Экспериментальное исследование чтения в различных популяциях тема диссертации и автореферата по ВАК РФ 00.00.00, кандидат наук Здорова Нина Станиславовна
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Оглавление диссертации кандидат наук Здорова Нина Станиславовна
Table of contents
1. Development patterns of typical and atypical reading: evidence from eye movements
2. Good-enough language processing while reading under noise
3. Eye-movement benchmarks while reading in a polysynthetic language
Appendix A The publication Global reading processes in children with high risk of dyslexia: a scanpath analysis
Appendix B The publication Do we rely on good-enough processing in reading under auditory and visual noise?
Appendix С The publication Eye movement corpora in Adyghe and Russian: an eye-tracking study of sentence reading in bilinguals
Appendix D Russian translation of the dissertation / Перевод диссертации на русский язык
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Введение диссертации (часть автореферата) на тему «Экспериментальное исследование чтения в различных популяциях»
Reading is a complex and cognitively loaded process that involves decoding of graphical information, a coordination with its phonological form, lexical access and retrieval, syntactic integration, and finally conceptualization of the written information that brings us to comprehension. Fundamental studies of reading aim to address the mechanisms of reading development, to model a reading process once it becomes a developed and trained skill, and to establish psycholinguistic factors that affect reading.
Reading development undergoes several stages from letter naming and syllabic reading towards holistic word and sentence reading, which is ultimately supposed to embrace both reading fluency and reading comprehension. Years of psycholinguistic behavioral and eye-tracking research reported less fluent, longer and less accurate reading in children with reading difficulties compared to typically developing children (see Barrington, 2019 for review). However, it remains debatable whether atypical reading necessarily implies qualitatively different stages of reading development, or it is rather associated with quantitative delay.
A developed reading skill in adults raises other psycholinguistic questions regarding language processing and reading model. According to the theory of communication, a communication channel is inevitably noisy (Shannon, 1948), where noise is understood very broadly. Under noise, our language processing tends to rely more on semantics rather than on actual syntactic relations (Gibson et al., 2013; Levy 2008, 2011). Simultaneously, a good-enough sentence processing model claims this to be true disregarding noise and proves it on the semantically implausible reading materials (Ferreira 2003; Ferreira et al., 2002). This hypothesis was barely studied in languages other than English, and was not tested in light of a noisy-channel (i.e. more naturalistic) approach yet.
Finally, reading mechanisms in adults are believed to share some features like dependence on word frequency and word length across different languages (Inhoff & Rayner, 1986; Rayner, 1998; Staub & Rayner, 2007), but they might also have language-specific differences, like the ones in eye-movement benchmarks (cf. Kliegl
et al., 2004 and Laurinavichyute et al., 2019). A bulk of research addressing reading universalities and language specific features is conducted on the reading materials in well studied languages, and this psycholinguistic knowledge remains anglo-centric. Importantly, no eye-tracking evidence was earlier collected in polysynthetic languages that open a field to test universality and language specificity of reading depending on lexical and morphological features.
The dissertation presents three eye-tracking studies of reading in Sections 1 to 3 correspondingly. Section 1 describes the study into reading development in children (Parshina et al., 2022). Section 2 covers the study into reading model in monolingual adults (Zdorova et al., 2021). Section 3 reports the study into benchmarks of reading in bilingual adults who are literate in typologically different languages (Zdorova et al., 2023). One study applies a classical 2x2 experimental design, and two other studies use a corpus approach that is currently gaining momentum in cross-linguistic eye-tracking research.
The aim of the thesis to establish how age and psycholinguistic features modulate reading mechanisms. The lack of cross-linguistic research in these directions applying both experimental and corpus designs determines the relevance of the study that expands fundamental research of reading towards understudied and typologically different languages.
The object of the study is reading as a complex cognitive process. Age and psycholinguistic factors affecting reading compose the subject of the study. The study applies eye tracking as a main research method and relies on statistical analysis performed in R (R Core Team, 2020).
The primary theoretical significance of the study lies in the expansion of the fundamental eye-tracking research towards less studied and typologically diverse languages. Experimental evidence from these languages enables us to test language specificity of reading models and psycholinguistic factors that are believed to affect reading universally. Moreover, the study on reading development applies a cutting-edge method in eye-tracking data analysis (analysis of scanpaths) that gives us an insight into language processing on a global scale apart from a word level.
The practical significance of the study is threefold. First, reading patterns (scanpaths) described in typically developing children and children with a high risk of dyslexia provide specialists in education and speech-and-language pathology with a deeper understanding of reading mechanisms in dyslexia. This is an essential milestone in dyslexia diagnosis that opens a field for future development of automatized dyslexia diagnostic tools based on eye-movements-while-reading data. Second, the findings from the experimental study of language processing under noise are to be applied in education, marketing, and design, where an impact of external noise (auditory and visual) is to be taken into consideration in order to make a client/customer perceive target information in a more efficient way. Finally, the Adyghe Sentence Corpus (ASC) created within the third study is freely available at the osf platform and can be used by other researchers, educators and students for research and teaching purposes.
