Функционализация графена биологически активными молекулами и лекарственными препаратами для применения в нанобиомедицине тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Абделхалим Абделсаттар Осама Елемам

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  • 2022, ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет»
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Абделхалим Абделсаттар Осама Елемам. Функционализация графена биологически активными молекулами и лекарственными препаратами для применения в нанобиомедицине: дис. кандидат наук: 00.00.00 - Другие cпециальности. ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет». 2022. 348 с.

Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Абделхалим Абделсаттар Осама Елемам

Table of Contents


1. Chapter 1. Literature review

1.1. Functionalisation of GBN

1.1.1. Graphene conjugation with organic molecules

1.1.2. Graphene conjugation with inorganic molecules

1.1.3. Graphene conjugation with polymers

1.1.4. Graphene conjugation with anticancer drugs

1.1.5. Graphene conjugations with biomolecules

1.2. Biocompatibility of GBN

1.2.1. Haemolysis

1.2.2. Thrombocyte aggregation

1.2.3. Binding to human serum albumin

1.2.4. Genotoxicity

1.2.5. Cytotoxicity

1.3. GBN dispersion stability

2. Chapter 2. Experimental part

2.1. Synthesis of GBN

2.1.1. Synthesis of GONPs Synthesis of GO Large-scale synthesis of GO enriched with oxygen

2.1.2. Synthesis of rGO

2.1.3. Synthesis of GO covalently functionalised with L-methionine (GFM)

2.1.4. Synthesis of GO covalently functionalised with L-cysteine (GFC)

2.1.5. Synthesis of GO covalently functionalised with DOX (GO-DOX)

2.2. Apparatus and equipments

2.3. Biomedical investigations of GBN

2.3.1. Haemocompatibility investigations Haemolysis activity Platelet aggregation Plasma-coagulation hemostasis Binding to human serum albumin Esterase activity of HSA

2.3.2. Antioxidant activity Antiradical activity Scavenging of NO-radicals Photodynamic activity Photoinduced haemolysis

2.3.3. Interaction with DNA Binding to DNA Genotoxicity

2.3.4. Cytotoxicity

2.3.5. Size distribution and Z-potentials of GBN

2.3.6. Statistical analysis

3. Chapter 3. Identification results of GBN

3.1. Identification of GO

3.1.1. Infrared spectroscopy (IR)

3.1.2. 13C NMR

3.1.3. X-Ray differaction (XRD)

3.1.4. Raman spectroscopy

3.1.5. UV-Vis spectroscopy

3.1.6. X-Ray photo electron spectroscopy (XPS)

3.1.7. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA)

3.1.8. Morphology study (HRTEM and SEM)

3.1.9. Size distribution and Z-potentials

3.2. Identification of rGO

3.2.1. IR spectroscopy

3.2.2. XRD

3.2.3. XPS

3.2.4. TGA

3.2.5. Raman spectroscopy

3.2.6. HRTEM

3.3. Identification of GFC

3.3.1. IR spectroscopy

3.3.2. XRD

3.3.3. XPS

3.3.4. TGA

3.3.5. Raman spectroscopy

3.3.6. HRTEM

3.3.7. Size distribution and Z-potentials

3.4. Identification of GFM

3.4.1. IR spectroscopy

3.4.2. XRD

3.4.3. XPS

3.4.4. TGA

3.4.5. Raman spectroscopy

3.4.6. Morphology study (HRTEM and SEM)

3.4.7. Size distribution and Z-potentials

3.5. Identification of GO-DOX

3.5.1. IR spectroscopy

3.5.2. 13C NMR

3.5.3. XRD

3.5.4. Raman spectroscopy

3.5.5. UV-Vis spectroscopy

3.5.6. XPS

3.5.7. Elemental analysis

3.5.8. HRTEM

4. Chapter 4. Biomedical investigation results

4.1. Biocompatibility of GBN

4.1.1. Haemocompatability Spontaneous haemolysis Platelet aggregation Plasma-coagulation hemostasis Binding to human serum albumin Esterase activity of HSA

4.1.2. Antioxidant activity Antiradical activity Scavenging of NO-radicals Photodynamic properties Photoinduced haemolysis

4.1.3. Interaction with DNA Binding to DNA Genotoxicity

4.1.4. Cytotoxicity

4.2. Anticancer activity of GO-DOX

5. Main results and conclusion

6. List of abbreviations

7. Acknowledgements

8. References

Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК

Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Функционализация графена биологически активными молекулами и лекарственными препаратами для применения в нанобиомедицине»


Graphene based nanomaterials (GBN) such as graphene oxide (GO), graphene, and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been at the forefront of research due to their unique structure and distinguished physico-chemical properties. One of the most important application of GBN is biomedicine (Fig. 1): tissue engineering [1], bioimaging [2,3] targeted anticancer drug delivery [4-9], biosensors [10-12], development of antiviral [13-16], antibacterial [17-20], antifungal materials [21,22], as well as the delivery of biomolecules such as enzymes [23,24], proteins [25-27], genes [2830], RNA [31,32], and DNA [33,34].

