Хемотаксис нейтрофилов: ключевая роль фосфоинозитид 3-киназы y и Rho-семейства ГТФ-связывающих белков тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 03.00.00, кандидат наук Катанаев, Владимир Леонидович
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Хемотаксис нейтрофилов: ключевая роль фосфоинозитид 3-киназы y и Rho-семейства ГТФ-связывающих белков»
Обзор рассматривает современные знания о путях внутриклеточной передачи сигнала, контролирующих хемотаксис нейтрофилов и подобных им клеток. Большинство действующих на нейтрофилы хемоаттрак-тантов связывается с рецепторами, имеющими семь трансмембранных спиралей. Эти рецепторы в свою очередь активируют трехсубъединичные G-белки класса G,. В дальнейшей передаче внутриклеточного сигнала принимают участие фосфолипазы Cß, фосфоинозитид 3-киназа у, а также белки, содержащие РН-до-мен. Ключевое значение для способности клеток к движению имеет актиновый цитоскелет, контролируемый GTP-связывакяцими белками семейства Rho. Связующими звеньями между ними и актином могут служить Р1Р5-киназа, LIM-киназа, киназа и фосфатаза легкой цепи миозина, или белки, подобные WASP. В обзоре также представлены новые данные о возможных путях регуляции «компаса» хемотактирующих клеток, составляющими компонентами которого могут являться Cdc42 и некоторые белки, содержащие РН-домен.
КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: хемотаксис нейтрофилов, внутриклеточная передача сигнала, рецепторы, сопряженные с G-белками, Р13-киназы, белки семейства Rho, полимеризация актина.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Биологические науки», Катанаев, Владимир Леонидович
Interaction of F-actin with rhodamine phalloidin leads to a 10- to 20-fold enhancement of the fluorescence of the latter (1, 16). Huang and co-workers (1) have applied this substantial increase in fluorescence to quantify purified F-actin using micromolar concentrations of rhodamine phalloidin. While these dye and F-actin concentrations are too high for advanced experiments, we have developed conditions to reduce the sample and probe concentrations by three orders of magnitude. To support this, we have applied mathematical models describing dependence of rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence enhancement on the F-actin concentrations under equilibrium (Eq. [5]) and non-equilibrium (Eq. [8]) conditions (see Materials and Methods). These equations relate fluorescence enhancement, AF, with total F-actin concentration, at, via constants describing binding of rhodamine phalloi-
pplying the solution of Eq. [7] given in (22) to Eq. [2] ields the fluorescence enhancement as a function of ie total F-actin concentration, Kd, 8, and time (?):
,F= F0< (8 - 1)
hyperbolic fit
c o
8 c t$ £Z
ihere c=at-rt+Kd, and d=±Vc2r+4rjQ .
To build the curves based on Eqs. [51 and [8], the ollowing parameters were used: rt = 15 nM, Kd = 10 iM, kon = 2.9 X 104 M_1 s"1 (23), t = 1200 s, F0 = 12, md 8= 20, which were determined as described below. Absolute F-actin concentrations were obtained using a Graphing Calculator program from nonequilibrium luorescence data of the curve based on Eq. [8].
The limits of fluorescence enhancement (AF) which ire suggested to be used for quantification of relative actin concentrations allow us to approximate lin-sarly the AF dependence on [F-actin]. The error of the inear approximation between any two AF values is letermined comparing the ratio of these values with
100 150
cytosoi+KCI.nl, €
FIG. 1. Indicated volumes of the neutrophil cytosol were pre-treated with 315 mM KC1 to polymerize actin and mixed with buffer (HKB) to give 600 1 containing 15 nM rhodamine phalloidin, and the fluorescence was read after 20 min of incubation. The signal from rhodamine phalloidin alone (F0) was substracted, yielding the fluorescence enhancement (arbitrary units). The data (means ± SD, n = 2) were fitted with the equilibrium Eq. [5] (broken line) or a hyperbolic equation y = & + M(c + x) (continuous line); for the former, microliters of the cytosol applied for the assay were converted into F-actin concentrations as ^ = q ■ p, 1, where q was constant. The results of the fitting show q= 0.37nM, Kd= 3 nM, and 6 = 18 (Eq. [5] fit) or 20 (hyperbolic fit). The inset presents the initial part of the curve. Concentrations of F-actin were calculated from the AFdata using Eq. [8] and are shown in squares; very close values are obtained if parameter q is applied, Error bars are omitted where smaller than the symbols.
