования заключается в следующем:

1) к описанию процессов восприятия текста и чтения впервые применены положения теории распределенной когниции, что позволило проанализировать динамический аспект взаимодействия автора и читателя на концептуальном уровне;

2) понятия «концепт», «концептуальная сеть», «концептуальное взаимодействие» проанализированы и описаны с точки зрения биологии познания и гиперсетевой теории мозга и сознания;

3) предложены понятия индивидуально-авторской и индивидуально-читательской проекций концепта;

4) предложено понятие модуса эмпатического взаимодействия как мультимодальной когнитивно-языковой категории, базирующейся на биосоциальном механизме эмпатии, дающей индивиду оптимальный доступ к

области со-чувствования и со-чувствия и проявляющейся в речи в форме специфичесиких вербальных маркеров;

5) применительно к концепту ЬОКЕЬШЕЗЗ/ОДИНОЧЕСТВО разработан алгоритм когнитивного моделирования концептуального взаимодействия автора и читателя, включающий в себя этапы концептуального анализа авторского текста, лингвистического эксперимента, концептуального анализа комментирующего дискурса респондентов, выделения языковых маркеров эмпатического взаимодействия и, наконец, синтезирующего этапа построения модели.

6) разработана инвариантно-вариативная модель концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами.

Теоретическая значимость. В результате комплексного концептуального анализа авторских художественных текстов и комментирующего дискурса респондентов представлена, описана и обоснована когнитивная модель процесса концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами. Результаты исследования вносят вклад в изучение восприятия текста как когнитивного процесса. Разработанная модель концептуализации авторского текста может быть использована для анализа процессов текстовой рецепции на материале других типов текстов.

Практическая значимость исследования состоит в том, что материал работы и результаты анализа могут быть применены в курсах по общему языкознанию, когнитивной лингвистике, психолингвистике. Материалы исследования могут быть полезны для написания исследовательских работ, при составлении учебных пособий по стилистическому и филологическому анализу текста.

Положения, выносимые на защиту:

1. Восприятие текста читателем включает в себя три этапа: рецепцию -элементарный процесс сопоставления графического/звукового образа сообщения с когнитивными структурами, хранящимися в памяти реципиента; понимание -результат осмысления когнитивных структур, выделенных и прошедших процесс

сопоставления с имеющимся знанием на этапе рецепции; интерпретация -встраивание осмысленных когнитивных структур в индивидуальную когнитивную систему за счет активного подключения эмоциональных реакций, присвоения тексту личностных смыслов. Результатом читательской интерпретации текста становится трансформация индивидуально-авторских проекций концептов в их индивидуально-читательские проекции вследствие их взаимодействия.

2. Индивидуально-авторская проекция концепта, вербализованная в художественном тексте, в силу глубины психической жизни творческого человека, выступает триггером, способным активировать в сознании реципиента текста его индивидуальный когнитивный опыт и сформировать индивидуально -читательскую проекцию соответствующего концепта. Последняя может не совпадать, пересекаться с индивидуально-авторской проекцией концепта или полностью налагаться на нее. Индивидуально-читательская проекция концепта объективируется не в художественных текстах, а в интроспективных комментариях прочитанного в форме письменных или устных текстов-рефлексий.

3. Концептуализация читателем авторского текста имеет инвариантно-вариативный характер. Инвариантность обусловлена тем, что, как показывает сравнительный концептуальный анализ художественных текстов А.П. Чехова и Э. Хемингуэя, а также речевой продукции русских и американских читателей-участников эксперимента, сильные когнитивные признаки индивидуально-авторских проекций ключевого концептов LONELINESS и ОДИНОЧЕСТВО у каждого из авторов неизбежно актуализируются в речи респондентов соответствующей группы, сохраняя в целом ту же значимость в структуре концепта, что и у авторов. Вариативность же наблюдается в возможности перераспределения степени значимости (ранга) сильных признаков в индивидуально-читательской проекции концепта по сравнению с ее индивидуально-авторской проекцией. При этом наблюдается лингвокультурная специфика процессов концептуализации текста читателем: индивидуально-читательская концептуальная сеть русскоязычных респондентов, в общем,

обнаруживает тенденцию к инвариантности, индивидуально-читательская концептуальная сеть американских респондентов больше тяготеет к вариативности.

4. Индивидуально-авторские и индивидуально-читательские проекции концептов организуются во взаимодополняющие концептуальные сети, имеющие свою динамику.

Концептуальная сеть читателя при восприятии текста выстраивается в тесном взаимодействии с концептуальной сетью автора с помощью своего рода связующих звеньев - модусов эмпатического взаимодействия. Модус эмпатического взаимодействия - это мультимодальная когнитивно-языковая категория, базирующаяся на биосоциальном механизме эмпатии, дающая индивиду оптимальный доступ к области со-чувствования и со-чувствия и проявляющаяся в речи в форме специфичесиких вербальных маркеров. Анализ фактического материала позволил выделить четыре модуса: модус эмоциональности, модус телесности, модус времени и пространства, модус персонального и социального опыта.

5. Каждый из четырех модусов имеет специфические средства манифестации в речи, что позволяет вести лингвистическое наблюдение и моделировать когнитивные процессы концептуального взаимодействия автора и читателя. Наиболее типичными маркерами эмоционального модуса выступают: оценочная лексика; лексические повторы и интенсификаторы; хезитации; риторические вопросы и эмфазы; лексемы со значением семантической безысключительности; парцелляции; эмотивы; эмоционально окрашенные предикаты. Маркерами модуса телесности являются: внешние предикаты перцепции; глаголы чувствования, состояния и бытия; каритивные конструкции; предикаты физического принуждения; конструкции, маркирующие границы собственного тела. Маркеры модуса времени и пространства включают в себя: лексемы с семантикой пространства и времени; глаголы с семантикой смены локуса; параметрические лексемы (размеры, величины); когнитивные метафоры, опирающиеся на пространственные или темпоральные сферы-источники;

притяжательные местоимения; обозначения границ и преград. Модус персонального и социального опыта маркируется в речи перфектными видовременными формами, референциальными отсылками к собственной жизни или жизни знакомых людей, лексемами с семантикой актуализации забытого, модальными глаголами долженствования, прохибитивами, фразеологизмами, апеллирующими к определенным социальным нормам, устоям, традициям.

6. Взаимодействующие концептуальные сети автора и читателя образуют экологичную когнитивную динамическую систему: при каждом прочтении текста концептуальная сеть читателя перестраивается в силу того, что изменяются условия, в которых протекают процессы восприятия текста (социальная и материальная среда, индивидуальный опыт). С другой стороны, концептуальная сеть автора также меняется с каждым разом, поскольку уже становится частью читательской проекции текста. Автор создает своего рода когнитивную экосистему (текст), в которую читатель входит в процессе чтения и элементом которой становится за счёт врождённого нейробиологического механизма эмпатии.

Апробация результатов исследования. Основные положения настоящего исследования обсуждались на научно-методических и научных семинарах кафедры романских языков и прикладной лингвистики Сибирского федерального университета, на научно-методических семинарах кафедры лингвистики Новокузнецкого института (филиала) Кемеровского государственного университета; всероссийских и международных конференциях: на Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной юбилею доктора филологических наук, профессора Н. Н. Ореховой (Глазов, 2010 г.), на Международной научно-практической конференции «Проблемы и перспективы языкового образования в XXI веке» (Новокузнецк, 2011 г.), на Международной научно-практической конференции «Язык и речь в междисциплинарном пространстве» (Санкт-Петербург, 2011 г.), на Международной научно-практической конференции «Современная наука: тенденции развития» (Краснодар, 2012 г.), на Седьмой международной

конференции по когнитивной науке (Калининград, 2016 г.), Международный научный семинар по когнитивной эколингвистике в рамках Международной научной конференции «Язык, дискурс и (интер) культура в коммуникативном пространстве человека» (Красноярск, Сибирский федеральный университет 29-30 апреля 2019) и отражены в 10 публикациях, в том числе в 3 научных статьях в изданиях, рекомендованных ВАК Минобрнауки РФ, две из которых относятся к перечню Scopus, а также в разделе коллективной монографии.

Структура работы. Общий объем работы составляет 235 страниц. Работа включает введение, две главы, заключение, список литературы, список анализируемых источников, список словарей и справочных изданий, приложения.

Глава 1 Теоретические основания моделирования процесса концептуализации авторского текста его реципиентами 1.1 Понимание как объект гуманитарного знания

Исследования феномена «понимания» имеют многовековую историю. С появлением письменности возникает необходимость объяснения и толкования текстов, не связанных с сиюминутной ситуацией. В Древней Греции главным объектом толкования выступают прорицания оракулов, тексты законов и обычаи, в александрийскую эпоху - литературные тексты. Основным заказчиком и потребителем толкования текстов, начиная с I века н.э. выступает церковь. Сначала в рамках экзегезы, а затем как самостоятельный метод познания появляется герменевтика, наука о понимании и интерпретации текста. Оформившаяся в годы Реформации, «филологическая герменевтика была нацелена, прежде всего, на очищение текста ради нахождения его подлинной основы, откуда уже возникла возможность освободиться от искажений смысла, внесенного богословами» [Колодина, 2001:10]. В ходе развития герменевтика претерпела ряд трансформаций и испытала влияние различных подходов к процессу понимания.

К XIX веку герменевтика приобретает светский характер и покрывает все более широкий спектр текстов. Ф. Шлейермахер [Шлейермахер, 2004] и В. Дильтей [Дильтей, 2001] рассматривают процесс понимания как попытку выявить индивидуальное мышление автора, проникнуть в его субъективный мир. В. Дильтей в своих исследованиях подчеркивает роль интерпретации в герменевтике, причем интерпретации не только текстов, но и любых иных форм выражения жизни. Ф. Шлейермахер утверждает, что там, где у человека возникает потребность оформить свою мысль с помощью языковых средств, там возникает и речь [Шлейермахер, 2004]. Речь, в свою очередь, является способом создания «внутреннего текста» индивида, состоящего из идей, представлений и понятий человека, т. е. способом конструирования его субъективной реальности. Языковая

организация сообщения и его грамматическое устройство служат предпосылкой для понимания содержания сообщения наряду с его психологической составляющей. Однако идентичное восприятие грамматической формы текста требует общей языковой базы для людей, создающих и получающих сообщение. Кроме того, понимание отдельного места в тексте возможно лишь в зависимости от целой композиции текста, где каждый последующий отрывок напрямую связан с каждым предыдущим, который и задает определенную область ожиданий получателя сообщений. И если нечто не входит в область ожиданий реципиента, он это нечто не принимает, отталкивает. Иными словами, наличие общих предпосылок и общего коммуникативного опыта определяет успешность коммуникативного акта.

