Энергетическая политика России в Арктике: международный аспект тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Калфаоглу Рабия
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Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Калфаоглу Рабия
Глава 1. Теоретико-методологические основы исследования энергетической политики России в Арктике
1.1. Методологические основы изучения энергетической политики Российской Федерации
1.2. Ресурсный фактор и проблемы международно-правового статуса Арктической зоны Российской Федерации
Выводы по главе
Глава 2. Особенности энергетической политики России в Арктике
2.1. Национальные интересы России в Арктике в сфере освоения энергетических ресурсов
2.2. Политика России по обеспечению энергетической безопасности в Арктике
2.3. Значение Северного морского пути в энергетической политике России в Арктике
Выводы по главе
Глава 3. Тенденции и перспективы международных энергетических отношений России в Арктике
3.1. Политика энергетических отношений России с США в Арктике
3.2. Политика энергетических отношений России с Норвегией в Арктике
3.3. Политика энергетических отношений России с Канадой и Данией в Арктике
3.4. Политика энергетических отношений России со странами Азии (Китай, Япония, Республика Корея и Индия) в Арктике
Выводы по главе
Рекомендованный список диссертаций по специальности «Другие cпециальности», 00.00.00 шифр ВАК
Соперничество России и НАТО в Арктическом регионе: ключевые направления и тенденции2024 год, кандидат наук Аржанов Игорь Александрович
Международное сотрудничество и соперничество в Арктике: ресурсный потенциал, национальные интересы России и прибрежных арктических государств2024 год, кандидат наук Зюзина Алена Анатольевна
Арктика во внешней политике РФ, США и КНР в контексте региональной безопасности (1991–2021 гг.)2022 год, кандидат наук Никулин Максим Андреевич
Энергетический фактор в международных отношениях в Арктике2017 год, кандидат наук Матияк Любовь Анатольевна
Арктическая политика Дании, Норвегии и России: 1990-е гг. - XXI в.2013 год, кандидат наук Тулупов, Дмитрий Сергеевич
Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Энергетическая политика России в Арктике: международный аспект»
На фоне глобальных изменений климата Земли, которые наблюдаются в последнее время, интерес к Арктическому региону растет: это связано с богатством его ресурсов, большим потенциалом использования новых морских путей и изменением климата в регионе. Сегодня Арктика считается наиболее перспективным регионом с точки зрения разведки и освоения новых богатых месторождений углеводородов, что, поможет возместить убытки, связанные с сокращением добычи в традиционных нефтегазовых районах. В этой связи интерес к региону проявляют крупнейшие нефтедобывающие страны: Россия, США, Норвегия и Канада, которые входят в традиционную «арктическую пятерку»1, - а также азиатские страны, такие как Китай, Япония, Южная Корея и Индия, которые находятся на переднем крае мирового потребления энергии.
Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена большим значением энергетической политики России в Арктическом регионе и выстраивания Россией политических отношений со странами «арктической пятерки» с геоэкономической точки зрения, а также растущим значением сотрудничества со странами Азии и перспективами российской энергетической политики в Арктике. Внимание к Арктике тесно связано с имеющимися в регионе энергоресурсами: нефтью и природным газом. При этом значительная часть запасов этих ресурсов расположена в России, стране с самой протяженной береговой линией в Арктике. Причина, по которой было проведено исследование по этой теме, заключается в том, что регион в настоящее время находится в процессе динамичного развития. Продолжение разработки, разведки и освоения нефтяных и газовых месторождений севера России, в частности, в Арктической зоне Российской Федерации (АЗРФ), - одна из ключевых задач для России в XXI веке.
1 Согласно Конвенции ООН по морскому праву 1982 года, пять арктических стран, также называемых «Арктической пятеркой», чьи земли выходят к Северному Ледовитому океану: Канада, Россия, Дания, Соединенные Штаты и Норвегия, - являются государствами, имеющими права на подводные хребты или континентальные шельфы. Остальные три арктических государства - Швеция, Финляндия и Исландия - не претендуют на шельфы.
Энергетические ресурсы Арктики способствуют экономическому росту России и сохранению ее лидирующих позиций в регионе. Пока национальным интересам России в регионе ничто не угрожает, она стремится к мирному сотрудничеству, особенно на двустороннем уровне, со странами «арктической пятерки» для достижения своих целей в Арктическом регионе. Кроме того, необходимость диверсификации партнеров России в Арктическом регионе совпадает с потребностью диверсификации энергетических ресурсов азиатских стран и создает условия для взаимовыгодного сотрудничества еще и с этими партнерами.
Степень научной разработанности проблемы
Темы, связанные с Арктикой и энергетической политикой России, неоднократно становились предметом научных исследований, регулярно активно обсуждаются в средствах массовой информации и публицистике. Большое количество исследований: как отечественных, так и зарубежных - посвящено исследованию арктической политики России и энергетическим исследованиям в регионе.
Многоаспектное изучение проблемы использования ресурсов Арктики и освоения северной части Арктического региона проводится в большом количестве работ российских ученых. Авторы предлагают стратегии исследования вклада энергоресурсов Арктического региона в экономику страны, исследования арктических месторождений, что позволит осваивать и расширять
2 Додин Д.А. Устойчивое развитие Арктики (проблемы и перспективы). -СПб.: Наука 2005- 283 с.; Российская Арктика в изменяющемся мире: монография / Ю.Ф. Лукин; Сев. (Арктич.) федер. ун -т им. Ломоносова. - Архангельск: ИПЦ САФУ, 2013. - 281 с.; Додин Д.А., Каминский В.Д., Супруненко О.И., Павленко В.И. Узловые проблемы обеспечения экономического развития российской Арктики// Арктика: экология и экономика No4, 2011. с.64-79.; Григорьев М., Светлова Ж., Соколова Е., Минерально-сырьевые центры как объекты управления освоением ресурсного потенциала Арктической зоны Российской Федерации// Арктические ведомости. No 2(30). 2020. с.25-26.; Фадеев А.М., Череповицын А.Е., Ларичкин Ф.Д. Стратегическое управление нефтегазовым комплексом в Арктике: монография. Апатиты: КНЦ РАН; 2019. - 289 с.; Гридина Е.Б., Ходырева А.С. Актуальные проблемы промышленной безопасности и охраны труда при добыче и транспортировке природного газа на арктическом шельфе// Международная научно-практическая конференция. Санкт-Петербург. 2020 г. с. 42-43.; Конопляник А., Бузовский В., Попова Ю., Трошина Н. Влияние антироссийских санкций на освоение нефтегазового потенциала российского арктического шельфа и развилки энергетической политики России// Восток Капитал. 2015. с. 32-34.; Казанцев С. В. Оценка влияния антироссийских санкций на топливно-энергетический и оборонно-промышленный комплексы России. Мир Новой Эконфомики. T. 12. No 3. 2018. c.36-46.; Гулиев И.А., Литвинюк И.И. Экономические аспекты освоения энергетических ресурсов Арктики в контексте устойчивого развития// Вестник Московского Университета. Сер. 21. Управление (государство и общество). No 3. 2015. C. 66-78.; Шишкин С. А. Роль российского морского регистра судоходства в реализации стратегии по освоению Арктики // Neftegaz.RU [4]. 2021. с. 48-53.; Инджиев А. А. Битва за Арктику. Будет ли Север Русским?// Яуза, Эксмо. -М. 2010. 224с.; Российская Арктика: к новому пониманию процессов освоения // Н.Ю. Замятина, А.Н. Пилясов. - Москва : URSS, 2019. - 400 с.
