Идея глобальной социологии в международной социологической повестке: единство и разнообразие интерпретаций тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 22.00.01, кандидат наук Кисленко Иван Юрьевич
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Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Кисленко Иван Юрьевич
Table of contents
Abstracts in English, Russian and Dutch
Introduction. What is (un)known about global sociology?
1. Global Sociology: background of the idea and preliminary comments
1.1. Background of the discussion on global sociology in the context of classical sociological thought
1.2. On the role of the concepts of "global North / South" in global sociology
1.3. Historical aspects of the politics of colonialism: a view from the global South
1.4. Correlation between "indigenous" and "national" sociology 63 Final comments on Chapter
2. Universalism vs Particularism: "The South throws down the gauntlet to the North"
2.1. Resistance against the northern hegemony and non-mainstream in sociology
2.2. Key features of southern theory as a new project of sociological theorizing: a critical remark
2.3. One sociology for one world
2.4. Global sociology beyond the dichotomy of universalism / particularism 121 Final comments on Chapter
3. The key points of the idea of global sociology as a struggle for influence on international agenda
3.1. The role of international sociological organizations in the development of the global sociology
3.2. Global sociology as the "other" of public sociology
3.3. Facing the challenges of an unequal world: the "enemies" of global sociology
3.4. Discussion between Burawoy and Sztompka: "Excellence rather than balance?"
3.5. Towards institutional aspect of global sociology idea: a critical remark 173 Final comments on Chapter 3 186 Conclusion. Global sociology - two "faces" and several "masks" 188 References
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Идея глобальной социологии в международной социологической повестке: единство и разнообразие интерпретаций»
Abstracts in English, Russian and Dutch
Abstract (EN). This dissertation focuses on the idea of global sociology and the history of the debate on this issue. It is believed that sociology is a discipline, which exists in leading research centers in North America and Europe. Among the names of both sociological classics and contemporary authors, the overwhelming majority of researchers either come from these regions, or at least have a relation to them. Nevertheless, recently the voices of sociologists of the so-called global South have been heard more and more often, calling for their ideas to be accepted into the sociological family. Sociological practices are reproduced not only in the global North, but also in other countries around the world. It gave rise to a debate on the nature of sociological science, the implementation of its practices in local-national contexts.
Discussions on this issue arise at that time when sociologists of the global South claim their right to indigenous sociologies as well as to an alternative non-Western (Eurocentric) history of sociology. The monopoly of the global North on the production of sociological knowledge is considered as an unfair state of affairs. This situation is perceived by them as a sufficient basis for the decolonization of the discipline and for taking into account alternative southern theories. The latter notion is a label that we put on ideas that were born in opposition to the approaches of northern universalism in sociology. Such approaches cannot in any way get rid of the birth trauma - opposition to the North. They initially proceed from the opposite premise, which means that they oppose an already existing sociological order. The big question is whether such theories are capable of offering their own positive agenda without the presence of a northern ideological opponent.
The dissertation offers for consideration issues related to the formation of the sociological canon in the cradle of Western culture and its transformation. Special attention is paid to the global North and South, their emergence as well as the question of how this division affects sociology. In addition, the main ideas in the stated field from different parts of the world are considered, which are traditionally not taught in classical university courses and offer an alternative view of both the history of sociology and methods of sociological theorizing.
The first chapter is devoted to the context of the discussion, which is necessary for understanding what is happening in global sociology today. The second chapter deals with the universalism / particularism opposition and the substantive arguments of the authors. The third chapter is an analysis of the understanding of global sociology as a struggle "for a better world" and aspirations to establish the egalitarian coexistence of national / indigenous sociologies in the world.
It is necessary to present a brief history of the debate on this issue, together with a reconstruction of the intellectual history of the idea of global sociology. In addition, due to the fact that sociologists, while arguing on this issue, use different strategies for understanding the declared idea, there is a need to present a map of ideas, which means to systematize the debates associated with global sociology. These are the main tasks, which have been solved within the framework of the dissertation.
Аннотация (RU). Эта диссертация посвящена идее глобальной социологии и истории дебатов по этому вопросу. Считается, что социология - это дисциплина лучшие образцы которой, реализуются в ведущих исследовательских центрах в Северной Америки и в Европе. Среди имен как социологических классиков, так и современных авторов подавляющее большинство исследователей либо выходцы из этих регионов, либо по крайней мере, имеют отношение к ним. Тем не менее, в последнее время все чаще звучат голоса социологов, так называемого, глобального Юга, призывающее принять их идеи в общесоциологическую семью. Социологические практики воспроизводятся не только на глобальном Севере, но и в других странах по всему миру. Это породило большую дискуссию о природе социологической науки и реализации ее практик в локально-национальных контекстах.