Понимание в работах Х. Г. Гадамера [Гадамер, 1988, 1991] и Ф. Шлейермахера [Шлейермахер, 2004] трактуется как способность постижения возможностей бытия. Х. Г. Гадамер, также как и Ф. Шлейермахер, указывает на необходимость наличия у коммуникантов предпосылок - «пред-понимания», как он это называет. Процесс понимания основывается на обнаружении дистанции между своим и чужим мнением, что ведет к выявлению собственных «пред-мнений» и к предположению о наличии «пред-мнений» собеседника. Осознание разницы своих «пред-мнений» и «пред-мнений» собеседника приводит к попыткам конкретизировать намеченные предположения в форме некого предварительного наброска смысла с целью пересмотреть и перестроить свои «пред-мнения» в соответствии с исходной позицией автора [Гадамер, 1988: 295299; Шлейермахер, 2004: 92-94].

Герменевтика обнаруживает много общего с когнитивной психологией в плане изучения процессов понимания. Но с точки зрения когнитивной психологии все воспринимаемые события подвергаются обязательной интерпретации и формируют особую когнитивную схему (framework) - набор представлений, включающий ценностное отношение к этим представлениям [Рубинштейн, 2009; Bartlett, 1982; Minsky, 1915 и др.]. При этом, когда такая схема подкрепляется опытом, она становится устойчивой перед почти любым новым опытом,

расходящимся с данной схемой. Результатом такого процесса наложения опыта на когнитивные схемы становятся репрезентации. Однако при герменевтическом подходе процесс построения значений рассматривается не как когнитивная репрезентация, а как «чистая» интерпретация. Главную роль в интерпретации играет так называемое предпонимание - совокупность исторических и ценностных ориентиров, набор знаний из нашей повседневной жизни. Смысл порождается лишь на основе имеющегося у нас предпонимания, в немалой степени сформированного посредством телесных навыков [Мерло-Понти, 1999]. Однако предпонимание имеет тенденцию изменяться и адаптироваться в процессе интерпретации. Понимание достигается через диалог путем совмещения и наложения предпониманий коммуникантов и их взаимного изменения и адаптации к поведению и выражениям друг друга. В такой трактовке понимание выступает в качестве социально разделяемого опыта.

В отечественной герменевтике стоит упомянуть имена Г. И. Богина [Богин, 1986, 1989, 1993] и Г. П. Щедровицкого [Щедровицкий, 2005], в работах которых развивались идеи распредмечивающего понимания и мыследеятельностной парадигмы. Понимание рассматривается как осмысленный акт, нацеленный на поиск «чистых смыслов», заданных в тексте. Эмоция при этом сводится к рефлексу, а организующим началом такого понимания становится рефлексия [Щедровицкий, 2005]. При этом рефлексия рассматривается не как психический процесс, но как процесс мыследеятельностный, относящийся к чистому мышлению, фиксирующий понимание в сознании в виде схем, категорий, интерпретаций.

Такая точка зрения критикуется сторонниками психолингвистического подхода к изучению процессов понимания. Фундамент психолингвистики выстроен на работах психологов, физиологов, лингвистов: В. Вундта, Л. С. Выготского, Н. И. Жинкина, А. Р. Лурии, А. А. Потебни, С. Л. Рубинштейна, И. М. Сеченова и др. Несмотря на смену научных парадигм, объектом изучения психолингвистики была и остается теория речевой деятельности. Отправными принципами теории речевой деятельности являются положение об активной

деятельности субъекта коммуникации, его активной включенности в нее, а также тезис о единстве процессов восприятия и понимания.

В качестве продукта смыслового восприятия текста выступает проекция текста. Термин «проекция текста» принадлежит отечественному библиопсихологу Н. А. Рубакину [Рубакин, 1977, 2006]. Трактовка понятия «проекция текста» варьируется от ученого к ученому. Сам автор понятия продолжал идеи Э. Геннекена, утверждая, что между читателем, книгой и ее автором существует вид психологической, социологической и исторической связи [Рубакин, 1977]. Под проекцией текста Н. А. Рубакин понимает результат восприятия текста некоторым реципиентом. По мнению Ю. А. Сорокина, проекция текста - это «совокупность психических и когнитивных образов», выступающих для реципиента в качестве ориентира [Сорокин, 1985]. В работах А. А. Залевской данное понятие рассматривается в контексте пятикомпонентной модели «автор -авторская проекция текста - тело текста - реципиент - проекция текста у реципиента», при этом постоянной величиной остается лишь тело текста, поскольку восприятие текста как реципиентом, так и автором текста зависит от многих факторов (условия ситуации, психологическое состояния и др.) [Залевская, 1990, 2001, 2005].

Теория проекции текста имеет общие основания с теорией образа содержания текста А. А. Леонтьева [Леонтьев, 1997, 2003]. Основным тезисом этой теории служит утверждение о динамичности, процессуальности и предметности процессов понимания, а не их результативности. Понимание текста с такой точки зрения есть динамичный процесс перевода текста в любой иной вид фиксации информации, при этом новый текст, созданный в течение такого процесса, становится не результатом понимания, а лишь способом опредмечивания понимания. Предметность образа содержания текста обнаруживается в закономерностях восприятия текста: мы воспринимаем не слова, организующие текст, а те факты, события и реалии, которые стоят «за текстом» [Леонтьев, 1997].

Логико-лингвистический подход заключается в исследовании понимания как аргументативного анализа [Васильев, 1999]. Объектом внимания в данном подходе становится семиологическая природа языка. Понимание знака начинается с восприятия графического образа и приближения его к конвенциализированной форме. Воспринятый образ соотносится с определенным понятием, закрепленным в индивидуальной и коллективной памяти и, будучи означенным, формирует сигнификат. «Сигнификат представляет собой феномен идеального плана, но впрямую знаку не принадлежит, а соотносится с ним через значение, представляющее собой означаемое для образа экспонента знака» [Залевская, 2005: 365].

Похожие диссертационные работы по специальности «Теория языка», 10.02.19 шифр ВАК

Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Мартынюк Ксения Владимировна, 2021 год


1. Анохин, К. В. Коннектом и когнитом: заполнение разрыва между мозгом и разумом / Ю. И. Александров, К. В. Анохин // Седьмая международная конференция по когнитивной науке: тезисы докладов (Светлогорск 20-24 июня 2016 г.). - Москва: Изд.-во «Институт психологии РАН», 2016. - С. 18-20.

2. Арутюнова, Н. Д. Язык и мир человека / Н. Д. Арутюнова. - Москва: «Языки русской культуры», 1999. - 896 с.

3. Аршинов, В. И. Синергетика как феномен постнеклассической науки / В. И. Аршинов. - Москва: ИФ РАН, 1999. - 203 с.

4. Аскольдов, С. А. Концепт и слово / С. А. Аскольдов [Алексеев] // Русская словесность. От теории словесности к структуре текста. Антология. -Москва: Academia, 1997. - С. 267-279.

5. Бабенко, Л. Г. Лингвистический анализ художественного текста / Л. Г. Бабенко, И. Е. Васильев, Ю. В. Казарин. - Екатеринбург: Уральский университет, 2000. - 534 с.

6. Бабушкин, А. П. Общеязыковые концепты и концепты языковой личности/ А. П. Бабушкин // Вестник ВГУ. Серия 1. Гуманитарные науки. -Воронеж: ВГУ, 1997. - №2. - С.113-120.

7. Балли, Ш. Общая лингвистика и вопросы французского языка / Ш. Балли (пер. фр. Е. В. и Т. В. Вентцель). - Москва : Изд-во иностр. лит., 1955. -416 с.

8. Бахтин, М. М. Эстетика словесного творчества / М. М. Бахтин. -Москва: «Искусство», 1979. - 424 с.

9. Безруков, А. Н. Рецепция художественного текста: функциональный подход / А. Н. Безруков. - Вроцлав: Русско-польский институт, 2015. - 300 с.

10. Белянин, В. П. Диалоги о Человеке говорящем и пишущем / В.П.Белянин, И.П.Шкуратова. - Санкт-Петербург: Речь, 2011. - 224 с.

11. Белянин, В. П. Основы психолингвистической диагностики. (Модели мира в литературе) / В. П. Белянин. - Москва: Тривола, 2000. - 248 с.

12. Бенвенист, Э. Общая лингвистика / Э. Бенвенист (пер. с фр. Ю. Н. Караулова ). - Москва : ЛИБРОКОМ, 2009. - 446 с.

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201. Trevarthen, C. Psychobiology of musical gesture: Innate rhythm, harmony and melody in movements of narration / C. Trevarthen, J. Delafield-Butt, B. Schogler // Music and Gesture - Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 2009. - 2 - pp.11-43.

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2. Гаврилова, А. С. Словарь синонимов и антонимов современного русского языка / А. С. Гаврилова. - Москва : Аделант, 2014. - 511 с.

3. Даль, В. И. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка : в 4 т. / В. И. Даль; вступ. ст. А. М. Бабкина, В. П. Вомперского. - Москва : Русский язык, 1998. - 2256 с.

4. Жукова, И. Н., Лебедько, М. Г. American Quilt: A Reference Book on American Culture (Американское «лоскутное одеяло»: справочник по американской культуре). - Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост. ун-та, 1999. - 760 с.

5. Исследование словесных ассоциаций [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: https://smallworldofwords.org/ru

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7. Краткий словарь когнитивных терминов/ Е. С. Кубрякова, В. З. Демьянков, Ю. Г. Панкрац, Л. Г. Лузина. - Москва : Филол. ф-т МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, 1996. - 245 с.

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11.Ожегов, С. И., Шведова, Н. Ю. Словарь русского языка. 4-е изд., доп. - Москва : ООО «А ТЕМП», 2006. - 944 с.

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14.Словарь ассоциаций Reright [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.reright.ru/

15.Словарь ассоциаций Словеса [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://slovesa.ru

16. Словарь синонимов русского языка / Под ред. А. П. Евгеньевой. - Москва: ООО «Издательство АСТ», ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2001. - 648 с.

17.Тезаурус английского языка [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: http://www.thesaurus.com

18.Тихонов, А. Н. Словообразовательный словарь русского языка : в 2т. Более 145 000 слов / А. Н. Тихонов. - Москва : Рус. яз., 1990. - Т.1 - 856 с.

19.Тихонов, А. Н. Словообразовательный словарь русского языка : в 2т. Более 145 000 слов / А. Н. Тихонов. - Москва : Рус. яз., 1990. - Т.2 - 886 с.

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1. Чехов, А. П. Рассказы / А. П. Чехов. - Москва : АСТ, печ. 2019. - 382 с.