регионы размещения энергоресурсов. Наибольшее значение в этих исследованиях имеет рассмотрение инновационных технологий, необходимых для разработки углеводородных месторождений, добычи и транспортировки нефтегазовых ресурсов.
Зарубежные исследователи рассматривали проблемы энергоресурсов и политики России в Арктическом регионе, стабильности развития региона, изучали возможности международного сотрудничества в этом регионе.3 Данные исследования содержат обобщенную оценку возможностей развития новых технологий разведки, добычи и транспортировки арктических нефти и газа.
Развитие Северного морского пути является вторым ведущим направлением хозяйственной деятельности в Арктическом регионе. Исследования4, ученых, изучающих эту тему, посвящены значению Северного морского пути для разработки арктических месторождений в контексте прогнозируемого глобального и регионального потепления. Данные ученые исследовали развитие внутренних перевозок и транспортировки сырья, которое добывается в Арктическом регионе.
3 Laruelle M., Russia's Arctic Policy: A Power Strategy and Its Limits// Russie.Nei.Visions. No. 117. Ifri. 2020. 29 p.; Berkman P., Vylegzhanin A. (eds) Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. Springer, Dordrecht. 2012.; Peimani, Hooman: Energy security and geopolitics in the Arctic: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century, Singapore; Hackensack, NJ, Singapore: World Scientific; Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore, 2012; Pilyavsky V. P. The Arctic Russian Geopolitical and Economic Interests// Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Briefing Paper. 2011.; Khodachek A.M.. Prospects of socio-economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation// E3S Web of Conferences 247. 2021.; Hines J., Josefson J., Marchenko A., Rotar A., Oil and gas regulation in the Russian Federation: overview// Lewis & Bockius LLP. 2021.; Carlsson M., Granholm N. Russia and the Arctic Analysis and Discussion of Russian Strategies// FOI-R--3596—SE. 2013. 46 p.; Conley H.A., Wall C. U.S.-Russian Arctic Relations: A Change in Climate?// Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). 2021.; Pelaudeix C., Basse E. M. Governance of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas// Global Governance. Series Editor: John J. Kirton. 2018.; Houseknecht D. W., Bird K. J. Oil and Gas Resources of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province// U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1732-A. 2006. 11 p.; Harsem 0., Eide A., Heen K. Factors influencing future oil and gas prospects in the Arctic// Energy Policy. No 39. 2011. Pp. 8037-8045.; M. Blunden. The New Problem of Arctic Stability// Survival: Global Politics and Strategy. No 51:5. 2009. Pp. 121-142. DOI: 10.1080/00396330903309899; Natalia Andreassen. Arctic energy development in Russia—How "sustainability" can fit?// Energy Research & Social Science. No 16 .2016. pp. 78-88.; Johnston, Peter. Arctic Energy Resources: Security and Environmental Implications// Journal of Strategic Security. Volume 5. No. 3. 2012. Pp.13-32.; Bernard W. Funston. Arctic Energy// Arctic Council Sustainable Development Working Group. SDWG Energy Report to Ministers. 2009. Pp. 6-34.;
4 Митько А. В. Перспективы развития портовой инфраструктуры арктического региона// Neftegaz.RU [4]. 2021. с. 65.; Григорьев М., Монько Н. На запад и Восток о развитии стабильной круглогодичной транспортировки СПГ по Северному морскому пути// Газовый Бизнес 2. 2020. с. 29-33.; Григорьев М., Монько Н. Суда арктической нефти// Нефтегазовая Вертикаль. No 3-4. 2021. с.86-92.; Крутиков А.В., Смирнова О.О., Бочарова Л.К., Стратегия развития российской Арктики. Итоги и перспективы// Арктика и Север. 2020. No 40. с. 254-269.; Faury O., Cariou P. The Northern Sea Route Competitiveness for Oil Tankers. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 2016. No 94, p.461-469.; Granberg A. G., The northern sea route: trends and prospects of commercial use// Ocean & Coastal Management. 41. 1998. p. 175-207.; Конышев В.Н., Сергунин А.А. Международные организации и сотрудничество в Арктике // Вестник международных организаций. 2011. No 3 (34). С. 27-36.;
Большой интерес представляют работы, посвященные международным
отношениям и политике в Арктике5. Существует множество работ зарубежных
специалистов , позволяющих изучить развитие международных экономических отношений в энергетическом секторе, оценить целесообразность и условия включения России в мировые экономические отношения внутри региона. Эти
5 Конышев В.Н., Сергунин А.А. Международные организации и сотрудничество в Арктике // Вестник международных организаций. 2011. No 3 (34). С. 27-36.; Лукин Ю.Ф. Великий передел Арктики / Ю.Ф. Лукин.— Архангельск: Северный (Арктический) федеральный университет, 2010.— 400 с.; Арктика: зона мира и сотрудничества / Отв. ред. - А.В. Загорский. -М.: ИМЭМО РАН, 2011. - 195 с.; Международно-политические условия развития Арктической. - М. 43 зоны Российской Федерации / под ред. А. В. Загорского; ИМЭМО РАН — М.: Магистр, 2015. — 304 с.; Арктика. Предложения к дорожной карте международного сотрудничества / [А. В. Загорский и др. ; гл. ред. И. С. Иванов]. - М. : Спецкнига, 2012. - 40 с.; Морозов Ю.В., Клименко А.Ф. Китай и другие государства Северо-Восточной Азии в «Арктической гонке». В сб. «Китай в мировой и региональной политике. История и современность». 2015, No 20, стр. 173-191.; Trenin D., Baev P.K. The Arctic: A View from Russia// Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 2010. 34 p.; Азиатские игроки в Арктике: интересы, возможности, перспективы. Доклад No 26/2016 / [Т.А. Махмутов и др.]; [гл. ред. И.С. Иванов]; Российский совет по международным делам (РСМД). - М.: НП РСМД, 2016. - 56 с.; Арктика в фокусе современной геополитики // М.Г. Делягин, В.А. Лепехин, Д.И. Орлов и др. Институт региональных проблем. М: 2015. 56 с.; Арктика: новый формат международного сотрудничества / Н.М. Антюшина. - М.: Ин-т Европы РАН , 2014. - 138 с.; Журавель В.П. Китай, Республика Корея, Япония в Арктике: политика, экономика, безопасность // Арктика и Север. 2016. No 24. С. 112-144.; Pezard, S., Tingstad A., Abel K. V., Stephenson S.R. Maintaining Arctic Cooperation with Russia: Planning for Regional Change in the Far North// Santa Monica: RAND Corporation.; Международное сотрудничество в Арктике. Доклад 2013 / [А.В. Загорский, А.И. Глубоков, Е.Н. Хмелева]; [гл. ред. И.С. Иванов]; Российский совет по междунар. делам (РСМД). — М.: Спецкнига, 2013. — 56 с.; Потенциал российской Арктики для международного сотрудничества: доклад No 17/2015 / [А.Н. Пилясов (рук.), А.В. Котов]; [гл. ред. И.С. Иванов]; Российский совет по международным делам (РСМД). - М.: Спецкнига, 2015. - 120 с.; Приоритеты России в Арктике. Специальный доклад к Международному форуму технологического развития «Технопром-2016» / [А.Л. Асеев, В.П. Афанасьев, В.И. Богоявленский и др.]; [Сост. Д.С. Медовников, А.В. Виньков, И.Н. Имамутдинов и др.] Новосибирск: ЭС ВПК. 2016. 61 с.; Приоритеты России в Арктике. Специальный доклад к Международному форуму технологического развития «Технопром-2016» / [А.Л. Асеев, В.П. Афанасьев, В.И. Богоявленский и др.]; [Сост. Д.С. Медовников, А.В. Виньков, И.Н. Имамутдинов и др.] Новосибирск: ЭС ВПК. 2016. 61 с.