Обсуждения по этому вопросу возникают в тот момент времени, когда социологи глобального Юга заявляют свое право на коренные социологии (indigenous sociologies), а также на альтернативную, отличную от западной (евроцентричной), историю социологии. Монополия глобального Севера на производство социологического знания рассматривается как несправедливое положение дел. Такая ситуация воспринимается ими как достаточное основание для деколонизации дисциплины и для принятия во внимания альтернативных южных теорий. Последний термин - ярлык, который мы навешиваем уже постфактум на идеи, которые родились в противовес подходам северного универсализма в социологии. Такие подходы не могут никак избавиться от родовой травмы -противопоставления Северу. Они изначально исходят из посылки от противного, то есть выступают против уже существующего социологического порядка. Большой вопрос
способны ли подобные теории предложить свою собственную позитивную повестку без наличия северного идеологического оппонента.
Диссертация предлагает к рассмотрению вопросы, связанные с формирование социологического канона в лоне западной культуры и его трансформации. Отдельно внимание уделено глобальному Северу и Югу, их оформлению, а также вопросу о том, как это деление влияет на социологию. Кроме того, рассматриваются основные идеи в заявленном поле из разных частей света, традиционно не рассматриваемые в классических университетских курсах и предлагающие альтернативный взгляд как на историю социологии, так и на способы социологического теоретизирования.
Первая глава посвящена контексту дискуссии, необходимого для понимания того, что происходит в глобальной социологии сегодня. Вторая глава связана с оппозицией универсализм/партикуляризм и сущностным аргументам авторов. Третья глава является разбором понимания глобальной социологии как борьбы "за лучший мир" и устремлений по установлению эгалитарного сосуществования национальных/коренных социологий в мире.
В настоящее время существует необходимость представить краткую историю дебатов по этому вопросу вместе с реконструкцией интеллектуальной истории идеи глобальной социологии. Кроме того, в связи с тем, что социологи, споря по этому вопросу, используют различные стратегии понимания заявленной идеи, назрела потребность представить "карту идей", то есть произвести систематизацию дебатов, связанных с глобальной социологией. Именно эти основные задачи решены в рамках диссертационного исследования.
Samenvatting (NL). Centraal in dit proefschrift staan de idee van globale sociologie en de geschiedenis van het debat over deze idee. Doorgaans wordt aangenomen dat de sociologie een wetenschappelijke discipline is én dat de sociologie vooral bedreven wordt in toonaangevende onderzoekscentra in Noord-Amerika en Europa. Zowel de overgrote meerderheid van de sociologische klassiekers als van hedendaagse auteurs komt uit deze regio's, of heeft er op zijn minst een relatie mee. Desalniettemin worden de laatste jaren steeds vaker de stemmen gehoord van sociologen uit het globale Zuiden, die oproepen tot de inclusie van hun ideeën in de sociologische canon. Het feit dat sociologische praktijken niet alleen in het globale noorden bestaan, maar ook in andere delen van de hele wereld geeft heden ten dage aanleiding tot heel wat debat over de sociologie als wetenschap, over de diffusie van haar 'klassieke' praktijken in de meest uiteenlopende lokale of nationale contexten.
De discussies over dit onderwerp ontstaan in een tijd waarin sociologen van het Zuiden pleiten voor zowel de erkenning van inheemse sociologieën als de ontwikkeling van een alternatieve niet-westerse (Eurocentrische) geschiedenis van de sociologie. Het monopolie van het globale Noorden op de productie van sociologische kennis wordt betwist. In plaats daarvan wordt gepleit voor de dekolonisatie van het vakgebied en de ondersteuning van alternatieve, 'zuidelijke theorieën'. De term 'zuidelijke theorieën' wordt thans post-factum gebruikt als containerbegrip voor ideeën en voorstellingen, die zich in de loop der tijden probeerden te onderscheiden van het dominante noordelijke universalisme in de sociologie. Dergelijke 'zuidelijke theorieën' kunnen echter op geen enkele manier het geboortetrauma wegwerken. Ze verzetten zich aanvankelijk tegen een reeds bestaande, noordelijke sociologische orde. Maar de vraag is of zulke theorieën in staat
zijn om hun eigen positieve agenda uit te werken, zonder de aanwezigheid van een noordelijke ideologische tegenstander.