2. Hemingway E. The First Forty-Nine Stories / E. Hemingway. - London : Arrow Books, 2004. - 480 p.

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ А Общая характеристика информантов

Таблица А1 Общая характеристика англоязычных информантов

№ Имя респондента Возраст Пол Род деятельности Длительность звучания

1 прочтение 2 прочтение Общая длительность звучания

1. Bethany 21 ж студентка 13 мин 17 сек 03 мин 49 сек 17 мин 06 сек

2. Gary 50 м организатор книжного клуба 09 мин 34 сек 04 мин 43 сек 14 мин 17 сек

3. Mary 24 ж банковский клерк 15 мин 26 сек 16 мин 05 сек 31 мин 31 сек

4. Brian 62 м помощник по админ. части в епархии Римско-Католической церкви 08 мин 18 сек 06 мин 21 сек 14 мин 39 сек

5. Daniel 37 м учитель младших классов 10 мин 07 сек 15 мин 53 сек 26 мин 00 сек

6. Julia 53 ж преподаватель университета 08 мин 36 сек 07 мин 40 сек 16 мин 16 сек

7. Randy 25 м разработчик программного обеспечения 06 мин 44 сек 04 мин 00 сек 10 мин 00 сек

8. Kristine 38 ж домохозяйка 04 мин 15 сек 03 мин 02 сек 05 мин 17 сек

9. Bill 47 м не указан респондентом 01 мин 00 сек 01 мин 03 сек 02 мин 03 сек

10. Joao 42 м предприниматель 10 мин 52 сек 06 мин 52 сек 17 мин 44 сек

11. Elisabeth W. 32 ж культуролог 15 мин 00 сек - 15 мин 00 сек

12. Alexander D. 44 м ресторатор 03 мин 12 сек - 03 мин 12 сек

13. Joan F. 56 ж преподаватель 04 мин 40 сек - 04 мин 40 сек

14. Mark S. 51 м фотограф 07 мин 01 сек - 07 мин 01 сек

15. Carmen L. 36 ж менеджер по туризму 07 мин 53 сек - 07 мин 53 сек

16. Andrew C. 26 м специалист по связям с общественностью 16 мин 33 сек - 16 мин 33 сек

17. Vasile T. 27 м моряк на торговом судне 17 мин 14 сек - 17 мин 14 сек

Время звучания 4 ч 17 мин

Таблица А2 Общая характеристика русскоязычных информантов

№ Имя респондента Возраст Пол Род деятельности Длительность звучания

1 прочтение 2 прочтение Общая длительность звучания

1. Евгения А. 27 ж преподаватель 11 мин 02 сек

2. Респондент NN 53 ж не указывается по просьбе респондента 14 мин 14 сек 15 мин 05 сек 29 мин 19 сек

3. Юлия 26 ж фрилансер 11 мин 25 сек 09 мин 45 сек 21 мин 10 сек

4. Андрей 22 м дизайнер 06 мин 01 сек 05 мин 08 сек 11 мин 09 сек

5. Александр 28 м переводчик 03 мин 45 сек 04 мин 24 сек 08 мин 09 сек

6. Александра 24 ж турагент 03 мин 39 сек 03 мин 14 сек 6 мин 53 сек

7. Евгения П. 26 ж преподаватель 02 мин 48 сек 02 мин 05 сек 04 мин 53 сек

8. Евгений 23 м 1Т специалист 02 мин 18 сек 01 мин 44 сек 04 мин 02 сек

9. Станислав 26 м актер театра 13 мин 00 сек 11 мин 02 сек 24 мин 02 сек

10. Елена 46 ж администратор ресторана 01 мин 49 сек 01 мин 35 сек 03 мин 24 сек

11. Анастасия 21 ж воспитатель 03 мин 18 сек 03 мин 11 сек 06 мин 29 сек

12. Ксения Г. 38 ж фельдшер 08 мин 29 сек - 08 мин 29 сек

13. Константин 34 м логист 06 мин 32 сек - 06 мин 32 сек

14. Дмитрий В. 40 м предприниматель 03 мин 20 сек - 03 мин 20 сек

15. Мария 32 ж библиотекарь 04 мин 10 сек - 04 мин 10 сек

Время звучания 2 ч 39 мин

Общее время звучания: 6 ч 56 мин

Общее количество слов в вербальных протоколах: 34 577

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ Б Вербальные протоколы комментирующего дискурса англоязычных респондентов

Таблица Б1 - Вербальные протоколы комментирующего дискурса англоязычных респондентов

1 прочтение 2 прочтение

Ran dy C.

Ok I'd say probably I feel a little tired, but also may be anxious and I'm interested in reading the story fragments. Ok. After reading the first fragment the questions come to mind... you know... I wondered about who two people sitting at the table were and also why the old man tried to kill himself . I tried to imagine how it would be to be deaf and to. to live like this old man does and it seems like very hopeless. hopeless life and a hopeless situation. you know just drinking all the time and being deaf basically. And also you know whenever I read it I just tried to picture the scene in my mind. I always try to picture + повтор what I read while I'm reading it. But as far as the emotional state after reading. I'm just kinda curious to learn more about the old man situation and why these people feel like he should have killed himself last week. Ok so after reading the first fragment for the second time it's obviously not as interesting because I've already read it once so we know what happens in the story. But this time it was a little easier to pay attention to minor details in the story like this time I visualize and almost feel the same. at this time I was really able to almost feel the corners of the night and may be hear some crickets in the background. But when I imagine myself as the old man, you know, I feel very lonely and just deprived of the sense of hearing

Ok after I read the second fragment I also feel a little annoyed with the two waiters. Just because it seems like they are complaining a lot and I don't really like when people complain. You know. I guess.learning how the old man tried to commit suicide makes me feel a little uncomfortable because now I imagine how he's trying to hang himself and that's really about all. just you know. annoyance because just these two waiters just are the bunch of. you know. just complaining and it just really annoys me . As I've read the second fragment like for the second time. I guess I picture the two waiters may be sitting at the bar, cleaning up, and just really getting ready to shut down for the night. And they just seem like to have this job for a long time.

After reading the third segment I kinda start to understand why the younger waiter was getting impatient with the old man ... The other waiter is obviously older than him and so it seems to me that the older waiter understands more why the old man stays and drinks all night and it almost makes me wonder because he said that the deaf man walked with dignity ... it makes me wonder if may be he's a war veteran and the old waiter is also a war veteran or, may be, they just both don't have anyone to care for them really . They don't really have any reason to live really. I guess after reading I'm more. I'm more understanding both the young waiter's attitude as well as the old waiter's and I'm really interested. you know I feel a little better about the story but I really want to know what's going to happen in the next fragment. I've read the third fragment. And it kinda seems like the younger waiter who is always in a hurry doesn't take the time out, who doesn't know how to appreciate the small quiet moments of life, of sitting at night outside and enjoying solitude may be. And in fact the old man is trying to. the older waiter is trying to kinda . him this place and. you know. give him some advice .

I'm pretty confused after reading the last segment. I'm assuming that the story takes place in Spain perhaps. but I'm not really sure what the old waiter was. was thinking about in his monologue. You know I just imagine whenever I read this segment I just imagine that the café is being. is having a lot of white light inside. and the terrace is being kind of in a warm globe of street lights or from the inside lights. But the older waiter to me. I feel just like he is just old . an old man is lonely . is trying just to make the most of his life and just have fun. or may be he's just going a little insane . I'm not sure. and so after reading this fragment I'm just a little confused but in all indeed it made me feel sad. After reading the fourth fragment for the second time. It's still a little. in this abstract the older waiter is trying to understand . I think he's just reflecting on how trivial things are, you know, just appreciating simplicity and. you know. enjoying your life. So the old man is trying to reflect on what it means to live and what people need in order to feel satisfied with their life.

Julia M.

Ok so my thoughts on the first fragment. Well I've just being to see a movie which was set in the South of France so my images when I read this story or so evoke the feelings of that movie which was actually quite a depressing movie about C. Clauden. He was associated with Scott Roden. So when it says "the dew settled the dust and the old man liked to sit late" and I also know that Hemingway had associations with Spain I think so the images that come to mind are the café in the South of France in a hot place and this man who is sitting there late at night at the café. This is the second recording that I'm making looking at the story a couple of weeks after my first recording. So my impressions of the story. This time I think I've looked in a little bit more details perhaps because I was already a little bit familiar with the content and what actually happened. So this time I've kind of looked at things like. uhhm. "in the daytime the street was dusty, but at night the dew settled the dust". The old man was deaf and it was quiet and he felt the difference . So I was thinking why would he feel the difference because he's deaf . there must be some connection between

The waiters seem quite unfeeling but perhaps they are just doing their job . I know nothing about the old man who's sitting there. All I know is that he seems to happen to have money but that's because, that's what the waiters say, that may not be true. And it could be that the waiters say he has plenty of money but in fact he doesn't. The waiters seem quite callous "He should have killed himself last week" it's an unpleasant thought. But again maybe that's because they are thinking about their jobs and they are not really serious when they say this. So it's not a very cheerful story but at the moment I feel I need to learn more about the man: is he really deaf or is he pretending to be deaf to seem deaf to the waiters and why does he want to drink . The way that in this story brandy slopped over and run down the stem seems rather careless and random . And the old man says "Thank you" just to be polite . So it seems to be not a very cheerful story for me but I'll read on and see what happens next. the senses there. And perhaps he feels the difference because it's not so dusty he can feel the air blowing around so much. So maybe it's a literal feeling or maybe it's more a metaphorical feeling. And also it says he was deaf , the first time I read this I just thought maybe he was partly deaf . We often use that expression when you should say someone's deaf , but not profoundly deaf . But now reading the story again I think maybe he is profoundly deaf . Because, or at least the waiter seems to think he is, because the waiter says at the end of this fragment "You should have killed yourself last week" and the man ignores it and we hope that he can't understand what the waiter is saying. Also it seems that the waiter is very careless and very unfeeling about the old man, it says he poured the brandy into the glass so that the brandy slopped over and ran down the stem which is a very careless and rude way to serve the man, but the old man still says "thank you" . So I feel that this is very sad, very not astounded, but it's very. very moving that this poor man is being treated this way , but he is still being polite and he's ignoring what the waiter says. And. so. perhaps I'm just thinking about different situations in cafes where I've been, and the treatment of different waiters and waitresses and how do they react to their clients and sometimes they are very polite maybe because they are just nice people or just because they want to be helpful for their business, and sometimes they are very careless and even then sometimes a café can get a reputation because the waiters are very rude and some people actually like that because it's quite unusual at least in Australia, it's something which makes their café be different . So this is my impression of the first fragment.