6 Heininen L., Sergunin A., Yarovoy G. Russian Strategies in the Arctic: Avoiding a new cold war. Valdai Discussion Club. 2014. P.25.; Allison E., Mandler B.. Oil and Gas in the U.S. Arctic Managing resources in an oil- and gas-rich but harsh and fragile environment// American Geosciences Institute. Petroleum and the Environment, Part 12/24. 2018.; Tukhvatullin M. Norwegian-Russian petroleum cooperation in the Barents Sea in the Arctic context. Master thesis.Nord University. 2017. 67p.; Allers R., Eggen K.A., R0 J.G. Deterrence and Diplomacy in the Arctic: Assessing U.S. and Norwegian Security Priorities. 2021.; 0sthagen A. Norway's Arctic policy: still high North, low tension?, The Polar Journal, 2021. 11:1, p.75-94; Lanteigne M. Norway's Energy Policies: Caught Between 'Black Gold' and Green Ambitions? . 2021.; Hughes J.D. Canada's Energy Sector: Status, evolution, revenue, employment, production forecasts, emissions and implications for emissions reduction// Corporate Mapping Project. 2021. 54 p.; Clemmensen J.R. Denmark in the Arctic. Atlantisch Perspectief. 2011. Vol. 35. No. 3. pp. 9-14.; Charron A. Common Ground: Why Russia and Canada Should Cooperate in the Arctic. Hybrid War: Russia vs. the West// Carnegie Moscow Center. 2021.; Lackenbauer P.W. Russia, Canada, and the Ice Curtain// Breaking the Ice Curtain? Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World / edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Suzanne Lalonde. 2019. Canadian Global Affairs Institute. p.13-43.; Hong, N. China's Role in the Arctic: Observing and Being Observed. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. 2020. 232p.; Holroyd C. East Asia (Japan, South Korea and China) and the Arctic. The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics. Edited by Ken S. C., Carin H. 2020. p. 319-332.; Tonami A. China, Japan & the Arctic in 2013 // Arctic Yearbook 2013: The Arctic of Regions vs. the Globalized Arctic / ed. L. Heininen. Akureyri: Northern Research Forum, 2013. P. 359-362.; Blank S. Exploring the Significance of China's Membership on the Arctic Council // China Brief. 2013. Volume 13. Issue 14.; Anthony I., Klimenko E., Su F. A Strategic Triangle in the Arctic? Implications of China-Russia-United States power dynamics for regional security// SIPRI Insights on Peace and Security No. 2021/3. 27 c.; Beixi D. Shipping Matters: The Role of Arctic Shipping in Shaping China's Engagement in Arctic Resource Development// Arctic Yearbook 2018: Arctic Development in Theory & in Practice. 13 p.; Serensen C.T.N., Klimenko E. Emerging Chinese-Russian Cooperation in The Arctic. Possibilities and constraints // SIPRI Policy Paper. 2017. No 46.; Izumikawa Y., 'Japan's approach toward Russia under Shinzo Abe: a strategic perspective', in G. Rozman, ed., Japan-Russia relations: implications for the US alliance (Washington DC: Sasakawa USA, 2016), p. 66.; Panov A. A. View from Russia on Japan-Russia Relations in the mid-2010s: Searching for a Framework to Move Forward// Japan-Russia Relations: Implications For The U.S.-Japan Alliance. Edited by Gilbert Rozman. Sasakawa USA. 2016.p.31-39.; Brown J. D. J. Japan's security cooperation with Russia: neutralizing the threat of a China-Russia united front. International Affairs, Volume 94, Issue 4, 2018. Pp. 861882.; Park Y. K. South Korea's Interests in the Arctic// Asia Policy. No 18. July 2014, pp. 59-65.; Kim E., Stenport A. South Korea's Arctic policy: political motivations for 21 century global engagements// The Polar Journal. 2021. 11:1. pp.11-29.; Bhagwat J. Cooperation between Russia and India in the Arctic: A pipedream or a strategic necessity// Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations. 2020. Vol 13. Issue 4. pp. 488-506.;; Itoh S., Kuchins A. The Energy Factor in Russia's 'Asia Pivot, in Energy Security in Asia and Eurasia, ed. Mochizuki M., Ollapally D.M. New York: Routledge. 2016. p. 140-162.; Brosnan I. G., Leschine T. M., Miles E. L. Cooperation or Conflict in a Changing Arctic? // Ocean Development & International Law. No: 42. 2011. P. 173-210.; Pronina V., Eidemiller K. Yu., Khazov V K, Rubtsova A V. The Arctic policy of India// IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 539. 2020. 10 p.
исследования помогли автору значительно расширить понимание о характерных чертах политики «арктической пятерки» и азиатских стран в отношении региона.
Теоретическую и методологическую основу диссертации сформировали исследования, опубликованные в отечественных и зарубежных изданиях7, которые включают в себя темы энергетической политики, энергетической безопасности, энергетической дипломатии и определение государственной политики в геополитическом и геоэкономическом плане.
Объектом диссертационного исследования является энергетическая политика России в Арктике.
Предметом диссертационного исследования является международный аспект энергетической политики России в Арктическом регионе.
Цель диссертационного исследования состоит в выявлении ключевых факторов энергетической политики России в Арктике, а также влияния взаимоотношения России с Арктической пятеркой и азиатскими странами на реализацию энергетической политики в российской части Арктики в период до конца 2021 года.