Dit proefschrift analyseert verschillende thema's die verband houden met de vorming en de transformatie van de sociologische canon in de schoot van Europa en Noord-Amerika. Speciale aandacht wordt besteed aan het globale Noorden en Zuiden, de grenzen ertussen, en de vraag hoe deze verdeling de sociologie beïnvloedt. Daarnaast worden een aantal belangrijke alternatieve ideeën uit verschillende delen van de wereld besproken, die traditioneel niet worden ingesloten in klassieke universitaire cursussen en die een alternatieve kijk bieden op zowel de geschiedenis van de sociologie als de methoden van sociologische theorievorming.
Het eerste hoofdstuk analyseert de context waarin de debatten over globale sociologie tegenwoordig plaatsvinden. Het tweede hoofdstuk gaat in op de tegenstelling tussen universalisme en particularisme en de inhoudelijke argumenten die daarvoor aangedragen worden. Het derde hoofdstuk is een analyse van het begrip van globale sociologie als een strijd 'voor een betere wereld' en voor de egalitaire co-existentie van diverse nationale of 'inheemse' sociologieën overal ter wereld.
Om inzicht te verwerven in de huidige situatie is het nuttig om een korte geschiedenis van de bredere context te presenteren, tezamen met een reconstructie van de intellectuele geschiedenis van het idee van globale sociologie. Gelet op de veelheid van interpretaties, die van de idee van globale sociologie bestaan, alsook de veelheid van strategieën die voor en tegen deze idee worden ingezet, is het ook nuttig om een 'ideeënmap' te presenteren, dat wil zeggen om de argumenten systematisch te belichten. Dit zijn de belangrijkste taken die in het kader van het proefschriftonderzoek werden opgenomen.
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Заключение диссертации по теме «Теория, методология и история социологии», Кисленко Иван Юрьевич
As a result, completing one of the key lines of the work on the distinction of the approaches, we can define the most significant results, which smoothly pass into a full traditional conclusion to the dissertation. Existing use cases can be summarized as follows.
There are two dominant ways that emerged through the expression "global sociology -two faces and several masks".
1. The international face of global sociology
2. The public face of global sociology
Somewhat smaller masks, using the moves of the two main approaches.
a. The mask of theories of middle range in global sociology
b. The mask of globality
c. In addition, it is necessary to highlight the attribution of the concept by various authors to other areas.
In order to present the existing "map" of ideas inside the global sociology umbrella term, a number of additional actions were implemented within the framework of the dissertation, as well as several problems being solved.
First of all, it was achieved by the second main line of the dissertation. In order to describe the internal structure of global sociology, it was necessary to reconstruct an intellectual history of
the idea, highlighting the milestones of its development and considering all the approaches associated with the discussion on the issue. The development of debates on global sociology from the description of necessary context, and from the beginning of the formation of the idea to the current state of affairs, has been researched. The historical stages of the discussion are highlighted and the appearance of the notion in publications, preceding the main state of the discussion has been presented. Therefore, two main problems were solved in the dissertation: to make a historical and sociological reconstruction of the discussion on the global sociology idea, as well as to implement the procedure of systematizing and distinguishing the strategies, which were used by authors in order to present their arguments.
In addition, the dissertation presents a solution to smaller related problems. Chapter 1 presents the background of the debates on global sociology. This part of the text precedes the key aspects of the work. It helps to get familiar with the context, which is necessary for understanding all of the aspects of the discussion.
Section 1.1. deals with classical sociology and describes that some of ideas from the researched field was partially a part of classics' works. It was devoted to the references to the classical stage of sociological history from the participants of the debates on global sociology in the context of universalism / particularism.
Section 1.2., dedicated to the concepts of global North / South, explains the meaning, content, and role of these notions in global sociology. The history of their emergence and transformation from other categories is demonstrated through the transition "third world -postcolonial countries - global South". It demonstrates that the North / South division in the discussion of global sociology is neither geographical or political in nature. It corresponds to the
practices of northern / southern theories, which sociologists use. It also coincides with ideological beliefs of the authors.
Section 1.3. is the most non-sociological part of this work. It describes issues related to the politics of (neo)colonialism, its formation and eventual elimination from a historical point of view. The influence of these factors on the possibility of the emergence of an alternative sociological discourse is considered. An analysis is presented, based on the study of the colonial background of the discussion on global sociology from the point of view of the global South.