So the second fragment. So I learned to know a little bit more about this old man: that he has a niece but that he doesn't have a wife . Yes, I'm not sure if he ever had a wife or not . So we learn a bit more about the waiters and about the man that he's drunk every night, he seems to be unhappy . So the images again make me think about the movie I've just seen. And this lady Claudine is in an asylum for many years because she had trouble So the second fragment. I forgot to say the first time that the waiter, one of the waiters said 'why did he want to kill himself ? He has plenty of money '. So money is the answer for everything. And again in this second fragment the waiter says "how much money has he got?" and so obviously money is a big factor for this waiter who probably doesn't earn very much himself. He also has a very selfish view "A wife would be no good to him

and had tried to kill herself so this makes me think about it. I guess I'm also thinking about images of the South of France with the story of Jean de Florette and again with someone hanging themselves that's associated with the story that I'm reading here. Yes, yes, I've just remembered the beginning of the story again he did have a wife once too and so now he's lonely . So the waiters can't appreciate what it's like to be old . Now I have a neighbor who is 87 , who is a widow and who is very positive about life she is doing also something that's keeping her brain going because she's recovered, she's a doctor, she knows all kinds of things. So I disagree when it says "an old man is a nasty thing". This is the prospective of the waiters. But they are thinking about their work too and obviously they want to go home because it's very late or very early in the morning. now " and the other waiter says "You can't tell. He might be better with a wife ". So my impression here is of different people discussing things in different viewpoints that we all have often depending on our background and circumstances. They are also reflecting on age , and the young waiter says "I don't want to be that old . An old man is a nasty thing" and the other waiter says "not always". So sometimes it depends on at what stage you are in life , whether we are getting old , whether we have empathy with older people so it makes me think of my older neighbours that I have here, and now I'm getting older myself: what I might be like when I'm 80 myself, what life might be like. And reflecting on how different people in society react together.

So fragment 3. Again we learn more about the waiters this time so we can see the difference between young people and old people and again it makes me think about my neighbor. And how older people often have a very different prospective on the world comparing to younger people. The older man doesn't want to go to bed . He wants it to be light, he wants a company so this talk here about loneliness that makes me think about loneliness , people on their own and how one person finds fulfillment in his work that's what you like anything but work . So work seems to be the only place for this waiter where he actually feels useful and needed. And that makes me think about how we approach work and how often people find fulfillment in their work . Often they expense the rest of their lives, they can even false life by just concentrating on their work and not on the rest of life. So fragment three. This time I've noticed that one waiter is probably quite a lot older than the other waiter, and so for this older waiter he says there were three things - work , and youth , and confidence , and the older waiter only has the work , he doesn't have youth and confidence . But the other man doesn't understand the importance of that. And so the older waiter is empathizing with the customer. Also he's reluctant to close because there might be someone who needs the café, and so I think this is an interesting attitude. Personally I would find it hard to close the café if somebody else wanted to go , but on the other hand you have to understand your limits on the fact that if a café has closing hours then that's probably for the good of the stuff as well as the customers. So again there are very different prospective on the people who work for sake of the work because they enjoy the work and also because it fulfills their sense of need, and those work , those who work purely because it's a job , they finish exactly on time and they have enough money to enjoy the rest of their lives. Whereas the older waiter is obviously. enjoys being in the café as well and he comments on the light "the light is very good and also there are shadows of the leaves" so it's not just the practical aspect to the café. So. where we work can be almost as important as the work that we do, having the right

surroundings and the right people around us are very important.

So fragment 4. This one is terribly negative. Nada, nada , nada . Nothing , nothing , nothing . And so this is the older waiter quoting from the Lord's prayer and then from Hail Mary so we can get the impression of Catholicism . Again this takes me back to the movie I've just seen because that was set in insane asylum that was run by nuns. Very positive impression of the nuns, who were there, who were very kind , and this lady who is trying to lose herself in religion . But the short story gives no impression of that of any comforting just because it's all nothing . But then he says he smiled and stood before the bar and the coffee machine and he carries on his nothingness , the barman says what you want -nothing . And the barman just thinks that he is crazy too. And he says that this waiter doesn't mind bar so despite working in a café he doesn't like the bars himself he likes some nice clean café. And so the images of this bring to mind for me again very much of that movie, but also they have cafes in France and also in Portugal, where I lived. These are small very similar kind of European cafes that are very different to where I live in Australia. Cafes which are open late at night where you can buy alcohol or coffee, whatever you want, that's quite different here. So I'm thinking about this waiter. He too seems to be lonely he would go home and to his room and lie in bed and then go to sleep when it gets light so he thinks "or maybe it's only insomnia" and he's trying to comfort himself . So actually I find this story rather depressing as some. I find perhaps other stories by Hemingway as well not very cheerful stories and always nothingness in it, very sad and existential but with no kind of comfort so it makes me think about other existentialist writers and people like Beckett and the emptiness of being and so on. And although I find it not a very cheerful story, I still think it's an interesting and well-written story. So my impressions at the moment. I was left with feeling no more cheerful than when I started, I feel a little bit down when I started because I've seen this rather depressing movie about a lady who is in this insane asylum for I'm not sure 30 or 35 perhaps more when we don't know that she was actually crazy that she tried to commit suicide but she was there So the final fragment I find very sad and it's very negative - nada , nada , nada . And replacing many words with "nada" and the pray's here as well. Again the barman doesn't understand him , so this older waiter has just spent the evening with two people who didn't understand him, but he feels empathy for the customer perhaps he should go and talk to the customer and get to know him more. Obviously light is very important for this older man and one of the themes of the story is light and the part of the title is light. So it's very interesting that he says "the light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished" which seems a bit of non sec lature but maybe he means the bar is not bright and so the light coming down is good, but the actual place itself is not bright. And as he likes the light he doesn't want to go to sleep - it's too dark and perhaps too negative . And then he says "perhaps it's insomnia . Lots and lots of people have insomnia ", and so I think it seems that he's scared of the dark. And he's scared of nothingness , he wants to justify himself. And often people turn away from the dark, they are scared of the dark, and so this bright light place is a way of proving our existence, we like to be in the light, personally I like light places I don't like working in gloomy places. I don't like to work somewhere without natural light. So as I said before, our working environment is really important. For me natural light is important, if I'm at home or if I'm at work . So my general impressions raised by this story - I find it rather depressing, perhaps, because I'm getting older . And it's a very negative story and not an uplifting one, it seems to suggest that it's nothing there, nothing in the earth, nothing in the Heaven , nothing anywhere. So it's not a story I would choose to read, I prefer to read more affirming things, things that are more positive and have a good effect on life so that I can enjoy life more and help the other people enjoy life more.

in this asylum with people who had all kinds of mental problems much more severe than hers and probably problems with mental development . And that makes me think about a friend of mine in England who had a physical disability, he had a spina bifida but he was also blind and there was only one home in England for physically handicapped blind people. So he was there, his family actually denied him , so he was there with people who had many different disabilities often mental disabilities too. But he was really really positive, he was very positive to his village which disdained him , and he was a great chap. So that makes me think about him and comparing that to the negativeness or negativity of Hemingway in this story. So I guess that's all so the story brings to me -the thoughts of religion and thoughts of different countries , different cultures and things like that.

Daniel L.

After reading the story some things stood out to me. Obviously the empathy for the old and deaf man and the annoyance with the young man, especially when he tells him "you should have killed yourself' , ignoring that he was deaf . I like the way Hemingway has set up the atmosphere, the setting to depict kind of those who like to be alone and prefer to be alone . Yep that's it for fragment one. Today as I was reading some of the things resonated with me the line at the very beginning, very close to the beginning where he says 'he was deaf and now at night it was quiet and he felt the difference " I kind of get an understanding what that's saying even though it's hard to explain. Being alone even when it's crowded is different than being alone when there's no one around, you can definitely go places and not be social or interact , at least for me, but the knowledge that I don't have to worry about anyone else or that I'm alone is more comforting to me and I can tell the difference when I'm alone or when I'm quiet and thinking in a crowded room versus when I'm quiet by myself and it's much more relaxing and there is definitely the difference . Also I saw images of the Hemingway story life in here obviously the sailor, the military fellow who walked by is. that character appears in most of his stories. But I think, you know, the fact that this person is deaf but he can also talk very clearly. is saying something about. I don't know. if it's not. not at all that he's not wanting to hear but be heard or everything now in his old ages is not worth listening to I kind of got the sense that he didn't care what the other people had to say because he was just inside himself and not worried about other people.

Again this time the response from the waiters and the. the ignorance I guess - I picked up on that - kind of reminds me of bullies and people who are just so into themselves that they don't recognize or realize the things that they say or the things that they perceive matter to other people and it resonates depending on the context and who you are around, and I think the things we say that might be simple for us may carry heavy weight or heavy burden for someone else. And obviously these waiters, at least the one, is kind of egocentric in the sense that he doesn't care . And there is really annoying occasion as far as the man's really deaf . And it leads me to wonder if this gentleman really is deaf .

The discussion between the two waiters of why the old man didn't kill himself was interesting. He. Hemingway, I think, is trying to say that money and certain things aren't the reason for living . It bothered me the. again the ignorance of the younger fella, the younger waiter. I think, the selfishness of the younger waiter annoys me, but I think that's how Hemingway wants it to be to counterbalance the older waiter, who has much more experience and much more life and is just like the older sitting waiting for his coffee or his drink - whatever it is. I think the old man is broken. I think that obviously he has tried to commit suicide . And life has lost meaning for him . This section was interesting in the fact that the waiters keep on going on about how he tried to kill himself , even though he apparently has no reason to, again hitting on the things that the world we think is versus the internal things that we go through. He wanted to kill himself for things that nobody knows but himself. I also got the feeling that there is the commentary on if you read between the lines on religion , fearful soul leads me to believe that obviously in his family suicide is unacceptable . And so there is some elements of religious context layer . Why Hemingway was getting out I don't know, I'm sure no one knows, you'd have to ask him. Also I thought it was interesting that all the problems of the young fellow knew were reliance on other things, the money , why did he try to kill himself , yet the money , he needs a wife and those kinds of things, the things that are immediate right there in front of him, instead of the longer lasting things that are inside of us: the thoughts, the feelings, the desires, whatever. And again, I think just the. there is a great contrast between all that the young cares. The fact that, the way the young guy sees the world, and as old man drinks till he is drunk and goes home and just has a niece to look after him . You know, very different lifestyles, thoughts, thought processes. I also think it's interesting. the way that our society, or societies, a lot of societies think and look at old people, as a hindrance instead of someone to take care of , and someone to glim knowledge from. Just overall lack of respect , in my opinion for those people who have lived the full life and could be of some great value, if we treated them the right way , and let

them still be the contributive members of our society instead of seeing them as a hindrance.