0 50 100 150 200
[F-actin], nM
IG. 2. Fluorescence enhancement (Ai) values were calculated for [uilibrium conditions using Eq. [5] and nonequilibrum conditions ith Eq. [8] for Kd = 10 or 400 nM (time = 20 min) and plotted as a nction of F-actin. The inset shows the initial parts of the curves jsed on Kd = 10 nM. Circles and squares reflect calculated data for le indicated conditions. Lines are introduced to illustrate the lin-»rity from 1 to 11 nM [F-actin].
in to actin filaments (Kd and k0J. These constants ave been carefully determined recently and shown to e independent of the exact buffer composition and the
presence of various F-actin-binding proteins (16, 23, 24). To the contrary, the other constants used in the equations (8 and F0) have to be measured for each kind of experimental setup, since they are determined by the efficiency of phalloidin labelling with rhodamine, chromophore concentration, composition of the measurement buffer, and the instrument settings.
To determine the fluorescence enhancement factor, 8, 15 nM rhodamine phalloidin in HKB was titrated with increasing amounts of F-actin, as shown in Fig. 1. The fluorescence enhancement data were then fitted by a least square algorithm to the equilibrium Eq. [5]. Alternatively, a simple hyperbolic equation y = a + bxl(c + x) was used for the fitting, where a + b represented the maxima the curves could reach, or AF^, and 8 was determined as (AFrnax + F0)/F0. Results from five independent experiments, in which rhodamine phalloidin was titrated with neutrophil cytosol where actin polymerisation had been induced by high salt or GTPyS, or with purified rabbit muscle F-actin stabilized or not with /^-formaldehyde, yielded 8 = 19 ± 2 (mean ± SD) for the fitting based on Eq. [5], and for the hyperbolic fits 8 = 21 ± 1, very close to the value of (16). The dissociation constant defined by the fitting to Eq. [5] of the experimental data presented in Fig. 1 was 3 nM, also in a good agreement with recent determinations of De La Cruz and Pollard (23). F0 value is determined directly from fluorescence measurement and for 15 nM rhodamine phalloidin used in this study is equal to 12 ± 2 (n = 8) under our conditions.
The curves derived from Eqs. [5] and [8] for 15 nM rhodamine phalloidin and the 20-min incubation time using the fluorescence constants determined from Fig.
-Actin] range,3 nM
1.1-11 4-100 40-1550
Conditions for [F-Actin] Quantification
[Rhodamine phalloidin] ,b nM
Ai" of upper limitc of range
Kd = 10 nM
15 150
4.5 x Fa 10 x F0 17 x F0
[F-actin]rfat KF = F0> nM
2.5 S 80
40-300 60-750
Apparent Kd = 400 nM4
15 4 x F0 75
1500 5.5 XF0 125
• A nearly linear relationship between the fluorescence enhancement (Ai) and total F-actin in a given sample is maintained when F-actin natches the given range, and when the rhodamine concentration to the right is applied ft. In case F-actin is unknown the determined AF nav not exceed the indicated value of the upper limit (% Otherwise, the sample has to be diluted or a higher rhodamine phalloidin oncentration has to be chosen. A rough estimation of [F-actin] can be obtained when the sample concentration at a given rhodamine >halloidin concentration is adjusted so that the fluorescence increases twice over background when the sample is added to the measurement
When^F-actk? isstabilized by crosslinkers (e.g., formaldehyde), the apparent Kd is lowered by the interference of «valent modifications jf actin molecules with rhodamine phalloidin binding. The ^varies with fixation conditions and is estimated for the procedure given under Materials and Methods. For the whole table S was 20 and time of incubation 20 min.
-•— -f-rhodamine phalloidin -©— - itiodamine phalloidin
0,4 0.8 1,2 1.6 2 10 neuirophils-10'6/ml
IG. 3. Cellular F-actin quantification. (A) Human neutrophils were lysed with octyl-/3-D-glucopyranoside as described under Materials and ethods and incubated with (closed circles) or without 15 nM rhodamine phalloidin (open circles), followed by fluorescence measurement 30 in later. The data is a representative of two experiments. (B) Human neutrophils were incubated with 0.1% DMSO (empty bars) or 100 nM 1LP (hatched bars) for 15 s, and relative F-actin was measured in parallel by three different methods, namely, quantification of -i ton-insoluble cytoskeleton-associated actin (TIC), by fluorescein phalloidin with subsequent methanol extraction of the bound dye 'P/MeOH), and the measurement of rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence enhancement (RPFE). The data are presented in percentage to '-actin] in DMSO-treated cells, as means ± SE (« = 3).
are presented in Fig. 2. An important feature of these
> the initial region, where fluorescence enhancement
> nearly linearly related to the total F-actin concen--ation (Fig. 2, inset). If desired, this allows the simple etermination of absolute F-actin concentrations from tie fluorescence enhancement data. For data obtained t equilibrium, Eq. [6] is applied. For nonequilibrium onditions, F-actin can be deduced from AF using urves generated with Eq. [8].