Delivery of drugs and biomolecules

Antiviral agents

Antibacterial agents

Anticancer agents

Tissue engineering

Fig. 1. The application of GBN in nanobiomedicine.

In addition, GBN were used as materials for energy applications (fuel cells [35,36], batteries [37,38], solar cells [39,40]), for manufacturing smart materials [41], nano-enhancers to design heat transfer media with better thermal performance [42-44] and for water disinfection and desalination [45-47]. Fig. 2 summarises the publications distribution in these research areas.

GBN can be functionalised through covalent [48-52] and non-covalent [53-57] interactions. Functionalisation of GBN leads to the enhancement of their electrical [58,59], optical [60,61], thermal [62,63], electronic [64-66], and mechanical [67,68] properties.


Fuel cells

Drug delivery

Gene delivery

Tissue engineering

Photothermal agents

Solar cells

Superconductors Antifungal agents

Antiviral agents

Antibacterial agents Bioimaging


Anticancer agents Biosensors

Fig. 2. Publication distribution of GBN applications in various research areas.

Graphene is a monolayer carbonaceous material [69] that can be prepared in the form of single or multilayered flakes depending on the method of preparation [70]. It can be synthesised using various methods such as chemical vapour deposition (CVD) [71-77], electrochemical exfoliation of graphite [78-83], mechanochemical exfoliation of graphite [84] as well as chemical and thermal reduction of GO resulting in the formation of rGO [85-91].

Graphene is composed of sp2-hybridised hexagonal carbon atoms forming two-dimensional nanolayers, while GO contains various oxygen functional groups distributed on the surface such as carboxyl, carbonyl, and lactol at the edges of GO layers in addition to epoxy and hydroxyl groups on the basal plane [92-97], (Fig. 3). rGO is a form of GO in which most of the oxygen-containing functional groups are reduced by such agents as hydrazine hydrate or biomolecules [98,99]. A single layer of graphene was isolated in 2004 by Andrei Geim and Konstantin Novoselv [100], while GO was synthesised for the first time in 1859 by Benjamin Brody by oxidising graphite using a mixture of oxidising agents potassium chlorate and fuming nitric acid [101]. However, the most efficient method was developed by William Hummers and Richard Offeman in 1957 using the oxidising mixture of sulphuric acid, sodium nitrate, and potassium permanganate [102].

The literature review summarises approaches for the covalent and non-covalent functionalisation of GBN [103,104]. Due to multifunctional groups located on the GO surface as well as the presense of sp2-hybridised carbon atoms, further functionalisation of GBN can be conducted with the molecules of various nature. A multitude of organic reactions (Fig. 4) can be carried out:

amidation, esterification, 1,3-dipolarcycloaddition, halogenations, as well as hydrogen bonding, n-n stacking interactions, and hydrophobic interactions.

Fig. 3. GO structure.

These reactions allow to obtain unique materials for biomedical applications, such as cancer treatment [105], drug and biomolecules delivery [106,107], development of biosensors [108] and materials with antiviral [109], antibacterial [110], and antifungal properties [111]. The literature demonstrates that among GBN, GO has the highest potential for the applications in nanomedicine due to the following reasons:

(i) GO consists of various functional groups which allow to perform further functionalisation of the surface.

(ii) The functionalisation of GO increases its biocompatibility.

(iii) The presence of oxygen-containing functional groups provides the stability of GO aqueous dispersions.

The aim of the work

The aim of the work is the synthesis, identification and investigation of the biocompatibility of graphene oxide enriched with oxygen-containing functional groups, as well as graphene oxide functionalised with various biomolecules (sulfur-containing amino acids and doxorubicin (DOX)).

The following tasks were formulated in order to achieve the goal of the work

1. Development of methods for the synthesis of GBN, such as graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, graphene oxide modified by L-methionine and L-cysteine, graphene oxide modified by doxorubicin.

2. Identification of the synthesised GBN using the complex physico-chemical methods: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray differaction analysis, IR, UV, 13C NMR, Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning and transmission electron microscopy.

3. Biocompatibility study of the synthesised GBN, including the study of hemocompatibility, antioxidant activity, cyto- and genotoxicity.