The key findings of the study and the provisions for the defense are as follows:
1. Reading development undergoes similar qualitative stages in both typically developing children and children with a high risk of dyslexia with the latter having a 3-year quantitative reading delay.
2. Adult native speakers of Russian do rely on good-enough language processing while reading, but this reliance is not modulated by external linguistic noise (either auditory or visual).
3. Reading in a polysynthetic language (Adyghe) does depend on psycholinguistic features being universally claimed as essential ones, however Adyghe-Russian bilinguals can differently rely on those features while reading in a polysynthetic language (Adyghe) and a synthetic language (Russian).
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Combining together with the analysis of the word-level eye-movement measures, the results of the global reading processes draw a clear picture. In the first stage of analysis, we saw that children differed quantitatively within and between groups in fixation durations (SFD, GD, TT) throughout the grades and skipping probability in some grades. The scan-path analysis, however, indicated that global reading processes did not differ qualitatively in the high-risk group from the 2nd to the 4th grade, and moreover, they were similar to the reading processes of the children in the 1st grade in the control group. Furthermore, although children in the high-risk group did not generally adopt the fluent reading process, it should be noted that the scanpaths of the advanced reading processes (preferred in the 5th grade) had a very similar structure to the fluent one (the difference was in the reading speed): Both processes include few local regressions, absence of global regressions to reread sentences, some skipping instances, and shorter fixation durations compared to the other processes.
The obtained results support the claim that the gap between the two groups is indicative of the reading delay (Hyona & Olson, 1995; Rayner, 1985a, b), but the global reading strategies and their qualitative development as children become older are underlyingly similar for both groups. What is different is the timeframe of this development. The typically developing children move through the continuum of reading processes fast and achieve the adult-like patterns (albeit with slower reading speed) by the 5th grade, while the high-risk group stagnates in 2nd-4th grades. Curiously, we found that first graders in the high-risk group start with a qualitatively different reading process than the first-grade typically developing children. Although there was no statistical difference in regression probability in the analysis of the word-level eye-movement measures, first graders in the high-risk group engaged mostly in the beginner reading process that includes the highest probability of regressions (0.26) with scanpaths indicating that many of these regressions constituted
sentence rereadings. Thus, it is likely that in the 1st grade, children with reading difficulties have challenges not only at the "local-level" grapheme-phoneme decoding but also with the global sentence interpretation that stem from the delays in the visual word recognition. As the practical application for such results, we suggest that children with dyslexia might benefit from the training programs that aim to improve the speed and accuracy of the visual word recognition starting at the first grade. The potential exercises might involve practicing both the lexical route of reading (e.g., reading words of various complexities) and the phonological route of reading (e.g., reading non-words of various difficulty) on a regular basis.
Limitations and future directions
It should be mentioned that the global reading processes that we identified by extracting the scanpaths closest to the cluster centers are primarily descriptive. In each of the 30 sentences, the prototypical scanpaths shared many common features, but they still varied considerably as they represent the actual reading patterns of an individual. The future research would benefit from a development of scanpath tool that allows to extract the prototypical scanpaths based on the averaged features of all scanpaths in the cluster and eliminate the need for the visual inspection that can be subjective in nature.
We also would like to mention the difference in the results for second-grade typically developing children in this study and in Parshina et al., (2021). We found that our second graders mostly adopt the advanced reading process, whereas their peers in Parshina et al., (2021) primarily engaged in the intermediate reading process. We suggest that the reason for that is related to the method of the participant recruitment. In this study, the data was collected during the pandemic and typically only highly motivated parents/caretakers brought their children to the laboratory (vs. collecting data in schools), which can drive the distribution skewedness to children with either excellent or poor reading skills. It is likely, therefore, that in the current study in general we had the group of children with better reading skills compared to the previous study. This difference should be considered when interpreting the gap between reading processes in readers with and without dyslexia.
Finally, a considerable limitation of the current study is the cross-sectional approach in which we track the changes in the global reading processes by comparing the eye-movement behavior in groups of different children. Although time-consuming, the future research should consider a longitudinal design to observe the true development of the global reading processes and to avoid the influence of individual differences of the participants.
Список литературы диссертационного исследования кандидат наук Здорова Нина Станиславовна, 2024 год
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Appendix B. The publication Do we rely on good-enough processing in reading under auditory and visual noise?
Zdorova N., Malyutina S., Laurinavichyute A., Kaprielova A., Anastasia Zuibanova, Lopukhina A. Do we rely on good-enough processing in reading under auditory and visual noise? // Plos One. 2023. Vol. 18. No. 1. Article e0277429. http s: //doi.org/10.13 71/j ournal .pone.0277429
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