В соответствии с обозначенной целью исследования были поставлены следующие задачи:
7 Богатуров А. Д. Геоэкономическая альтернатива геополитике// Навитут: Научных альманах высоких гуманитарных технологий. 1999. No:1.; Цыганков П.А. Теория международных отношени: Учеб. Пособие. -М.: Гардарики. 2003.; Жизнин С. Энергетическая дипломатия России: экономика, политика, практика - М.: Ист Брук, 2006, 640 с.; Миронов Н.В. Международная энергетическая безопасность. Учебное пособие. М., 2003. 165 с.; Меламед Л., Суслов Н. Экономика энергетики: основы теории. - Новосибирск: Издательство СО РАН, 2000.; Черная И. П. Геоэкономика: Учебное пособие / И. П. Черная. — М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К°», 2012. — 248 с.; Ищенко Падукова О. А., Мовчан И. В. Методологические основы построения геоэкономической регионального развития// Государственное и муниципальное управление. Учебные записки. 2019. No 3.; Энергетическая дипломатия: учеб. пособие для бакалавриата и магистратуры / Е. Ф. Черненко. — М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2018. — 139 с.; Трачук К.В. Современные исследования проблем энергетической безопасности: теоретические аспекты// Политология.; Игишева Е.А., Морий С.М. Энергетическая безопасность в современном мире: основные подхолы к изучению// Ихвестия УрГЭУ. 2014.; Станислау Дж. Энергия в движении: основные проблемы XXI века. Воздействие меняющейся динамики глобального энергетического рынка на бизнес, общество, государство и международное сообщество // Deloitte. 2006.; Kaplan R. D. The Revenge of Geography: What the Map Tells Us About Coming Conflicts and the Battle Against Fate// Random House. New York. 2012.; Yergin D. Ensuring Energy Security// Foreign Affairs.2006. 85(2). pp. 69 -82.; Mackinder H.J. Geographical pivot of history// Geographical Journal.1904. 22: pp.421-437.; Conant, M., Gold. F. Geopolitics of energy // University of Michigan Library. 1977. 160 p.; Jianhua YU, Yichen DAI. Energy Politics and Security Concepts from Multidimensional Perspectives, 2012, 6:4, pp. 91120.; Antto V. Geoeconomic Analysis and the limits of Critical Geopolitics: A New Engagement with Edward Luttwak, Geopolitics, 2018. 23:1, 1-21.; Luttwak E.N. From geopolitics to geoeconomics: Logic of conflict grammar of commerce// The National Interest. 1990. No. 20. pp. 17-24.; Scekic R., Draskovic M., Delibasic M. Neoliberalism in geoeconomics: the case of Southeast Europe// Journal of International Studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No 1, pp. 66-75.; Rogov, V.Yu., Formation of the Strategy of Development of National Economy (Geoeconomic Approach), Extended Abstract of Doctoral Sci. (Econom.) Dissertation, Irkutsk, 2003.; Dorogin V.F. Maritime Activity and Russia's Geoeconomic Revival//Military Thought. Vol:12, Issue:3, East View Publications, 2003.
1. Выявить теоретические основы исследования энергетической политики России в контексте энергетической геополитики и геоэкономики, энергетической безопасности, энергетической дипломатии;
2. Проанализировать международно-правовой статус арктической зоны Российской Федерации; выявить значение энергетического фактора российской Арктики в современных геополитических и геоэкономических условиях;
3. Проследить эволюцию арктической политики Российской Федерации с 2008 года до конца 2021 года в области освоения углеводородных ресурсов, обеспечения энергетической безопасности и развития Северного морского пути;
4. Проанализировать влияние санкций и падения цен на нефть на энергетический сектор российской экономики в Арктике;
5. Проанализировать энергетический потенциал и деятельность в сфере энергетики Российской Федерации, Канады, США, Норвегии и Дании в Арктике на основе рассмотрения соответствующих нормативных и стратегических документов упомянутых стран в период до конца 2021 года;
6. Проанализировать отношения России с Канадой, США, Норвегией и Данией в энергетическом секторе Арктического региона и выявить существующие препятствия в реализации арктического сотрудничества России с Канадой, США, Норвегией и Данией по состоянию на конец 2021 года;
7. Рассмотреть текущее состояние энергетического сотрудничества России со странами Азии (Китаем, Японией, Южной Кореей и Индией) в Арктике по состоянию на конец 2021 года;
8. Определить перспективы сотрудничества России в Арктике со странами Азии на основе всеобъемлющего партнерства и стратегического взаимодействия, особенно в рамках обеспечения энергетической диверсификации азиатских стран и обеспечения диверсификации международных партнеров России.
Методологической основой диссертационной работы являются системный и сравнительный анализ, геополитический и геоэкономический анализ, формально-юридический анализ, исторический анализ ситуационный анализ, а также сценарный анализ. В основу исследования был положен исторический анализ, что позволило собрать, проанализировать данные по заявленной теме исследования. Основы государственной энергетической политики России в Арктике на современном этапе, механизмы ее реализации и результаты выявлены методом системного анализа. С помощью сравнительного метода проведен анализ арктического топливно-энергетического комплекса государств, претендующих на лидерство в освоении углеводородного сырья Арктики - России, Канады, Норвегии, США, и Дании, а также выявлена эволюция формирования энергетической политики России в Арктике. При исследовании геополитического и геоэкономического аспектов энергетической политики использовался метод геополитического анализа. Также одним из основных методов исследования для данной работы стал метод политического прогнозирования, позволяющий выявить основные тенденции и перспективы развития отношений России в Арктике в контексте энергетики. Сочетание всех этих методов помогает детально изучить рассматриваемый регион, определить его особенности, выполнить поставленные задачи и достичь цели исследования.
Источниковая база диссертации основана на следующих источниках на английском и русском языках:
Среди проанализированных документов были нормативно-правовые акты, указы Президента РФ, постановления и распоряжения Правительства России, другие официальные документы органов законодательной и исполнительной власти; официальные документы «арктической пятерки» и азиатских стран, сравнительный анализ которых позволяет выявить общие и специфические особенности энергетического потенциала региона для каждой из рассматриваемых стран; материалы официальных сайтов органов государственной власти; а также иными международными документами
(договоры, соглашения, резолюции, так далее.), отражающими международные отношения между этими странами в Арктике.
Другая группа источников - это научно-исследовательская литература (англоязычные и русскоязычные издания): книги, монографии, и статьи, которые предоставляют возможность ознакомиться с эволюцией энергетической политики этих стран в регионе; публикации СМИ; а также интервью и заметки политиков арктических и неарктических государств по вопросам энергетической проблематики в Арктике. В ходе исследования также использовались результаты собственных наблюдений и материалы, собранные в процессе активного участия в научных мероприятиях (Российская энергетическая неделя в 2017 г. и в 2019 г.; Международная конференция Арктика в 2019-2022 гг. в Москве) дало автору возможность получить доступ к информации, которую транслируют политики, а также российские и зарубежные специалисты в области арктической политики России. Кроме того, автор исследования прошел стажировку в США с целью провести анализ англоязычных источников в библиотеке «Edwin Ginn Library» и «Harward University Widener Library» в Бостоне. Это позволило рассмотреть данную проблематику в более широком масштабе, сопоставив точки зрения англоязычных исследователей на российскую политику в Арктическом регионе. Кроме того, автор взял интервью у профессора Пола Беркмана из Университета Тафта и эксперта Хизер Конли8 из CSIS. Полный текст интервью можно найти в разделе приложений к диссертации.
Хронологические рамки исследования охватывают период с начала 2000-х годов до конца 2021 года. Рассматривается политика России по отношению к Арктическому региону, начиная с первого документа «Основы государственной политики РФ в Арктике на период до 2020 года и дальнейшую перспективу», опубликованного в 2008 году, и заканчивая документом «Основы государственной политики Российской Федерации в Арктике на период до 2035 года», опубликованным в 2020 году.
8 Хизер Конли является экспертом по России и постсоветскому пространству, а также геополитике Арктики, Балтии и Центральной Европы. Бывший вице-президент по Европе, Евразии и Арктике и директор Европейской программы CSIS.
В хронологические рамки данного исследования не входит специальная военная операция России на Украине, начавшаяся в феврале 2022 года, соответственно, не рассматривается влияние последующих событий на Арктический регион. Безусловно, новая фаза конфликта на Украине способствует изменениям ситуации в Арктике на всех уровнях, в том числе в аспекте нынешней системы безопасности и международных экономических отношений, но, поскольку в данный момент продолжаются военные действия и не вполне ясно, когда они будут завершены, а также в связи со сложностью анализа быстро меняющейся ситуации, автор ограничил исследование ситуации в регионе концом 2021 года.