I like the way that E.H. in this section differentiates between the young and the old . The young exuberant has places to be, has a wife , even though it's in the early morning hours, he's still anxious to get home to her. The old man , the older waiter is waiting around and he says he likes to wait around because of the others that might need to come . And I like the concept of that they MAY need to come , not that they are going to come, but they MAY need to come . I think it's big volumes of how we as a society view those who don't seem to have a lot going for them, how they were not. I think fragment one starts out with as he concerned with those of us who have to work and I think we have a good juxtaposition here with the young waiter not being concerned with the person who has nowhere to go and doesn't have anything going for him. Also the setting here is remarkable for this kind of situation the destitute and dirty and broken those without light come to these well-lit places to find that light and to find that comfort because they don't have that anywhere else in their lives and I also noticed something that irritated me - the young waiter still being bossy telling the older gentleman that. in this section that he just needs to clean up and get the things done so that the young guy could go home . Kind of again. disrespect of the young to the old . and the commentary, I guess - it's Hemingway's commentary on -how he thinks we perceive the elderly in our generation or the generation of his time. The main thing that stuck out to me in this passage or fragment was the word dignity . As he describes the old man walking away, even though he was drunk and old , he still walked with dignity . And later on the older waiter has the sense of dignity not of childishness of doing things and holding or keeping himself in the way that isn't foolish or childish, I see this young waiter in my mind as a cocky young man, and this older waiter as one of those waiters. old persons who has wisdom of his own and can see the fault of the youth and. And. So I think, you know, he even makes the comparison between the two... They have a talk and that knowledge that the older waiter can acknowledge and see that he's different from the younger waiter is huge in the sense that he is very self-actualized, he is understanding of who he is, whereas the younger waiter doesn't see any difference . And so. which. obviously for me. anyway as I guess, but obviously for me it's, it's the sense of idealism or the sense of just being in a cookie-kind of world type, where the people he likes or like him , or he perceives them to be like him , and the people who are different are obviously the ones who have problems. And again I like the sentiment that this gentleman, this older waiter likes to keep the clean pleasant café, for other people , who might not have anywhere to go. Again going back to the dignity there is something to say of going somewhere that's run down and trashy, and may be not as nice as we think we deserve or whatever in than having some place that is nice and is quiet . It's clean and allows us to maintain the dignity that maybe isn't there, perhaps it is, for someone is, for someone isn't . But the feeling of having some place to go where there is that dignity , I think comes across to me in this section. The difference between the old and the young I think is what striving the story and it feels that the younger is losing out. I think the comment is that the youth is wasted on the young and I think sometimes it's true.

Fragment 4 raps up quite nicely I think. coining in the aspect a lot of us go around thinking that know it all and go into emotions when in the Here I like the idea of the comparison between the old waiter and the old man. He seems to have a connection or see the connection not between

reality perhaps we don't and I think. we do the things that we are raised to do, say the things that we are raised to say but the actual knowledge of ourselves is lacking and here where H. is saying "man is nothing as well" or "man is nothing too" just kind of put into prospective the other things that happen in life that are much greater than we are. We are just a tiny, tiny piece of it all where the young waiter, although he is in this section, it kind of reflects back to him, he is the center of his universe, not willing to look at other people or their internal desires, it was all about him. This is a kind of a commentary on man's place in this world and being nothing . It's interesting how it ends, as far as the barman going through and asking a customer what he wants and being willing to help out and be the light or the source of kindness for this person even though it's the late hours and it's kind of. like the saying "misery loves company". Not that they are miserable by any means but they are kind of broken and the same situation. may be they are not broken but they are in the same situation and they are to commiserate with each other. Also with the. the. again going back to the setting. the proudness of having a nice clean and well-lit environment is important. The waiter after he leaves the bar I think kind of finishes off with the crocks of it all that he knows he's nothing , he knows he has nothing that really is. and so he just lies there and sits in his misery and charks it up to insomnia and then finishes with "many must have it" realizing that there's a lot of people like him in the world, who are more cognizant of their station in life: how they feel, what they are doing, where at they are rolling in the world. And I think that's kind of the point of Hemingway's writing here in the short story that we sometimes are too self-agrandizing and we need to realize that most of us have nothing and there's a lot of people who suffer from. from the thoughts of obsession or anxieties over having nothing annoying that you're actually just an annoying piece and there's something much bigger but also at the same time providing light for others is something that we've got to do for each other and help each other out . those two but of all people, of seeing and knowing that everyone lives in this light, this metaphorical light that some don't even know that they are living in it, and don't grasp the concept of it and others that do recognize that and kind of recognizes that he is lucky enough to be in this. in the lighted places and providing also these lighted places. you know. perhaps Hemingway's talking about how we affect each other and the way we interact with each other , the way of life comes to mind, I'm not sure if I've said that my last time, but I think that it's clear here it's the whole religious thing comes back with a lot of the notice and to him it's nothing , it's nothing but our interactions are. are.lights that we shine for other people . and type of people that we are for other people stood out pretty strongly for me in this section. At the bar - obviously the bar is not a clean place, you know, the drink is pretty the same, then it had a barman that took care of things wasn't conversational. another way of being deaf I guess -when people don't talk to you even when you talk to them . And then it finishes off with him leaving because he didn't like the dirty bar and then knowing that he would go home and he would go to sleep and charking it up to insomnia and that most people must have it. I think that speaks profoundly of the fact that we are more alike than we think and we hide and mask our actuality behind the labels like insomnia in reality that could be depression, anxiety, it could be interpersonal relationships that we have had and are missing or that we currently have and aren't working or a variety of reasons. All in all this story I think is a wonderful story, very simple, very foolish, very nonsensical perhaps like the young waiter himself would find this story that way but I think Hemingway has done a brilliant thing simply looking at how we interact with each other especially when we are at the different stages of our life and the things we usually need - in the youth they are material things, we need those things that are exciting and as we get old with years we just need something quiet and something that we can keep that can't be taken away. And I just think this is a brilliant story.

Bethany L.

Alright, so now I share my impressions. I was a little distracted by the format of the paper: it was kind of . it was hard to read. But maybe that's just cause it's small in my screen . but. I was taken aback by the complete rudeness and selfishness of the waiters and how completely thoughtless they were and are just being so rude to a man also because he is deaf . And I think it was just . I was just taken aback that he would say that that man should have killed himself - even if he's deaf it's just. you don't say that to people even if they can't hear you. It's not even something you should let yourself think. So mostly I was. I was astounded at horribleness of both of the waiters and how focused they were on their job and the little things that matter to them, like getting to bed on time when this man is obviously very messed up and disturbed and he needs help and no one just gets into his emotions . That's what I thought for that. Alright so this is my reflection on E.H's "A Clean Well-Lighted Place". So I will start with emotions, feelings, images, memories. I remember last time I was feeling like these guys were really rude so I kind of thought it again. I worked in the food industry before so I was just. thinking about it's not uncommon to talk about the customers while they are just chilling there so it just reminded me of the times I worked in restaurants . I was also thinking about when it said "the girl wore no head covering and hurried beside him". So that kind of distracted me for a second - I tried to figure out where the story takes place because it was worth noting that the girl had no head covering and may be they are in some sort of place where that is expected, so maybe somewhere in the middle East or somewhere. Uhm. yes. and he was so rude that he would say something like "he should have killed yourself' to the deaf man, and I was just like uff - sounds like a jerk.

Alright. Impressions after fragment 2. I was remembering the times when I'd worked in the food industry and worked in restaurants before. So I understand this bend between the workers talking about the customers. How it is annoying when people come right to closing time and it was your time to go home see you wishing you were home and you had to be there so I made a connection there. I was. I don't know . I just feel so worrably for that old man that these guys talking just really bother me. But I guess I was surprised when they said he was trying to kill himself . But I guess he didn't imagine he actually did it. But he actually did hang himself and his niece cut him down. I get I'm just feeling so much sympathy for this man. Some kind of looking for to see where the story goes. I was thinking about how I was confused what they were talking about - it was in the present tense and then he switched and said "why did he want to kill himself for?" And that was in the past tense "he hang himself with a rope" . And so now I'm confused about - is he dead or is he alive , has he already killed himself as a suicide or maybe not really and this guy is just making it up? And then it says "I wish he would go home" but he says that he has tried to kill himself . so I was kinda confused about timing there. and. he said she cut him down. yeah so, they are just talking like he is dead but he is here in the café. I feel like well I don't remember that from the last time. I don't know.

Impressions after that fragment. I was mostly thinking about where they were. Because of the kind of money that the old man used which was "peseta". like "a piece". or maybe. I don't know. And so I'm scrolling up to see but it doesn't really say where they are, but they say "hombre" which is a Spanish word so I'm thinking maybe they are in Spain or something. So. and I appreciated that he said. when they I was thinking about what it means for time to matter when he said "an hour to me is more than to him". I'm just thinking about what time means to different people and how much time he had left . Does it mean more or less? And just then I was confused cause they were. they said "hombre" and "bodega" so they sound more like they were somewhat Hispanic or Spanish speaking. But the hairdressing from before - so I thought ok, cool

were talking back and forth. Hemingway said "no it's not" agreed the man with a wife " - because I was getting confused who was talking. So after I read that I was thinking "thank you for saying that" cause I didn't know who was saying what after a while. But I guess I didn't have that many impressions. The "old-young" conversation. - I don't know where they are! And it was talking about the girl - which I thought was kind of funny to wait for someone beautiful to come into the café.

Wow. I mean. that kinda threw me. I feel like I wanna read the whole thing again. But I guess my initial reaction and impression was. I felt like the whole story came to a climax. And this. the Lord's Prayer . but such a. I don't even know. It's just so. bringing the Lord's prayer with "nada" which is "nothing" inside of it as all of the words that mean something in the Lord's Prayer . I just felt very despairing and I was worried that this guy was going to commit suicide and he was nervous . When it just felt so hopeless when he was saying this in his head. "I was all a nothing and a man was nothing too" and it's just very hopeless . Then the Lord's Prayer just suppose that hopelessness in the way that was recited. it was just really. intense. And so I don't know what this man. something he was going through all sorts of things and that's why I wanna read it again and figure out which attitude he had. which man he was this. anyway. hopeless and intense . I remember this now from reading it before that this story is kind of existentialist. All right, it's just like the world means nothing and there kind of nothing means many things and so I know that he started saying the Lord's Prayer and inserting the word "nothing" , then I remembered "nada" . in Spanish "nada" . was thinking about when he said. Earlier then he killed himself for nothing , that he's just a kind of old man who had nothing to live for or some sort of thinking about. And then the other whole story of the same kind - oow, kind of pointless , kind of existentialist. Nothing really has importance. Yeah, so that's kind of an interesting story. I feel pity for this man who had nothing to live for . Yeah, I guess that's all I feel.