An example of such a conversion is presented in the nsert of Fig. 1. It is apparent that these data can be rell fitted linearly. F-actin values (presented as quares) calculated from the AF data show that the egion of linearity expands up to 10-15 nM F-actin, ill owing reliable F-actin measurements in this region, n a good accordance with the mathematical model (see ?ig. 2 and Table 1).
A summary of conditions for F-actin measurements rom rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence enhancement s shown in Table 1 and was established on the basis of iqs. [5]-[8] (see Materials and Methods). To simplify ;he procedure for the users, the table lists limits of AF ¡vhere [F-actin] is directly proportional to AF. The ower limit was arbitrary set to AF = 0.5F0 to ensure a rood signal-to-noise ratio. The table can also be used to Estimate absolute [F-actin] from AFdata without fur-:her considerations.
Noteworthy, in the presented type of assay of cyto-solic F-actin quantification, fluorescence enhancement reflects F-actin changes having happened before exposure of the cytosol to rhodamine phalloidin and not after. Indeed, the presence of 15 /xM DNasel, a high-affinity G-actin-sequestering protein (25), does not affect rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence (data not shown). Protection of the preexisting actin filaments to depolymerization is mostly achieved by the role of F-actin-binding proteins: Stabilization of F-actin by ce-ao tinin (26), myosin subfragment 1, and tropomyosin (16) to depolymerization has been successfully performed. Moreover, Cano and others showed that diluted cell lysates do not depolymerize their F-actin even under prolonged incubation due to the presence of actin-sta-bilizing proteins (26). Therefore, no special precautions are required when F-actin has to be quantified in cells, cell lysates or cytosolic fractions.
To measure F-actin in cells, the latter are usually lysed with membrane perturb ants like lysophospati-dylcholine (0.08-0.1 mg/ml) or Triton X-l00 (1%) (13, 18). These compounds interfere, however, with the fluorescence-enhancement assay by causing a 10- to 20fold increase in rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence by themselves. This effect was observed only when detergent concentrations exceeded the critical micelle concentration (CMC, data not shown), being best ex-
ained by an unspecific hydrophobic interaction of lodamine phalloidin with the detergent micelles. Having a high CMC, octyl-/3-D-glucopyranoside (OG) as chosen as the membrane-permeabilizing agent, eutrophils were fixed for 15 min in the presence of 4% formaldehyde and 2.5% OG, which is sufficient to se cell membranes (27). Subsequently, the cells were luted to reduce the concentration of OG below CMC rhich is 0.64%, (28)) with PBS supplemented with lodamine phalloidin to give a final concentration of 15 vl. and the fluorescence was read after 30 min incu-ition atRT. Up to 1.5 X 106 cells/ml, the fluorescence as linearly related to the cell number, but became iturated at about 1 X 107 cells/ml (Fig. 3A). Assuming lat a neutrophil contains ca. 50 pg actin, of which 30% is polymerized in the resting state (29), up to 500 Vl of cellular F-actin falls into a region of approxi-ately linear relationship with fluorescence enhance-ent of 15 nM rhodamine phalloidin. Making actin jnaccesible to phalloidin by formylation, formalde-/de fixation of F-actin increases its apparent dissoci-ion constant for phalloidin to -400 nM (data not lown). Thus, the obtained results are in a good agree-ent with theory (see Fig. 2 and Table 1) and define inditions to measure relative F-actin changes in neu-ophils.
For comparison, three methods were used to quan-fy F-actin before and after neutrophil stimulation ith fMT.P (Fig. 3B): (i) measurement of Triton-insol-ble actin (5, 6), (ii) fluorescein phalloidin labeling of ills with subsequent methanol extraction of bound /e and fluorescence measurement (13), and (iii) rho-arnine phalloidin fluorescence enhancement method resented here. All detect fMLP-induced actin poly-terization, although (ii) yielded a lower relative in--ease in F-actin, which might be due to an incomplete ¡¡.traction of the dye achieved after 1 h incubation in lethanol used here according to (13, 18) instead of 4-48 h of extraction proposed by Cano and others }0, 14).