Научная новизна исследования:
Вопрос энергетических отношений с «арктической пятеркой» и азиатскими странами в Арктической зоне Российской Федерации недостаточно освещен в российской научной литературе. Чтобы заполнить этот пробел, в этой диссертации автор провел всесторонний анализ этих отношений и их динамики. В результате проведенной работы:
- уточнены основные энергетические интересы России в Арктическом регионе, заключающиеся в расширении использования геополитического и геоэкономического потенциала региона для экономики России, как с точки зрения эксплуатации энергоресурсов, так и с точки зрения роста международного логистического значения Северного морского пути;
- конкретизированы меры по укреплению экономики страны за счет целенаправленной работы по развитию энергоресурсного потенциала России и диверсификации внешнеэкономических связей в Арктическом регионе;
- проанализированы перспективы двустороннего и регионального сотрудничества в пределах Арктического региона между Россией, представителями «арктической пятерки» и азиатскими странами, опирающиеся в совместную разработку арктических месторождений;
- на основе анализа таких международных аспектов современной энергетической политики России в Арктике как отношения со странами «арктической пятерки»
(США, Канада, Дания и Норвегия), а также неарктическими странами, действующих в регионе (Китай, Япония, Южная Корея и Индия), сделаны выводы о том, что для увеличения своей прибыли в регионе России следует развивать сотрудничество со своими партнерами и избегать конфликтов в регионе.
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В 2018 году автор брал интервью у экспертов во время стажировки в США. Весь текст приведен ниже на его оригинальном языке (на английском языке).
This interview addresses the following questions:
1- How could Russia and US cooperate in the Arctic region?
2- What are the main challenges the USA and Russia may face when initiating bilateral cooperation in the Arctic, especially relating to the field of energy policy?
3- In your opinion, is the Arctic being "militarized" ? a. If so, what consequences does this have for the prospects of cooperation?
4- In your opinion, does NATO have a role in the Arctic? a. What are the possible consequences of NATO involvement?
5- Have Russia's actions in the Ukraine and the following US sanctions affected the prospects for cooperation with Russia in the Region? a. If yes, in what ways?
6- In your opinion, have the Western sanctions pushed the Russian energy business into the Asian markets? If yes, what are the consequences in US Arctic policy?
7- Can you briefly evaluate Trump and Putin's policies in the Arctic region?
The intent of this research is to identify and differentiate between key drivers that could influence future change from the predetermined elements. The goal is to unmask critical uncertainties as a means of hypothesis development and to frame plausible future scenarios for Russian-US relations in the Arctic region. These scenarios will be designed to reveal how differing drivers might interact in structured, complex, but plausible futures. This interview research will be used for author's thesis.
Heather A. Conley - senior vice and president for Europe, Eurasia, and the Artic as well as director of the Europe Program at CSIS.
1- How could Russia and US cooperate in the Arctic region?
2- What are the main challenges the USA and Russia may face when initiating bilateral cooperation in the Arctic, especially relating to the field of energy policy?
So you almost have to divide what could have been the potential for US-Russian cooperation in the Arctic before 2014 and then to see what is possible after 2014. So there was an enormous amount of excitement prior to events in Ukraine because the US was assuming the chairmanship of the Arctic Council. There was, I think, a focus by the Russian Foreign Ministry in thinking about how to strengthen US Russian relations in the Arctic. So there was some energy and political push and some ideas we had put forward some ideas on the Bering Strait region and how to grow that cooperation but also. Think more broadly about how to best practices and safety and regulatory practices for energy exploration and then of course, all of that changed. And after 2014 when U.S. sanctions were very specifically targeting The Arctic Energy exploration technology. And then when we had Exxon Mobil, having to remove itself from the Russian Arctic, in addition to the Black Sea region and elsewhere, that was just really a great opportunity to find ways to strengthen that that we're ended and we don't know what they could have been.
So I think right now. What we're concentrating on are the steps that we can't take together, and this isn't this is not so much in the energy exploration, again because of the sanctions, it really focuses on our shared management of our maritime border in the Bering Strait. So how can our Coast Guard and the FSB work together more closely? And I think we've seen a very good example of that at the International Maritime Organization where both Russia and the US presented a vessel traffic management scheme for the Bering Strait working together And illegal fisheries and things like that. Yeah, so we sort of have a joke here The Bering Strait is about as far away as you can get from both of our nation of our country capitals and that's probably why it's so successful right now that it's just very pragmatic. We need one another. We need to
have a good cooperation to make sure the Bering Strait remains safe and environmentally protected because we know there'll be additional vessels LNG carriers most likely going to Yamal, so I think there are. Ok well. There's still cooperation certain term in the Arctic Council as well, but that's again not going to be anything really significant. We really can't while there are sanctions placed specifically in the Arctic. There's not a US company cannot be engaged in the Arctic and now we have where in some ways the sanctions have pushed Russia and China closer together.
3- In your opinion, is the Arctic being "militarized" ? a. If so, what consequences does this have for the prospects of cooperation?
4- In your opinion, does NATO have a role in the Arctic? a. What are the possible consequences of NATO involvement?
So is the Arctic Militarized? Well, I think we go back to as early as 2007, 2008, where there was a recognition in Russia and a change that there had to be more focus on security in the Arctic. You can describe that as the need for more economic security meaning because the Northern Sea route was going to be developed, search and rescue centers needed. You needed to have a more a greater sovereign presence in the anticipation of more commercial activity. And I think that was very much how it was viewed and then I would say again around both immediately before and then certainly after the crisis over Ukraine, then we saw another switch where the Arctic was then being introduced in Russia's military doctrine, its naval doctrine. So it was doctrine that Russia needed to do more to protect its sovereignty in the Arctic we saw new Arctic command structures being created. Certainly, an emphasis on special forces and certainly President Putin, and I think this couldn't be underscore. It has to be emphasized. He's taken a very strong personal interest in the Arctic. He visits when there's a military exercise when there is obviously the opening of Yamal and and new opportunities it is his personal prestige that also, I think, provides greater focus and attention by the Russian bureaucracies and certainly in the regions they know this is important, and so all of that over a collection of a decade, Russia has changed its military posture in the Arctic and what the US has failed to do is. Appreciate that change.
It really is not a NATO policy in the Arctic lets say. However, Article 5 that commitment reaches to the Arctic Circle because of the United States because of Canada, and because of Norway and Denmark, of course, because of Greenland. So NATO is in the Arctic because it has the collective defence requirements. When you reach into the Arctic. But NATO, unlike Russia, does not have a specific Arctic policy. This will get a little confusing though, as we go into the fall because NATO was holding its major military exercises, which it holds every other year. This year it will be held in and around Norway, so We will have NATO practicing if you will. Some of the capabilities it would need if heaven forbid there would be some rising tensions or potential conflict in the Arctic. so while NATO is thinking about it and looking at what cold weather operations? Protecting NATO member States two years ago it was held in Spain and so it was much more of a southern focus two years later It's in the north, it moves around because NATO has to prepare and build its readiness and capabilities to protect all 29 members.
5- Have Russia's actions in the Ukraine and the following US sanctions affected the prospects for cooperation with Russia in the Region? a. If yes, in what ways?
6- In your opinion, have the Western sanctions pushed the Russian energy business into the Asian markets? If yes, what are the consequences in US Arctic policy?