Gary W.

Get some thinking about how that the waiters are certainly concerned about getting their money and they are talking about how this man is depressed and tried to kill himself and really don't seem too concerned about him more concerned about getting paid . When I read through here it just makes me think about some things that I take as true of today. It seems like these younger waiters, they don't seem to have much respect for this old man; they seem to think that he's kind of washed up . And then he comes in there to get drunk every night. All that kind of stuff. They just think that he's kind of pathetic . They want him to go home , so they could go home to their families and they probably don't even really think about that the reason he's there is probably because he's so lonely and he doesn't really have probably a wife anymore or his children are probably gone and grown and very busy .

Once again the waiters seem more concerned about themselves than He is probably going to this clean well-lighted place, cheerer place than being home alone in a small apartment or studio apartment (that's one

about this poor man . room) that might be kind of dirty because he didn't keep up with his dishes and doesn't keep up with the house cleaning and maybe even has a few cockroaches running around and it's just a nicer place for him to be. where he is in this restaurant or bar. And it's pretty much kind of where he feels comfortable than where he lives. I just was thinking.

Seems to me that the oldest waiter seems to see things where they are and maybe understands that the old man needs to be in the café till the other hours up. And how there was something that he looked for too. and the younger waiter was just more concerned about going home earlier and getting home . "You do not understand. This is a clean and pleasant cafe. It is well lighted. The light is very good and also, now, there are shadows of the leaves." "Good night," said the younger waiter. "Good night," the other said. You know it's kind of like - why hang out here? There is other places that he can go open all night long. But the older waiter is talking about how. that this is a clean and pleasant place, it's well-lighted, the light is good, there are only shadows of the leaves. You know, a pleasant place for the old man to be. Talks about how he "turns off the electric light he continued the conversation with himself. It is the light of course but it is necessary that the place be clean and pleasant. You do not want music. Certainly you do not want music. Nor can you stand before a bar with dignity although that is all that is provided for these hours. What did he fear ?"

Once again the older waiter. he doesn't really have anywhere to go to. home for so he must think that's the situation with the old man. At the end he talks about how. that even the waiter is talking about how he dislikes the bars and bodegas, "Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room . He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep . After all, he said to himself, it is probably only insomnia . Many must have it." In other words the waiter certainly feels kind of bad about this situation. "The light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished". I know I'm skipping around here but it seems like. that the barman and the waiter are some sort of trying to figure out that this is such a bad place to be after all because all of them seem to be lonely in one respect or another. You know, I would say this is not a very. probably is not a very pleasant. no. pleasant is not the right word. not a very cheerful story. I found that many of Hemingway's stories are not necessarily cheerful. You know, he kind of sees the darker side of things and maybe understands some things. and many of these things do not have a happy ending because many things in life just don't have a happy


Mary B.

I felt sorry for the old man and felt bad for him because he's not well-treated even though. uhm. he's deaf and he, I guess, there was a reason that he was in the bar drinking and it's really late. Images that came into my mind well. of an old British town. with a little café-bar that people came there drunk . uhm. I mean. it's a nice-nice image that comes to my mind. Nothing actually distracted me. Because I'm alone in the room. Images. I don't have any associations with whatever images came into my mind. The only thing probably: I've been watching a lot of Sherlock Holmes movies. A lot of the images that came into my mind were some of these movies. So I'm just really for the old man. Well, it brings images of. I've never been to England but I always think of England as narrow streets and dusty and foggy nights and a bar located at the corner of a narrow street. Well the old man. I feel sad for the old man. He's so. from what I understand he's a lonely man, has a lot of money . he's deaf at the same time. Even though it's what's distracting -it's that even though he's deaf , he feels the difference of how quiet it is at the café when everybody leaves. And also I think that the old man knows what's going on around him, how the two waiters talk about him, and actually one of the waiters cares for the guy . Not the younger one, but the other one cares for the old guy . He says "we should take care of him ", probably it's just because he's old doesn't mean we should ignore the man. Distracting. probably the soldier and the girl that walk by - that's what is distracting. I don't know why that piece is in the story. It doesn't do anything with the story, doesn't add anything to the story.

Well. fragment 2 brought a little more emotions. I'm angry at the guys. at the waiters. they are not being nice to him. At the same time I'm also feeling sad for this 80-year-old man . because he is lonely . He actually is lonely . And loneliness is not a good thing in an old age . And he's out here getting drunk with nobody by his side . uhm. those are emotions that came to my mind. Distractions are honestly how can he say being old is nasty? Being old is just amazing. It means that you've run through your life, you've done so much to get to that age and be who you are at 80 years old . It's not a coincidence when there is a saying "wise and old" - you can't be old and not wise and it's not. for me it's not cool to call an old man nasty. It makes me think how young people just don't care about old people. They just think that the old people are. like the young waiter said "nasty". But I don't know. he shouldn't be judgmental not knowing the person . I think this piece just says. what we have to take out from this piece is that you can't judge anyone by just looking at them , by just knowing bits and pieces of their lives. Yeah, we know that the guy has a lot of money and he's really old , he has nobody , that his niece is taking care of him , but what they DON'T know is why is the old man drinking . What's distracting is that if this younger waiter has a job and he's getting paid , he should just shut up and work until the old guy goes home , since it's their last customer.

My thoughts well again are going back to being young . and I'm again going back to the same "old and wise" . When you are younger , things Here we get a little bit more inside of the two waiters. The older waiter sounds more like he's more like the old man who doesn't have anybody .

like dealing with old people and our jobs and everyday life isn't the same as being an old person having a lot of real life situations to deal with and one of the waiters is an old guy who is actually thinking about his job , thinking about. he could stay a little bit longer. uhm. in, I guess, a comfort place for those who need it. But the younger one has a wife and just can't wait to sleep . I guess, he just doesn't wanna deal with the everyday people , he just wants to be home , he just wants to finish his hour at work and go home . Uhm. so this is. I'm just going back to my first description: it's just the story of. this is just question of young and old and how we treat each other and how we. if we don't wanna help each other , you know, just close everything and leave like this younger waiter did. All he has is his work . And he is just arguing with the younger guy that they just need to stay and support people who need to be supported , who need to come to the café and drink if need be. Well. from this fragment we can take away that. I mean. yeah, you can be young and confident and have everything you wanna in your life, but I'd rather you have the brains it takes to respect old men, to respect your job than to be confident and young . I mean it looks like it just all comes down to being from two different worlds , being young and being old , being wise vs being young and dumb, who don't know how to treat people , especially old people who need to be treated well .

A little bit confusing here but overall very understandable that, you know, at the end of the day even though you've given so much to people . I mean, your comfort could. your presence could comfort people in those daylights, I mean, people don't need a clean bar or a polished bar - they just want a place where they can stay along with themselves . And so at the end of the day this older waiter is just like the old guy that was deaf -sitting here, I mean, being lonely , that's why, I think, he understood what emotions this old guy was going through. Overall, that was an interesting story. In this last fragment I'm having the image of this old guy and this older waiter. From what I understand, this old man and the waiter have similar lives . It's just that the old man has a lot of money but we don't know this financial status of the waiter. But from what it looks like, it all comes down to nothing . A man who has nothing is basically nothing at the end of the day that they're just seeking. they're seeking everything: in a clean bar in shadows, not in real light. That's where they can mask their emotions and who they are in real life. Just like this old man, this waiter couldn't go home , didn't want to go home , he just wanted to sit there and drink . But he couldn't drink because, I guess, he was working there, but it was time to close everything up and go home . Yeah, it's just a very. very sad story. Resembling two generations: and the old man and the waiter, having similar issues , having similar lives , having similar problems . But at the end of the day it all just comes to nothing . They just want to hide in the shadows of the trees and be in the clean places, be in places to mask everything that we feel, everything that we think of.


The old man was obviously depressed . Something maybe can relate to, I suppose. And he was trying really hard to medicate this depression . His The younger waiter especially seems to have a real disconnect with the old man. Interesting to speculate what's going on in his head. Obviously the

state of mind must probably be apathy . All he knew in the moment, so it seems to, was that more alcohol would improve his state of mind, perhaps ease the depression , maybe blood out the things that were painful , creating a fog in his mind. His world and the world of the shop-keeper or the restaurant keeper is obviously the different world . The shop-keeper had his choices: one was to keep the man as a customer, and yet at the same time there was this conflict and the conflict was too full, I suppose, if the old man became too intoxicated he would either get into trouble with law leaving without paying , and I suppose the shop-keeper had some sense of responsibility. The end showed a great deal of frustration with the old guy, even suggesting that it would be a relief if he (as it was rumored) wanted to commit suicide , if he go ahead and do that. brandy , the alcohol , the drunken stupor whatever it is that he is seeking seems to not help his state of mind. The younger waiter is upset or annoyed because he ends up staying later. He doesn't really see why he should accommodate the old man. Interesting that the old man is deaf and doesn't and probably barely understands what he said and he made. I feel guy is. whatever it is, perhaps it's despair - who knows - and the effort to find something to medicate it.

So the old guy actually tried to kill himself and survived . And he continues in the same cycle of depression , intoxication , followed by obviously. so results that in some point he suffers from depression again. So one of those endless cycles of despair , I suppose. The waiter and his colleague seem to echo a common opinion that people become depressed as a result of loss in this case: the old guy didn't have a wife . The idea was if he had a wife maybe things would be better. The other interesting thing about the segment was that they portray the guy as a clean drinker whatever that means: doesn't spill, doesn't, you know, slope over. I think that most of the stinker drunks were sloppy drunks . It would be interesting to know what the guy's background was. The older waiter clearly has or seems to have resonance with the old man. He's not as old and seems to be in despair as I've commented above. Enjoying being occupied and around other people in a nice environment or what he considers the quiet and peaceful environment. It says he has less of a hurry , has less of agenda , perhaps less ambitions that the younger waiter has. Couldn't really see why the old man couldn't continue to drink there and seem to understand really well why he just wanted to drink there and not necessarily take a bottle home and drink alone . Drinking alone can be a real problem. He essentially is alone , at the restaurant at least there are some people around, there are perhaps occasional conversations and sure it's much more comfortable environment. He begins to feel. you know. still apart from society .