Scientific novelty of the results

1. For the first time, a scalable method was developed for the synthesis of graphene oxide enriched with oxygen-containing functional groups (85%).

2. For the first time, a new reduction method for GO was developed using green chemistry approach.

3. The method of covalent functionalisation of graphene oxide with sulfur-containing amino acids (L-methionine and L-cysteine) was developed for the first time.

4. For the first time, graphene oxide was covalently functionalised with the anticancer drug doxorubicin (GO-DOX) with a loading of 87%. The synthesised conjugate showed anti-aggregant activity and pronounced cytotoxicity against A549 cell line, significantly superior to individual doxorubicin, as well as low cytotoxicity against human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293.

5. A comprehensive study of biocompatibility of new materials based on graphene oxide, including the study of cyto- and genotoxicity, antioxidant properties, spontaneous hemolysis, platelet aggregation, plasma coagulation homeostasis parameters, binding to DNA, transport proteins was carried out.

The reliability and approbation of the research results

The results were published in seven peer-reviewed scientific journals and presented at six All-Russian and International scientific conferences.

List of Publications:

The results were published in the following peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:

1. A.O.E. Abdelhalim, V. V. Sharoyko, A.A. Meshcheriakov, M.D. Luttsev, A.A. Potanin, N.R. Iamalova, E.E. Zakharov, S. V. Ageev, A. V. Petrov, L. V. Vasina, I.L. Solovtsova, A. V. Nashchekin, I. V. Murin, K.N. Semenov, Synthesis, characterisation and biocompatibility of graphene-L-methionine nanomaterial, J. Mol. Liq. 314 (2020) 113605. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2020.113605. (Q1 journal, IF: 6.165).

2. A.O.E. Abdelhalim, V. V. Sharoyko, A.A. Meshcheriakov, S.D. Martynova, S. V. Ageev, G.O. Iurev, H. Al Mulla, A. V. Petrov, I.L. Solovtsova, L. V. Vasina, I. V. Murin, K.N. Semenov, Reduction and functionalization of graphene oxide with L-cysteine: Synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility, Nanomedicine Nanotechnology, Biol. Med. 29 (2020) 102284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nano.2020.102284. (Q1 journal, IF: 6.458).

3. A.O.E. Abdelhalim, A.A. Meshcheriakov, D.N. Maistrenko, O.E. Molchanov, S. V. Ageev, D.A. Ivanova, N.R. Iamalova, M.D. Luttsev, L. V. Vasina, V. V. Sharoyko, K.N. Semenov, Graphene oxide enriched with oxygen-containing groups: on the way to an increase of antioxidant activity

and biocompatibility, Colloids Surfaces B Bionterfaces. Volume 210, February 2022, 112232. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.112232. (Q1 journal, IF: 5.268).

4. Abdelsattar OE Abdelhalim, Vladimir V Sharoyko, Sergei V Ageev, Vladimir S Farafonov, Dmitry A Nerukh, Viktor N Postnov, Andrey V Petrov, Konstantin N Semenov, Graphene Oxide of Extra High Oxidation: A Wafer for Loading Guest Molecules, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2021 Oct 21;12(41):10015-10024. https://doi.org/10.1021/ACS.JPCLETT.1C02766. (Q1 journal, IF: 6.475).

5. Abdelsattar O. E. Abdelhalim, Konstantin N. Semenov, Dmitry A. Nerukh, Igor V. Murin, Dmitrii N. Maistrenko, Oleg E. Molchanov, Vladimir V. Sharoyko, Functionalisation of graphene as a tool for developing nanomaterials with predefined properties, J. Mol. Liq. 348 (2022) 118368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2021.118368. (Q1 journal, IF: 6.165).

6. Anna M. Malkova , Sergei V. Ageev, Abdelsattar O. E. Abdelhalim, Oleg E. Molchanov, Dmitrii N. Maistrenko, Konstantin N. Semenov, Vladimir V. Sharoyko, Mutual influence of malignant cells and cellular microenvironment: prospects for manipulating tumour microenvironment with nanomaterials, Cellular Therapy and Transplantation 2021; 10(3-4):8-18, DQI:10.18620/ctt-1866-8836-2021-10-3-4-8-18. (Q4 journal, IF: 0.5).

7. Abdelsattar O. E. Abdelhalim, Sergei V. Ageev, Andrey V. Petrov, Anatolii A.Meshcheriakov, Mikhail D. Luttsev, Lubov V. Vasina, Iuliia A. Nashchekina, Igor V.Murin, Oleg E. Molchanov, Dmitrii N. Maistrenko, Artem A. Potanin, Konstantin N.Semenov, Vladimir V. Sharoyko, Graphene oxide conjugated with doxorubicin: synthesis, bioactivity, and biosafety, J. Mol. Liq. 2022 (Q1 journal, IF: 6.165).