Section 1.4. is devoted to the distinction between the concepts of indigenous and national sociologies. Issues, related to different connotations of the notions, are considered. The problem of erasing the boundaries between them is tackled and the argumentation for the corresponding demarcation is discussed. The concepts differ in the degree of radicalism of the judgements and level of claims to a special status. Also, this section was accompanied with the Russian case of the debates, which had influence not only on the local sociological community, but also on the international agenda.
Chapter 2 dwells on the examination of the international face of global sociology in accordance with the proposed distinction and typology. It considers the ideas that came to sociology from the global South and also presents a range of approaches that defend the universalism of northern sociology.
Section 2.1. examines the opposition to the northern dominance in social theory. It contains the key ideas and the historical twists in the fate of the sociologies of the global South. Arguments against the dominance of the northern theory in sociology are considered. The
sociological meaning of each of the presented interpretations is shown: from indigenous sociologies to the epistemologies of the South and connected sociologies.
Section 2.2. demonstrates key features of southern theory. It contains the issue of classical sociology and its canon, criticizing the current state of affairs and proposing to look at the issue from a different point of view. It is a known fact that the canon is changeable; it can be transformed and accept or reject certain names. According to Connell, the process of its formation is an additional argument in the discussion on ignoring the southern discourse. Nevertheless, a critical remark was suggested, presenting the weaknesses of the southern theory and the doubts on the prospect of the South, developing a positive agenda in social theory.
Section 2.3. is ideologically opposite to the two previous sections. Here, the main arguments of the authors against the possibility of an alternative development of sociology through a southern perspective are given. A small number of sociologists decided to defend sociological universalism. Nevertheless, this is an important point in the discussion, which could not be ignored.
Section 2.4. is located between the second and third chapters of this dissertation. It considers a set of the "masks", which global sociology uses for its "faces", namely international (Chapter 2) and public (Chapter 3). It also presents the spectrum of the attribution of the idea to the related areas of sociological knowledge.
Chapter 3 is devoted to the ideas presented as a struggle for the influence on international agenda via international sociological organizations. This chapter is mostly identified with Burawoy, who is the one of the key figures in global sociology. The work has been done to periodize the author's work with the idea. The key arguments in this approach are elucidated.
Section 3.1. considers the role of international sociological organizations in the formation of the idea of global sociology. It analyzes the processes within the International Sociological Association and its international events. Also, it refers to the confrontation between ISA and International Institute of Sociology (IIS), which ultimately reduced its public activity to a minimum and does not have any influence on the international agenda any longer. Due to the number of circumstances, the ideological victory of the ISA was finally formed when Burawoy took significant positions in ISA.
In addition, the issue of the role of the presidential address within the framework of various organizations in the history of the idea is examined. This element has been present throughout the history of global sociology. The authors use it as a declarative opportunity, because at the moment of the address the real and virtual attention is completely concentrated on the speaker. Sociologists use such an instrument in order to promote their ideas.
Section 3.2. examines the influence of public sociology on its global version. It demonstrates that Burawoy's idea of global sociology is based on the influence of one idea on another, which largely corresponds to the early interpretation of public sociology.
Section 3.3. breaks down Burawoy's late understanding of global sociology, which would eventually become the most dominant. It is based on the idea of the total criticism of neoliberalism and the third wave of the marketization of knowledge, but applying exclusively to sociology as a science itself. Such an idea in Burawoy's works appears under the influence of Polanyi's book, The Great Transformation.
Section 3.4. reflects on the global sociology discussion between Burawoy and Sztompka, which took place from the second half of the 2000s till the early 2010s. The main ideas of the authors and the key points of criticism of both sides of the dispute are demonstrated.
Section 3.5. is a critique of the centralization of Burawoy's idea on the ISA through critical reflection of his approach. The main focus of the section is the demonstration of the fact that his idea is tightly connected to institutional preferences, which were available to him at the position of (vice)president.
The conclusion concentrates on the historical and systematic analysis in order to highlight a specific typology with the definition of the primary and secondary methods of the demarcation of the idea.
For a long time, global sociology as a research area was not considered as an independent theoretical field. It did not have its own intellectual history and was not considered as a unified space. Discussion practices varied from case to case, and there was a need to fill in the existing research gap. In addition, a brief history of the idea has to be written. Both tasks were completed within the text of this dissertation.
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