In summary, the rhodamine phalloidin fluorescence nhancement assay as presented here is characterized y the following assets: (i) Speed—it takes about 20 lin to quantify F-actin in cell lysates and about 45 min i whole cells, compared to several hours-days re-uired by other methods (18, 30). (ii) Simplicity—no 'ashing or extraction steps, no SDS-PAGE, or densi-ametry analysis are necessary, (iii) Cost—the assay equires 100-1000 times less fluorescently labeled halloidin than competitors (18, 30) and, most impor-antly, reduces the sample size by a similar factor.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Катанаев, Владимир Леонидович, 2000 год
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ulations of CD45R+ cells in spleens or of CD45R+ and CD43+ cells in bone marrow {10). Unlike wild-type mice, however, mice lacking PI3K-/ produced few antibodies containing the X light chain when immunized with T cell-independent (Tl) antigen hydroxylnitro-phenyl (NP)-Ficoll (Fig. 4A). By contrast, mice lacking both PLC-|32 and PLC-(33 consistently produced larger amount of TI antigen-specific antibodies composed of the immunoglobulin X light chain (TI-Ig\L) than did wild-type mice (Fig. 4A). It appears that the PLC pathway, in this case, opposes the PI3K pathway. Enhancement in TI-Ig\L production appeared to be primarily dependent on the PLC-|33 deficiency (Fig. 4A). Neither PLC nor PI3K deficiency affected the production of TI-IgK (Fig. 4B) or of T cell-dependent (TD) antigen NP-chicken gamma globulin (NP-CCG)-specific antibodies composed of either X or k light chains (10). Together these data suggest that the production of TI-IgXL may be subjected to regulation by G protein-mediated signaling pathways. Because no differences were detected between wild-type and PI3K-y-deficient mice in the amount of total serum Ig\L and in the number of B cells carrying cell surface \L (10), we think that PBK7 deficiency is more likely to affect antigen-dependent processes than early development of B cells.
Mice lacking PLC-33 developed spontaneous multifocal skin ulcers usually starting at the age of 6 months or older (Fig. 4C). The lesions were localized mainly behind ears or on the neck, but sometimes also appeared on the face. Similar phenotypes were observed with mice lacking both PLC-|32 and PLC-P3. Histological examination of the lesion tissues revealed hyperinfiltration of leukocytes in the lesion tissues (Fig. 4, D and E). Most of the infiltrated leukocytes had morphological characteristics of macrophages and lymphocytes. No ulcerative lesions were observed in wild-type mice, mice heterozygous for the disrupted PLC-|33 genes, or other transgenic lines including PLC-(32- and PI3K-y-null mice that were housed in the same rooms under the same conditions. This ulcerative phenotype is consistent with the idea that the PLC pathways act to inhibit some important responses mediated by chemoattractants.
In summary, this study with mouse lines deficient in two prominent chemoattractant-ac-tivated signaling pathways confirms that both PI3K.-/ and PLC-|32/-P3 have important roles in chemoattractant-induced responses. The study also revealed roles for these proteins in leukocyte functions, including the involvement of PI3K-V in the production of TI-IgXL and the PLC pathway in down-modulation of chemotaxis and production of TI-IgXL and in hyperinflamma-tory conditions.
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26. The levels of guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-bound Rac were assayed by determining the amount of Rac associated with glutathione S-transferase-protein binding domain (GST-PBD) as described (25), with some modification. Murine neutrophils (1 x 107/50 p.1) were treated with 4 p.M /MLP for the durations indicated. The reaction was stopped by adding the same volume of the 2X lysis buffer [50 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 10 mM MgCl2, 200 mM NaCl, 2% NP-40, 10% glycerol, 2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, leupeptin (2 (i.g/ml), aprotinin (2 (ig/ml), 2 mM orthovanadate, and 10 pg of GST-PBD]. The lysates were centrifuged for 3 min at 700g, and the supernatant was incubated with gluta-thione-Sepharose 4B beads for 1 hour at 4°C after addition of 200 jjlL of binding buffer [25 mM tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT), 30 mM MgCI2, 40 mM NaCl, and 0.5% Triton X-100], The beads were washed three times with a washing buffer (the binding buffer with 1% Triton X-100) and washed one time with the binding buffer in the absence of Triton X-100. The beads were resuspended in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis sample buffer and analyzed by Western blot with an antibody to Rac.
27. Mice (8 to 12 weeks old) were injected intraperito-neally with 10 p,g of Alumn-precipitated NP32-Ficoll (Tl) or NP22-CGG (TD). Sera were collected on day 7. Ten of serum was added to 100 p-l of phosphate-buffered saline. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was carried out in 96-well plates coated with NP30-bovine serum albumin with an ELISA kit from Zymed (South San Francisco, CA).
28. We thank M.-C. Dagher for antibody to p47phox, A. Pahxia for technical help, and A. Satterthwaite and O. Witte for critically reading this manuscript. Supported by grants to D.W. and A.V.S. from NIH and the American Heart Association.