List of Conferences:

The results were reported in the following scientific conferences:

1. Materials of XXVI All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists with International Participation "Actual problems of biomedicine - 2020", 26-27 March 2020. With a presentation titled (Synthesis, characterisation and biomedical investigation of graphene functionalized by L-methionine), Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2020.

2. Materials of XXVI All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists with international participation "Actual problems of biomedicine - 2020" 26 - 27 March, 2020. With a presentation titled "Biomedical study of graphene functionalised by the amino acid L-cysteine", Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2020.

3. International Conference on Natural Sciences and Humanities - "Science SPbU - 2020". With the title: (A new scalable method for the synthesis of graphene oxide with a high content of oxygen-containing functional groups), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2020.

4. National (All-Russian) conference on natural sciences and humanities with international participation "Science SPbU - 2020". With the title: (Study of biocompatibility of graphene

oxide, Modified with sulfur-containing amino acids l-Methionine and l-cysteine), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2020.

5. International Conference on Natural Sciences and Humanities - "Science SPbU - 2021". With the title of (Functionalisation of graphene with doxorubicin for enhancing anticancer activity),

Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2021.

6. Materials of XXVIII All-russian conference young scientists with international participation "Actual problems of biomedicine-2022". With the title of (Antioxidant activity of graphene oxide with a high content of functional groups), Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2022.

List of patents:

One patent: (A method for large scale synthesis of graphene oxide). registration number: 2021107973, priority date 24.03.2021. Statements of the thesis to be defended

1. Scalable method for the synthesis of graphene oxide enriched with oxygen-containing functional groups (up to 85%).

2. Methods of functionalisation of graphene oxide with various biomolecules (sulfur-containing amino acids L-methionine and L-cysteine, doxorubicin).

3. Identification of the obtained nanomaterials by methods of physico-chemical analysis.

4. A comprehensive study of the biocompatibility of the obtained nanomaterials. Structure of the thesis:

The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, a conclusion, a list of abbreviations; the first chapter presents a literature review, the second chapter describes materials and research methods, the third chapter discusses the results obtained on the synthesis and identification of GBN, the fourth chapter presents the results of biomedical investigation on graphene oxide and GBN. The dissertation consists of 168 pages of typewritten text, 113 figures, 26 tables and 309 references.

The personal contribution of the author was the synthesis and identification of graphene oxide and GBN, the study of the biocompatibility of the obtained nanomaterials, the discussion of experimental results and the preparation of scientific articles.

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Заключение диссертации по теме «Другие cпециальности», Абделхалим Абделсаттар Осама Елемам

5. Основные результаты и заключение

1. Разработана масштабируемая методика синтеза оксида графена, обогащенного до 85% кислородсодержащими функциональными группами (гидроксильными, карбонильными, карбоксильными, лактольными, эпоксидными). Установлено, что увеличение количества функциональных групп на поверхности оксида графена приводит к более высокой биосовместимости наноматериала, а также повышению стабильности водных дисперсий.

2. Разработана одностадийная методика с использованием подходов зеленой химии, позволяющая с высоким выходом проводить реакцию восстановления оксида графена с использованием Ь-цистеина. Низкое содержание кислородсодержащих групп было установлено методом рентгеновской фотоэлектронной спектроскопии.

3. Разработаны новые методики ковалентной иммобилизации биологически активных молекул (серосодержащих аминокислот) и цитостатического препарата доксорубицина.

4. Установлено, что синтезированный оксида графена, а также конъюгаты на его основе с Ь-цистеином и Ь-метионином являются гемосовместимыми, не проявляют цито- и генотоксичности, связываются с транспортными белками крови, имеют потенциал применения в фотодинамической терапии, а также могут быть использованы в качестве прекурсоров для разработки систем адресной доставки лекарств.

5. На основе изучения кинетики реакции с использованием 2,2-дифенил-1-пикрилгидразила было установлено, что конъюгат на основе оксида графена с Ь-цистеином проявляет антиоксидантную активность, превышающую более, чем в 6 раз антиоксидантную активность аскорбиновой кислоты.

6. Показана высокая цитостатическая активность конъюгата на основе оксида графена и доксорубицина в отношении клеточной линии аденокарциномы легкого человека А549. При этом конъюгат оказался менее цитотоксичным по отношению к нормальной клеточной линии почки эмбриона человека НЕК293 в сравнении с индивидуальным доксорубицином

Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Абделхалим Абделсаттар Осама Елемам, 2022 год

8. Список литературы

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