So the younger waiter hurries the old guy out justifying his action by thinking that he's already had enough to drink and more drinking would make bad situation worse. Interesting image of the old man walking haltingly down the street and yet with dignity . Obviously there is a lot of history there that would be interesting and will cast light on what's going on with this old guy. But even more interesting is the conversation between the older waiter and the younger waiter. The conversation that exposes difference in attitudes. Older people, I suppose, unconsciously I realized that I have combined some of my reflections for segment 3 with previous segment 2. However, I would only add that the older waiter said that he felt he had nothing but his work , his job and I've found that interesting. When one is young , one has the future before himself, he looks forward at things, he dreams of things and I understand and even have experienced it somewhat myself - as one grows older , some of those things that we saw as opportunities when we bring on they disappear while this seems not to be accessible. Interesting reflection and would also

the life is going shorter , their perception is that it's going to be dark soon enough and it's kind of nice to stay with people in a lighted place. He likes the restaurant because it's clean and it's not a bar, the place where there would be an unpleasant environment. The young guy of course doesn't think much about time probably has his own ambitions, wants to get on with other things that he might be interested in doing. explain why the older waiter enjoys staying later at work . If that is significant. And hence of his life experience and he would spend more time there.

This was almost like a meditation. The guy seems to be reflecting in his own mind finding that clean, spacious, quiet places or a comfortable environment for him. Not thinking about anything was comfortable. Hence the repeated use of the word "nada" . Interesting that the word "nada" and the word "nothing" are associated with prayers in the Christian faith , in the catholic faith . Perhaps he was feeling that everything that should have meant something to him - doesn't really mean a lot in the world where there is so much emptiness . But he seems comfortable with that: he's comfortable with the silence , comfortable with the clean environment of this restaurant. He doesn't seem to even sleep until he gets home , lies on his bed and waits for the sun to come up. Interesting. interesting character. I really had a strong feeling that he's so little kree on the word nada in Spanish, - the word that means essentially "nothing" - seems very much like modern notion of being in the present, of living in the now. That's all he had. And everything else that. which is in the past maybe a reflection or a memory, but it becomes more faded and clouded as time goes by and certainly anything in the future is nothing other than speculation, which leads me to think that the older waiter enjoyed just living in the moment. Therefore, when he was at work which again was a significant contributor to his well-being, especially his mental well-being. And he would want to prolong them it's like living in paradise, even if it was only temporary. In fact, he would go home and would lie in bed and tote on. It means that. to me. he was. he continued to sort of want to be in that. that moment. that present moment. he didn't want to let go of it and he found physical exhaustion force him to sleep . Reflection on life is a reflection on differences and generational gap , if you will, differences in ages , how people deal with despair and depression and anxiety . All in all, it was pretty interesting philosophical reflection.


After reading the first section I am really taken with the judgmental attitude of the waiters, with the environment that the deaf man applying to himself with, and wondering whether or not his drinking is a casual comfort or if it's a way to escape . I like this. this idea of him being deaf with the state that we are all in, we live in silence in so many areas of our lives and it will be interesting if. if. what place out for this man and perhaps even those waiters is anything similar to what I've experienced in I'm in a good mood, feel energetic and looking forward to reading the story again. I've just finished reading fragment one and I'm amazed that every time I look at this, the same thing happens. there's this feeling of weakness . I don't know a better word for weakness. anyway. I'm just. I'm so sad for the old man and sad for the waiters.

my own life.

I find myself with a knot in a pit of my stomach. I'm looking at this man and I'm thinking, you know, in fragment 1 I didn't know whether to believe that he tried to commit suicide . Perhaps it was just the waiter's thoughts and really, wasn't any kind of truth. Now you've got some bases for this and. I have to ask myself - is it. is it his age ? Is he growing old and losing the ability to do the things that make him feel alive ? Is it being alone ? But too I'm really thankful that there is at least some empathy being shown toward him, he is the one waiter who is looking past the drunkenness , past the late night and I'm hoping that that's the case that the other waiter comes around. Reading the 2nd fragment this time I'm just irritated at that waiter. Why in the world can he not have compassion ? I want him to be kind . I want him to see past his own needs and desires . I want him to have empathy . And yet he doesn't.

As I finished reading fragment 3 I noticed the knot is still in my stomach. I want to know if there's some happy ending. I want a happy ending! And yet this story is like a real life. Happy endings come in so many different colors, shades and ways. And I wonder too if there's a happy ending for each of these waiters? Having read fragment 3 I'm looking at this and thinking how did I miss this before? The second waiter - he says he lacks confidence . Ok, so I counted that he didn't have youth the first time round but that he lacked confidence and yet here it is said a few times. And I think - well, perhaps it's a lack of confidence that helped to create empathy . This is something I'm going to think about.

At the end of fragment 4 I was amused. That was not the kind of ending that I expected, not what I was hoping for. Here was this big part that says "it's all nothing " [почти плачет] and I walk away from the story thinking - yep, it really is. all of this is nothing ! And. and it's everything! For the ending I tackled me the last time. This time I just find it sad. I wonder what it must be like to feel there's nothing . That there's that acceptance of being nothing . And yet this is not something that I haven't felt before I just don't feel it now. And so maybe combined with my sadness is a little bit of relief, a little bit that says I'm a step away from him. And that's good.


Before starting I'm disinterested. I'm not into doing this one, but will do this anyway. After the first segment I'm still disinterested. Story is more like hearsay. I'm not really into it. Nothing comes to mind. Today I'm cheerful but disinterested in the story, but I will go forward again. The first fragment is very plain, boring. There is not much information, all hearsay. Really not interesting in the first start.

It's just like the people in a book, I'm disinterested. I'm not really interested in anything else that's happening. Nothing comes to mind that's naturally important. These young people, older people and very old people. That's about all I see. Fragment two is not much money better; it's about the same thing, it doesn't give you a lot of information and it's pretty boring to read, but again it's a little bit about me not being interested in this.

Each fragment is not really doing anything for me. Still it's more like a hearsay, like listening to something that I'm not interested. Nothing really comes to mind. Third fragment is a little better. It's actually got a little bit of a storyline that makes me feel [laugh] more interested in this, but again it's not a story I would normally read or be interested in.

The final segment is same thing and it's not about all that anything that comes to mind. For me it's just words put on a piece of paper that have no real meaning. The final section again is very boring, not much interest for me. Again it's just hearsay, it's not really anything I would be interested.

Joao L.

Well I had the feeling of. being, in a bar. in a very distant place, in a place very far away from any town. And a bar was almost empty . without any customer. aawhh. the bar could be full of tables and shares and the decoration was made of wood and the atmosphere was kind of dark but outside it was a little sunny. Awwhh. I had the feeling of. smelling alcohol .uhh. of touching. dirty wood. dirty tables and balconies.mmm. I thought about having a strong. a strong drink . like whiskey or. something like that. aawhh. what distracted me was my wife that intruding [помехи в записи] . where I am reading the text, enjoying this work. also some light on the window from my office. and. the images that came to my mind was the ones that I said before. a bar. from ahh. in a remote place. distant. dark. with not many people and a little bit dirty. because. it is... was almost empty and probably didn't have many clients. Well, after reading the first fragment. I. [читает полушепотом инструкцию] what feelings did you have. well, I had. I had the feelings of. I don't know. I. I just. I really don't know what feelings I had. probably a little pity. of. of the man that was outside at night alone . drinking alone . and he. the waiters knew that he had wanted to kill himself . probably that. I didn't. I didn't feel. good feelings about the man that was outside. Nothing distracted me. and the images that came to my mind. was the old man sitting outside . at night, probably. very cold night. and the two waiters inside the bar doing nothing because they had no clients. just that.

Well, I didn't have many. many feelings. Just kind of curiosity to. to know the man. the old man that was. that had tried to kill himself . uhm. I didn't have many feelings when I read the second extract. no. awhh. the telephone distracted me the second time. this second time. and the image that came to my mind and the association was. I Well, this time I'm reading this extract.. .I really felt about. the difference , which means. the old people and the young people. I mean how that young man. I'm sorry. how that old man that left the cafe at night. how he. how he had such. such a. such an influence. on the talk of the two waiters. especially the younger one. how. he was described by

mean. the. the fact of trying to hang himself . uhm. I thought about a person that I know. that hang himself and. uhm..well I. [отвлекается на вошедшего сына] and uhm. that was my son that entered in the office. I'm sorry. uhh. the images that came to my mind again. let's come back. was about that the associations, right?.. was that. uhm. the fact of killing himself . I mean I thought about a guy that I knew. that worked with me and that killed himself once hanging . he killed himself with a rope . on the ceiling of his house. also the association. other association that came to my mind was the old people alone in a bar. drinking . only have their loneliness . I mean just, just that. the waiter. and. the waiter said that he didn't want to be. to get old . at the same time he saw an old lonely man. walking. walking down the street. the man that had left the bar where he works ... I mean that image may. may call his attention. and I felt about it. I felt about the difference between young man and old man. how we think about the old men that surround us. that live with us. and nothing distracted me this time. and the images that came to my mind were. were that one. were those ones, I mean. the images related to the old man. that wanted. he really wanted to do something, especially, for example, he wanted to stay in the bar drinking . that the younger man didn't let him to. so he. he had to go. he had to do something he didn't want to. and. and these things. these things happen all the time. in the life and among us. I mean young people. deny them. actions. things. very simple things that we want to do. those images were very present in my mind. I mean. that. the way the old man left. had to. had to leave the bar and the two waiters talking about him. ok.

Well, this third part. I had the feeling of leaving home. I'm sorry. leaving work to go home . I mean that the waiter that wanted to leave work to go home . really called my attention. it was too late to stay, it was too late at night to stay working and he wanted to see his wife . it really.they called my attention and made me think about it... nothing distracted me this time and the images that came to my mind was. I mean bad waiters.we have many bad waiters here in my city where I live... have many restaurants where the waiters are terrible ... and we can't stay late, because they close their restaurants... if we stay in a restaurant. and if we are the only table to be served. they all keep looking at us... so that we leave the restaurant. and another image was. they need to go... to come back home and to see the wife . to. to be with the family ... because of the. because of the night. I mean it's not good to be working . too late. Well, I think about the. my feelings are... about the two waiters that are talking. probably. they are gossiping about the guy. that is outside ... this doesn't attract me. so we get talking about the other man. that is outside . I feel like I am a customer in a bar. and. the. the waiters are talking about me [yxMH^aeTca]. I thought about that. Two waiters are looking at us. when we are sitting in a bar. especially if we go to the same bar. they kind of. already know us. and they might be talking about us. there was one thing that distracted me this time. my son's nanny entered the office. and the image that came to my mind was exactly that. I mean. I thought about the waiters talking about the man. and. I couldn't. imagine them in my mind. I mean like. they were. just think about a guy. that had nothing to do with his life . just that.