I think the sanctions have very limited and narrowed our ability to cooperate between sanctioned banks, technology transfer, companies working there and all of that works against Arctic energy development, where you need very long financial terms to develop a prospective development site you know could be a 30 year horizon you need offshore Arctic technology. I would argue that as China does not have that technology, Norwegian companies, European and American companies have more experience in that regard.
But we just won't be unable to do that until there are some pretty dramatic changes in Ukraine, and I don't think anyone foresees any dramatic changes in Ukraine, so we're going to be in this place where we're going to have very diminished opportunities and
Russia will be limited in what it can not do with Western companies. European companies are grandfathered they have a slightly different sanctioned structure for energy companies and things like that with Total and Union and so there is still an opportunity there.
Q. What about the Exxon Mobile and his actions in also canceled in Arctic?
Well, you know again It precludes the United States from acting. And to be honest with you, and this is something we're all watching. Now that energy prices are beginning to rise now, there's still some fluctuation. But when energy prices collapsed in 2014, 2015, very few were interested in the Arctic exploration. It's just too expensive, and it's risky, and it was cheaper for unconventional availability. Now that price is creeping up, and that if it sustains itself, this may new energy companies interest in the Arctic, but I think it still will be fairly subdued. The only country Asian countries are certainly interested in the Arctic for diversification, but not, you know, in an overwhelming and urgent sense. They are, you know, I think China, It's a separate question, China has a much more interesting broader economic strategy for the Arctic that may find itself in some conflict with Russia's development strategy for the Arctic.
Q. What do you think about Russia and China cooperation, how it will affect on American policy?
Well, this is this is exactly the research question when to figure out because it hasn't been understood. Number one I don't think it's been well understood Russia's military and security strategy, as well as economic strategy and what that means for the United States or for NATO, we certainly don't have an understanding of how China's policies will impact the US. And then we really don't know how those two works together and that is really, I think, an excellent question to understand when there is an economic part that the Chinese are developing in the Arctic. What does that mean for US National Security, our allies. What does that mean for Russia? there's some interesting questions
there. We don't have that analytical. We're working on that as part of the some of the research that we're working on. But what we really don't know!
Q. Yeah I want to finish with last question and this is like I want you'd briefly relate Trump and Putin policy in the Arctic, as you say that Putin has a really strong policy in the Arctic. But do Trump has a policy there and what are you thinking about in the future?
So it's not easy to understand what U.S. policy toward the Arctic is right now. Well, I would say it's one that is much more economically oriented than it was previously. The Trump administration has reopened energy exploration in Alaska, which is what makes the United States an Arctic nation, both onshore and then has opened offshore leasing in the Chukchi Sea. It's unclear how companies are going, are they going to be bidding on these leases, Will there be a little bit of interest? Will there be a great deal of interest? There's obviously controversy from environmental groups about that exploration, so as much as there is a U.S. policy, it is based on opening up the potential for energy exploration, but there is no movement to deal with infrastructure, port facilities and roads. The United States lacks infrastructure in its Arctic to be able to think about a more robust export ability for Arctic energy. What's been interesting is that it last November The United States and China signed a sort of a big agreement to think about China investing in Alaska and helping LNG production. I'm very similar to what it's doing, Yamal and Sabetta, and things like that well.
Q. Is China playing both sides.?
Exactly well, I said I would say that you know Belt and Road comes to the United States. But again, what does that mean? What does that mean for the US? If we're not interested in developing our Arctic resources but another country is, what does that mean? I get big questions. We simply don't know. Now, it's interesting that we're to see whether President Putin and President Trump talk about the Arctic at the Helsinki Summit. Certainly Finnish President would like the Arctic to be inserted in there
somewhere I think he had hoped to host an Arctic Council summit and that would brought all the leaders together and then of course, then President Putin, President Trump could have had their meeting. But to be honest I don't think the Arctic will emerge.
I don't know and as I said, I don't know exactly, there's really not a U.S. policy that you can point to and say that's what is not now, and I don't know whether there will be much of a formulation of that. Thank you
Paul Arthur Berkman - Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy and directs the Science Diplomacy Center at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
1- How could Russia and US cooperate in the Arctic region?
2- What are the main challenges the USA and Russia may face when initiating bilateral cooperation in the Arctic, especially relating to the field of energy policy?
First, I would say they are cooperating in the Arctic. If you look at the world. The Arctic is a region where the Russia and the United States are clearly cooperating science agreement. And Agreement on pollution preparedness, prevention and response, and the agreement on search and rescue. So, 3 binding agreements that involve all of the Arctic states. The Co-chairs of those agreements were the United States and Russia. So clearly there's cooperation. They have cooperated consistently through the Arctic Council. I think in terms of examples of cooperation. The Arctic is a good example of cooperation along with the Antarctic and outer space. And so, the question then becomes, why are they cooperating?
What makes the Arctic different than Libya or Syria or anywhere else? And part of the answer has to do with the approach that the nations have taken to their relationship. So generally, nations think in terms of conflict resolution.
So the starting point for the discussion is conflict. I have a conflict with you. You have a conflict with me. Therefore, let's try and resolve the conflict. When science is involved in the discussion, the starting place is a different starting place. The starting place is common interests. So we have a common interest in science you. For common interest in science, so the starting point is one of building common interests rather than resolving conflicts now the the end result is cooperation, reduce tension, the avoidance of conflict. But the starting place to get there is a completely different starting place, which means that the path. That you will have been a different path. So if the starting place is conflict then resolving conflict may get you to cooperation.But it's going to be a much more tortuous route, more complicated, convoluted, and so on.
If the starting places cooperation, common interests, you're already starting from a place of cooperation. And so It's an approach and United States and Russia have used that approach in rare circumstances. And when they have used that approach. There's no tension not surprisingly. So the examples the lessons are that science is a means of building common interests? And by starting with common interests, you actually reduce tension. So as opposed to starting with conflict where you already create the tension just because I have a conflict with you, you have a conflict with me. The conflicts may exist, but you could also start the discussion saying well we have these common interests. In the case of subsequent question with energy for example. In the Arctic, if common interest is, for example, search and rescue or pollution, preparedness and response, well pollution certainly as anticipated to relate to energy. Because the biggest risk of pollutants is from the energy industry without any ambiguity. So, whether it's in a ship that's transporting oil or gas, or whether it's sort of oil well or drilling platform that's where the risks are. The risks are much different risks if it's ships, but even a ship that's going through the Arctic and has a spill if it's carrying an energy commodity and it's related to energy. So in a sense, the intention and the direction and the guidance is provided by an agreement on marine pollution preparedness and response. Now, what is that mean in terms of where nations drill and relation to other things and nongovernmental organizations and advocacy groups and so on.
Well, all these issues will continue to be discussed and these various stakeholders will use whatever tools they have, and feel are appropriate. But in practical context, the United States and Russia have been eye to eye in leading task forces to come up with binding agreements that relate specifically to energy in the context of pollution, preparedness, and response.
3- In your opinion, is the Arctic being "militarized" ? a. If so, what consequences does this have for the prospects of cooperation?
4- In your opinion, does NATO have a role in the Arctic? a. What are the possible consequences of NATO involvement?