Well, to the last abstract. the feelings that came to me was. the night on the street. the coldness of the night. the wind of the night. on my Well, this last extract. this last extract I can't. I can't recognize. which. which waiter stayed in the café. But I thought. I think. it is the

face. and. the feeling of loneliness again. because to me the barman really. the barman was... lying. and he had nobody at home , he had no family and he had stopped in another bar. to have coffee. although he tried to keep his bar cleaned. the cleanest doesn't come to my mind. because it is a bar when nobody. when not many people go there... I don't think it was. I don't think it could be clean... no. to me it wasn't clean... and other feeling was the. the. hot coffee. in my mouth. and. I mean. just that. the night itself. Nothing distracted me. and the image that came to me was. walking. was the streets at night. we walked on the streets...heavy coats... when it's cold. we could. we would never wear these clothes because it's very hot here all the time, even at night. but. I have some of these clothes when I. that I wear when I travel so. they came to my mind. I mean we. a person walking at night with hands in the pockets and trying to protect from cold weather. and the other image that came to my mind was lie itself. I mean the person lying to another person or the person lying to himself. because the man. the man himself had nothing . that's it.

younger one. and if it is the younger one. the feelings that I have is that all his life is a life of lie. he. he knows. he knows but. he himself knows. he doesn't have the things that he pretended to have. all those cleanness and pleasantness of his bar. of his life, for example. wasn't. was not true. sorry... was not true. he. he only. he had a wife , but. when he. that wife was not true. it comes to my mind. the feelings. if you are pretending something. so then when he leaves. the bar where he works . and he was all the time saying that he wanted to go back home . to be with his wife . but in fact he went to another bar. to have a coffee, for example, that he couldn't have where he works . so why he didn't have coffee where he works . probably he didn't want to... to get something dirty. where he works . so he didn't want to spoil. he didn't want to do something wrong where he works . like a. the place where he works represented his life. and he had to look for something else. for all his life. I don't know if it was too much philosophy. nothing distracted me. and the images that came to my mind was. the image of a man that walked alone . at night. thinking about his own life. we know that his life. is not the life that he pretends. that. the life is. also the waiter of the coffee shop where he goes. the barman. so is the barman. the barman... looks like the reality... the reality that he doesn't like. he doesn't want to face.. .and... the image of the barman also comes to my mind. and. probably this barman is a person that can't face life. can't face the hard time of life. much more than. the waiter that. is going on.


Elisabeth W.

My impressions of that fragment. At first it was a little difficult to read because there are some of apparent typos in the translation. Some words are Polish. I'm not familiar with these Ernest Hemingway's stories so I'm not sure if that's actually his writing style or a problem with the copy. I'm sort of struck by the selfishness of everyone in this fragment. The waiters only care about themselves. They don't consider or position themselves in the old man's shoes at all. And they don't question any sort of larger reasons why he might commit suicide or why he's obviously an alcoholic. The fact that they blame him on his money shows that they have really no sort of empathy for anything else that might be going on in his life. But the old man also is

demonstrating a type of selfishness because he doesn't realize that his drunkenness is negatively affecting the people of the café and that if he does get too drunk and he doesn't pay them that's going to affect their livelihoods as well. So there's kind of double share of selfishness that's going on here. There's also. Ernest Hemingway very carefully includes symbols of solitude by talking about the leaves and creating the distance between the old man and the people which also I think is a sort of a commentary on how people and society sort of judge people on these first impressions - like we just know this old man as a drunkard, we don't know anything else about him. And we are not trying to. The distance created between the old man and the wait-stuff, it's sort of a distance that they have to walk to serve him. It sort of, I think, symbolizes the distance between people and strangers definitely.

The 2nd fragment just reiterate what I've just said that the characters don't really have any type of empathy for each other. The last line suggests that maybe in the next couple of fragments they are gonna develop this empathy, especially when one waiter says to the other "Look at him". The idea of looking in this particular case isn't just sort of examining with his eyes but actually seeing the person, seeing the old man. And the one other waiter who says "I don't want to look at him. I wish we could go home " is sort of the reiteration of this selfishness and that sort of idea of putting emphasis on individual rather than putting emphasis on society. And I think in this particular case it also sort of shows that people are driven in society to worry about money only. They don't worry about other people, they don't worry about what type of effect they will have on people, they worry about how much money they are going to make and how much money other people make. But in the long run those kind of considerations don't really. aren't really important in the ends.

So this one was a little confusing for me. Because I wasn't sure which waiter was which. Which waiter had a wife, which waiter was hurried, which waiter was older. And I don't have a sense of which waiter was which from the beginning of the play. And so this was probably the Hemingway's strategy of achieving of literary theme but I'm not sure what it is exactly. The other thing I'm sensed with is so. the older waiter here is sort of demonstrating more and more empathy which, I think, is a really sort of start comparison to the hurriedness of the youth and I think this is a sort of Hemingway's social commentary on young people: that they are in a hurry, that they are more selfish, that they just haven't learned sort of be part of society yet. And the older waiter in this particular case has already been there and done that, but they also learned that this sort of hurried selfishness doesn't get you anything. And it's more beneficial but I don't know what the waiter sees as beneficial yet. The sort of developed community where you can be with others like minded individuals. In this particular case that community is the café and he understands that he can sort of beacon for other people who might or might not be like the old drunk man. But I think he's more aware of certain commonalities between himself and the people who would come to the café at night. And so here he's showing way more empathy than he did at the beginning of the fragments. But we also sort of understand a little bit more about him, because we know that he has nothing like the people that would come to the café at night.

So I'm not really sure what happened here in the fragment 4. I'm not sure if the 'nadas' were part of Hemingway's work or if this was something added in later. If I had to sort of talk about the nadas I would just sort of understand it as showing us that something that we hold, that many people hold very secrets such as the Lord's prayer is essentially just a whole bunch of Jebrewish language put together and put meaning onto it rather than having meaning be naturally in it. And I think it's the same with all words. And you can even say that for Hemingway. He is just writing words in Jebrewish and putting them together and we are finding meaning into that.

Alexander D.

I feel like this guy is depressed. He probably had something that he lost dear to him in his past. And he's using the public house and drinking as an escape. I feel bad for this guy. There's people actively having fun outside - obviously this soldier and this girl. And he might have past memories that are tight to this. But he seems pretty sorrowful.

These two servers are going over the situation with this old man. And one guy is a little agitated with the guy being over there maybe looking at his future, maybe he doesn't seem to have the perfect life right now. He's working hard, this old guy is sitting drinking, possibly enjoying himself and his own misery. But he's probably made it to a pointless life for he did have everything - he had a wife that loved him and he was totally emotionally attached, retired, ready to go and his wife passed and this kid doesn't understand it yet, he's still working to make the living he doesn't have a chance to really sit back and relax. I can relate to that myself because of the story of my life.

I can relate to this totally since I manage restaurants, that's what I do for the living. I see this happening all the time between two people: people who are trying to get out and people that aren't in the total rush. Now I mean that some people feel that they do have that confidence and they know exactly what they need at the moment. They need to be doing something exactly different, like this one guy trying to get home to his wife right away without really thinking of much beyond that, whereas one day he's gonna turn in the same thing, he's dedicating himself to a set plan, his wife - I mean, when that leaves and what does he really have? Nothing. While the other guy, the older, I'm gonna say wiser is taking life as it comes, enjoying and loving.

I feel that there's just a lack of life, lack of living in the younger servant. There's a meaning of life that's missing, the meaning of involvement or like anxiety towards the younger servant while he's cleaning up. But he hasn't learned to live yet. And I'm comparing to myself. I kind of feel somewhat the same way like I'm searching and searching and searching for something but I don't know what it is necessarily. I know it's out there - I don't know if that's a person, a feeling and until I find that I'm gonna be busy but I don't know.

Joan F.

When I was reading fragment 1 I don't know I guess I felt some anxiety because the thought of the old man's sitting outside in the dark made me think that it was cold for some reason. And also it was kind of depressing that the waiters didn't care that he thought about committing suicide although I wasn't sure if they are just joking around with each other and with him about it. It gave me bad associations with people I've known who drink too much and are irresponsible and as a result I don't have much patience for that and I don't like that. And I well seem torn between feeling sorry for them and just impatient with them.

It was kind of interesting to hear the waiters get kind of more detailed about that interesting. his suicide attempt. In the sense it was more open and distressing than the previous one but it did remind me that I also hate the thought of getting so old that I'm lonely and miserable. And I think that. you know. suicide is a viable option and if you get so old that you are lonely and miserable. But he is lucky to have a niece who looks after him. I think the waiters are kind of selfish. But then again so was the old drunk but he might feel entitled to be waited on an do whateve r he wants because he's that


Each fragment has actually made me feel a little better as I. here are more details. because I make assumptions about the characters and as more information is passed onto me. I find that my assumptions aren't completely accurate. And that's good. I like the distinct attitude of the two waiters and how the younger waiter felt about wanting to go home and the other one was concerned about other people. I guess the old man didn't seem as depressed to me the way he was described. Although that he tried to hang himself so I guess he is. I guess. I don't know. this was a little more pleasant and each fragment has been getting a little more pleasant as I mentioned before. And the description of the café was quite pleasant. It sounds like a warm place now. And it sounds a way lighter at first I thought it was dark and cold and now it seems like a lighter place. And it says it's safe and it's clean. And a good place to have a late night drink. I find that pleasant and maybe that would be a nice place to go ever y night if you are lonely and if you could find maybe that older waiter to talk to. I like that the older waiter understood that going out for a drink sometimes because of the social interaction is better than drinking at home which is probably not a good idea.

I actually didn't understand fragment 4. I didn't understand. I thought he was left alone in the bar, the other waiter would go home and there was no one left. I don't know what a barman is, I don't know if he was having a conversation with himself or there was another person there, or if he went someplace else. So I didn't understand it. I spent all my concentration trying to understand it.

Mark S.

I imagine this occurring in Spain for some reason, presumably because Hemingway spent a lot of time in Spain. I imagine therefore that this soldier is the guard and the soldier. Men is. are Spanish soldiers. It was for a moment difficult for me to figure out whether it was daytime. late in the daytime or nighttime. but obviously it's nighttime. And so the images of the leaves, the shadows of the leaves playing over the scene are interesting and kind of attractive. The setting and the situation seem desolate, except for the young soldier and his. presumably his girlfriend who add a note of youth and promise to. it is otherwise a desperate situation. One has to be glad that the old man is deaf so that he doesn't hear the waiter saying to him why didn't he commit suicide last week. So it seems like the life has been played out to some degree for both the waiters, although one is younger and one is older and for the old man who is getting drunk and contemplating suicide.

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