The Arctic has been militarized historically. 75% of the northern fleet of Russia in the Arctic Ocean, that's its base of operations so. To think that the Arctic is ever going to be a non-military region, it's just it's incorrect. It's a significantly militarized region. And, in a practical sense, I would argue that elements of the Cold War have never disappeared in the Arctic. So, for example, the elements of the Cold War that were the most problematic in the world bilaterally related to submarines.
And the questions of distant early warning systems through the Arctic. So throughout the Cold War the United States and Russia played cat and mouse underneath the Arctic ice cap, Polar ice cap in the ocean. And these submarines had ability to launch submarine launched ballistic missiles. They could reach Europe or North America or Asia without any opportunity to defend anything. Submarines with those submarines, large ballistic missiles continue to patrol underneath the ice in the Arctic, so that element has never gone away. The issue of militarization is largely discussed in terms of bombers overhead or boots on the ground.
The real risk in the Arctic is under the ice, no ocean. It's the submarine launched ballistic missiles. There's those strategic assets are there. They're being tested and that's an ongoing activity. So the notion of militarization, I think, is one of putting it in context. The things that we see on the air and over the ground is trivial. They're trivial compared to what's under the ice in terms of capacity. Mutually assured destruction capacity is underwater. You can have a skirmish above because of the of troops coming in contact with each other, but it's not at the level of what's under the ice. I think it's a matter of understanding relative importance having said that from the period of a Soviet Union forward there were military bases along the Russian Arctic, for example, that were not supported and were not kept up to date. So, the whole notion of the Arctic in terms of that military confrontation meant that many facilities were that loosed and weren't supported, so in some sense investments that are being made are to bring back a level that it existed in the past in terms of basic utility. The region itself is increasing in terms of use more ships coming through the region, more people than the responsibility of nations is relates to their own security. So, I think it one way of looking at this militarization is basic maintenance of military capability
rather than some escalation. And I think importantly, it's necessary to go back to sources of cooperation If everything is looked at from a perspective of conflict, then everything is conflict. So any military activity, whether it's good, bad, or indifferent, is seen in terms of conflict. Most of the time the discussions start with the premise that anything that somebody else does is wrong. Whatever it is, doesn't matter. We see that in our President, you know it doesn't matter what the previous President did anything that he did was wrong by just because he did it. And same applies to Russia in the United States. "Russia does something. It's automatically wrong because it comes from Russia." I think that's problematic. I think the real challenges are one of promoting cooperation and preventing conflict to the best of everybody's ability diplomatic context. The military is a component of this. So, I don't see the development of conflict emerging just because support for military installations, for example. Does need to have a role in Arctic ?
One of the things I was involved with was the first formal dialogue between NATO 2010. Yeah, between NATO and Russia regarding security in the Arctic and that really made, uh, you know, opened all kinds of opportunities and doors and discussions. NATO is North Atlantic Treaty organization. NATO was a military alliance in the same sense, is a military alliance in the same sense the Warsaw Pact was a military alliance. So during Cold War you had two military alliances. NATO is created in the Convention that led to the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949. Article 5. talks about If one of the NATO members is attacked, it's an attack on all of them. So, it's a protection clause Because of that NATO and Russia have historically been problematic in terms of relationship, so that was part of the exercise in having this NATO Advanced Research Workshop to get around some of these difficult challenges. The reality is that any of the organizations, And I would say every organization that has a North Atlantic relationship. FOr example, Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission, The OSPAR Convention (Oslo, Paris Convention that became OSPAR) share exactly the same footprint as the Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Convention. Both of those conventions have explicit remit in the Arctic are called North Atlantic, northeast Atlantic, but they have an explicit Arctic relationship that goes all the way up to the
North Pole. The North Atlantic Coast Guard form again North Atlantic. Specifically operated in the Arctic until they developed an Arctic Coast Guard form. And there are other conventions that relates specifically to the North Atlantic that have an Arctic relationship.
So the question is why NATO?
Doesn't have an Arctic relationship, and part of it is because in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, you've got the 75% of the Northern fleet originates in the Arctic. If submarines are a problem, the biggest problem is where they originate, and there's a density of these military assets in the Arctic.It's problematic for NATO to assert itself in the Arctic, even though not all military assets are used for force.
So there are situational awareness domain awareness activities of militaries that are clearly, in the interests of many civilian uses.
There is emergency response capacity of militaries that is far beyond civilian activities in many cases.
The challenge with NATO and Russia is effectively the origin and continued purpose of a military alliance. So the military alliance was designed because Russia was another nuclear power. So two nuclear powers, 1949 is actually when Russia became a nuclear power.
There are all kinds of questions that relate to that relationship and to the timing of all these activities.You can imagine in the 1940s nobody really understood what was involved with nuclear and nations began to position in relation to nuclear. I think one of the misinterpretations and it's not to in any way overlook the serving of national identities by an expanding Soviet Union. One of the features was that for sure After in World War 2 Half of the people have died that's 25 million out of 50 million people were Russian. So Russian experienced a level of mortality more than any other nation in the world during World War 2. So when Stalin gave Russia the bomb. True, we gave them a step in the international arena, but he also gave Russia the opportunity to prevent ever being attacked to the point where we would lose 25 million people, it would never happen again. I think this notion of world domination is at a stage the assertion of sovereignty over larger areas is becoming an anachronism. I don't think the
world can survive another period of nationalism, to the extent they did during World War 2. And I think the issues of NATO and its role are important to consider in the context of the world today. Personally, I think it would be good for the US and Russia to normalize relations. I think it would be good for the world for that to happen. All kinds of problems along the way historical, I mean we went through MacArthur and Red Scares and everything else my grandmother was blacklisted during that period because really, because her last name sounded Russian, she was born in Estonia and so on. So NATO and Russia are a difficult proposition in the Arctic. It's a difficult proposition generally. And if you look at the look at the Russian military defense doctrine NATO is the first source of war. Explicitly made, it was the first cause of war. There's a difficult relationship. There were steps in the right direction with NATO and Russia council. And I think there were steps in the right direction to invite NATO North Russia to become a member of NATO. It's hard to understand these major players interacting in the world, If you go back through these discussions. And you look at the reports that were written in the 1950s and who the major actors were and what the major problems were in the world. They're the same as today. The problem children haven't disappeared. It means that means the nations haven't been able to figure them out. It's the Middle East Taiwan or most of it. It's the same issues. So we're talking, you know, decades away, and there's still the same issues that in part reflects the inability of nations to resolve them.
5- Have Russia's actions in the Ukraine and the following US sanctions affected the prospects for cooperation with Russia in the Region? a. If yes, in what ways?
6- In your opinion, have the Western sanctions pushed the Russian energy business into the Asian markets? If yes, what are the consequences in US Arctic policy?
So sanctions is should be nondiscriminatory in terms of regions, so one of the regions that is affected by sanctions also is the Arctic.
So on one hand you have a region of low tension, on the other hand, sanctions apply to that region. They're uniform around the world in relation to Russia. So companies like Exxon and so on are prohibited from working with Rosneft and so on in the Arctic because of sanctions specifically.
And this is where you know agencies and governments, people that work in these agencies dual as part of their daily activities on the consequences of decisions. I think Sanctions are a tool of diplomacy. Perhaps seen as a way of avoiding a heat hot conflict. But nonetheless, sanctions are used when somebody is in the position of using. So, a weak country wouldn't impose sanctions on a powerful country because it would be irrelevant. the challenge, in a sense, is to figure out how nations can operate together to solve problems that quite honestly or well beyond their jurisdiction. There are shared problems that are regional and a global nature that require nations to cooperate in solving so as long as nations are thinking in terms of their self-interest their national interests. A lot of these larger problems are not getting resolved. Which is a significant problem in a world that is grown from 1 billion people in 1800 to 8 billion people by the end of this decade. In all the thousands of years that we've had a stable situation civilization, it's only the last couple hundred that we've been marching through billions of people growing on earth, so.
You know, at some level, at some point the nations of the world are going to have to address these, and it's a much easier ask to address them when there isn't conflict. I think at that level the real responsibility is for nations to understand. They have a shared common interest in survival, and I think that's the name of the game. I think it's survival. I think it's shared survival on a planet. Which means that the role of nations has got to change because nations are inherently self-interested. Q. How Russia can creat good relationship if there's sanction.?
Nations are the basic jurisdictional unit on Earth. So on one end you've got international and on the other end, you've got subnational. The middle part, like a ruler but inches and centimeters and quarter of inches and feet and so on. But the basic unit is an inch or in the ruler scale of international world jurisdictions, the nation is the centerpiece. It's the basic jurisdictional unit international at one end and subnational on the other. And so the challenge is to figure out in an environment with sanctions, you have a powerful economic country like the United States imposing its might over a less powerful country economically, in the form of Russia so it makes and it's easy to politicize this and popularize these issues and it affects many things you know from
cheeses onward. That's not just to say that the reasons behind the sanctions aren't good or bad.
But it's easy to understand why people would be upset about them. And I think part of the challenge there is you've got different perspectives. You know from the perspective of a nation like the United States or perspective from a nation like Russia. They're right and the other party is wrong just because that's the way it works the United States is always going to be right in its own eyes. And every other country that doesn't agree with the United States is wrong. Yeah, that's part of the problem. Q. Let's talk about China and in your opinion have the Western sanctions pushed the Russian energy business into the Asian markets. If yes, what are the consequences in US Arctic policy?
Well, I think the US Arctic policy is a drift. If you look at the US Arctic policy in 1984 and the things that were important in 1984, the things that needed to be fixed and resolved and improved. There's exactly the same list that exists today. The list of things that need to be improved and developed and so on. So that tells me there hasn't been a whole lot of progress made a progress. In the United States since 1984, when they came up with their Arctic Policy Act.
I think sanctions are big boys girls Yeah, they address force in different ways they absorb it, they diffuse it. They move it in different ways. They manipulate it. So in the context of the relationship with China I don't think sanctions has anything to do with it. Because at the end of the day, sanctions are relatively short term. So let's say we have sanctioned today because of Ukraine and Crimea and there's concern let's say that the that Russia is trying to rebuild the Soviet Union by taking over countries, lets say the Baltic States are unsafe because of this and so on and so forth. And I'm sure that there are thinkers that are going through this analysis, saying, well, it's just dominoes you'd start with Crimea and Ukraine. And then it's Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, all over again, and so on and so forth. When we get back to Czechoslovakia so all of this is another Soviet Union.
I don't think that the organizations like NATO would stand for it is why they were created. But in a practical sense question of relationship with China are of a different
story and the different story is that for Russia. Russia's economic future is in the Arctic. It's in the Arctic because of natural gas?, shipping? fisheries?. We've got three big sectors of activity in the Arctic that Russia benefits from because Russia has domain over most of the Arctic. So for Russia and its economic development, it would be counterproductive to destabilize the Arctic which means that the issues of business in the Arctic are more important to Russia that conflict is. So if you've got different levels of priority I would say the business priority in the Arctic is a higher level priority than the assertion of military might. Because the assertion of military might is going to destabilize the region, it's going to influence the ability to develop all of these economic activities. So in a practical sense it will necessarily look to the strongest situations for its economic development. So what is going to give Russia the strongest economic development?
Well, it's not so much China because it's an economic powerhouse. I think China the bigger relevance of China Is that China is already thinking across the 21st century. So many of the things that will be required to develop economic capacity are going to take a long time to build.
And energy industries for example already shrink 3 to 5 decades into the future so they go through stages of exploration, development and production three to five decades. So they are already planning all of their capitalization and their losses and their production cycles and relation to man over 5 decade period half a century. China has come along and said, well, let's think across the entire 21st century. That's not 5 decades that's ten decades the whole century. You know, if we started now, let's call it 8 decades. Better part of a century they're thinking across the century and with that, they're thinking on a global scale.
So they have this notion of a belt and Road initiative. The belt and Road initiative is global infrastructure development. And the component of global infrastructure development is the polar Silk Road. So we have a belt and road global infrastructure development, One of the avenues in this polar Silk Road is through the Arctic. It seems to me it's not so much sanctions that would attract Russia to China. It's the business opportunities. So if China is thinking we want to develop a polar Silk Road
and what we really need to do is we need to build services that will operate in the Arctic. So services, what are the services? Let's say that we're not interested at all. In the exchange of commodities like liquid natural gas, oil or minerals, let's say we're just interested in services, so issues of resources go back to who owns the resources, and certainly that's a question that's resolved under international law still owns the resources, but on the continental shelf but in the exclusive economic zones they belong to the nation, so no nation other than that nation can benefit from the resources directly without permission.
However, they can benefit by creating services that others would use so imagine sea lanes going from the North Atlantic to the North Pacific. You could have them through the northern Northwest passage, but the Northwest Passage is shallow. And it has the last place of ice, so it's more likely that as the ice retreats from Russia toward the United States and the Axis is going to increase along the Northern Sea route. So if you've got chips going along the Northern Sea Route some of them we need ports to go into because they need to be resupplied or a propeller breaks down. They need to be able to fix a propeller, or they ran out of gas and needing they need a gas station where are they going to go? So in order to go somewhere that those services associated with shipping, they need to build infrastructure. They build the infrastructure, and they sell the services well. There's a margin between how much the infrastructure costs and their generation or revenues from those services. Maybe it's not a large margin. Maybe it's only 6% or 8%. But it's continuous over a century. And I would argue any nation is laughing happily to the bank with a 6 or 8% return on investment over a century. So for China to come in and say we want to build a polar Silk Road which and we want to take all our money or part of our money and put it in this polar Silk Road? What China is saying is we want to be part of the services and what we want is long term return on investment. Russia has got to be thinking the same thing. They want long term stable return on investment as well most price. You know, great if you have resources and prices go up and down.
But what you? Want is the stability, you know if there's ships going back and forth because this is a region of transit. Russia benefits because they're participating in its
long-term infrastructure, and if the cost is coming from China in terms of the actual capitalization, even better because then they cut deals and so there's a. You know, Russia gets a benefit because it's there. Their sovereign territory, China gets a benefit because they're developing long term return on investment. So, and that's completely independent of sanctions for sure. Yeah, it was completely independent sanctions and I think part of If the reason for cooperation between Russia and China is because of the sanctions? Then it's a short-term relationship.
The longer-term relationship It actually has the greater value and the only country in the world is thinking in terms of long-term relationships right now is China. Which gives China a great advantage. So, all these other countries that are thinking in terms of their self-interests and their short-term thinking are at a disadvantage. To those countries that are projecting long-term thinking that are projecting, stable return on investments in their creating infrastructure. Because at the end of the day the infrastructure is where this stability is going to come from.
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